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Jon Hird Translated by Marcella Cilla and Anna Rossetto

Complete The

English Grammar for Italian Students

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Indice generale Introduzione The basics: prime strutture

9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Present simple: be (forma affermativa e negativa) Present simple: be (domande e risposte brevi) There is e there are Revisione e potenziamento: present simple di be e there is/are Present simple (forma affermativa e negativa) Present simple (domande e risposte brevi) Have got Revisione e potenziamento: present simple e have got Present continuous (forma affermativa e negativa) Present continuous (domande e risposte brevi) Present simple e present continuous Revisione e potenziamento: present simple e present continuous L’imperativo Verbi di stato e verbi di moto Revisione e potenziamento: forme del presente e imperativo

14 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Past simple di be e there was/were Past simple (forma affermativa) Past simple (forma negativa) Past simple (domande e risposte brevi) Revisione e potenziamento: past simple e there was/were Past continuous Past continuous e past simple, when e while Used to e would Revisione e potenziamento: forme del passato Present perfect (effetti sul presente; already e yet) Present perfect (esperienze di vita; ever e never) Present perfect (since e for) Present perfect e past simple Revisione e potenziamento: present perfect e past simple Present perfect continuous Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple Revisione e potenziamento: present perfect continuous/simple e past simple Past perfect Past perfect continuous Revisione e potenziamento: forme del passato

48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 Indice generale



36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Present simple per il futuro Present continuous per il futuro Be going to per il futuro Will (e shall) per il futuro Will e be going to Revisione e potenziamento: forme del futuro Future continuous e future perfect Frasi al futuro con congiunzioni di tempo Was/were going to, was supposed to ecc. Revisione e potenziamento: tutte le forme del futuro Revisione e potenziamento: tutti i tempi verbali

92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 114


47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Passivo (present simple e past simple) Passivo (altri tempi verbali) Revisione e potenziamento: il passivo Passivo (doppio complemento e soggetto impersonale) Strutture passive impersonali Have/get something done Revisione e potenziamento: forme del passivo

116 118 120 122 124 126 128


54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Can, could e be able to (abilità e possibilità) Can, can’t e be allowed to (permessi e proibizioni) Can, could e would (richieste e offerte) Must e have to (obblighi) Need, needed e don’t need to (necessità) Must, might, could e can’t (certezza e deduzione) Gradi di certezza (bound to, sure, possible ecc.) Will e would (supposizioni e comportamenti tipici) Should, ought to, must e had better Espressioni con i modali Revisione e potenziamento: verbi modali

132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152


65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 4

Domande Domande-soggetto Domande negative What’s …like?, How’s …? e What does … look like? Revisione e potenziamento: domande (1) Domande indirette Question tags Domande-eco Risposte brevi (a domande yes/no) Revisione e potenziamento: domande (2)

Indice generale

156 158 160 162 164 168 170 172 174 176


75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

Verbo + -ing Verbo + infinito Verbi + -ing o infinito Verbo + complemento oggetto + -ing o infinito Revisione e potenziamento: verbo + -ing o infinito Preposizioni + -ing Espressioni + -ing Be/get used to + -ing e be/get used to + nome Aggettivi e nomi + infinito Parole interrogative + infinito Infinito di scopo Revisione e potenziamento: altri usi delle forme -ing e infinito Get Have Make Do Take Go Prefer, would prefer e would rather Suggest e recommend Verbi con doppio complemento Revisione e potenziamento: strutture verbali

180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224


97 98 99 100

Discorso indiretto (say e tell) Discorso indiretto (domande) Altri verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto Revisione e potenziamento: discorso indiretto

228 230 232 234


101 102 103 104 105

Periodo ipotetico generale e di primo tipo Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo Periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo Wish e if only Revisione e potenziamento: il periodo ipotetico, if only e wish

236 238 240 242 244


106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

Nomi numerabili e non numerabili Plurali e partitivi Possessivi: ’s e the ... of ... Revisione e potenziamento: nomi, partitivi e possessivi Articoli (a/an e the) Articoli (usi particolari) Articoli (the per generalizzare e zero article) Revisione e potenziamento: articoli

248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 Indice generale


114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

Some e any No, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere ecc. Many, much, a lot of, a few e a little All, each, every e most Both, neither e either Revisione e potenziamento: quantificatori Pronomi soggetto e complemento Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi Pronomi riflessivi e each other This, that, these, those One e ones Revisione e potenziamento: pronomi e determinanti

264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286


126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

Preposizioni: luogo Preposizioni: moto Preposizioni: tempo Revisione e potenziamento: preposizioni: luogo, moto e tempo Preposizione + nome Verbo + preposizione Verbo + complemento + preposizione Aggettivo + preposizione Nome + preposizione Revisione e potenziamento: preposizioni con nomi, aggettivi e verbi Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs in tre parti Revisione e potenziamento: phrasal verbs

288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312


139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153


Aggettivi Aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing Ordine degli aggettivi Aggettivi: gradi di comparazione Aggettivi derivati da nomi e verbi Too e enough So e such, what (a) … Revisione e potenziamento: aggettivi Aggettivi comparativi Aggettivi superlativi Revisione e potenziamento: aggettivi comparativi e superlativi Avverbi di modo Avverbi di luogo e di tempo Avverbi di frequenza Avverbi rafforzativi

Indice generale

316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344

154 Avverbi di tempo relativo 155 Ever e -ever 156 Revisione e potenziamento: avverbi

346 348 350


157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

Frasi relative determinative Preposizioni nelle frasi relative Frasi relative ridotte Frasi relative esplicative Frasi con forma -ing e frasi participiali Revisione e potenziamento: frasi relative Coesione: sequenza Coesione: addizione Coesione: contrasto Coesione: finalità, causa e conseguenza Revisione e potenziamento: coesione (1) Espressioni ellittiche e sostituzione Risposte brevi (ad affermazioni) Coesione: pronomi, avverbi e riferimento lessicale Coesione: connessioni tra frasi Revisione e potenziamento: coesione (2) Accrescere l’enfasi Frasi scisse It ‘supplementare’ Anticipazione Inversione dopo not e forme avverbiali negative Revisione e potenziamento: strutture per esprimere enfasi Prefissi Suffissi

354 356 358 360 362 364 366 368 370 374 376 380 382 384 386 388 392 394 396 398 400 402 404 406


Appendice 1: regole ortografiche Appendice 2: l’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e americano Appendice 3: forme contratte Appendice 4: lettera maiuscola Appendice 5: strutture verbali Appendice 6: aggettivo e nome + infinito Appendice 7: paradigma dei principali verbi irregolari

410 411 413 414 414 415 416

PET Vocabulary list


Indice analitico


Indice generale


Introduzione The Complete English Grammar è stata scritta avendo in mente le necessità specifiche degli studenti italiani. Affronta tutti gli argomenti grammaticali per progredire dal livello elementare a un livello intermedio-alto (corrispondenti ai livelli da A1 a B2 del Common European Framework) e oltre. Può essere utilizzata come grammatica di consultazione per i cinque anni della scuola secondaria di secondo grado, ma anche come supporto per ulteriore esercitazione e ripasso. I materiali proposti coprono un’ampia gamma di situazioni e contesti, per riflettere e consolidare l’utilizzo della lingua in situazioni reali. Offre, fra l’altro, argomenti di più immediato interesse per gli studenti di questa fascia d’età. The Complete Grammar Book garantisce inoltre un’adeguata esercitazione per gli esami Cambridge Preliminary English Test e Cambridge First Certificate in English. Nello Student’s Book sono stati inseriti i seguenti simboli per individuare facilmente alcune peculiarità del testo: PET Attività di preparazione all’esame PET Riquadri contrastivi inglese/italiano T

Esercizi di traduzione dall’italiano all’inglese


Attività di preparazione all’esame FCE.

Offre inoltre: • Esercizi di grammatica e lessico (per esempio, direzioni, imperativo) • Esercizi di riepilogo grammaticale (per esempio, forme del passato e present perfect) • Appendici con pratiche informazioni supplementari (per esempio, le regole ortografiche) • Un elenco di parole utili per l’esame PET. Ciascuna unità si sviluppa su doppia pagina, per agevolare la consultazione delle regole grammaticali durante lo svolgimento degli esercizi. Sono presenti anche unità denominate ‘Revisione e potenziamento’ che propongono esercizi di riepilogo più impegnativi e senza spiegazioni grammaticali.

My Digital Book Questo nuovo componente digitale offre agli studenti 4 risorse in 1: • iSTUDY le pagine dell’intero libro in formato elettronico • iPRACTICE attività interattive iCHECK accesso a un minicorso di Recupero online • iEXAM accesso a due test online per gli esami PET e FCE



iSTUDY con il libro in formato digitale da utilizzare nello studio individuale. Le funzioni di questa sezione permettono di spostarsi facilmente dalla pagina dell’indice all’argomento grammaticale scelto, ingrandire parti della pagina per concentrarsi su una tabella o un esercizio, aggiungere e salvare note. È utilizzabile anche con la Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale. iPRACTICE propone 26 argomenti con particolare attenzione alle strutture che creano maggiori difficoltà ai discenti italiani. Per ogni argomento sono inclusi un esercizio di dettato, due esercizi grammaticali e un esercizio di ascolto.

icheck con l’accesso a un’Espansione online che consiste in un vero e proprio minicorso di Recupero per esercitarsi con schede di materiali pronti. Ciascuna pagina propone un rapido specchietto grammaticale seguito da alcuni brevi esercizi su concetti basilari che gli studenti devono conoscere in merito alla struttura. iEXAM con l’accesso ad altre due Espansioni online: due test PET e FCE completi all’interno del sito dove è possibile anche consultare un dizionario, usufruire di correzione immediata, assistenza tutoriale e altro. Introduzione


The basics: prime strutture Indichiamo alcune delle strutture di base della grammatica inglese con alcune delle differenze fondamentali tra inglese e italiano. A Classificazione di parole Le seguenti frasi esemplificano le principali classificazione di parole.   We   study   English   at   school. 



nome preposizione nome

  The   lessons   are   always   interesting   and   I   really   enjoy   them. 

determinante nome









  My   teacher   is   marking   some   homework. 

determinante nome verbo verbo determinante (aggettivo ausiliare principale (quantificatore) possessivo)


B Ordine delle parole L’ordine delle parole di base per le affermazioni è: i soggetto – verbo – oggetto   We   study   English.   I   enjoy   it. 

soggetto verbo

oggetto soggetto verbo oggetto

Nota che alcuni verbi non reggono un oggetto (verbi intransitivi). ii soggetto – verbo – complemento   School   is   fun.


verbo complemento

Nota che il complemento serve a descrivere il soggetto. iii soggetto – verbo – avverbio/espressione avverbiale   I   go   to school.   We   have   English   every day.

espressione avverbiale

espressione avverbiale

Nota che un’espressione avverbiale in genere indica dove, quando, o per quanto tempo avviene qualcosa.

C Domande Le domande con be si costruiscono mettendo la forma di be prima del soggetto. Are you Italian? Am I late? Where is Harry? Le domande con gli altri verbi si formano con la seguente costruzione: verbo ausiliare + soggetto + forma base del verbo (infinito senza to) Do you play tennis? Where do you live? Can you speak Italian? D Pronomi In inglese si esprimono sempre i pronomi soggetto ed oggetto. Non sono mai combinati al verbo o espressi dalla forma del verbo. I am Italian. Non Am Italian. Sono italiano. I want to phone him. Voglio telefonargli. 10

The basics: prime strutture


Il pronome I è sempre scritto con la lettera maiuscola. My brother is 16 and I am 14. Non My brother is 16 and i am 14. Esiste una sola forma you (tu, voi) per il singolare e plurale, che è sia informale che formale. Si usa you anche per la terza persona singolare quando esprime la forma di cortesia: Lei/Loro. You are late. Sei in ritardo/ Siete in ritardo. How are you? Come stai? /Come state?/ Lei come sta?/Loro come stanno?

E Determinanti I determinanti sono parole usate prima dei nomi. Comprendono parole come some, my, your, every e this. Gli articoli the e a/an sono anch’essi tipi di determinanti. I’d like some coffee. Vorrei del caffè. Is this your DVD? È questo il tuo DVD? Non si usa the prima di altri determinanti. My house is number 42. Non The my house is number 42. La mia casa è al numero 42. Every student passed the exam. Non The every student passed the exam. Tutti gli studenti passarono l’esame.

F Nomi I nomi non hanno genere. Quindi, the è l’unico articolo determinativo e a/an sono gli articoli indeterminativi. (Si usa an prima di un suono vocalico). the man (l’uomo) the woman (la donna) the people (la gente) a man (un uomo) a woman (una donna) a person (una persona) an exam (un esame) In generale, il plurale dei nomi si forma aggiungendo ‘s’. Per alcune parole si aggiunge ‘es’. Alcuni nomi hanno plurali irregolari. school schools  bus buses  person people

G Aggettivi Gli aggettivi hanno un’unica forma. Non cambiano quando descrivono nomi al plurale. an intelligent boy (un ragazzo intelligente) an intelligent girl (una ragazza intelligente) intelligent people (persone intelligenti) Gli aggettivi sono posti prima del nome che descrivono. Sono anche posti dopo alcuni verbi. It’s a red car. Non It’s a car red. È una macchina rossa. The car is red. La macchina è rossa. Vai a pagg. 12 e 13 per esercizi su questi argomenti. Per approfondimenti verbi e tempi verbali: unità 1–105 domande: unità 65–73 nomi: unità 106–108 determinanti: unità 110–118 pronomi: unità 120–124 preposizioni: unità 126–134 aggettivi: unità 139–148 avverbi: unità 150–155  congiunzioni: unità 163–166

The basics: prime strutture


1 Scrivi a quale parte del discorso appartengono le parole di queste frasi. Usa le categorie grammaticali del riquadro. aggettivo  avverbio  determinante  congiunzione  nome  preposizione  pronome  verbo 0  pronome 1 



  6    9 

in    Italy. 


My   favourite   food   is   fish    and    chips. 




I   am   Italian.   I   live 





12  






My   brother   plays   the   guitar.   He    is    very    good    at   it. 20 





2 Scrivi le parole del riquadro nella colonna corretta. after  and  at  big  book  but  good  I   in  interesting  it my  of  really  school  some  student  usually  very  you  your pronomi







3 Riordina le parole in modo da formare frasi di senso compiuto. 0 a student / I / am  I am a student. 1 English / I / at school / study  2 good / are / my teachers  3 big / my school / is  4 the school / teachers / good / has  5 6 7 8 9

live / I / in Rome  in / I / live / a / house / nice  I / with / my parents / live  at university / my sister / is  I / pop music / like 

10 a scooter / have got / I  11 it / I / every day / use  12 to school / it / I / ride 


The basics: prime strutture




4 Riordina le parole per formare delle domande. 0 your name / is / what  What is your name? 1 you / how old / are  2 from the UK / you / are  3 football / like / you / do  4 you / do / live / where  5 is / your email address / what  6 speak English / you / can  5 Traduci le seguenti parole ed espressioni in inglese. Scrivile sotto la figura corrispondente. Usa le parole del riquadro.

La Regina La mia scuola Una lezione interessante Un uomo e una donna

Il Re Un ragazzo e una ragazza Una borsa bianca e nera Mio fratello e mia sorella

0 A man and a woman.








bag  black and white  boy  brother girl  interesting King  lesson  man  Queen  school  sister  woman

The basics: prime strutture




Present simple: be (forma affermativa e negativa) I’m hungry. She’s Italian. They aren’t here today.

A Uso Be è il verbo più comune in inglese. Di norma si usa per esprimere: nazionalità I’m Italian. She’s not French. età I’m 17. He’s about 30. occupazione I’m a student. My sister’s a lawyer. orari/giorni/date It’s 6.30. It’s the third of June. tempo atmosferico It’s sunny. It isn’t cold. prezzi The shoes are €60. It’s £3.50. località The keys are on the table. He’s from Milan. They’re not here. caratteristiche e qualità I’m cold. You’re right. It’s blue. She’s friendly. It’s easy.

Nota che si usa be con alcuni aggettivi che in italiano si utilizzano con l’ausiliare ‘avere’. We’re hot. Abbiamo caldo. I’m hungry. Ho fame. She’s thirsty. Ha sete.

B Forma



Forma completa

Forma contratta

I am


you/we/they are


he/she/it is


I am not

I’m not

you/we/they are not

you/we/they aren’t o you/we/they’re not

he/she/it is not

he/she/it isn’t o he/she/it’s not

In inglese, la seconda persona singolare e plurale hanno la stessa forma verbale. Inoltre, non esiste una distinzione tra seconda persona formale e informale.

Nell’inglese parlato ed informale sono in genere più usate le forme contratte. 1 Completa le frasi in modo che risultano vere. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa di be. 0 Milan isn’t the capital city of Italy. Rome is the capital. 1 Monaco in Italy. It in France. 2 Milan and Genova in the south of Italy. They the north. lakes. They mountains. 3 The Apennines 4 The Italian flag red white and blue. It red, white and green. 5 Italy a republic. It a monarchy. The president head of state. 6 Italian passports blue. They red. 7 Inter and Juventus football teams. They in Serie B. They Serie A. 8 I from Spain. I from Italy. I Italian.


Unità 1

2 Completa le frasi per ogni figura usando la forma corretta di be e le espressioni del riquadro. twenty-one euros the twenty-first six euros fifty half past two in row A in seat 12 in seat 13 a student British not included GARLIC BREAD PIZZA X2 WINE X2 COFFEE X2 TOTAL **SERVICE NOT INCLUDED**




S TUDENT 0 She ’s British. 1 She


4 The pizzas 5 The total bill 6 Service

. . .



The Importance of Being Earnest


2 It 3 It

€2.00 €6.50 €8.50 €4.00 €21.00

. today.

7 We 8 I 9 And you


The Importance of Being Earnest 12 SEAT A ROW ADMIT ONE


. . .

3 Carlo si presenta alla sua nuova classe di inglese. Leggi gli appunti e completa la sua presentazione usando la forma corretta di be.

Personal details: Swiss, 19 Home: from Lugano – Italian-speaking, in south-east Languages: Italian (first language), German (fluent), French + English (not too bad) Job/studies: uni student – course not always easy, lectures interesting, fun Interests: most sports and cinema – favourite film The Lord of the Rings trilogy, favourite sport tennis (not very good at it)

My name’s Carlo Pedroni. I 0 ’m from Switzerland and I 1 19 years old. I2 from Lugano. It 3 an Italian-speaking city in the south-east of the country. Italian 4 my first language, but I 5 also fluent 6 in German. My French and English too bad. I 7 a university student – 8 my course always easy, but the interesting and lectures 9 it 10 fun. I 11 interested in most sports and the cinema. My favourite film 12 The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Tennis 13 my favourite sport, but 14 I very good at it.

4 Scrivi delle frasi su di te fornendo le informazioni richieste. 0 Name: My name’s Roberto. 4 Home: 1 Name: 5 Languages: 2 Age: 6 Job/studies: 3 Nationality: 7 Interests: Unità 1




Present simple: be (domande e risposte brevi) Are you hungry? Am I late? Is she here? Is your pizza OK? Where are you from?

A Forma La domanda si costruisce mettendo la forma di be prima del soggetto. Be


Am Are Is Are Are Are

I you he/she/it we you they


i Le parole interrogative che si usano con be sono: What (Che cosa), Where (Dove), How (Come), Why (Perché), When (Quando), Who (Chi), Which (Quale), Whose (Di chi). ii La parola interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda. Where are you from? What’s her name? How old are you? How long is the film? iii Nell’inglese parlato ed informale si usano di norma le forme contratte: What’s …, Where’s …, How’s … ecc. What’s the matter? Where’s Peter? How’s life? Who’s hungry? Vedi unità 66 per altri usi delle parole interrogative.

B Risposte brevi A volte può essere poco cortese rispondere con un semplice Yes o No. Le risposte brevi a una domanda del tipo Are you …?, Is she …? ecc. sono:


I am. you are. he/she/it is. we are. you are. they are.


I’m not. you aren’t. o you’re not. he/she/it isn’t. o he’s/she’s/it’s not. we aren’t. o we’re not. they aren’t. o they’re not.

Are you OK? ~ Yes, I am. Is he here? ~ Yes, he is. Are they here? ~ No, they’re not. Is it expensive? ~ No, it isn’t. Nota che le forme contratte (I’m, he’s ecc.) non si usano per le risposte brevi affermative. Vedi unità 73 per ulteriori approfondimenti sulle risposte brevi.


Unità 2

Nota che in inglese la struttura delle frasi è fissa, a differenza dell’italiano. Inoltre, in inglese è sempre necessario esprimere il soggetto, che in italiano può essere sottinteso. Are you from London? ~Yes, I am. Are you a student? ~No, I’m not.

1 Immagina di conoscere una nuova persona. Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle domande come nell’esempio. 0 what / your name? What’s your name? 1 where / you / from? 2 you / a student? 3 how old / you? 4 when / your birthday? 5 what / your phone number? 6 what / your email address? 7 you / interested in football? 8 you / free tonight? 2 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 1. Usa le risposte brevi (Yes, I am o No, I’m not) oppure fornisci le informazioni richieste. 0 My name’s Francesca. 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 3 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte usando Are you e gli aggettivi del riquadro. sure ready OK serious hungry interested tired 0 Are you serious? 1 2 3 4 5 6

? ~ Yes, I am. Totally. ? ~ Yes, let’s go! ? ~ Yes, I’m 100% certain. ? ~ Yes, I am. When’s dinner? ? ~ Yes, I’m fine, thanks. ? ~ Maybe. Tell me more. ? ~ Yes, it’s time for bed.

4 Completa il quiz usando la parola interrogativa adatta e is oppure are. Sai rispondere alle domande?

UK QUIZ 0 What is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

How much do you know about the UK? Do this quiz and win a weekend break in London. the population of the UK? a 40 million b 60 million the most common surname in the UK? a Jones b Smith The Times and The Sun? a hotels b newspapers the patron saint of England? a St George b St John Wembley Stadium? a Manchester b London Boxing Day? a 24th December b 26th December The Pennines? a Scotland b England the present English football champions? the Prime Minister of the UK?

5 Aggiungi al quiz quattro domande relative all’Italia che inizino con Who is …, What are … ecc. 0 Who is the Prime Minister of Italy? 0 What is the Quirinal? 1

2 3 4

Unità 2




There is e There are There’s a pen on the table. There aren’t any seats. Is there a bank near here?

A Uso There is(n’t) e there are(n’t) si usano per dire che qualcosa esiste oppure non esiste. There’s a train at 6.30. There’s a problem. There aren’t any free seats. B Forma Singolare



There is/There’s …

There are …


There isn’t …

There aren’t …


Is there …?

Are there …?

Risposte brevi

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

C Some e any Some e any vengono usati principalmente per indicare quantità indefinite (alcuni/e, qualche) e per esprimere il partitivo (del/della, ne ecc.). Some e any sono soggetti a molte regole; tuttavia la regola generale è che per i nomi plurali si usa: i some per frasi affermative, There are some good beaches near here. Ci sono delle belle spiagge qui vicino. There are some cookies. Ci sono dei biscotti. ii any per frasi negative e per domande. There aren’t any good beaches near here. Non ci sono delle belle spiagge qui vicino. Are there any cookies? Ci sono dei biscotti? Vedi unità 114 per altre regole su some e any.


Unità 3

1 Guarda la figura e completa le frasi usando There is(n’t) o There are(n’t). 0 There’s a whiteboard. a television. 1 2 some students. 3 a CD player. some books. 4 5 a map. 6 any other pictures. 2 Completa le domande relative alla figura dell’Esercizio 1 usando Is there o Are there. Poi scrivi risposte brevi. 0 Is there a lesson in progress? ~ Yes, there is. 1 a computer? ~ 2 any desks? ~ 3 a clock? ~ 4 a window? ~ 5 any plants? ~ 3 Completa le frasi che descrivono la tua stanza in questo momento. Puoi usare le parole del riquadro oppure aggiungerne altre. bed(s) book(s) chair(s) clock(s) computer(s) cup(s) DVD(s) flower(s) mirror(s) picture(s) table(s) TV(s) 0 There’s a computer. 1 There’s a 2 There isn’t a

. .

3 There are some 4 There aren’t any

. .

4 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa le parole ed espressioni dei riquadri. There’s a There isn’t a There are some There aren’t any queue seat at the back free tables lovely cafés

0 There’s a seat at the back.



3 Unità 3



4 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 1–3) Present simple di be e there is/are

Be: forma affermativa Guarda la carta d’identità di Rachel e aggiungi l’età. Poi completa le altre due carte d’identità, la prima con i tuoi dati e la seconda con i dati di qualcuno che conosci. Poi scrivi frasi simili a quelle su Rachel. 0





She's Rachel Evans. She's … years old. She's from Miami. She's American. She's a teacher.





Be: forma affermativa e negativa Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando i suggerimenti dati. 0 I / from Milan I’m from Milan. o I’m not from Milan. 1 I / from Sicily 2 I / 17 years old 3 I / interested in music 4 it / January 5 it / cold today 6 my teacher / Italian


Unità 4: Revisione e potenziamento


Be: domande Completa le domande relative ai personaggi dei testi qui sotto. Usa le espressioni interrogative del riquadro oppure formula domande che richiedono una risposta Yes / No. What Where Who How much 0 Who is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Jay-Z? ~ He’s an American rapper. real name? ~ It’s Shawn Carter. from? ~ He’s from Brooklyn. married? ~ Yes, he is. To Beyoncé Knowles. Maria Sharapova? ~ She’s a tennis player and model. from? ~ She’s originally from Russia. based? ~ In Florida in the USA. Steve Jobs? ~ He’s chairman of a big computer company. American? ~ Yes, he is. He’s from San Francisco. rich? ~ Yes, he’s very rich. worth? ~ Around $6 billion.

There is/are Leggi i dialoghi e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. A 0 C a good café near here? B Yes, 1 an excellent one just round the corner. A 2 a sports centre here? 3 B No, , but 4 a swimming pool. A How many students 5 B 6 26, I think.

in your class?

an ATM near here? A I haven’t got any money. 7 8 B Yes, one just round the corner. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


There’s there’s There are there is there are there are Is there Is there there’s


There are there are Are there there are there’s there is There’s Are there there isn’t


Is there is there Is there there isn’t is there are there There are There are there are

Unità 4: Revisione e potenziamento



There is/are Scrivi una frase per i luoghi 1–6 della mappa usando There’s a . 0 There’s a restaurant in Queen Street. 1 4 2 5 3 6


4 5


1 0


There is/are 0 Is there 1 2 3 4 5 6


There is/are Scrivi quattro frasi su alcuni luoghi pubblici della tua città usando There’s a … in … . Scegli tra i luoghi del riquadro.

Completa le domande e scrivi le risposte relative ai luoghi dell’Esercizio 5. a restaurant in Queen Street? ~ Yes, there is. a café in Market Street? ~ an ATM in Brook Street? ~ a supermarket in Market Street? ~ a bank in Brook Street? ~ any cafés in Brook Street? ~ any trees in Queen Street? ~

ATM bank bar café computer shop phone shop restaurant sports shop supermarket 0 There’s a bank in Via Trieste. 1 2


Unità 4: Revisione e potenziamento

3 4




Present simple di be; there is/are Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 C’è una festa sabato.

There’s a party on Friday. 1 Ho caldo. 2 Viene dal Regno Unito. 3 Hai fame? 4 Ha sedici anni, penso. 5 C’è una banca qui vicino? 6 Non c’è del latte. 7 Ci sono dei computer in classe.


Grammatica e lessico: paesi e nazionalità Completa la tabella con i paesi e le nazionalità del riquadro. France American Japanese French China Swiss Greece Mexico Greek Italian Argentina The United States Italy Spanish Japan Mexican Poland The United Kingdom Chinese Polish Spain Switzerland Argentinian British 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Country A rgentina C hina F G I J M P S Sw T T


Argentinian Chinese

Grammatica e lessico: paesi e nazionalità Scegli quattro paesi e scrivi due frasi su una persona famosa di quel paese come nell’esempio. Maradona is Argentinian. 0 Maradona is from Argentina. 1 2 3 4

Unità 4: Revisione e potenziamento




Present simple (forma affermativa e negativa) She works in Rome. I hope you like it. They don’t live near here.

A Uso Il present simple si usa per parlare di fatti ed eventi visti come permanenti. Questi possono includere: i fatti e situazioni permanenti, I live in Rome. It takes two hours by car. He doesn’t speak English. ii abitudini ed azioni abituali, I walk to school. We usually have lunch at 12.30.

iii stati d’animo come pensieri, sentimenti e simpatie/antipatie. I think he’s Spanish. I hope it doesn’t rain. I don’t like coffee.

B Forma Affermativa I/you/we/they

live/want/know/play/watch/study ecc.


lives/wants/ knows/plays/watches/studies ecc.

Negativa I/you/we/they don’t live/want/know/play/watch/study ecc. he/she/it doesn’t

i Nota che per le frasi negative si usa la forma base del verbo. He doesn’t know. Non He doesn’t knows. ii A volte in contesti formali si usa la forma negativa non contratta. The President does not agree. I do not accept the situation. Si può anche usare la forma negativa non contratta per dare enfasi. I do not want to see him. She does not like football.

C Desinenze verbali he/she/it ecc. La maggioranza dei verbi

aggiunge -s like

I verbi che terminano in -o, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x

aggiungono -es go

I verbi che terminano in consonante + y


Verbo have


-ies carry

likes cost goes wash

carries study

D Avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza Si usa spesso il present simple con avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza per dire quanto spesso si fa qualcosa. I always buy a newspaper. He is occasionally late for school. We have English lessons every day. I generally go out once or twice a week. Vedi unità 152 per altri usi degli avverbi di frequenza.


Unità 5

costs play


washes mix studies fly

mixes flies

1 Guarda la figura di Max nella sua stanza. Scrivi delle frasi su di lui usando le parole ed espressioni del riquadro. about 17 or 18 a scooter rock music biology the guitar a lot of DVDs to the gym glasses Roma 0 He likes rock music. 1 2 3 4

(like) (go) (support) (be) (play)

5 6 7 8

(ride) (study) (watch) (wear)

2 Scrivi frasi vere per te usando le parole ed espressioni dell’Esercizio 1. 0 I like rock music. 1 2 3 4

o I don’t like rock music. 5 6 7 8

3 Completa la descrizione che Laura fa di se stessa usando la forma corretta del present simple dei verbi tra parentesi.



Unità 5




Present simple (domande e risposte brevi) Do you speak English? Does Sam play tennis? Where does she live?

A Forma La domanda al present simple si fa con do/does + soggetto + forma base del verbo (infinito senza to). Do o Does


Forma base

Do Does

I/you/we/they he/she/it

work/go/want/know ecc.?

Do you play tennis? Does she live in London? Do they know about the party? La parola interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda. How often do you play tennis? Where does she live? When does the film start?

B Risposte brevi A volte può essere poco cortese rispondere con un semplice Yes o No. Le risposte brevi a domande del tipo Do you ...?, Does he ...? ecc. sono: Yes,

I/you/we/they do. he/she/it does.


I/you/we/they don’t. he/she/it doesn’t.

Do you live in London? ~ Yes, I do. Does she speak Italian? ~ No, she doesn’t. Vedi unità 73 per ulteriori approfondimenti sulle risposte brevi.

1 Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle domande. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


you speak English? Do you speak English? where / you live? Where do you live? what school / you go to? what time / your school start and finish? you walk to school? your school have a swimming pool? your town or city / have a football team? what / you do at weekends? what kind of music / you like? you play a musical instrument? you do any sports? you like horror films?

Unità 6

2 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 1. Usa le risposte brevi (Yes, I do.; No, he doesn’t. ecc.) oppure fornisci le informazioni richieste. 0 Yes, I do. 0 I live in Ancona. 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 Completa il questionario relativo a internet usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. you / buy or sell you / download you / use your computer / have you / go you / use other people / use You and the internet 0 What do you use research/studies


1 How often several times a day

once a day

the internet for in general? communication

✓ online?

less than once a day


things on the internet? buy


buy and sell

3 How often often occasionally 4 Which networking sites MySpace Facebook 5 What security features anti-virus firewall

music? never ? Bebo

other ?



your computer? parents



no one

4 Scrivi le risposte alle domande dell’Esercizio 3. 0 I use the internet for communication. 1 2 3


4 5 6

Aggiungi al questionario quattro domande per saperne di più su come le persone utilizzano internet. Puoi usare le espressioni del riquadro oppure inventarne di nuove. play games on the internet? download films? visit chatrooms? send emails? have your own website? watch sport? have a favourite website? 0

Do you play games on the internet?

1 2 3 4 Unità 6




Have got I’ve got a new phone. She’s got short hair. Have you got a pen?

A Uso Si può usare have got per parlare di: i Possesso I’ve got a bike. She hasn’t got a car. I haven’t got my ID card with me. Have you got your mobile with you? Si usa have got ... with me/you per esprimere il fatto che si possiede qualcosa in un dato momento. ii Le caratteristiche o qualità di qualcosa She’s got long hair. Has the school got a café?

i In contesti più formali e nell’inglese scritto, si possono usare le forme complete I have got …, She has got …, They have got … ecc. ii Si possono usare le parole interrogative (How many …, What kind of …, Which … ecc.) con have got. How many bedrooms has it got?

C Risposte brevi Le risposte brevi più naturali ad una domanda del tipo Have you got…? ecc. sono:

iii Relazioni I’ve got two sisters. They haven’t got any children. Has she got a boyfriend? iv Malattie ed altre affezioni mediche I’ve got a headache. He’s got a broken leg.

Affermativa I/you/we/they’ve he/she/it’s Negativa


I/you/we/they haven’t. he/she/it hasn’t.


D Have o have got? A volte è possible usare have anziché have got. Ciò è più comune in contesti più formali, specie per domande e frasi negative. Do you have any money on you? She doesn’t have a car. Vedi unità 88 per altri usi di have come verbo principale.

1 Scrivi frasi vere per te usando I’ve got o I haven’t got. 0 I've got short hair. 1 long hair. 2 a scooter. 3 a part-time job. 4 a sister. 5 a brother. 6 a laptop. 7 a bike.

Unità 7


Have you got a computer? ~ Yes, I have. Has Brighton got an airport? ~ No, it hasn’t.

Have I/you/we/they Has he/she/it


I/you/we/they have. he/she/it has.

Nota che non si usa have got nelle risposte brevi (Non Yes, I've got.).

B Forma

I/you/we/they haven’t he/she/it hasn’t


2 Descrivi le figure usando have got e le parole del riquadro. a new car a garden a headache long hair any money toothache

0 He’s got toothache.

3 I

1 She


2 He


on me.

4 He


5 It


3 Completa le domande usando with you. Poi scrivi delle risposte vere per te usando Yes, I have o No, I haven't. 0 Have you got your bike with you? ~ Yes, I have. 1 your mobile ?~ 2 your laptop ?~ 3 your ID card ?~ 4 Leggi gli annunci con gli appunti scritti a fianco a mano. Immagina di fare delle telefonate per ottenere le informazioni di cui hai bisogno. Usa la forma corretta di have got.

0 a computer room?

1 wi-fi?


2 a caf é?


0 Has the school got a computer room? 1 2

Improve your English today! 3 any qualifications?

Private guitar tutor

3 4

Contact Dave 07430778234 4 a website? 5 a carry case?

5 6


es? Contact 07189458721 am g h hic 6 w Unità 7



8 PET 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 5–7) Present simple e have got

Present simple: forma affermativa e negativa Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

A day in the life Dale Lester, king of the paparazzi I get up at about 6.30. First, I check my website and then I contact my offices around the world to see breakfast. what’s new. I then 0 A I1 at the office at about ten o’clock. I own the UK’s biggest celebrity photographic agency and I2 about 200 paparazzi. I 3 photos these days because my time is taken up running the business. My dad is my number one inspiration – he is 69 and he 4 his own business.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


make generally arrives employ take still run always wants publish lives has also got do go usually


makes generally arrive employs not take still runs want always not publish don’t live have also got does usually go

A big part of my work is socializing. When celebrities meet me at parties, they 5 to be my friend. They know that if I like a celebrity, I 6 their pictures if they don’t want me to. When I’m not at work, I love spending time at my main home in London. I 7 alone with my cat. I 8 houses all around the world – in the south of France, in Los Angeles and Australia, and several in the UK. Most evenings, I 9 an hour’s exercise, cook dinner and then watch TV. I 10 to bed before midnight.


don’t make arrive generally don’t employ don’t take runs still always want don’t publish live have got also don’t do usually goes


Present simple: domande Completa le domande per queste risposte. 0 What time do you get up? ~ I usually get up at 7.00. 1 How ? ~ I walk to school. 2 Which school ? ~ I go to Liceo Newton in Viale Manzoni. 3 When ? ~ School starts at 8.15 and it finishes at 1.30. 4 school? ~ Yes, I do. I enjoy it very much. 5 What ? ~ After school, I do my homework. 6 How often ? ~ We get homework every day! 7 What ? ~ In the evenings, I usually watch TV. 8 any brothers or sisters? ~ Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother.


Unità 8: Revisione e potenziamento



Present simple: forma affermativa e negativa Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 2. 0 I usually get up at 7.15. 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8


Present simple e have got Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Vivo a Milano.


I live in Milan. 1 Ascolto musica rock e punk.

4 Dove vivi?

2 A lui non piace il calcio.

5 Ha i capelli biondi.

3 Suoni uno strumento musicale?

6 Hai il cellulare con te?

Grammatica e lessico: attività con play, do e go Si usa play, do o go con le attività del riquadro? Riscrivile nella colonna corretta. computer games exercise football shopping skiing swimming tennis athletics to the gym gymnastics yoga a musical instrument karate rugby camping puzzles (sudoku, crosswords)








Grammatica e lessico: attività con play, do e go Scrivi delle frasi vere per te, per la tua famiglia e amici usando alcuna delle attività dell’Esercizio 5. 0 I play football. 0 My mother does yoga. 0 I don’t go to the gym. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Revisione e potenziamento




Present continuous (forma affermativa e negativa) I’m doing my homework. It isn’t working at the moment. The weather’s improving.

A Uso Il present continuous si usa per parlare di azioni in corso di svolgimento (o non in corso di svolgimento) nel momento in cui si parla.

In italiano non esiste una forma verbale specifica equivalente al present continuous e per descrivere queste azioni si utilizza spesso la costruzione stare + gerundio. I’m working in Paris at the moment. Sto lavorando a Parigi in questo periodo.

Queste possono corrispondere a: i azioni in corso adesso, Jo’s waiting for us outside. She’s wearing jeans. It’s raining. ii azioni in corso in questo periodo, ma non necessariamente in questo preciso momento, I’m reading a great book at the moment. I’m not studying history this semester.

Si può anche usare la forma del present continuous per parlare del futuro. Vedi unità 37.

iii situazioni che cambiano. Your English is getting better. Exams are getting more difficult.

B Forma Il present continuous si forma con la costruzione be + -ing. Forma completa Affermativa


I am you/we/they are he/she/it is I am not you/we/they are not he/she/it is not

Forma contratta working

I’m you/we/they’re he/she/it’s



I’m not you/we/they’re not o aren’t he/she/it’s not o isn’t


i Con i pronomi soggetto (I, you, they ecc.) la forma contratta è la più usata. La forma completa è usata di norma solo per situazioni più formali (nello scritto) e per dare enfasi. We are looking forward to seeing you. I am not listening! ii Si può usare l’ausiliare be da solo nella forma coniugata appropriata al contesto quando l’azione è già stata nominata. Jim isn’t learning German. Tom is. I’m not having a coffee, but Silvia and Marta are. iii Alcuni verbi non sono usati normalmente alla forma del present continuous (believe, know, like, want ecc.).

C Spelling della forma -ing

Vedi unità 14 per altri usi dei verbi believe, know, like, want ecc.

La maggioranza dei verbi

aggiunge -ing play

Verbi che terminano in -e

elimina -e write

Verbi che terminano in vocale + consonante

raddoppiano la consonante swim shop shopping


Unità 9

playing work writing dance

working dancing swimming

1 Guarda la figura e completa le frasi usando i verbi del riquadro. Elena


George Roberto

Frank Maria



chat rain read sleep talk use watch 0 1 2 3

Elena 's talking Sam George and Maria Roberto

on her mobile. the computer. TV. a magazine.

4 Frank and Silvia 5 Kalina 6 It

to each other. . outside.

2 Leggi l’esempio e completa le altri frasi in modo simile usando i verbi del riquadro. Le frasi si riferiscono alla figura dell’Esercizio 1. chat listen to talk watch wear 0 1 2 3 4

Maria isn’t talking Sam Frank and Silvia Frank George and Maria

on her mobile. Elena is. his MP3 player. TV. a cap. to each other.

. . . .

3 Scrivi una frase per ciascun grafico usando i verbi in corsivo. The cost of living

Jo’s test results


0 The cost of living is increasing.








improve The temperature




4 Scrivi delle frasi vere per te. Alcune si riferiscono a questo preciso momento, altre invece si svolgono in questo periodo, ma non in questo preciso momento. 0 wear a T-shirt I’m not wearing a T-shirt. 4 wear a watch 1 listen to music 5 learn to drive 2 read a good book 6 wear jeans 3 watch TV Unità 9




Present continuous (domande e risposte brevi) Is it raining? Are you doing your homework? What are you doing?

A Forma Le domande si formano coniugando be e mettendolo prima del soggetto. Be


Am Are Is Are Are Are

I you he/she/it we you they



La parola interrogativa si mette all’inizio della domanda. What are you doing? Why are you laughing? What’s she wearing?

B Risposte brevi Può a volte essere poco cortese rispondere con un semplice Yes o No. Le risposte brevi a domande al present continuous sono:


I am. you are. he/she/it is. we are. you are. they are.


I’m not. you aren’t. o you’re not. he/she/it isn’t. o he’s/she’s/it’s not. we aren’t. o we’re not. you aren’t. o you’re not. they aren’t. o they’re not.

Are you feeling OK? ~ Yes, I am. Is it raining? ~ Yes, it is. Are they waiting? ~ No, they’re not. Is she coming? ~ No, she isn’t. Non si usa la forma contratta (Yes, I’m ecc.) nelle risposte brevi affermative.

1 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. what / Alicia what / you what / you where / your friends where / you who / Gianluca why / you 0 What are you looking for? 1 2 3 4 5 6


Unità 10

~ I’m looking for my keys. ~ We’re going to the cinema. ~ They’re staying at the Hotel Roma. ~ I’m learning English for my job. ~ She’s studying music at university. ~ He’s talking to Sue. ~ I’m listening to the Arctic Monkeys.

2 Scrivi due domande e due risposte brevi per ogni figura. 0




0 a he / talk on his mobile Is he talking on his mobile? b he / listen to music Is he listening to music? 1 a she / cook b she / make coffee

4 a Roma / win b Chelsea / win

~ No, he isn't. Yes, he is. ~

?~ ?~

2 a they / play chess b they / play cards 3 a it / snow b it / rain


?~ ?~ ?~ ?~ ?~ ?~

3 Completa le domande dell’intervistatore usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. you / enjoy / it how / the new album / go how / it / go what / you / work on where / you / stay where / you / tour you / learn / an instrument


This week: Paul Mann, lead singer of American pop group The Change. 0 Hello, Paul. How’s it going? It’s going very well, thanks. We’re working hard, but we’re having a good time. 1

at the moment? Well, we’re working on our next album and we’re also touring.


? The new album’s going very well, actually. We’re happy with about five or six songs, and we’re currently writing a few more.

3 And ? Just in Europe – ten or so countries I think. We’re playing a few gigs in the UK at the moment. 4

? Well, you get used to life on the road, it’s part of the job. But, yeah, we are enjoying it, it’s fun. And we do get to stay in some great hotels.

5 And at the moment? Are you in a luxury hotel? Well, we’re not actually staying in a hotel, which, to be honest, makes a nice change. We’re staying in an apartment that the record company owns. You’re the singer in the band, but I understand you also play other instruments. That’s right. I play the guitar and the piano a bit. I’m always trying to learn a new instrument. 6

at the moment? Yes, I’m learning the drums actually. I’m not very good though.

Unità 10




Present simple e present continuous He normally works in Rome, but he’s working in Milan at the moment.

A Uso i Il present simple si usa per fatti, abitudini e azioni abitudinarie e stati d’animo, come pensieri, sentimenti e intuizioni. She speaks Italian. Parla italiano. It rains a lot this time of year. Piove molto in questo periodo dell’anno. I generally read the newspaper every day. In genere leggo il giornale ogni giorno. School starts at 8.30. La scuola inizia alle 8.30. ii Il present continuous si usa per parlare di azioni che sono in corso di svolgimento (o non sono in corso di svolgimento) nel momento in cui si parla o nel periodo in cui si parla. She’s speaking Italian. Sta parlando italiano. It isn’t raining. Non sta piovendo. I’m reading a great book at the moment. Sto leggendo un bel libro in questo momento. It’s starting to rain. Sta iniziando a piovere.

B Present continuous per esprimere ripetizione Per parlare di azioni che avvengono regolarmente o ripetutamente, si usa di norma il present simple. Si può tuttavia usare il present continuous anche con avverbi di tempo come always (sempre), forever (sempre, per sempre), constantly (costantemente) quando si vuole porre l’enfasi sulla ripetitività di un’azione o per esprimere irritazione.

In italiano si usa di norma il presente indicativo per azioni permanenti. Spesso si usa la costruzione ‘stare + gerundio’ per esprimere azioni viste come temporanee da colui che parla o che sono in corso di svolgimento.

In italiano le costruzioni fraseologiche ‘sta sempre a + infinito’ o ‘non fa che + infinito’ indicano spesso azioni ripetute o esprimono irritazione per certi comportamenti.

I lose my keys all the time. Perdo le chiavi tutte le volte. She borrows my clothes all the time. Prende sempre in prestito i miei vestiti. I’m always losing my keys. Sto sempre a perdere le chiavi. She’s forever borrowing my clothes. Sta sempre a prendere i miei vestiti. 1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

It usuallyy rains / ‘s raining at this time of year. We usually go / are going on holiday twice a year. Sssh! I listen / ’m listening to the radio. We don’t watch / aren’t watching television very often. What do you cook / are you cooking? It smells / ’s smelling wonderful. Sue isn’t here at the moment. I think / ’m thinking she plays / ’s playing tennis. I learn / ’m learning to drive at the moment. My brother teaches / ’s teaching me. A Does it ever snow / Is it ever snowing here? B Occasionally. But it doesn’t usually get / isn’t usually getting cold enough. 8 A Do you know / Are you knowing Peter Jones? B Yes, I do. He goes / ’s going to school with my cousin. They are / are being in the same class.


Unità 11

2 Guarda la stanza di Sara. Scrivi delle frasi al present simple o al present continuous usando le espressioni date.

0 1 2 3 4

talk on her mobile She’s talking on her mobile. 5 read books about music play tennis 6 eat a lot of spaghetti sit on the bed 7 cook spaghetti listen to the radio 8 look about 18 years old wear a T-shirt

3 Completa i dialoghi usando il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi del riquadro. 0 play 1 listen to 2 work 3 rain 4 wear 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Do you play football every week? Yes. We usually play on Mondays, but we ’re playing on Wednesdays at the moment. What kind of music you ? All kinds. But I a lot of classical at the moment, actually. Where you ? I normally in London, but I in Manchester this month. Typical! It again! Yeah, I’m afraid it a lot at this time of year. Look at Danny – he a suit and tie! That’s strange. He usually just a T-shirt and jeans for work. Maybe he’s got an interview.

4 Che cosa dici in queste situazioni per esprimere la tua irritazione? Usa il present continuous e le parole in corsivo. 0 Your brother takes your MP3 player all the time. always My brother ’s always taking my MP3 player. 1 Your sister borrows your clothes all the time. forever My sister 2 You lose your mobile all the time. always I 3 Your computer crashes all the time these days. constantly My computer

. . . .

Unità 11



12 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 9–11) Present simple e present continuous

Present continuous: forma affermativa e negativa Completa le risposte usando le parole del riquadro. I / really enjoy it he / cut the grass she / do her homework I / not feel too well I / not listen to it my sister / use it 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B


Where’s Peter? In the garden. He’s cutting the grass. Hi, is Alice in? Yes, come in. How’s school? Great. Can I use your computer to send an email? Sure, but What’s the matter?

in her bedroom I think. this term. at the moment. today. I’ve got a terrible headache.

Can I turn the radio off? Sure.


Present continuous: esprimere irritazione Riscrivi le frasi in modo che esprimano irritazione usando il present continuous e le parole in corsivo. 0 She loses her keys all the time. always She’s always losing her keys. 1 He sings that awful song all the time. forever song. He 2 My scooter breaks down a lot these days. always My these days. 3 She sends me text messages all the time. constantly She messages.


Present continuous: domande Qui di seguito ci sono alcune espressioni piuttosto comuni che prevedono l’uso del present continuous. Abbinale alla traduzione in italiano. 0 How are you feeling? C a Che cosa stai facendo? 1 How’s it going? b Dove stai andando? 2 What’s going on? c Come ti senti? 3 Where are you going? d Che cosa stai guardando? 4 What are you doing? e Come sta andando? 5 What are you looking for? f Che cosa succede? 6 What are you watching? g Che cosa stai cercando?


Present continuous: domande Riscrivi le domande dell’Esercizio 3 per queste risposte. 0 How are you feeling? ~ Not too bad – a bit better than yesterday. 1 ~ To the shops. 2 ~ It’s going well, thanks. 3 ~ My mobile. Have you seen it? 4 ~ There’s an anti-war demonstration in the street. 5 ~ I’m trying to fix my camera. 6 ~ A documentary about European history.


Unità 12: Revisione e potenziamento


Present simple e present continuous Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. Children born at the beginning of the 21st century 0 A a 50–50 chance of living to be 100 years old, according to a recent study. Public health 1 all the time and medical technology 2 so quickly that in 2100 the average age in some parts of the world is likely to be 100. The study 3 that human life expectancy 4 in some parts of the world by about 2 years every decade. And scientists now 5 that there is no natural limit to ageing and that humans may one day live to at least 200. However, your lifespan may depend on your sex. At the moment, 90% of all people over 100 6 women. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6



have improve advance show increase believe is


has improves advances shows increases believes are


is having is improving is advancing is showing is increasing is believing is being


are having are improving are advancing are showing are increasing are believing are being

Present simple e present continuous Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 1 2 3 4



Sssh! Sto ascoltando la radio. Sssh! I’m listening to the radio. Sta piovendo in questo momento? Piove molto nel Regno Unito. Tom non è qui. Sta giocando a tennis nel parco. Gioco a calcio, ma non sono molto bravo.

Grammatica e lessico: attività quotidiane (present continuous) Che cosa succede in queste figure? Usa le espressioni del riquadro. brush his teeth cook dinner do their homework get up get dressed go to bed have breakfast have a shower 0








0 He’s getting up. 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 Unità 12: Revisione e potenziamento




L’ imperativo Take a seat. Turn left. Keep off the grass. Be careful. Don’t worry. Don’t be late.

A Uso L’imperativo si usa per dire a qualcuno di fare o di non fare qualcosa. Si può usare per: i ordini e istruzioni, Be quiet. Restart the computer. Mix the milk and eggs. Turn left. Don’t touch! ii consigli, suggerimenti, promemoria e avvisi, Calm down. Be careful. Try again. Don’t be late. Don’t forget the milk. Look out! iii offerte informali, inviti e richieste, Have a biscuit. Come with us if you like. Give me hand, will you? iv auguri. Enjoy the party. Have a good trip.

B Forma L’imperativo è uguale alla forma base del verbo. La forma negativa si forma con don’t. Affermativa



Don’t stop!

Turn the light off.

Don’t turn the light off.

Tell David.

Don’t tell David.

Be serious.

Don’t be serious.

Park here.

Don’t park here.

i La forma completa do not viene di norma usata in situazioni formali, come segnali e avvisi e per dare enfasi. Do not park in front of the gate. Do not tell David. Do not leave bags unattended. ii Si può usare always (sempre), never (mai) e don’t ever (non… mai) prima di un imperativo. Always do your best. Never open SPAM emails. Don’t ever do that again. iii Si può a volte usare un soggetto con l’imperativo. All of you be quiet. Everyone listen for a moment. No one say anything. You tell him.


Unità 13

In inglese l’imperativo è l’unico modo in cui di norma il soggetto non viene espresso. Nota che in inglese esiste solo una forma dell’imperativo per il singolare e per il plurale (Stai attento/State attenti = Be careful).

1 Ecco un elenco delle istruzioni che l’insegnante potrebbe dare in classe. Completale usando i verbi dei riquadri. not copy – answer sit – be compare – check open – turn to read – answer

Sit 0 1 2 3 Please 4

be down everyone and please quiet. your books and page sixteen. the text and the questions. your partner’s answers. the questions yourself. your answers with your partner and then the answers in the back of the book.

close not forget leave listen turn off 5 Everyone , please. I have an announcement. 6 to do your homework. the room quietly. 7 Please 8 the lights and the door when you leave, please.

2 Completa i seguenti consigli su come essere uno studente modello usando always o never. Alla fine aggiungi il tuo consiglio personale. 0 Always work hard and try to do you best. 3 fall asleep in class. 1 do your homework. 4 be nice to your teacher. 2 copy essays from the internet. 5


3 Completa i seguenti avvisi e cartelli usando i verbi del riquadro. not leave pay proceed not reply not touch wait 3


here to be seated. 4


to checkout.

bags unattended. 5


€ Please


the exhibits.

4 Abbina gli avvisi e cartelli dell’Esercizio 3 ai luoghi in cui si trovano di solito. a restaurant 0 c airport e email b museum d shop f online shopping website 5 Leggi alcune forme imperative comuni (a–i). In quali situazioni (1–8) le usi? Your friend is … 0 … going to a party. c a Calm down. c Have fun. 1 … angry about something. 2 … being too slow. b Don't worry. d Cheer up. 3 … feeling miserable. 4 … concerned about something. 5 6 7 8

.… not being sensible. … doing something dangerous. … making a lot of noise. … asking personal questions.

f Be quiet.

h Don't be silly.

g Be careful.

i Don't be nosey.

e Hurry up.

Unità 13




Verbi di stato e verbi di moto I really like him. I don’t remember. She comes from France. He’s coming by car.

Molti verbi hanno un significato dinamico, cioè descrivono eventi che accadono. Questi verbi possono normalmente essere usati nelle forme semplici come il present simple o nelle forme progressive come il present continuous. I play tennis every week. Luca’s not here – he’s playing tennis. Altri verbi hanno valore di stato. Si usano normalmente solo nelle forme semplici. He’s a teacher. I don’t believe you. I know a little Spanish. She looks about twenty. I più comuni verbi di stato sono: Esistenza Pensiero e stati mentali Desideri Preferenze Possesso Aspetto Qualità Relativi ai sensi

be, come from, exist admire, agree, believe, care, depend, expect, feel, forget, hope, imagine, know, mean, mind, realize, recognize, remember, suppose, think, understand need, prefer, want hate, like, love belong, have (got), own, possess appear, look (like), seem come (from), consist of, cost, deserve, fit, involve, measure, sound, suit, weigh feel, hear, see, smell, taste

i Alcuni verbi con significato di stato possono a volte essere usati nelle forme progressive. Ciò avviene quando si vuole sottolineare che i sentimenti sono relativi ad un tempo limitato e sono temporanei, e non esprimono atteggiamenti permanenti. I verbi di stato che si usano più comunemente in questo modo sono: be, cost, enjoy, expect, feel, involve, like, look (like), love, need, think, understand, want. Atteggiamento permanente

Pensiero o sentimento temporaneo

He’s usually very sensible. Di solito è una persona molto ragionevole.

He’s being very silly today. Oggi si sta comportando in modo molto stupido.

I love this restaurant. Mi piace molto questo ristorante.

I’m loving this pasta. Mi piace molto questa pasta.

I generally enjoy school. A scuola di solito mi diverto.

I’m really enjoying school at the moment. In questo periodo mi sto davvero divertendo a scuola.

ii Alcuni verbi possono avere un significato sia di stato sia di moto. Alcuni di questi verbi sono: admire, appear, be, come, feel, fit, have, look, see, smell, taste, think, weigh. Verbi di stato

Verbi di moto

It looks expensive. Sembra costoso. I think he’s French. Credo sia Francese.

I’m looking for my keys. Sto cercando le mie chiavi. Sssh! I’m thinking. Sssh! Sto pensando.

iii I verbi relativi ai sensi (hear, feel, see, smell, taste) con significato statico sono usati più spesso con can/can’t che al present simple. I can smell gas. (Usato più comunemente di I smell gas.) I can’t hear you. (Usato più comunemente di I don’t hear you.) Can you see Peter? (Usato più comunemente di Do you see Peter?)


Unità 14

1 Completa i dialoghi con i verbi dei riquadri. look think like

A 0 Do you B Yes. I 1

not mind prefer suppose

it 2

my new mobile? pretty cool.

A Who 3 B It's Tony’s, I 4

think belong to remember

know not recognize look


A 6 B No, I 7


this pen I5

? seeing him with it.

who that guy is over there? him. He nice. Let’s say hello. 8

A Indian or Chinese? Which 9 B I really 10 . But I 11 nearer, so why don’t we go there?

you ? the Indian restaurant is

2 Completa le frasi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. Usa i verbi due volte: per descrivere un’azione e per descrivere uno stato. taste the wine – fine come from Italy – to the UK by bike look at a photo – like her mother weigh himself – 60kg

0 Roberto comes from Italy. He 's coming to the UK by bike.

1 He It

. .

2 She She


3 He He

. .


3 Completa le frasi usando can o can’t e un verbo di percezione: feel, hear, see, smell o taste. 0 I can smell something burning. 1 Turn the light on. I anything. 2 I gas. Are you sure the cooker is off? my fingers. 3 Brrrr – it’s freezing! I 4 I you. Speak up! 5 The hotel’s great and we the sea from the room. really the garlic in 6 I love garlic, and you this sauce: it’s delicious! Unità 14



15 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 13–14) Forme del presente e imperativo

Present simple e continuous Completa il profilo con la forma corretta dei verbi dei riquadri. be be be be come from go live work


be be be learn listen listen love read study


There is/are Completa la frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa non più di tre parole. 0 Milan has two airports. There are two airports in Milan. 1 Has your school got a gym? Is at your school? 2 Does Oxford have an airport? Is in Oxford? 3 My class consists of thirty students. There in my class. 4 There are two computers in my classroom. My classroom computers. 5 The room hasn’t got a carpet. in the room. There 6 Does Oxford have any parks? in Oxford? Are


Present simple: domande Completa le domande usando Do you e i verbi del riquadro. Questi verbi sono i più comunemente usati con Do you nell’inglese parlato. have know like remember think want watch 0 Do you have 1 2 3 4 5 6


Unità 15: Revisione e potenziamento

an English lesson every day? TV every day? your first day at school? the alphabet in English? to go to university? you are a good student? learning English?


Present simple: risposte brevi Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 3. Usa Yes, I do o No, I don’t. 0 No, I don’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Present simple, present continuous e there is/are Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

IS THE GENERATION GAP DISAPPEARING? to cafés, concerts and even to clubs with them,’ says Helen. ‘We 4 about everything – music, TV, school, boyfriends and girlfriends. In fact, 5 nothing we 6 about. Our children are our best friends. The generation gap definitely 7 .’ Daughter Suzy, 16, agrees ‘We 8 the same tastes in music and fashion, and me and Mum 9 each other’s clothes and make-up. And Mum and Dad 10 us – we 11 things as a family. 12 Mum and Dad really cool.’

According to a recent study, the generation gap 0 C smaller and today many parents and their teenage children 1 similar interests, listen to the same music and even dress the same. The study also shows that 2 more equality between generations than ever before. It is common today for parents and children to spend part of their free time together. James and Helen Jones from Liverpool, 3 with their teenage children once or twice a week. ‘We go

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



become have is go out talk is isn’t talking disappear get wear always never discipline discuss always there are


becomes has are goes out talks isn’t aren’t talking disappears got are always wearing discipline never always discuss there is


is becoming is having there is is going out is talking there is doesn’t talk is disappearing ’s got are wearing always never disciplines are always discussing are


are becoming are having there are are going out are talking there are don’t talk are disappearing ’ve got always are wearing are never disciplining always are discussing is

Present simple Il rapporto con i tuoi genitori è simile a quello descritto nell’articolo dell’Esercizio 5? Completa le frasi su di te e i tuoi genitori. Usa We e la forma affermativa o negativa dei verbi del riquadro. be dress go have listen talk wear 0 We don’t have 1 2 3 4 5 6

the same interests. to the same music. the same. each other’s clothes. to concerts together. about everything. best friends. Unità 15: Revisione e potenziamento



Present simple: domande Immagina di parlare con una persona che non conosci molto bene. Completa le domande in modo da saperne di più su di lui/lei. 0 Do you speak English? name? 1 2 from? 3 live? 4 How old ? 5 Which school ? 6 Have you got ? 7 like ? 8 your favourite ? 9 interested in ? 10 email address?


Present simple: risposte Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 7. Usa le risposte brevi (Yes, I do ecc.) oppure fornisci le risposte per esteso. 0 Yes, I do. 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10


Imperativo Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa le espressioni del riquadro. Calm down! Cheer up! Drive carefully! Hurry up! Don’t tell anyone! Turn it down! 0 1 2 3 4 5


Your friend is very angry and is shouting. Calm down! The taxi is waiting. Your friend is not ready. The roads are very icy. Your friend is leaving in his car. Your brother is playing very loud music. Your friend’s football team is losing 5–0. He is miserable. You tell your friend a secret.

10 Forme del presente e imperativo Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Posso sentire Tom, ma non riesco a vederlo.

I can hear Tom, but I can’t see him. 1 Ho sete. Hai dell’acqua? 2 Ho un fratello. È un insegnante di scienze. 3 Non mi piacciono i videogiochi. 4 Harry non è qui. Sta giocando a golf con William. 5 C’è un bancomat qui vicino? 6 Non dire a Roberto della festa. È un segreto.


Unità 15: Revisione e potenziamento

11 Grammatica e lessico: malattie ed altre affezioni mediche (have got) Scrivi una frase per ogni figura usando have/has got e le parole ed espressioni del riquadro. backache (mal di schiena) earache (mal d’orecchie) a headache (mal di testa) stomach ache (mal di pancia) a cold (raffreddore) a sore throat (mal di gola) 0






0 She’s got earache.

1 2

3 4 5

12 Grammatica e lessico: direzioni (imperativo) Guarda la mappa e completa le indicazioni stradali usando le espressioni sottostanti. To get to my house, go out of school, 0 turn left and 1 crossroads, 3 the bridge and 4 .5 is number 42, on the left. Call me if you get lost.

turn right go past

take the second left go straight on go over

the shops. 2 then 6

at the and my house

take the first right turn left

Unità 15: Revisione e potenziamento




Past simple di be e there was/were I was tired. They were late. He wasn’t late. Where were you? There were six of us.

A Uso Il past simple di be si usa per parlare di situazioni finite al passato. It was cold yesterday. Were you late this morning? There was a good film on TV last night. B Forma Affermativa


I was

I was not/wasn’t

you were

you were not/weren’t

he/she/it was

he/she/it was not/wasn’t

we/you/they were

we/you/they were not/weren’t

I was hungry. You were late this morning. It wasn’t cold. Domande

Risposte brevi

Was I/he/she/it …?

Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.

Were you/we/they …?

Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren’t.

Was it OK? Were you on time? Was he right? ~ Yes, he was. La parola interrogativa si pone all’inizio della domanda. Where were you at 9.30? How long was the film? How was the exam?

C Was/were born Si usa was/were born per parlare del tempo e del luogo in cui qualcuno è nato. When were you born? Quando sei nato? Where were you born? Dove sei nato? I was born in 1987. Sono nato nel 1987. I was born in Ethiopia. Sono nato in Etiopia. Non When you born? Non I born in 1998. D There was/were Si usa there was e there were come forma passata di there is e there are. There was a problem. There weren’t any mistakes. Was there a TV in the room? Vedi unità 3 per altri usi di there is/are.


Unità 16

1 Guarda le figure e scrivi le risposte.

Ben’s CafÉ

Warm and sunny Today






€7.00 Thank you

2 How much were the coffees? They

0 What was the weather like yesterday? It was warm and sunny. Name


The Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games



Place of birth

Beijing 2008






F1 Where was Sarah born? She


Beijing 2008














3 Where were the 2008 Olympics? They


2 Leggi l’esempio e scrivi delle risposte simili per esprimere il tuo disaccordo. Usa le parole del riquadro. Canadian 0 1 2 3 4 5 6




really friendly

cold and windy


The film was great. ~ No, it wasn’t. It was terrible. It was a lovely day yesterday. ~ They were American. ~ He was a bit unsociable. ~ The food was terrible. ~ The exercises were difficult. ~ We were late. ~

3 Scrivi delle domande per queste risposte usando le parole interrogative del riquadro e was o were. how



0 When was it? 1 2 3 4 5 6




how much

~ It was last Friday. ~ They were under the sofa. ~ She was OK. Better than yesterday. ~ It was Susan. ~ It was Harry’s. ~ They were thirty-five euros each. ~ It was some sort of virus.

4 Jen sta facendo delle domande a Tom in merito alla festa a cui ha partecipato lo scorso fine settimana. Completa le domande e le risposte brevi usando la forma corretta di there was/were. 0 Was there any good music? ~ Yes, there was. 1 a DJ? ~ No, . many people there? ~ Yes, . 2 3 any food? ~ No, . 4 any adults there? ~ No, . Unità 16




Past simple (forma affermativa) It rained all day yesterday. She studied music at university. I went for a walk.

A Uso Il past simple si usa per parlare di situazioni o eventi passati e finiti. I played tennis yesterday. I loved cartoons when I was a child. We had exams last week. B Forma i Verbi regolari Il past simple della maggioranza dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo -ed alla forma base (infinito senza to). I watched TV last night. He passed all his exams. We enjoyed the film. Ci sono alcune eccezioni nello spelling del past simple dei verbi regolari. Verbi che terminano in -e

aggiungono -d like

Verbi che terminano in consonante + y


Verbi che terminano in vocale + consonante t NBOPOQFSw, x o y t QFSJQPMJTJMMBCJ TPMPRVBOEPMBTJMMBCB finale è accentata

raddoppiano la consonante finale stop plan planned show showed fix fixed prefer preferred open opened

i study

liked dance

studied try


tried stopped

ii Verbi irregolari Molti verbi hanno una forma irregolare del past simple. Ecco alcuni dei verbi irregolari più importanti. become begin build buy choose come cost do drink drive eat fall

became began built bought chose came cost did drank drove ate fell

feel find fly forget get give go have hear keep know learn

felt found flew forgot got gave went had heard kept knew learnt/learned

leave lend lose make meet pay put read ring say see sell

left lent lost made met paid put read SFE rang said saw sold

send sing sleep speak spend take teach tell think wake win write

sent sang slept spoke spent took taught told thought woke won wrote

Vedi pagina 416 per l’elenco completo del past simple dei verbi irregolari.

iii Qualche volta per dare enfasi si può usare il verbo ausiliare did + forma base (infinito senza to). I did enjoy that meal. She really did miss you when you were away. Vedi unità 173 per altri usi di did per dare enfasi ai verbi.

C Espressioni di tempo Se si usa un’espressione di tempo ‘finito’ (two hours ago, yesterday, at the weekend, last week, in 2009, when I was a child ecc.), in genere si usa il past simple. The bus left five minutes ago. I went out last night. I started school in 2006.


Unità 17

1 Scrivi il past simple dei seguenti verbi regolari. In alcuni casi devi raddoppiare la consonante finale. 0 agree agreed 1 attach 5 drop 9 plan 13 stop 2 chat 6 empty 10 play 14 talk 3 continue 7 fix 11 reply 15 try 4 decide 8 invite 12 show 16 use 2 Scrivi il past simple dei seguenti verbi regolari. La sillaba accentata è sottolineata. 0 cover covered 1 enter 3 occur 5 prefer 7 regret 2 happen 4 offer 6 refer 8 visit 3 Completa il cruciverba con il past simple dei seguenti verbi irregolari. 1

k n e 7 w



4 5 8











19 21

20 22

23 24



ACROSS 2 send 3 make 7 go 8 drive 11 leave 12 lose 16 cost 17 tell 18 come 22 give 24 think 25 write

DOWN 1 know 2 see 3 meet 4 do 5 get 6 become 9 feel 10 sell 13 win 14 buy 15 catch 19 ring

20 hear 21 take 23 eat

4 Completa la biografia di Luciano Pavarotti con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Luciano o Pavarotti


Unità 17




Past simple (forma negativa) It didn’t rain yesterday. I didn’t see you at the party. We didn’t go swimming.

La forma negativa dei verbi regolari e irregolari si forma con didn’t + forma base del verbo (infinito senza to). I didn’t go out last night. He didn’t finish his work. We didn’t have time for lunch today. i A volte in situazioni formali e per enfasi si può usare la forma negativa completa. I did not see the notice. I did not do it! ii A volte per dare l’enfasi al contrasto tra una negazione ed una affermazione si può usare il verbo ausiliare did per l’affermazione. I didn’t like the starter, but I did enjoy the main course. I didn’t see him, but I did speak to him on the phone. Vedi unità 173 per altri usi di do/did per dare enfasi ai verbi.

1 Completa la parte finale della frase con la forma negativa del verbo usato nella prima parte. we didn’t study 0 We studied French at school, but Italian. 1 I saw Sue, but Pete. 2 I enjoyed the book, but the film. swimming. 3 We went to the gym, but 4 She had a coffee, but anything to eat. 5 We went to the beach, but in the sea. very well. 6 He played tennis, but 2 Riscrivi le parti in neretto in modo che il significato della frase non cambi. Usa i verbi del riquadro alla forma negativa. fall asleep go out leave pass remember stop try wake up win

Hi Dave, What a day! A disaster from start to finish! First, I overslept 0 didn’t wake up and 1 was late for school. My parents forgot to wake me up! Anyway, first thing at school we had a test in English – I failed 2 ! In the afternoon, we had a football match in the Inter-School Cup and we were absolutely . The coach said we made rubbish. As you can imagine, we lost 3 4 no effort and that we were probably the worst team ever. In the evening, I was fed up so I stayed at home 5 . This was a mistake, because Louise and Andy decided to come round for a chat. They continued 6 talking for hours and they stayed 7 until 8 after midnight. I don’t know how I stayed awake . Anyway, how was your day? Better than mine, I hope. Steve


Unità 18

3 Scrivi delle frasi alla forma negativa relative alle figure usando i verbi e le parole dei riquadri. get hear pass save see take the alarm the cheese the exam the penalty the sign an umbrella

0 She didn’t hear the alarm.






4 Scrivi frasi vere per te relative alla giornata di ieri usando la forma affermativa o negativa dei verbi in corsivo. Yesterday … 0 I didn’t use 1 We 2 I 3 We 4 I 5 I 6 It

a computer. use an English lesson. have shopping. go football. play the newspaper. read dinner. cook . rain

5 Leggi l’esempio e scrivi frasi simili usando i suggerimenti e did per enfatizzare il contrasto. 0 see Tom / speak on the phone I didn’t see Tom, but we did speak on the phone. 1 play football / watch it on TV 2 go to the gym / go for a run 3 finish my homework / do some of it 4 snow this winter / rain a lot Unità 18




Past simple (domande e risposte brevi) Did you see Silvia? Where did they go? How long did it take?

A Forma i Le domande al past simple si formano con did + soggetto + forma base del verbo (infinito senza to). Did you play tennis? Hai giocato a tennis? Did Livia pass her driving test? Livia ha passato l’esame di guida? Did they arrive on time? Sono arrivati in orario? ii Le parole interrogative, come Where, When, How often ecc., vengono poste all’inizio della domanda. What did she do? When did you go to the UK? Where did I leave my keys?

B Risposte brevi i Può essere a volte poco cortese rispondere con un semplice Yes o No. Le risposte brevi a domande del tipo Did you ...? sono di norma: Yes, I/she/they ecc. did.

No, I/she/they ecc. didn’t.

Did you see the film? ~ Yes, I did. Did you go out last night? ~ No, I didn’t. Did Andrew like it? ~ Yes, he did. ii Si può usare la forma negativa non contratta per dare enfasi. Did you tell anyone? ~ No, I did not! iii Per rettificare informazioni, si può usare did per evitare la ripetizione dell’intera frase. A Did the Red Hot Chilli Peppers sing ‘American Idiot’? B No, they didn’t. Green Day did. 1 Completa le domande usando i verbi del riquadro. come enjoy find get go out hear rain remember win 0 Did you hear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Unità 19

about Sam? ~ Yes, I did. It’s great news. by car? ~ No, we came by bus. last night? ~ No, I stayed at home. your birthday? ~ Yes, he sent me a birthday e-card. her mobile? ~ Yes, she did. It was behind the sofa. yesterday? ~ Yes, it didn’t stop for hours. wet? ~ No, we took an umbrella. the party? ~ Yes, I think they had a great time last night? ~ No, they lost 2–1.

2 Scrivi delle domande relative allo scorso fine settimana usando you. Last weekend … 0 go to the beach? Did you go to the beach? 1 where / go? 2 who / see? 3 go shopping? 4 do any sport? 5 what / watch on TV? 6 have a good time?

3 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 2. Usa le risposte brevi (Yes, I did. ecc.) oppure fornisci le informazioni richieste. 0 No, I didn’t. 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 Leggi l’esempio e scrivi delle risposte simili per dare la risposta corretta. the Chinese Columbus Bill Gates John Lennon Botticelli J K Rowling 0 1 2 3 4 5

Did Giotto paint Primavera? No, he didn’t. Botticelli did. Did Jill Murphy write the Harry Potter books? Did Marco Polo discover America? Did Steve Jobs start Microsoft? Did the Romans invent sunglasses? Did Paul McCartney sing Imagine?

5 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte usando le informazioni su Johnny Depp. 0 Where did Johnny Depp grow up? ~ In Florida. 1 What for his 13th birthday? ~ He got a guitar. school? ~ To become a full-time rock musician. 2 Why 3 Who in 1983? ~ Lori Allison, his drummer’s sister. 4 When acting? ~ After The Kids broke up. ~ In 1984. 5 When 6 When ~ In 1990.

Johnny Depp

E A R LY L I F E O F T H E S TA R S 1963 Depp born in Kentucky. 1970 His family moves to Florida. Depp grows up here. 1976 Gets a guitar for his 13th birthday. Begins playing in local bands. 1979 Leaves school to become a full-time rock musician. Forms the band The Kids. 1983 Marries Lori Allison, sister of the band’s drummer. The Kids break up. Depp starts acting. 1984 Appears in his first major film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. 1985 Depp and Allison divorce. 1990 Has his first lead role in Edward Scissorhands.

Unità 19



20 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 16–19) Past simple e there was/were

Past simple: forma affermativa e negativa Completa l’articolo con il past simple dei verbi dei riquadri.

Inventions that changed the world: the ATM appear be be dispense have The world’s first ATM 0 appeared at a branch of a bank in north London in June 1967. The ATM was the first and last invention of John Shepherdno way to Barron. ‘In those days, there 1 get money when the bank was closed. One day, I the idea of having a machine suddenly 2 similar to a drinks machine that 3 cash not drinks. It 4 a very simple idea,’ explained Mr Shepherd-Barron.

be like pay sign The chief executive of the bank at the time 5 the idea and immediately 6 a contract with Mr Shepherd-Barron. The first out a maximum of £10 machines 7 enough for the a time. ‘But that 8 weekend,’ Mr Shepherd-Barron remembers.


be develop not exist insert Before the invention of the ATM, plastic cards 9 , so customers 10 paper cheques into the machines. But these 11 fragile and difficult to read, so the banks 12 the plastic cash card.

become not agree say want Another by-product of the ATM was the PIN (Personal Identification Number). Mr Shepherda six-digit number, Barron originally 13 14 . ‘During but his wife, Caroline, four breakfast one morning, she 15 numbers was the maximum she could remember so, because of my wife, four digits 16 the world standard,’ he laughs.

Past simple: domande Leggi l’articolo. Poi completa le domande.

MAN SELLS HIS LIFE ON THE INTERNET In 2008, a man sold his entire ‘life’ on the internet

motorbike. Also included was Mr Usher’s job as a

for €300,000. Ian Usher, 44 at the time, decided

shop assistant and at least one night out with his

to put his life up for sale to help him to forget

friends. In total, there were several hundred bids

his ex-wife after his marriage broke up. The sale

in the auction. Mr Usher used the €300,000 to go

included Mr Usher’s house in Perth, Australia,

travelling and then start a new life.

and everything inside it, including his car and

0 1 2 3 4

What did Ian Usher sell in 2008? How much Where Why What

5 How many 6 How 7 How old 56

Unità 20: Revisione e potenziamento

~ He sold his ‘life’. ? ~ He got €300,000. ? ~ On the internet. ? ~ To help him to forget his ex-wife. ? ~ The sale included his house and everything in it, his job and a night out with his friends. ? ~ There were several hundred. ? ~ He used it to go travelling and then start a new life. ? ~ He was 44.


Uso di did per esprimere contrasto Completa le frasi con i verbi del riquadro. Usa le forme didn’t + verbo e did + verbo per enfatizzare il contrasto. pass read speak watch 0 1 2 3



I didn’t speak We I She

to Ben, but I did speak all of the film, but we the whole newspaper yesterday, but I her maths exam, but she

to his friend. most of it. the headlines. all the others.

Past simple e there was/were Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Mi sono alzato alle 6.30 questa mattina.

I got up at 6.30 this morning. 1 Ho ricevuto il mio primo cellulare quando avevo tredici anni. 2 È stato il compleanno di Carla la settimana scorsa. Ha fatto una festa? 3 Abbiamo visto Maria quando eravamo in spiaggia ieri. 4 I miei genitori si sono incontrati all’università circa vent’anni fa. 5 Non ha piovuto ieri. 6 C’erano molte persone alla riunione?


Grammatica e lessico: i verbi più usati in inglese (past simple) Questi verbi sono, nell’ordine, i dieci verbi più usati in inglese. Scrivi il past simple di questi verbi a fianco delle parole ed espressioni con cui vengono comunemente usati. be have do say get go make take see come 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I came I I I I I I I I I

to school / by bus / on foot / home / here in 2005. breakfast / an exam / a lesson / a headache / a rest / an idea / a great time. a coffee / the bed / a phone call / a mistake / an important decision. tired / hungry / cold / on time / early / late / at school / at home. for a walk / for a coffee / to school / home / shopping / to the beach / to bed. my homework / nothing / some washing / the cooking / my best / well. ‘hello’ / too much / something I regret / the wrong thing. up / dressed / my exam results / 75% / a new mobile / lost / wet. some photos / some money out / an aspirin / an umbrella / a risk. my friends / a few people / some amazing sights / a band / an accident.


Grammatica e lessico: i verbi più usati in inglese (past simple) Scrivi almeno sei cose che hai fatto ieri usando le espressioni dell’Esercizio 5. I got up, I had breakfast, I came to school.


Grammatica e lessico: i verbi più usati in inglese (past simple) Scrivi almeno sei cose che non hai fatto ieri usando le espressioni dell’Esercizio 5. I didn’t go to the beach. I didn’t have an exam,

Unità 20: Revisione e potenziamento




Past continuous It was raining. They were waiting for ages. I wasn’t listening. What was he doing?

A Uso Il past continuous si usa per esprimere azioni in corso di svolgimento (o che non erano in corso di svolgimento) in un tempo particolare del passato. Queste azioni possono essere avvenute: i in un tempo preciso del passato, Sorry I didn’t answer the phone. I was having a shower. It wasn’t raining at midday.

Per esprimere questa forma, in italiano si usa spesso la costruzione ‘stavo + gerundio’ oppure l’imperfetto.

ii nell’arco di un periodo di tempo del passato. My parents met at university. They were both studying law. I was working in a café in 2009.

B Forma Per formare il past continuous si usa be al passato + -ing. Affermativa



I/he/she/it was working you/we/they were working

I/he/she/it wasn’t working you/we/they weren’t working

Was I/he/she/it working? Were you/we/they working?

i La forma negativa non contratta si usa di norma solo in contesti formali e per dare enfasi. We were not expecting the extra charge. You were not paying attention! ii Se c’è una parola interrogativa, questa si mette all’inizio della domanda. What were you doing? Why was she shouting? Who were you talking to at the bus stop this morning?

C Risposte brevi Le risposte brevi più naturali ad una domanda al past continuous sono: Yes,

I/he/she/it was. you/we/they were.


I/he/she/it wasn’t. you/we/they weren’t.

Was he still waiting? ~ Yes, he was. Were they eating? ~ No, they weren’t. La forma negativa non contratta si può usare per dare enfasi. Were you cheating? ~ No, I was not! 1 Che cosa stavi facendo nei giorni e alle ore indicate? Puoi usare i suggerimenti del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. have breakfast/lunch/dinner watch TV sleep have a lesson shop chat with friends sleep 0 1 2 3 4 5 58

at 7.30 this morning an hour ago at 6.30 this morning at 9.30 last night this time yesterday at midnight last Saturday

Unità 21

I was having breakfast.

2 Guarda le foto di Linda alla festa di ieri sera. Completa le frasi su ciò che stava succedendo alla festa usando i verbi del riquadro.

Kay Ian Josh Rose

Nicky Linda



chat dance eat open play talk wear 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Kay was talking Sam and Nicky Jon Rose and Josh Linda Ian Beth


on her mobile. . some pizza. to each other. her presents. the music. her new dress.

3 Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle domande sulla festa dell’Esercizio 2. Poi rispondi con le risposte brevi (Yes, she was. ecc.) o dai risposte complete. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

What / Kay / do? What was Kay doing? What / Jon / eat? Beth / wear / her new dress? Who / Josh / talk to? Jon / play / the music? Sam and Nicky / dance? What / Linda / do?

~ She was talking on her mobile. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4 Completa i dialoghi con i verbi dei riquadri. talk ask talk

A Who 0 were you talking B I1 to a new student. He 2 about the school football team.

meet stand wait

A I saw you last night. You 3 house. 4 you 5 James. B Yes, I

play try have

A You look tired this morning. B I6 to finish my homework all night. But the people 7 loud music. I think they in the flat next to us 8 a party.

not live do live work


to at break time? me

on the corner, outside your for someone?

It’s so cold this winter. Worse than last year. here then. We 10 in the UK. I9 11 Oh, what you there? My father 12 at the university in Oxford for a year. Unità 21




Past continuous e past simple, when e while It was raining when we set off. I was watching TV when you phoned.

A Uso Le differenze principali tra il past continuous e il past simple sono: i Il past continuous si usa per esprimere qualcosa che avveniva in un tempo passato. Il past simple si usa per esprimere avvenimenti finiti o situazioni che appartengono al passato. I was having lunch at 1.30. Stavo pranzando all’1.30. I had pasta for lunch. Ho mangiato della pasta a pranzo. ii Il past continuous e il past simple si possono usare insieme per esprimere un’azione avvenuta nel passato mentre un’altra era in corso di svolgimento. I fell asleep while I was watching TV last night. Mi addormentai mentre stavo guardando la TV ieri sera. It was raining. We were driving down a dark country lane when suddenly the car in front of us stopped. Stava piovendo. Stavamo guidando lungo un viottolo buio di campagna quando la macchina davanti a noi si fermò.

B When e while i Si usano when (quando) o while (mentre) per collegare le frasi al past continuous e al past simple. When può essere usato prima del past continuous o del past simple, mentre while può essere usato solo prima del past continuous. They met when he was working at the university. We were eating when he arrived. I saw Fred while I was out jogging. ii Nota che la frase subordinata introdotta da when o while può trovarsi di norma o all’inizio del periodo o in seconda posizione, cioè dopo la frase principale. Quando si mette all’inizio del periodo, si separa dalla frase principale con una virgola. When it started raining, we were playing tennis. We were playing tennis when it started raining. Vedi unità 21 per altre regole sul past continuous e vedi unità 16 e 17 per altri usi del past simple.


Unità 22

In italiano per indicare l’azione in corso di svolgimento si usa spesso la costruzione ‘stare + gerundio’. I was studying German when I met Sabine. Stavo studiando tedesco quando ho incontrato Sabine.

In italiano, per le azioni di sfondo si usa di norma l’imperfetto o ‘stare + gerundio’, per le azioni in primo piano si usa il passato remoto. I was having breakfast when my mobile phone rang. Stavo facendo colazione quando il mio cellulare squillò.

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta nei seguenti testi. Smith quickly 0 took / was taking the free kick while Liverpool 1 organized / were organizing their defensive wall. The Liverpool players 2 ran / were running to the referee to protest, but he 3 already walked / was already walking back to the centre circle.

Titanic 4 sailed / was sailing from Southampton to New York when it 5 hit / was hitting the iceberg at 11.40 pm on 14th April 1912. The ship 6 carried / was carrying 2,224 passengers. Only 711 7 survived / were surviving.

but lucky lottery winner Jim Jones’s wife was more interested in her favourite TV show than in their good fortune. Mr Jones explains: ‘I 8 listened / was listening to the radio in the kitchen when they 9 announced / were announcing the winning numbers. I 10 ran / was running to tell my wife, but she 11 watched / was watching TV at the time and she just 12 told / was telling me to be quiet. It was only after I 13 shouted / was shouting “I don’t believe it, fifty million euros” for the tenth time, that she finally 14 realized / was realizing what I 15 said / was saying.’

2 Completa le frasi con i verbi in corsivo. Usa il tempo corretto: il past simple o il past continuous. 0 I fell asleep while I was watching TV last night. fall, watch 1 Ron his leg while he rugby. break, play 2 I you last night. You along Queen Street. see, walk in the park when it to rain. We 3 We refuge in the café. walk, start, take 4 My parents when they in the same school. They married six months later. meet, teach, get 5 Yesterday, I a coffee in the café on the High Street when Kate and Dave suddenly and at my table! And they for their drinks when they ! have, appear, sit down, not pay, leave 3 Completa l’articolo di giornale con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.



K z

In July 1957, 15-year-old Paul McCartney 0 went (go) to a garden fete at St Peter’s Church in Liverpool. John Lennon 1 (perform) at the event with his band The Quarry Men. Paul 2 (look) for a band to join at the time and a mutual friend 3 (introduce) him to John. Soon after, John 4 (invite) Paul to join The Quarry Men. On October 18th 1957, John Lennon and Paul McCartney first 5 (play) together live. Later, John 6 (look) for another 7 guitarist and Paul (suggest) an old school friend, George Harrison. George 8 (join) the band in the summer of 1958. After several name changes, including Johnny and the Moondogs and Long John and the Beatles they finally 9 (become) The Beatles in 1960. At first, the band mainly 10 (play) American rock ‘n’ roll covers, but they soon 11 (begin) to write their own songs and by the early 1960s they 12 (perform) mostly original material. The line-up of the ‘Fab Four’ was complete when Ringo Starr 13 (replace) the original drummer, Pete Best, in 1962. In the same year, they 14 (release) their first single Love Me Do and ‘Beatlemania’ was born.



Unità 22




Used to e would I used to be in a band. I didn’t use to like opera. We’d go to Sicily every summer.

A Used to: uso Used to si usa per esprimere situazioni che non esistono più. Può essere usato per: i abitudini e azioni abituali del passato, I used to play football every Tuesday. Giocavo (avevo l’abitudine di giocare) a calcio ogni giovedi. We used to play computer games for hours. Giocavo (avevamo l’abitudine di giocare) di videogiochi per ore. ii stati del passato. She used to have long hair. Aveva i capelli lunghi. There used to be a shop here. C’era un negozio qui. I didn’t use to like him. Lui non mi piaceva.

B Used to: forma Used to è seguito dalla forma base del verbo (infinito senza to). Nota che non si usa la desinenza ‘d’ nelle frasi negative e nelle domande. Affermativa

I used to play the piano.

There used to be a park here.


I didn’t use to enjoy school.

She didn’t use to like jazz.


Did you use to smoke?

Did there use to be a school here?

i Le risposte brevi a domande del tipo Did you use to ...? ecc. sono Yes, I did.; No, we didn’t. ecc. Did your parents use to smoke? ~ No, they didn’t. ii Una risposta possibile alle domande con Do you …? è del tipo: No, but I used to. Do you listen to much pop music? ~ No, but I used to. Does your mother work? ~ No, but she used to.

C Would: uso Talora si può usare would per esprimere abitudini e occupazioni abituali del passato; in questo caso assume un significato simile a used to. When I was about ten, I would play computer games all the time. Quando avevo dieci anni avrei giocato di videogiochi tutto il tempo. Fai attenzione, would non si usa per parlare o esprimere stati o situazioni al passato. I used to love computer games. Non I would love computer games.

D Would: forma Would è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. Viene spesso contratto in ’d dopo i pronomi. Would con questo significato viene usato raramente nelle forme negative o interrogative. He’d always arrive late. When I was a child, we’d go to Greece on holiday every year.


Unità 23

In italiano si può usare un tempo passato, per esempio l’imperfetto, per esprimere azioni del passato che ora non si compiono più.

1 Guarda come era Marco cinque anni fa e com’è ora. Scrivi delle frasi su di lui usando used to o didn’t use to e le espressioni date.

5 years ago 0 1 2 3

live in Rome He used to live in Rome. have long hair listen to rock music wear glasses

Now 4 have a computer 5 play the guitar 6 have an MP3 player

2 Scrivi tre cose che era tua abitudine fare o avevi in passato ma non fai e non hai più. Usa used to e i verbi del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. collect eat drink go have like listen to live play read study support watch wear 0 I used to play computer games all the time. 1 2 3

3 Scrivi risposte vere per te usando No, but I used to; Yes, I do; No, I don’t. 0 Do you have long hair? ~ No, but I used to. 1 Do you read comics? ~ 2 Do you play with dolls? ~ 3 Do you ever buy CDs? ~ 4 Do your parents take you to school? ~ 5 Do you go to primary school? ~ 4 È possibile usare sia used to che would in questo articolo, o solo used to? Cancella would quando non si può usare.

s y a d l o o h My sc I went to school in the 1940s and 50s. School 0 used to / would be very different then. Today, you study lots of different subjects, but then we only studied a few. Geography was my favourite subject. I also liked history and English, but I 1 used to / would hate maths. We had a maths test every day! There 2 used to / would be lots of rules at school. The most important rule

was that we 3 always used to / would always have to stand up when another teacher came into the room. If you didn’t do this, you 4 used to / would get into trouble. The school was mixed with both boys and girls, but we 5 never used to / would never play together. The boys 6 used to / would play football at one end of the playground and the girls 7 used to / would play at the other end. All in all, I 8 used to / would enjoy school. It was hard work and the teachers were very strict, but we had lots of fun.

Unità 23




Revisione e potenziamento (unità 21–23) Forme del passato


Past continuous e past simple La polizia sta interrogando un testimone che ha visto due persone che forse hanno commesso un crimine. Completa il dialogo usando il past continuous o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Police officer When 0 did you see (see) the two people? Witness Yesterday, at about 4.30. Police officer How old 1 (be) they? Witness They both 2 (look) in their 20s. 3 Police officer And what they (look) like? Witness Well, he 4 (be) quite tall and he 5 (have) short dark hair. She 6 (have) long dark hair. Police officer And what 7 they (wear)? 8 both (wear) a white T-shirt and jeans, I think. Witness They And he 9 (wear) a back-to-front baseball cap. Oh, and she 10 (wear) sunglasses. Police officer And 11 you (notice) anything else about their appearance? 12 Witness Yes. They (carry) big bags – both of them. Police officer And what 13 they (do)? Witness He 14 (talk) on his mobile and she 15 (stand) next to him. Police officer OK, thank you for your help.


Used to Scrivi delle frasi in cui spieghi com’è cambiata questa strada. Usa There used to be o There didn’t use to be.

30 years ago

Today 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 64

a post office There used to be a post office. a playground a phone box an internet café a supermarket some small shops a car park

Unità 24: Revisione e potenziamento


Used to Di recente Frank ha cambiato alcune sue abitudini. Guarda le figure, poi completa le frasi su di lui usando used to … e didn’t use to … .

Ten years ago he … … stayed in bed all morning. … played computer games all day. … ate junk food all the time. … smoked. … went out every night. 0 He used to stay in bed 1 2 3 4


Now he … … gets up early. … goes for walks. … eats fruit and vegetables. … goes to the gym. … stays in during the week. all morning. early. all day. for walks. all the time.

Used to Scrivi delle domande su Frank usando Did he use to …? Poi dai le risposte brevi. 0 stay in bed all morning?

Did he use to stay in bed all morning?

~ Yes, he did.

1 smoke? ~ 2 go to the gym? ~ 3 go out every night? ~ 4 eat fruit and vegetables? ~ 5 be overweight? ~

Unità 24: Revisione e potenziamento



Past simple, past continuous, there was/were e used to/would Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

Fairy tale ending Pamela Bromley was born in Manchester, UK, in 1930. As a child, her favourite possession 0 B a book of fairy tales, which she 1 all the time. When Pamela was ten years old, she 2 and her family to the United States. The family took only one suitcase and Pamela 3 her precious book behind in the UK. Many years later, when Pamela was in her sixties, she 4 about what to buy as a birthday present for her eight-year-old granddaughter. As 5 a small second-hand bookshop near to her house, Pamela 6 to get her a book. Pamela 7 in the children’s section of the bookshop when suddenly a big smile 8 on her face. On the shelf, 9 a copy of the book 10 of fairy tales that she so much as a child back in the UK. And when she 11 the book, 12 she her name and her old address inside. It was the very copy that she had as a child.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PET 6


were was reading used to emigrate left thought was decided looked was appearing were loved was opening was finding


was were reading were emigrating was leaving was thinking there was was deciding was looking were appearing was being was loving were opening were finding


there was reading was emigrating would leave were thinking was were deciding were looking appeared there were were loving opened found


Past simple, past continuous, there was/were e used to/would Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa non più di tre parole. 0 In the past I listened to pop music, but I don’t now. I used to listen to pop music. 1 Twenty people went to the party. There at the party. 2 I sometimes used to be late for school. I would for school. 3 Helena had her new dress on at the party. dress at the party. Helena was 4 In the past, mobile phones were the size of a brick. Mobile phones used the size of a brick. 5 I started tidying my room at 6.30 and finished it at 7.30. I was from 6.30 to 7.30. 6 There was no rain between midday and 3 o’clock. between midday and 3 o’clock. It


is used to read emigrated used to leave thinking there were used to decide used to look would appear there was would love used to open used to find

Unità 24: Revisione e potenziamento



Part simple, past continuous, there was/were e used to/would Traduci le frasi. 0 Un tempo avevo un lettore MP3, ma l’ho venduto.

I used to have an MP3 player, but I sold it. 1 Un tempo avevo i capelli lunghi. 2 C’erano circa trenta persone alla festa. 3 Stavamo giocando a calcio quando iniziò a piovere. 4 Qualcuno telefonò mentre stavo facendo una doccia. 5 Un tempo non mi piaceva il caffè, ma ho iniziato a berlo l’anno scorso. 6 Mi dispiace non averti chiamato. Ho fatto i compiti tutta la sera.


Grammatica e lessico: espressioni del passato (past simple) Completa la tabella con le parole del riquadro. afternoon evening five years Friday July month 1999 2.30 9th July

It happened


last night / Friday / week / 0 month / July / year yesterday morning / afternoon / 1 this morning / 2 / evening in March / 3 / 2006 / 4 / the 1960s at 6 o’clock / 5 / midnight / the weekend on Monday / 6 / 15th May / 7 ten minutes / two hours / 8 / ages ago

Grammatica e lessico: espressioni del passato (past simple) Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando questi suggerimenti al past simple e un espressione di tempo. 0 have breakfast I had breakfast at 7.30. 1 be born 2 start secondary school 3 go on holiday 4 go to a party 5 go shopping 6 watch TV 7 get up 8 check my emails

Unità 24: Revisione e potenziamento




Present perfect (effetti sul presente; already e yet) I’ve lost my mobile. She’s gone home. Have you seen Kate? We haven’t finished yet.

A Uso L’uso più comune del present perfect è quello di esprimere un evento o una situazione che hanno conseguenze sul presente. Quando si usa il present perfect in questo modo, si dice qualcosa sulla situazione attuale e i dettagli degli eventi passati (quando, come ecc.) sono in genere meno importanti. I’ve lost my keys. My bike’s gone! Have you heard? Dave’s broken his leg. Quando si usa il present perfect non si indica quando l’evento è accaduto. I’ve bought a scooter. Non I’ve bought a scooter last week. Ma si può usare il present perfect con espressioni di tempo ‘non finito’ come: recently, today, this week, this year ecc. Have you seen Chiara recently? I’ve had a great time today. Vedi unità 26–28 per altri usi del present perfect.

B Forma Si usa il presente di have + participio passato. Nota gli esempi: Affermativa

I’ve finished the report.

He’s gone to the gym.

Sara’s passed her exam.


I haven’t finished.

He hasn’t phoned yet.

I haven’t been here before.


Has she left?

Have you phoned Ann?

Where have they gone?

i La forma non contratta si usa di norma in contesti formali e per dare enfasi. FIFA has elected a new president. I have not taken your camera! ii Le risposte brevi alle domande al present perfect sono: Yes, I have.; No, she hasn’t. ecc. Have you finished? ~ Yes, I have. Has Barry left? ~ No, he hasn’t. iii Il past participle dei verbi regolari è lo stesso del past simple (forma base + -ed). Per molti verbi irregolari il participio passato è diverso. Vedi pagina 416 per un elenco completo del participio passato dei verbi irregolari.

C Already e yet Spesso con il present perfect si usano already (già) e yet (non … ancora). i Already si usa nelle frasi affermative e nelle domande. I’ve already had lunch. Have you already had lunch? ii Yet si usa nelle frasi negative e nelle domande. Yet va sempre alla fine della frase. I haven’t had lunch yet. Have you had lunch yet? Vedi unità 154 per altri usi di already e yet.

D Been e gone Been e gone possono essere usati come il participio passato di go, ma c’è una differenza sostanziale. Been = si è andati in un posto e poi si è ripartiti. Gone = si è ancora lì adesso. They’ve been to London. Sono stati a Londra. They’ve gone to London. Sono andati a Londra.


Unità 25

1 Completa le risposte usando il present perfect dei verbi del riquadro. fix forget go not hear lose not invite 0 1 2 3 4 5


Where are you going? What’s the matter? Where’s Oliver? Is your computer OK now? What’s Leon’s new band like? Is Petra going to Kate’s party?


Back home. I ’ve forgotten I I think he Yes. I I don’t know. I No. Kate

my books. my keys. home. the problem. them play. her.

2 Riscrivi questi titoli di giornali usando il present perfect. 0

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF BBC RESIGNS The chief executive of the BBC has resigned.


School cleaner wins €100 million on lottery A school cleaner



Wade Moody joins Inter .

Wade Moody 3




Lion escapes from Rome zoo A lion


3 Leggi la lista delle cose che Laura deve fare per la sua festa. Scrivi ciò che ha fatto e non ha fatto usando already e yet.

J^_d]ijeZe\ehj^[fWhjo0 & j[bbj^[d[_]^Xekhi✗ & i[dZekjj^[_dl_jWj_edi✓ ' Xkoj^[Zh_dai✓ ( fh[fWh[j^[\eeZ✗ ) Y^eei[j^[cki_Y✓ * cel[j^[\khd_jkh[✗ + Z[Y_Z[m^Wjjem[Wh✗

0 She hasn’t told the neighbours yet. 0 She’s already sent out the invitations. 1 2 3 4 5

4 Completa le frasi con been o gone. 0 Where have you been ? I was looking for you everywhere! 0 Where has Sally gone ? I can’t find her anywhere! 1 Maria isn’t here. She’s to the gym. 2 Sam’s to Paris twice, I think. 3 Have you to that new café yet? 4 Where has my sandwich ? It was here a minute ago. 5 Are you going to the library? ~ No, I’ve just . Unità 25




Present perfect (esperienze di vita; ever e never) I’ve been to Rome twice. I’ve never played rugby. Have you ever been on TV?

Il present perfect è spesso usato per esprimere esperienze di vita senza specificare quando sono accadute. Si usa il present perfect se l’esperienza di vita ha un legame e una rilevanza con il presente. A Have you ever been to Paris? B Yes, I have. A Oh good. Can you recommend a good hotel? A Do you like Indian food? B I’ve never eaten it, so I don’t know. i L’espressione Have you ever ...? ecc. si può usare per fare domande su esperienze di vita di qualcuno (ever = mai). Le risposte brevi sono Yes, I have. No, she hasn’t. ecc. e No, never. Have you ever been to Italy? ~ Yes, I have. Sei mai stato in Italia? ~ Sì. Has Scotland ever won the World Cup? ~ No, never. La Scozia ha mai vinto la Coppa del Mondo? ~ No, mai. ii Gli avverbi come never, once, twice, a few times e lots of times si usano di norma per parlare delle proprie esperienze di vita. Never si mette tra have e il verbo principale. Once, twice, a few times e lots of times vanno di solito alla fine della frase. I’ve never been to Spain. He’s been to the UK twice. We’ve eaten here a few times. iii Per parlare di nuove esperienze si può usare This is/It’s the first time ecc. + present perfect. This is the first time I’ve been here. Non This is the first time I am here. È la prima volta che vengo qui. It’s the third time we’ve stayed in this hotel. Non It’s the third time we stay in this hotel. È la terza volta che stiamo in questo hotel.

Per esprimere le nuove esperienze in italiano si usa spesso: ‘è la prima/ terza volta che’ + presente indicativo.

Vedi unità 152 e 155 per altri usi rispettivamente di never e ever.

1 Scrivi delle domande usando Have you ever? e le espressioni del riquadro. do one go there go there have one hear of them read it ride one 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


I’m going to Sicily next month. Have you ever been there? I’m reading The Lord of the Rings. We’re going to Paris next month. I had a sauna yesterday. I rode a camel on holiday. I was listening to a band called Nirvana last night. I’m going to do a parachute jump.

Unità 26

2 Guarda le figure e scrivi le domande usando Have you ever? e le espressioni del riquadro. be on TV break a bone eat Japanese food go to the USA go to the UK see a ghost 0






0 Have you ever been to the USA? 1 2

3 4 5

3 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 1. Usa Yes, I have o No, I haven’t.

0 No, I haven’t. 1 2 3

4 5 6

4 Scrivi frasi vere per te usando i suggerimenti e never, once, twice, a few times, lots of times ecc. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

fall in love I’ve fallen in love lots of times. meet a famous person have an x-ray ride a horse go to Spain play rugby watch a football match lose my ID card go snowboarding

5 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? 0 You are in Paris. You’ve never been to Paris before. This is the first time I’ve been to Paris. 1 You’re eating Chinese food. You haven’t eaten Chinese food before. It’s . 2 You’re watching a film. You’ve seen it twice already. This is . 3 Your sister is in London. She has been there once before. It’s . 4 You are playing pool. You’ve never played it before. This is .

Unità 26




Present perfect (since e for) We’ve lived here for ten years. How long have you been here?

A Uso Si usa il present perfect per esprimere un’azione iniziata nel passato e che continua nel presente. I’ve had this mobile for about a year. Ho questo cellulare da circa un anno. I haven’t seen Ben since the weekend. Non vedo Ben dallo scorso weekend. B Since e for Per descrivere la durata di un’azione si usano since e for. i Since si usa per descrivere il momento d’inizio di una azione. Questo può essere un momento specificato all’interno dell’asse temporale (le dieci, aprile, 2006 ecc.) oppure può essere un ‘evento’ (la festa, il mio compleanno ecc.). I’ve been here since 6.30. We’ve lived in Rome since 2008. He’s supported Arsenal since he was seven years old. I haven’t seen Andrea since the party. ii For si usa per esprimere il periodo di tempo. I’ve been here for two hours. It hasn’t rained for weeks. I’ve had this mobile for ages. Vedi unità 166 per altri usi di since e for.

C Always, never ed espressioni con all Si può usare always + present perfect per esprimere una situazione che è sempre esistita e never + present perfect per una situazione che non è mai esistita. We’ve always lived in Milan. Viviamo da sempre a Milano. I've never liked punk music. Non mi è mai piaciuta la musica punk.

Nota che non si usa il present simple per esprimere un’azione che è iniziata nel passato e che continua nel presente. We live here for six years. = We’ve lived here for six years. Abitiamo qui da sei anni. Per descrivere questo tipo di azioni, in italiano si usa il presente. I’ve worked in London for two years. Lavoro a Londra da due anni.

Nota che from non si usa per esprimere un’azione che è iniziata nel passato e che continua nel presente. We’ve lived here from 2008. = We’ve lived here since 2008. I’ve worked in London since 2006.

Con all si possono usare espressioni del tipo all morning, all day, all my life. We’ve been here all day. My grandfather’s lived here all his life.

D How long … Si può usare How long + present perfect per chiedere la durata di qualcosa. How long have you lived here? Da quanto tempo vivi qui? 1 Completa le frasi usando since o for. 0 0 1 2 3 72

I’ve known Sam since We’ve lived here for I’ve played the guitar I haven’t seen Giorgio They’ve been married

Unità 27

2008. ten years. I was 12. months. 20 years.

4 5 6 7 8

We’ve been here 10 o’clock. a month. It hasn’t rained Jo hasn't heard from Andy his birthday. I haven’t spoken to Gemma weeks. 2009. I’ve worked here

2 Completa le frasi con since e for in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I’ve had a computer since I was ten. I’ve had a computer for four years. 1 We’ve lived in our house since We’ve lived in our house for

2 I’ve had my mobile since I’ve had my mobile for . 3 I haven’t eaten since . I haven’t eaten for

. . . .

3 Riscrivi le frasi usando il present perfect e since o for. 0 I am a teacher. I became a teacher in 2006.

I’ve been a teacher since 1 Sam has a scooter. He bought it three months ago.

2006. three months.

2 I like classical music. I started liking it a couple of years ago. a couple of years. 3 I know Thomas. We met when we were at elementary school. we were at elementary school. 4 Jacopo is in a rock band. He joined the band last July. July. 5 Polly doesn’t do ballet. She stopped doing ballet when she was twelve. she was twelve. 6 I don’t buy CDs any more. I last bought a CD about two years ago. about two years.

4 Completa le frasi usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi e il present perfect dei verbi. In alcuni casi dovrai aggiungere for o since. Dino Bella

I hear Gianni is going out with Julia. Yes, 0 they’ve been together for about a month. (they / be / together / about a month).

Alessia Hi Jenny. 1 Jenny I’m fine. And you? Giorgio That’s a nice car! 2 Matteo About six months. Paolo Lily

(I / not / see / you / ages). How are you?

(how long / you / have / it)?

How do you know Antonella? 3 4

(we / be / friends / years). (we / know / each other / we were at

primary school). Marco Guido Marco

Flora Ben Flora Ben

I live in Rome. 5

No, I’m from Milan originally. 6 about ten years).

(you / always / live) in Rome? (I / be / in Rome /

Would you like some ham? No, thanks. I don’t eat meat. I’m vegetarian. 7

Well, 8 9

(how long / you / be / vegetarian)? (I / never / eat / meat), actually. (I / be / vegetarian / all my life).

Unità 27




Present perfect e past simple I’ve lost my ID card. I lost my ID card last week.

A Uso La differenza principale tra il present perfect e il past simple è: i Il present perfect collega il passato al presente. In particolare, descrive qualcosa che ha ancora una relazione con il presente. I’ve lost my ID card. (I don’t have my ID card now.) Ho perso la mia carta d’identità. (Ora non ho più la mia carta.) ii Il past simple descrive solo qualcosa avvenuto o iniziato nel passato. Per descrivere la situazione del presente sono necessarie altre informazioni. I lost my ID card last week. (I may or may not have it now.) Ho perso la mia carta d’identità. (Non è chiaro se in questo momento ho o non ho la carta d’identità.)

B Espressioni di tempo Le espressioni di tempo si possono riferire ad un tempo ‘finito’ (two hours ago, at 10.30, last week, in 2009) oppure ‘non finito’ (recently, this week, since 2005, so far ecc.).

In italiano i tempi verbali passato prossimo e passato remoto sono spesso interscambiabili. Pertanto, in inglese occore verificare il contesto per decidere quale tempo verbale utilizzare.

i Si usa il present perfect con un’espressione di tempo ‘non finito’. I’ve been busy this week. We’ve been to London twice this year. I’ve seen Tom recently. ii Si usa il past simple con un’espressione di tempo ‘finito’. I was busy yesterday. Non I’ve been busy yesterday. We went to London twice last year. I saw Tom five minutes ago. iii Si può usare sia il present perfect che il past simple senza espressioni di tempo. Si fa tale uso quando l’indicazione del tempo non è importante o è sottointesa. I’ve bought a new mobile. I’ve finished! I went to school in London. We met at university.

C It’s … since … It’s ... since ... è una struttura che indica da quanto tempo è compuita o meno un’azione. Poiché since si riferisce ad un evento del passato si usa il past simple. It’s ages since I went to a good party. How long is it since you last saw Roberto? Vedi unità 27 per l’uso di since con il present perfect.

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4


We went / ’ve been to Spain last year. I spent / ’ve spent a lot of money recently. She arrived / ’s arrived at 6.30. We didn’t watch / haven’t watched TV recently. I saw / ’ve seen Anthony earlier today.

Unità 28

5 6 7 8 9

They got married / ’ve got married in 1996. I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten since breakfast. We went / ’ve been to the cinema two weeks ago. Have you seen / Did you see Riccardo the other day? You were / ’ve been very busy this week.

2 Le due coppie di frasi hanno lo stesso significato. Completale usando il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi del riquadro. be – get have – buy move – live play – not play not rain – have see – not see 0 a b 1 a b 2 a b 3 a b 4 a b 5 a b

I ’ve had I bought He He The last time I I How long When It’s six months since I I It It’s weeks since we

this mobile since March. this mobile in March. to Italy when he was a child. in Italy since he was a child. John was at Christmas. John since Christmas. you married? you married? tennis. tennis for six months. for weeks. any rain.

3 Completa i dialoghi con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 Anne Lara

Have you been Well, I’ve never been

1 Felix Tessa

you (see) The Lord of the Rings films? Yes. I (see) them lots of times. I (watch) them all the time when I was about twelve.

2 Luca I Cosimo

(go) to the UK? (never / go) to the UK, but I went

(lose) my mobile. you you (look) in the kitchen? I

(go) to Ireland last year.

(see) it? (see) you with it in there earlier.

3 Ben Bice

you (know) Peter? How long We (meet) when we were at primary school. So I guess we other for about ten years now.

4 Letta Amy Letta

you (hear)? Chris he (break) it? Oh no! How He (fall) out of a tree!

(know) each

(break) his leg.

4 Completa l’articolo con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.

Mobile mania was

Unità 28



29 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 25–28) Present perfect e past simple

Il participio passato Completa il cruciverba con il participio passato dei verbi irregolari. 1

b r o k 7 e n




ACROSS 4 forget 7 eat 9 do 10 hear 12 see 13 know 17 buy 18 read 19 make

5 6 8




12 13






DOWN 1 break 2 go 3 become 5 be 6 tell 8 take 11 run 13 keep 14 wake 15 find 16 have



Present perfect Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Completa le frasi usando le espressioni del riquadro. be an accident break down buy a new skateboard lose my keys miss the bus stop raining

0 I’ve bought a new skateboard.

1 We

2 The car 76

Unità 29: Revisione e potenziamento

3 I


4 There


5 At last it





Present perfect e past simple Completa il testo con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.

Harrods has been


Present perfect e past simple Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 When did you last cook dinner? since How long is it since you last cooked dinner? 1 When did you last see Andrea? saw How long is it Andrea? 2 We haven’t heard from Katie for ages. since It’s been Katie. 3 It’s been months since I went to a party. been I for months. 4 I last played tennis about two weeks ago. for about two weeks. I 5 This place is very different. changed This a lot.



Present perfect e past simple Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Sono stato due volte nel Regno Unito.

I‘ve been to the UK twice. 1 Non sono mai stato in un paese straniero.

5 Oh no! Ho perso il mio cellulare.

2 Vivo a Roma da dieci anni.

6 Da quanto tempo conosci Lorenzo?

3 Vissi a Milano per cinque anni.

7 Sei mai stato in TV?

4 Hai sentito? Simona si è rotta il braccio.

8 Mr Vecchio insegna qui dal 2000.

Unità 29: Revisione e potenziamento




Present perfect continuous I’ve been playing football. What have you been doing? He hasn’t been waiting long.

A Uso Il present perfect collega il presente con il passato. Di norma si usa la forma continua del present perfect per esprimere un’attività prolungata o ripetuta. I casi in cui si usa sono per azioni: i iniziate nel passato e che continuano ancora adesso, I’ve been waiting for about an hour. It’s been raining for days. He’s been going to the gym a lot recently. ii finite di recente ma che hanno ancora ripercussioni sul presente. I’ve been driving all day. I’m exhausted. You’re covered in mud! What have you been doing? Spesso si usa il present perfect continuous per parlare di attività recenti che si svolgono ad intervalli regolari. What have you been doing lately? I’ve been studying a lot. I haven’t been going out much.

B Forma Per formare il present perfect continuous, si usa la forma del presente di have + been + -ing. Affermativa

I’ve been driving all day.

Andrew’s been working hard recently.


I haven’t been waiting very long.

The radio hasn’t been working for ages.


Have you been waiting long?

How long has it been raining?

La forma non contratta si usa solo in contesti formali e per dare enfasi. The President has been visiting troops today. I have not been borrowing your clothes! 1 Che cosa stavano facendo queste persone finora? Usa le espressioni del riquadro e il present perfect continuous. argue repair his scooter paint the fence play the violin run ride all day


0 He’s been repairing his scooter.






Unità 30

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando il present perfect continuous. 0 They’re waiting. They started waiting twenty minutes ago.

They’ve been waiting

for twenty minutes.

1 Belinda lives in New York. She moved there in April. since April. 2 It’s raining. It started raining this morning. since this morning. 3 When did you start doing your homework? How long 4 Lilly plays the piano. She started playing it two years ago.

? for two years.

5 When did Carlos start watching TV? How long 6 I don’t feel well. I didn’t feel well when I woke up.

? all day.

3 Completa le email usando il present perfect continuous dei verbi dei riquadri. not do do revise stay

go out go out see study

Hi Jen,

Hi Carolina,

Just a quick email to say ‘hi’ and to see how you are. So, what 0 have you been doing lately? Anything interesting? As for me, I 1 much, actually. I 2 at home a lot recently. I’ve got my end-of-year exams next week so I 3 for them. University isn’t all late nights and parties! How’s Dave? Are you still together? Anyway, drop me a line and let me know your news.

I’m fine. 0 I’ve been studying quite a lot too – no exams, but lots of reports and assignments. As for my social life, I4 quite a lot. And yes, Dave and I are still together. Actually, we 5 each other a lot recently – almost every day. We 6 for three months now! It must be love! Anyway, don’t work too hard and let’s meet up after your exams. Jen x

Have fun, Carolina x

4 Che cosa stavi facendo finora? Scrivi cinque frasi usando le espressioni del riquadro oppure altre a tua scelta. work hard go out a lot have a good time do exams watch a lot of TV stay at home spend a lot of money eat a lot of junk food play computer games a lot do a lot of sport go to the gym listen to a lot of music 0 I’ve been playing football a lot recently. 1 2 3 4 5

Unità 30




Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple Have you been going to the gym much? Have you been to the gym this week?

A Uso A volte c’è una sottile differenza di significato nell’uso del present perfect continuous e il present perfect simple ed in qualche situazione possono essere usate entrambe le forme. How long have you worked here? o How long have you been working here? Ci sono talora alcune differenze notevoli tra il present perfect continuous e il present perfect simple. i Si usa di norma il present perfect continuous per indicare un’attività prolungata o ripetuta. Si pone enfasi sull’azione che si sta compiendo. I’ve been reading the paper all morning. We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes so far. ii Si usa di norma il present perfect simple per esprimere il completamento ed il risultato di un’azione e per dire ‘quante volte’ la si è compiuta. Non si vuole porre enfasi sullo svolgimento dell’azione. I’ve read the book. It was great. We’ve waited long enough. Let’s go. I’ve seen him three times this week. Non I’ve been seeing him three times this week. iii Si può usare il present perfect continuous per esprimere un’azione che viene vista come temporanea o di breve durata e il present perfect simple per esprimere un’azione che è vista come permanente o di lunga durata. He’s been working there for a couple of weeks now. Lavora lì da due settimane. He’s worked there for thirty years. Lavora lì da trenta anni.

B Verbi di stato I verbi di stato (be, know, like ecc.) non si usano di norma al present perfect continuous. We’ve known each other for years. Non We’ve been knowing each other for years. Ci conosciamo da diversi anni. Vedi unità 14 per altri usi dei verbi di stato e di moto.

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


She’s been done / She’s been doing her homework for about an hour. I’ve finished / I’ve been finishing my work already. Good news! Jim’s fixed / Jim’s been fixing the computer. I’ve fixed / I’ve been fixing the computer since this morning. Sorry I’m late. Have you waited / Have you been waiting long? How many times have you been / have you been going to the UK? They’ve arrived / They’ve been arriving at last! Have you seen / Have you been seeing Frederic today? You’re late! What have you done / What have you been doing for the last hour?

Unità 31

2 Completa le frasi usando le espressioni in corsivo due volte: al present perfect simple e al present perfect continuous. 0 go to the gym a I ’ve been going to the gym b I ’ve been to the gym 1 watch the DVD a I b I 2 read the paper a He b She 3 install those new programs a She b 4 go to the gym a He’s not here. He b He

for about a year now. a few times this year. twice. non-stop ever since I bought it. for twenty minutes. already. all morning. she

yet? .

a lot recently.

3 Scrivi le domande usando How long e you. Usa il tempo adatto: present perfect simple o present perfect continuous. 0 live / in Rome? How long have you lived in Rome? 1 know / your best friend? 2 learn / English? 3 have / your mobile? 4 sit / here? 5 do / these grammar exercises? 4 Scrivi risposte complete che siano vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 3. 0 I’ve lived in Rome for ten years. 3 1 4 2 5 5 Completa le email con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Hi Diana, I’m just wondering if you 0 ’ve heard (hear) from Alex recently. I 1 (try) to contact him for a couple of weeks now. Do you know if he 2 (go) away? Thanks, Brian

Hi Karen, We 3 (think) about possibly going to Thailand this year, but we’re not sure. You 4 (be) there, haven’t you? Can you recommend any places to stay? By the way, 5 you (book) your holiday yet? Best wishes, Yolanda.

Hi Letta, I’m sorry I 6 (not email) you for a while, but I7 (be) really busy. My boss suddenly quit last week, so it 8 (be) a bit hectic and we 9 (work) 24/7 to keep things going. Anyway, I 10 (intend) to email you for ages to invite you to our party. It’s on the 28th. Hope you can make it. By the way, Oliver 11 (ask) about you. In fact, he 12 (not stop) talking about you since the last time you met! Love, Tara

Unità 31



32 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 30–31) Present perfect continuous/simple e past simple

Present perfect continuous Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Completa i dialoghi usando il present perfect continuous dei verbi del riquadro. buy / spend cry / chop do / cook do / clean wait / try work / do





0 A What have you been doing B I’ve been cooking

? dinner.

1 A You’re soaking wet! What B

the windows.

2 A B Yes.

all evening? my science homework.

3 A What B Oh, just a few clothes. 4 A Your eyes are red. B No, 5 A How long B About 20 minutes. 82


Unità 32: Revisione e potenziamento


? my birthday money! ? onions. ? to get a taxi instead, but they’re all busy.


Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple Completa l’articolo con il present perfect continuous, il present perfect simple o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.



A recent survey 0 has shown (show) that Chinese is the UK’s favourite 1 (be) one of the UK’s take-away food. Indian food, which official national dishes for many years, is our second favourite take-away. Of the 5000 people in the survey, 44% said they preferred Chinese food, with only 24% preferring Indian food. Surprisingly, fish and chips and pizza are less popular with only 14% and 13% of the votes. The top reason for ordering a take-away meal is being too tired or not wanting to cook. ‘When you 2 (work) hard all day, the last thing you want to do is cook dinner,’ explained survey participant Gary Hill. ‘It’s much easier to pick up the phone and order something.’ But for others, having a take-away is a ritual. ‘We 3 (have) a take-away pizza every Friday night for about ten years,’ says mother-of-four Beverly Stringer. ‘It’s our end-of-the-week treat, but only if the kids 4 (be) well-behaved.’


Present perfect continuous e present perfect simple Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 I started working here two weeks ago. for I’ve been working here for two weeks. 1 It’s been ages since I saw Larissa. haven’t I ages. 2 It started raining at midday. since It midday. 3 Ernesto became interested in astronomy when he was a child. since Ernesto has he was a child. 4 The last time I went to the cinema was about six months ago. been about six months. I haven’t 5 He started waiting ten minutes ago. for ten minutes. He 6 This is my third time in the UK. been I twice already.



Present perfect continuous/simple e past simple Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Ho letto due libri questa settimana. I‘ve read two books this week. 1 Ho guardato due DVD oggi. 2 Sto guardando la TV da circa venti minuti. 3 Da quanto tempo stai facendo i compiti? 4 Ho finito i compiti. 5 Oh no! Ho perso le mie chiavi! 6 Ho lasciato il mio cellulare sull’autobus ieri, ma qualcuno l’ha trovato e lo ha dato alla polizia. Non l’ho ancora ritirato.

Unità 32: Revisione e potenziamento




Past perfect He failed the exam because he hadn’t studied enough.

A Uso Il past perfect si usa per un evento che è accaduto prima di un altro o che è accaduto prima di un tempo specifico del passato. Jim had left when we arrived. We’d finished the work by lunchtime. i Osserva il diverso uso del past simple e del past perfect nelle frasi seguenti. They started the meeting when we arrived. Iniziarono la riunione quando noi arrivammo. They’d started the meeting when we arrived. Avevano iniziato la riunione quando noi arrivammo. ii Spesso si usa already (già) con il past perfect per enfatizzare la sequenza di eventi e just (appena) per indicare che la prima azione avviene poco tempo prima della seconda. Sarah had already left when we got there. They’d just finished dinner when we arrived. iii Con il past perfect si possono anche usare altri avverbi come never (mai) e always (sempre). I’d never met him before. My sister had always wanted to be a doctor. Vedi unità 152 per altri usi di never e always e unità 154 per altri usi di already e just.

B Forma Il past perfect si forma con had + participio passato. Forma completa

Forma contratta


I had finished. They had gone.

I’d finished. They’d gone.


I had not finished. They had not gone.

I hadn’t finished. They hadn’t gone.


Had you finished? Where had they gone?

Nota che si usa sempre had per formare il past perfect, mentre in italiano si può usare sia il verbo essere che avere + participio passato. When we arrived, Peter had left. Non When we arrived, Peter was left. Quando arrivammo, Peter era andato via.

La forma non contratta si usa di norma con i pronomi soggetto (I, you, they ecc.) in situazioni formali (come lo scritto) e per dare enfasi. We had expected a more professional service. I had not finished! 1 Completa le risposte usando i suggerimenti in corsivo e il past perfect dei verbi. 0 You weren’t at the party last night. Unfortunately, I’d already arranged something else. I / already / arrange 1 Why didn’t you join us for lunch? Because . I / already / eat 2 Why did you throw the milk away? Because bad. it / go 3 I thought you and Pamela knew each other. before yesterday. we / never / meet No, 4 Did you manage to get tickets for the Juventus vs Arsenal match? No, when I rang. they / sell out 5 Did you see Jenny at the party? No, I didn’t. when I got there. she / already / leave


Unità 33

2 Completa le frasi usando il past simple o il past perfect dei verbi del riquadro. die – water fail – not study feel – eat find – look have – not see already leave – get – not see look – visit – just wake up 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

She felt I finally He The plants We Sam Roberto

sick because she’d eaten the book I wanted after I his exam because he because no one lots to talk about. We really tired when we when we

too much chocolate. on about ten websites. enough. them. each other for months. . I think he . to the party, so we him.

3 Completa il blog con il tempo verbale più adatto: past simple o past perfect. Posted by Robbo: I’m thinking of taking a gap-year to go travelling. But my parents say I’m too young and want me to go straight to university. Any thoughts?

Posted by Matty: took I (take) a gap-year after school before I 0 went 0 'd always wanted I (always / want) to see a bit of the world, so I 1 0

(go) to university. (decide) to go travelling around South America. I 2 (be) abroad only once or twice before that, on school trips or family holidays, and I 3 (never / be) outside Europe. For the first few months of the gap-year, I 4 (work) and after I5 (save up) enough money I finally 6 (set off). At the airport, I was very nervous and I 7 (start) to wonder if I8 (make) the right decision. Anyway, ten minutes after the plane 9 (take off) I 10 (realize) it was too late to change my mind and I 11 (start) to relax. It 12 (turn out) to be the best few months of my life. Go for it, Robbo!

4 Matty ha caricato alcune foto del suo anno sabbatico in Sud America sul suo blog. Completa le frasi scrivendo ciò che era appena successo prima che fosse scattata la foto usando just e i suggerimenti del riquadro. take off arrive finish have 1


2 0 1 2 3

I’m absolutely exhausted. I 'd just finished Here’s me on the beach in Rio. I Here’s me outside my hotel. I And this is the view of the Andes from the plane. We Lima airport.

a 20km trek in the jungle. a surfing lesson. in Rio. from Unità 33




Past perfect continuous We’d been driving all day. It had been snowing for hours.

A Uso Il past perfect si usa per esprimere un evento che è avvenuto prima di un altro nel passato oppure prima di un momento specifico nel passato. Si usa la forma progressiva per indicare che l’attività era in corso oppure è stata ripetuta in un periodo di tempo. They’d been going out for years before they got married. We were exhausted – we’d been driving all day. B Forma Il past perfect continuous si forma con had been + -ing. Forma completa

Forma contratta


I had been waiting for ages.

I’d been waiting for ages.


I had not been waiting long.

I hadn’t been waiting long.


How long had you been waiting?

Had you been waiting long?

La forma completa si usa in genere con i pronomi soggetto (I, you, they ecc.) in situazioni formali (come lo scritto) e per dare enfasi. We had been expecting to speak to the manager, not his assistant. Ci saremmo aspettati di parlare con il manager, non con il suo assistente. 1 Completa i dialoghi con i suggerimenti dei riquadri e il past perfect continuous dei verbi. he / worry she / cry they / argue they / play 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B

Did you hear Jen and Steve split up? I’m not surprised. They’d been arguing for months! I hear Tom’s interview was a disaster. Well, about it all week. I think he was probably a bit too nervous. Sarah looked a bit upset when we saw her earlier. Yes, I think , actually. I hear Juve lost 1–0 last night. Yes, a goal in the 89th minute! And really well until then.

she / complain 4 A B A B 5 A B

they / expect

they / play

she / work

I hear Jane left her job. Apparently, she just walked out one day. It doesn’t surprise me. about it for months. there long? About a year or so. Who won the tennis? Oh, they had to abandon the game because of rain. for about twenty minutes. It was 4–2 to Murray. A Yes, I heard rain.


Unità 34


2 Danny e Ralph stanno parlando delle foto di Danny. Completa i dialoghi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. we / play football it / rain all day I / garden all afternoon we / wait for the bus for ages we / queue for about an hour 0




0 Ralph Danny 1 Ralph Danny 2 Ralph Danny 3 Ralph Danny

You look exhausted in this one. I was. I’d been gardening all afternoon. You look pretty fed up in this photo. We were fed up. Where’s this? We’re just going into a museum. You’re covered in mud! Yeah, filthy.

. . and


3 Completa le frasi con il past perfect simple o il past perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 When I opened the curtains, I saw that it had been raining (rain). 1 I threw the magazine away because I (read) it. 2 I was late, but luckily my friends (not wait) long. (finish). 3 When I got to work, the meeting 4 I didn’t go to the cinema because I (see) the film already. 5 They (go out) with each other for five years before they got married. 6 We (play) tennis for about ten minutes when it started raining. 7 The two players (never / play) each other before they met in this year’s final. 8 Tom seemed out of breath when we saw him. I think he (run). (run) ten kilometres before he twisted his ankle. 9 Sam

Unità 34



35 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 16–34) Forme del passato

Past simple e past continuous Guarda le figure e completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Bernado 0 broke in an ambulance.

We 3 and 6

(break) his leg while he 1

(have) a picnic when it 4 (wait) for the rain to stop.

(play) football. He 2

(start) to rain. We 5

(go) to hospital

(run) to the car

I7 (wait) for a bus when Leon 8 (appear) on his scooter. He 9 (have) 10 (give) me a lift. We 11 (ride) away when I suddenly a spare helmet so he 12 (realize) I 13 (not have) my bag with me. I’d left it at the bus stop.



Past simple e present perfect Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. Matteo Mother Matteo

Sorry Mum, but I 0 broke / ’ve broken a window. Oh dear. How 1 did it happen / has it happened? I 2 kicked / have kicked the ball at it accidentally.

Angela Ruth Angela

Hi Ruth. I 3 just finished / ’ve just finished my exam. How 4 did it go / has it gone? It 5 was / has been OK, I think.

Erica Sergio Erica Sergio

I 6 didn’t know / haven’t known that you wore glasses. Yes, I 7 had / ’ve had them for a few months now. 8 Did you try / Have you tried contact lenses? Yes, but I 9 didn’t like / haven’t liked them.

Unità 35: Revisione e potenziamento


Past perfect Guarda questi momenti importanti del passato. Scrivi che cosa era appena successo usando le parole da ciascun riquadro. Edison Italy Apollo 11 The Titanic

hit invent land win

an iceberg the light bulb on the moon the World Cup


0 Edison had just invented the light bulb.




Vari tempi verbali del passato Completa il testo con il tempo verbale passato corretto dei verbi tra parentesi. DISCOVERIES THAT CHANGED THE WORLD

>>THIS WEEK: PENICILLIN & THE WHEEL Penicillin Alexander Fleming while he



(discover) penicillin by accident (conduct) an experiment. He


(grow) some bacteria in a petri-dish when he


(notice) a strange mould that appeared to be killing it. The

bacteria 4

(become) contaminated because one of his assistants


(forget) to replace the lid of the petri-dish the night before.

The wheel People 6

(use) a horizontal ‘potter’s wheel’ to make ceramics

for hundreds of years before somebody 7 circular shape on its side and


transport. This 9 10

(turn) the same (use) it to create a means of (be) in about 3200 BC. Incredibly, the wheel (be) in use for about 5000 years before the invention of

the train and the bicycle in the mid-1800s.

Unità 35: Revisione e potenziamento



Vari tempi verbali del passato Leggi l’articolo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.


MONDAY JULY 21, 1969


Man takes first steps on the moon Neil Armstrong 0 A the first human to walk on the moon’s surface early today. The spectacular moment 1 after he 2 the ladder of the lunar module Eagle, while his colleague Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin 3 from inside the craft. The landing, in the Sea of Tranquillity six hours near perfect and the two astronauts earlier, 4 on board later 5 that they 6 no difficulty in manoeuvring the module in the moon’s gravity and that the module 7 no damage during the landing. The very first words from the moon 8 from Aldrin: ‘Tranquillity base. The Eagle 9 .’ During the landing, there 10 tense moments back on earth while the controllers at mission control in Houston 11 for radio contact to be re-established with the astronauts. When the news of a safe landing finally 12 , the room 13 with shouts and cheers. American president Richard Nixon, who 14 it as ‘one of the the events on television, 15 greatest moments of our time.’ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



became came was descending has watched used to be reported have had used to suffer came landed were have waited came erupted used to watch described


was becoming was coming had descended has been watching was being have reported had had was suffering were coming was landing were being have been waiting was coming was erupting has watched was describing

Unità 35: Revisione e potenziamento


has become has come had been descending had watched has been had reported had been having had suffered has come has landed has been had waited has come has erupted has been watching had described


had become had come has descended watched had been were reporting were having had been suffering used to come has been landing used to be were waiting had come had erupted had been watching has described


Vari tempi verbali del passato Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 I started working here a month ago. for a month. I’ve been working here for 1 They started dinner before I arrived. started dinner. When I arrived, 2 It’s months since I went swimming. been I for months. 3 I watched TV from 7.30 to 8.30 last night. was I at 8.00 last night. 4 We met for the first time last night. never before last night. We 5 I haven’t seen Lisa for about two weeks. last I about two weeks ago. 6 Your English is better than it was when I last saw you. improved I last saw you. Your English


Vari tempi verbali del passato Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te usando i verbi del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. eat buy go have like listen to meet play read see study watch 0 I was having breakfast 0 We went to France 1 2 3 4 5 6 I used to



at 7 o’clock this morning. last summer. at 9.30 last night. yesterday. for years. never last weekend. but I don’t now.


Vari tempi verbali del passato Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Sono stato in Francia due volte.

I’ve been to France twice. 1 Non sono mai stato negli Stati Uniti. 2 Stavo facendo una doccia quando hai chiamato ieri sera. 3 Non ho visto Anastasia alla festa. Era appena andata via quando sono arrivato lì. 4 Dove sei nato? 5 Sei uscito ieri sera? 6 Sei mai stato nel Regno Unito? 7 Studiamo l’inglese da due anni. 8 Non abbiamo imparato l’inglese nella scuola primaria.

Unità 35: Revisione e potenziamento




Present simple per il futuro The train leaves at 6.35. What time do lessons finish?

A Il present simple Il present simple può essere usato per esprimere eventi futuri quando si riferiscono ad un orario o ad un programma. Tomorrow’s tour begins at 8.30 and finishes at 5.30. The game kicks off at 7.45. What time does the film start? B Be (about) to i Be + infinito può essere usato per riferirsi ad occasioni di tipo formale oppure ad eventi che fanno parte di un programma ufficiale. Si usa spesso anche per riportare notizie ed altre comunicazioni ufficiali. The President is to make an announcement tomorrow. The wedding is to take place in secret. ii Si può usare be about + infinito per esprimere qualcosa che sta per avvenire in un futuro molto immediato. In questo tipo di costruzione, si può aggiungere just per accentuare maggiormente l’imminenza dell’evento. The press conference is about to begin. The shop is just about to close. Nelle risposte brevi si può usare (just) about to senza il verbo. Have you tidied your room? ~ No, but I’m just about to. Hai messo in ordine la tua stanza? ~ No, ma sto proprio per farlo. Vedi unità 37–40 per il present continuous con valore di futuro, be going to e will.

1 Harry sta parlando dell’itinerario del suo viaggio di un giorno a Roma. Scrivi ciò che dice usando i suggerimenti del riquadro e il present simple per il futuro.

Tour itinerary 9.30 10.30 13.30 14.30 17.30 18.30

collect from hotel arrive Rome, sightseeing tour lunch free time coach departs arrive at hotel

we / arrive lunch / be the bus / get the bus / leave the bus / leave we / spend there / be 0 The bus leaves 1 2 3 4 5 6 92

Unità 36

from the hotel at 9.30. in Rome at 10.30. a sightseeing tour until 1.30. at 1.30. Rome at 5.30. back to the hotel at 6.30. a total of seven hours in Rome.

2 Guarda le figure. Per ogni situazione scrivi una domanda con what time o when e rispondi. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro e il present simple per il futuro. the Los Angeles flight / arrive Andy’s party / be Sport Today / start your passport / expire the match / kick off the play / start 0


7.00 8.30 10.00 10.30 11.30


Les Miserables START TIME 7.30pm


i does d the play start? A What time It starts at 7.30. B 1 A MA ROM RSENAL v RO AR Weddnesday 166th March Kick off 8.00 p.m. e Tier wer c 27 Low Block Row: 15 1 Seat: 823




7.00 7.30 9.00 10.00 11.30

FILM Hurricane Sport Today News and Weather Film Review The Late Show

Ch Pat Yo Ha Th

A B 4

Place of birth

MANCHES TER Date of issue

31 MAY 2010 Date of Expiry

31 MAY 2020 A B 5

AA8462 BA569 BA1337 AA817 BS056


Hong Kong Los Angeles Paris Stockolm Moscow

Please come to

Landed arr. 09.30 -

Andy's birthday party 15th May A B

3 Completa le notizie giornalistiche con be to e i verbi in corsivo. 0 1 2 3 4

The president announced today that there is to be an election early next year. be The draw for the first round of Wimbledon on 25th May. take place a press conference this afternoon. give The chief of police Teachers a one-day strike on Wednesday to protest about class sizes. hold The long-awaited Picasso exhibition in February next year. open

4 Completa le frasi con be about to e i suggerimenti del riquadro. just / have dinner just / leave start raining start just / start just / text her 0 1 2 3 4 5

I must turn my mobile off. The lesson is about to start. Quick! The bus Get the umbrella. I think it Sssh! The film Mum, can I have a biscuit? ~ No, we Jane needs to know we’re going to be late. ~ Yes. I

. . . ! .

Unità 36




Present continuous per il futuro We’re meeting at 7.30. Sam’s having a party on Friday. What are you doing tonight?

Il present continuous si può usare per esprimere eventi futuri che sono già stati organizzati o prefissati. I’m seeing Helen this evening. We’re going for a pizza. Pete isn’t coming to the party. What are you doing at the weekend? i Nota che per eventi che sono già stati organizzati o prefissati e che fanno parte di un orario ufficiale o di un programma di eventi si usa il present simple. Vedi unità 36. ii Be going to può anche avere un uso ed un significato simili a quelli del present continuous. Vedi unità 38 per be going to.

1 Completa le frasi usando i verbi del riquadro. collect the kids come back fly to Paris have a party meet play tennis

Don’t forget:

Please come to Harry’s birthday party on 19th July.

2.00 tennis with Sally ol 3.30 collect kids from scho

0 Harry is having a party on 19th July.

2 She Then, she

hi jim, j cu at 8. lynn ly nnee x

1 Jim and Lynne


3 Marco He

I / play you / do on Wednesday? football. We play every Wednesday.

she / come I / see we / go A Do you fancy going for a pizza tonight? B I’d love to, but 2 Lara tonight. 3 round to my house at about 6.30 and then 4 out to see a film.

we / stay you / go we / go A Where 5 B 6 7


Unità 37


Marco, you’re booked on 09.25 flight to Paris tomorrow. Return flight at 18.50. E-ticket attached.

2 Completa i dialoghi con il present continuous dei verbi dei riquadri.

A What 0 are you doing B 1


for your holidays this year? to the USA for a couple of weeks, actually. with my cousin in San Francisco.

. .

we / fly we / not / stay we / come back my cousin / get you / do A 8 B 9 A A weekend in Paris. Nice! B Well, 10 there on Saturday morning and 12

anything at the weekend? married on Saturday. In Paris, actually. very long. 11 first thing on Sunday.

3 Leggi la pagina dell’agenda di Nicole e completa la conversazione telefonica.


Saturday 14

Friday 13th

8.30 meet Orlando at the airport

10.00 meet personal trainer

10.00 fly to Cannes

11.30 get my hair done 1.00 meet Keira for lunch 3.00 audition for Spielberg 5.00 collect Johnny from the studio 8.00 have dinner with Jude

Nicole Hello, Nicole speaking. Angelina Hi Nicole. It’s Angelina. Are you busy on Friday? I’ve got so much to tell you. Nicole I am pretty busy, actually. 0 I’m meeting my personal trainer at the gym at ten. And then, 1 at eleven-thirty. Angelina OK, how about lunch then? Nicole I’d love to, but 2 . Angelina And the afternoon? at three. And then at five Nicole Well, 3 4 . Angelina Dinner? . Nicole Sorry, but 5 Angelina Saturday? Nicole Well, at eight-thirty 6 and then at ten 7 for the film festival. Maybe we can meet one day next week. Angelina I’ll call you. Bye.

4 Scrivi le domande con you per sapere quali sono i programmi del tuo amico / della tua amica. 0 1 2 3 4

go shopping at the weekend? Are you going shopping at the weekend? go out this evening? What / do tomorrow? What / do at the weekend? go on holiday soon?

5 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 4. Usa Yes, I am; No, I’m not; I’m not sure; I’m going to a party ecc. 0 Yes, I am. 1 2

3 4

Unità 37




Be going to per il futuro I’m going to get some milk. Sam isn’t going to be at the meeting. It’s going to rain.

A Uso Be going to ha due usi principali: i per parlare di piani ed intenzioni future, I’m going to get a new mobile. Petra isn’t going to be at the party. Are you going to tell him? ii per formulare previsioni di eventi le cui premesse si manifestano già al tempo presente. Look at the time – we’re going to be late. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day.

B Forma Si usa la forma del presente di be + going to + forma base (infinito senza to). Affermativa

I’m going to watch TV.

She’s going to be late.

We’re going to leave now.


I’m not going to tell you.

Tom isn’t going to be there.

They’re not going to do it.


Am I going to win?

Is she going to buy it?

When are you going to do your homework?

i Spesso si evita di dire going to go perché ripetere il verbo go può suonare male. Si usa invece il present continuous. I’m going to go to bed. Are you going to go to the gym? ii Nell’inglese parlato in contesti informale, a volte going to viene pronunciato H!O!. iii I verbi che vengono usati più frequentemente con be going to per parlare di piani ed intenzioni sono: be, have, do, get, say, take e ask.

C Be going to o present continuous? Be going to e il present continuous possono avere un significato e un uso analogo. Di norma si preferisce usare il present continuous per parlare di azioni che sono state pianificate dettagliatamente e che quindi sono più che semplici intenzioni. Tuttavia, a volte la distinzione tra un’intenzione e un’azione pianificata è meno evidente: in questo caso si più usare sia be going to che il present continuous. I’m going to do my homework tonight. I’m doing my homework tonight. Anche se l’azione è stata pianificata in anticipo, ci sono casi in cui si può usare be going to, in particolare quando l’azione implica l’attività di viaggiare in un determinato luogo. Questo si verifica soprattutto con il verbo see. We’re going to see my cousins at the weekend. I’m going to see a band on Saturday. Vedi unità 37 per altri usi del present continuous per esprimere il futuro.


Unità 38

1 Tutte queste risposte esprimono un’intenzione o una previsione. Completale usando be going to e i suggerimenti in corsivo. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Have you phoned Tom? Not yet. I’m going to do it later. Look. It's started raining. Yes, I know. Are Helena and Debbie coming with us? No. You need to look smart for the interview. Yes, but Your scooter’s making a strange noise. I know. Come on – who were you with last night? I told you before.

I / do it later . I / get an umbrella . they / come later . I / not / wear a tie . Tony / look at it later . I / not / tell you

2 Leggi le situazioni e fai delle previsioni su ciò che accadrà in seguito usando be going to e i suggerimenti del riquadro. Italy / win this / not / be easy it / be expensive I / not / get the job today / be a nightmare we / get wet 0 You open the menu at a restaurant. The prices are very high.

It’s going to be expensive. 1 The score is Italy 3–1 Brazil after 89 minutes. 2 You went to a job interview. It was terrible. 3 You arrive at the airport in the morning. Your flight is delayed until the evening. 4 You are walking in the countryside and it starts raining. 5 You are trying to fix your computer. It’s very complicated.

3 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Scrivi le loro intenzioni usando be going to e i verbi del riquadro. be late drop them rain sneeze

0 I’m going to drop them.

1 It

2 I




3 I think we Unità 38




Will (e shall) per il futuro I’ll email them later. She’ll be twenty next week. David won’t be at the party.

A Uso Will ha due usi principali per riferirsi al futuro: i Per esprimere qualcosa di non pianificato. Questo può essere: r una decisione spontanea (incluse offerte, richieste e promesse), I think I’ll have a coffee. I’ll help you if you like. I won’t forget. t un modo ‘neutro’ di riferirsi al futuro, spesso per esprimere azioni che vengono viste come inevitabili o automatiche. She’ll be sixteen in May. I’ll be at school all day tomorrow. ii Per esprimere previsioni basate su sensazioni oppure su opinioni personali. I think the score will be two nil to Italy. I don’t think you’ll like the film. Vedi unità 61 per l’uso usi di will per supposizioni e comportamenti tipici.

B Forma Si usa will + forma base (infinito senza to). La forma negativa di will è won’t. Affermativa

I’ll call you later.

The gym will be closed for two weeks.


I won’t tell anyone.

It won’t be easy.


Will Kate be at the party?

How long will it take to get to London?

C Will o ’ll? Nell’inglese parlato si usa in genere ’ll (non la forma completa will.) I’ll see you later. The taxi’ll be here in ten minutes. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed. Si usa di norma la forma completa will e will not nei contesti formali e nello scritto oppure per dare enfasi. The library will close at 5.30. I will not tolerate such behaviour.

D I think I’ll … I think I’ll ... ( = penso che + futuro) è un’espressione comune. La forma negativa è generalmente I don’t think I’ll ... (= non penso che + futuro). I think I’ll have a coffee. Penso che prenderò un caffè. I don’t think I’ll go out later. Non I think I won’t go out later. Non penso che uscirò più tardi. E Shall Shall e shan’t si usano solo con I e we. i L’uso di shall/shan’t è di norma guidato dal gusto personale. Alcuni preferiscono usare shall/shan’t dopo I e we, altri invece non usano quasi mai shall/shan’t. I think I shall go to bed. o I think I’ll go to bed. We shan’t be late. o We won’t be late. ii Si usa shall per fare un suggerimento o un’offerta. Shall we go soon? What shall we do today? Shall I help you?


Unità 39

1 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa i verbi in corsivo e un pronome adatto. 0 There’s a knock at the door. get

4 The phone rings. answer

I’ll get it. 1 Your friend’s homework is difficult. help

5 You borrowed €50 from your friend. pay back / soon

2 Someone has a message for your sister. tell

6 Your friend wants to speak to you. call / this evening

3 Your scooter is blocking someone’s car. move

7 Your mother is very tired. cook / dinner

2 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte usando will e i suggerimenti in corsivo. 0 We’re driving to Paris.

How long will it take? 1 I’m going out.

how long / it / take? how long / you / be?

2 Can you call me later? Sure. 3 It’s Claudia’s birthday next week.

you / be / at home at 6.30? how old / she / be?

4 Frank’s having a party on Saturday. it / be / any good? 5 I’ve booked a taxi. when / it / be here? 6 I’m seeing Silvia and Marta tonight. you / say / ‘hello’ from me?

3 Quali sono le tue previsioni per il futuro? Scrivi delle frasi usando will o won’t e i suggerimenti dati. 0 rain tomorrow It will rain tomorrow. 0 think / go out tonight I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. 1 watch TV tonight 2 be sunny at the weekend 3 think / be married by the time I’m 25 4 be a millionaire by the time I’m 30 5 think / Brazil / win the next World Cup 4 Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando will (not) e i suggerimenti del riquadro. space tourism / be he / not resign he / not take part tomorrow / be there / be 0 The president insisted yesterday that he will not resign. 1 Travel industry experts believe that a reality by 2025. 2 a little cooler than today, with the possibility of rain later on. more about the Royal Wedding later in the programme. 3 4 Richard’s injury means in next week’s match against Juventus.

5 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che diventino dei suggerimenti. Usa shall I o shall we. 0 Let’s go out tonight. Shall we go out tonight? 1 Do you want me to help you? 2 Let’s go for a pizza. 3 Do you want us to meet at the cinema? 4 What time do you want me to call you?

Unità 39




Will e be going to I’ll make the coffee. I’m going to get a new phone. It’ll be fun. It’s going to rain.

Be going to e will sono spesso messi a confronto, perché tutte e due le forme possono essere usate sia per esprimere eventi futuri che per fare previsioni. Le differenze fondamentali tra be going to e will sono: i Be going to si usa per parlare di qualcosa di pianificato o che si ha intenzione di compiere prima del momento in cui si parla, mentre will si usa per esprimere decisioni spontanee prese nel momento in cui si parla. I’m going to cook risotto for dinner. ~ I’ll help you if you like. ii Si usa be going to per formulare previsioni fondate su premesse reali che si manifestano già nel presente, mentre si usa will per fare previsioni in base ad una sensazione o ad un’opinione personale. Arsenal are playing well at the moment. It’s going to be a difficult game. ~ I know, but I think it’ll be a draw, 1–1. Look at the traffic. We’re going to be late. ~ Yes, we won’t get there until eight o’clock. 1 Quali delle domande e frasi in corsivo nel dialogo esprime: a b c d

un’intenzione o una decisione presa prima del momento in cui si parla? una decisione spontanea presa nel momento in cui si parla? una previsione basata su dati evidenti? una previsione basata su impressioni o opinioni personali?

Are you going to see Liverpool versus Roma next week? 0 a Yes, I am. Are you? Well, I haven’t got a ticket yet, but I’m going to try to get one. 1 Actually, a friend of my dad’s had a spare ticket. I’ll see if he’s still got it, if you like. 2 Great, thanks. Anyway, both teams are playing pretty well at the moment. Who do you think’s going to win? 3 B Liverpool, of course. I think it’ll be 2–0. 4 A No way. They’ve got some key players out with injuries, so I think it’s going to be closer than that. 5 I think it’ll be a draw, or maybe 2–1 to Liverpool. 6 A B A B A

2 Completa le risposte usando will o be going to e i verbi tra parentesi. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B

How do I download the photos? Just a minute. I’ll show (show) you. Where are you going? To the shops. I (get) some bread. Tea or coffee? I don’t mind. I (have) whatever you’re having.

100 Unità 40

3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Here’s the CD you wanted. Thanks, I (give) it back to you tomorrow. Why do you want to speak to Dennis? I (invite) him to the party. Have you got any plans for the weekend? Yes. I (paint) my bedroom.

3 Completa i dialoghi usando will o be going to e i verbi tra parentesi. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Look at all this traffic! Yes. We’re going to be (be) very late, that’s for sure. We’re going to the Tutankhamun exhibition tomorrow. Oh, you (love) it. It’s fantastic. Look at those clouds! Yeah, I’d say it (rain) pretty soon. It’s already midnight and we’ve still got a lot of work to do. I know. It (be) a long night. We (never / find) my earring. It’s lost forever! No, it isn’t. I’m sure we (find) it soon.

4 Completa i dialoghi usando will o be going to e i verbi del riquadro. ring – be take – be see – see send – come wait – wait get – get – like 0 A B 1 A B A 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B A 5 A B A

The train is delayed by 50 minutes. OK, I’ll ring Tania and tell her that we’re going to be late. Have you got any plans for tonight? the new James Bond film at the cinema. Yes, I Me, too. I you there. this journey ? How much longer We there by about 6.30, I think. They’re 30 minutes late already! How much longer you for them? Well, I another five minutes or so, and them I’m going. Where are you going? To the internet café. I a couple of emails. Oh, with you. I want to check last night’s football results. What you Andy for his birthday? him that new computer game he’s always talking about. I He that!

5 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa alcune espressioni del riquadro oppure altre a tua scelta. watch TV go shopping go for a burger live in another country learn a musical instrument send some emails go to the beach play tennis go for a coffee get married stay at home go out become a millionaire do some schoolwork 0 1 2 3 4 5

I think I’ll go for a coffee I think I’ll I’m going to I think I’ll One day, I’m going to I don’t think I’ll ever

later. tonight. later today. at the weekend. . .

Unità 40 101


41 1

Present continuous e be going to Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. Ana Bianca Ana Bianca

Hi Bianca. 0 Are you doing / Are you going to do anything tonight? Yes. 1 I’m going to see / I’m seeing a film with Hans and Cindy. 2 What are you going to see / What are you seeing? We’re not sure. 3 We’re going to decide / We’re deciding when we get to the cinema. 4 We’re going to meet / We’re meeting outside the ABC cinema at 7.00 if you want to come with us.

Alicia Beppe

You need a haircut! Yes I know. 5 I’m making / I’m going to make an appointment later today.

Alex Ben


Are you going to answer / Are you answering the phone? Sorry, I didn’t realize it was ringing.

Amy Barry


Amy Barry


Revisione e potenziamento (unità 36–40) Forme del futuro

Are you doing / Are you going to do anything this weekend? Yes. 8 We’re going / We’re going to go to Paris. 9 We’re going to fly / We’re flying on Friday morning and 10 going to come back / coming back on Sunday afternoon. That’s nice? Have you booked a hotel? Well, we haven’t booked a hotel. 11 We’re looking / We’re going to look for one when we get there.

Varie forme del futuro Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi: present simple, present continuous, will o be going to. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B A B A 4 A B A 5 A B A 6 A B A 7 A B A

Red or white wine? I don’t mind. I’ll have (have) whatever you prefer. Have you emailed Simona yet? (do) it in a minute. No, I haven’t. I Do you want to go out tonight? Sorry, I can’t. My aunt and uncle (come) round for dinner. Where you (go)? To the shops. I (get) some milk. I think we also need some coffee. (get) some coffee as well. OK, I Be quick. The shop (close) in about ten minutes. Can you lend me €20? Sure, here you are. Thanks, I (pay) you back tomorrow. Why are you putting those old clothes on? I (change) the oil in my scooter. I (help) you, if you like. It’s Bella’s birthday on Friday. We’ve organized a surprise party for her. Don’t worry – I (not tell) her. But I think she (go out) with her family on Friday evening. (be) on Saturday, at my house. That’s OK. The party you (do) anything on Friday evening? Yes. I (see) a band with Carla. They’re called The Change. Do you want to come? I think you (like) them. Great. I (put) it in my diary.

102 Unità 41: Revisione e potenziamento

8 A you (watch) the football tonight? B Yes. Luca and I (go) to the Sports Bar to watch it. Do you want to join us? I think the game (start) at 7.30. A OK, I (see) you there. So, (win), then? who B I don’t know. It (be) pretty close, I think.


Grammatica e lessico: dire l’ora Scrivi le ore in due modi. Scegli tra le espressioni del riquadro. one thirty three twenty four forty-five six thirty-five eight fifty nine-fifteen twenty-five to seven twenty past three quarter to five ten to nine half past one quarter past nine 0




0 three twenty / twenty past three 1 2




3 4 5

Grammatica e lessico: dire l’ora (present simple per il futuro) Guarda le figure, poi scrivi delle frasi usando i suggerimenti in corsivo. Scrivi le ore in due modi (ricorda di usare la preposizione at). 0



7.00 7.00 News 7.30 7.45 Match of the Day: 9.00 n Mila AC v pool Liver 10.00 10.00 Natural World 11.30 10.30 Comedy hour














BUS TIMETABLE > Oxford Depart Arrive

Ch Pat Yo Ha Th


4:35 5:00

5:10 5:35

5:55 6:30

A Christmas Carol

0 The train leaves at four-twenty / at twenty past four. 1 2 3




7.00 8.30 0 10.00 0

the train / leave the bus / leave Match of the Day / start the film / start

Unità 41: Revisione e potenziamento 103



Future continuous e future perfect I’ll be playing tennis at three. Will you be coming by car? We’ll have left by midnight.

A Future continuous: uso Il future continuous si usa per parlare di eventi che saranno in corso in un periodo del futuro. This time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach. We’ll be having dinner at seven-thirty. B Future continuous: forma Si usa will be + -ing. Affermativa

We’ll be driving to the airport at 3.30.


We won’t be using DVDs in ten years’ time.


Will you be using your car this afternoon?

L’azione espressa dal future perfect viene vista a partire da un determinato momento del futuro e può corrispondere in italiano al futuro semplice o al futuro anteriore – a seconda del contesto in cui essa avviene.

C Future perfect: uso Il future perfect si usa per guardare un evento da un punto del futuro. L’evento può essere completato o ancora in corso. I’ll have gone to bed when you get back. Sarò andato a dormire quando rientrerai. They’ll have been married for forty years next month. Il mese prossimo saranno quaranta anni che sono sposati. D Future perfect: forma Si usa will have + past participle. Affermativa

We’ll have been here for ten years in May.


He won’t have left by 6.30.


Will you have finished the report by Friday?

E By Il future continuous e il future perfect si possono usare con by (per/entro) e by the time (per/entro, nel momento in cui). By the end of the 21st century, humans will be living on the moon. Entro la fine del XXI secolo, gli esseri umani vivranno sulla luna. I’ll have got married by the time I’m 30. Prima di avere trent’anni, sarò sposato. Vedi unità 128 per altri usi di by.

F Future perfect continuous Per porre l’enfasi sull’attività si può usare la forma progressiva del future perfect, tuttavia tale uso non è comune. In questo caso, la forma è will have been + -ing. Next week, I’ll have been working here for two years.

104 Unità 42

Nota che nelle frasi con by / by the time in inglese si usa il presente, mentre in italiano si usa il futuro.

1 Francesco e Rosa faranno una gita di un giorno a Oxford. Completa le frasi sui loro impegni in determinate ore del giorno usando le espressioni del riquadro.


travel back to London travel to Oxford have lunch have a tour of the city visit Christ Church College


Itinerary 8.30 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 4.00

– 10.00 bus to Oxford – 12.00 tour of the city – 1.00 lunch – 2.00 visit Christ Church College – 4.00 free time – 5.30 bus to London

At 9.00, they’ll be travelling to Oxford. At 11.00, At 12.30, At 1.30, At 5.00,

0 1 2 3 4

. . . .

2 Completa le frasi spiegando che cosa avranno fatto Francesco e Rosa in certe ore del giorno durante la loro visita a Oxford. Usa le espressioni del riquadro. arrive back in London arrive in Oxford finish the tour of the city have lunch 0 At 10.30, they’ll have arrived in Oxford. 1 At 12.10,


2 At 1.10, 3 At 6.00,

. .

3 Ecco alcune previsioni per i prossimi 100 anni. Completa le frasi usando il future continuous o il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 By 2020, everyone will be driving (drive) electric cars. 1 By 2020, we (have) holidays on the moon. 2 Fifty years from now, average human life-expectancy (increase) to about 100. 3 By 2050, a man (give) birth. And by the end of the century, we routinely (grow) babies in laboratories. 4 By 2050, humans (land) on Mars, and by the end of the century we (start) colonizing the planet. 5 By the end of the century, food (become) a thing of the past and we (live) entirely on pills. 6 By the year 2100, we (make) contact with aliens and we (communicate) with them on a regular basis. 4 Che cosa farai nei periodi di tempo indicati? Che cosa avrai fatto entro i periodi di tempo indicati? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te. 0 I’ll be watching TV at 7.30. in half an hour. 1 2 at 7.30 tomorrow morning. 3 this time tomorrow. on Sunday afternoon. 4 0 I’ll have finished my school project 5 6 7 8

by the end of the day. by the end of the week. by this time next year. by the time I’m 30. by the time I’m 60.

Unità 42 105



Frasi al futuro con congiunzioni di tempo I’ll phone you when I get there. Will you say good-bye before you go?

Quando ci si riferisce al futuro, di norma si usa un tempo presente dopo when, before, as soon as ecc. I’ll phone you when I arrive. Ti telefonerò quando arrivo. I’ll talk to you again before I leave. Ti parlerò di nuovo prima di partire. i Si può anche usare il present continuous, specialmente con while. I’ll read my magazine while I’m waiting. Leggerò la rivista mentre aspetto. ii È anche possibile usare il present perfect se si vuole mettere in evidenza che un’azione (quella al present perfect) si concluderà prima di un’altra. You can have the book when I’ve read it. Shall we go for a walk when it’s stopped raining? iii In questo tipo di frasi, la posizione della frase principale e quella della subordinata è intercambiabile. Tuttavia, se la frase iniziale è introdotta da una congiunzione di tempo, si pone una virgola fra le due frasi. When I know, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you when I know. iv Le congiunzioni di tempo usate in tale modo sono: when (quando), while (mentre), as soon as (non appena), after (dopo), before (prima), until (fino a), the moment (nel momento in cui), the minute (nell’istante in cui), the second (proprio nell’istante in cui), by the time (al momento in cui, entro), the next time (la prossima volta). Vedi unità 161 e 163 per altri usi di before, after, when e while.

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

I phone / ’ll phone you y as soon as we get / will get to the hotel. I give / ’ll give you the money when I next see / will see you. Before you go / ’ll go, I show / ’ll show you the photos. I email / ’ll email you when I have / ’ll have a moment. The second I hear / ’ll hear anything, I let / ’ll let you know. Don’t worry. We don’t eat / won’t eat until you get / ’ll get here. I send / ’ll send a few emails while I'm waiting / ’ll be waiting at the airport.

2 Completa le frasi con il tempo corretto dei verbi in corsivo. 0 I’ll call you when I get back from my holiday. call, get back 1 I think I to bed when the film . go, finish 2 As soon as we where to go, we you. decide, text 3 Before you , you me a hand? go, give 4 you Dan a message when you to him later? give, speak 5 I Peter about the party the next time I him. ask, see

106 Unità 43

3 Osserva l’ordine in cui avvengono queste azioni e completa le frasi coniugando i verbi al tempo verbale corretto. 0 we make a decision I tell you As soon as we make a decision, I’ll tell you. 1 I give you my email address I leave before 2 I get to the hotel I call you as soon as 3 he gets back I ask him to call you the minute 4 I have a spare moment I help you When , 5 the exams are over I’m really happy when 6 I see you I show you my new mobile the next time

. . . . . .

4 Completa le frasi con i suggerimenti in corsivo e il tempo verbale corretto: present simple, present perfect o present continuous. Il significato delle congiunzioni temporali (when, the moment ecc.) ti aiuterà. 0 I’m going to watch TV when we’ve had dinner. we / have dinner 1 I’ll tell you the moment . I / hear any news 2 I’ll give you the DVD back when . I / watch it 3 I’ll get something to eat while . I / wait for the train 4 Can you give this to Bill the next time ? you / see him 5 We need to leave before . it / be too late . 6 I’m going to mend my scooter when I / have the time 7 I’ll think of you next week while ! I / lie on the beach ? 8 Can I look at your paper when you / read it 5 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I’ll get a new computer when I’ve saved enough money. 1 I’ll get a new mobile when 2 I’ll get a job when 3 I’ll be really pleased when 4 I’ll stop learning English when

. . . .

Unità 43 107



Was/were going to, was supposed to ecc. I was going to call you. It was supposed to be a surprise.

A Uso Le seguenti strutture si possono usare per parlare di azioni che si aveva intenzione di compiere o di eventi che ci si aspettava avvenissero nel passato, ma che non sono effettivamente avvenuti. i was/were going to I was going to tell him, but I didn’t see him. We were going to go for a walk, but it started raining. ii was/were supposed to, was/were meant to, was/were due to You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. He wasn’t meant to know about the party. The train was due to leave at 6.30. iii was/were to The meeting was to start at 8.30, but it was delayed. In genere si usa was/were to per parlare di eventi concordati in modo formale. Questa struttura si usa di frequente nei notiziari e in contesti simili.

B Would Would si può usare per parlare di un evento del passato, che può essersi o non essersi effettivamente verificato. I knew you’d pass – well done! I really thought he’d pass his driving test – I’m surprised he didn’t. Il verbo sul quale cade l’enfasi intonativa è l’indicatore che rivela se l’evento si è o non si è verificato. I THOUGHT it would rain. = It did rain. I thought it would RAIN. = It didn’t rain. He SAID they would win. = They did win. He said they would WIN. = They didn’t win. 1 Completa le frasi usando was/were going to e le espressioni del riquadro. go to the concert go for a pizza make an omelette not rain record the programme 0 1 2 3 4

We were going to go for a pizza He I They The weather forecast said it

, but we went for some Indian food instead. , but there were no eggs. , but I forgot to set the DVD recorder. , but the tickets had sold out. , but it’s pouring down.

2 Rispondi usando was/were going to, but … e le espressioni del riquadro. I forgot. Sorry! I was too tired it started raining it was too expensive she was too nervous we went for a burger instead 0 1 2 3 4 5

Did you go to the party? I was going to, but I was too tired. Did they go for a walk? Did you buy that book? Did he cook dinner for you? Did she ask him to dance? Did you email me that photo?

108 Unità 44

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando le parole in corsivo. 0 We had planned to go to the beach, but it was a bit too cold. going We were going to go to the beach, but it was a bit too cold. 1 They didn’t arrive at 5.30 as planned. supposed but they didn’t. They 2 People said our new teacher was unfriendly, but he’s really nice. meant but he’s really nice. Our new teacher 3 The plan was to start the meeting at 3.30 but it was delayed. due The meeting but it was delayed. 4 I expected him to be late and he was. would I thought and he was. 5 I hoped to talk to him, but I didn’t get the chance. going I but I didn’t get the chance.

4 Descrivi le figure usando i verbi del riquadro. mean / be easy due / arrive at 9.45 go / go swimming not suppose / rain go / catch suppose / be in room 6 0






0 He was going to go swimming. 1 The flight 2 The exam

. .

3 The meeting 4 They 5 It

. . .

5 Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando was/were to e i verbi del riquadro. meet play restart take place 0

Torrential rain put a stop to the game after twenty minutes. The game was to restart at 2.30, but at 2.25 the rain started again.



3 The two leaders in Washington, but the terrorist alert forced the location to be changed at the last minute.

The band in Paris last night, but the mysterious disappearance of singer Kurt Richards meant the show had to be cancelled.

The wedding at a secret location, but the paparazzi had been following the couple for weeks. Unità 44 109


45 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 36–44) Tutte le forme del futuro

Present simple, present continuous, will e be going to Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa le parole del riquadro e il tempo verbale corretto: present simple, present continuous, will o be going to. fall get it have a party help you play tennis start 0






0 1 2 3 4 5

I ’ll get it. Help! I The film I I Valentina

110 Unità 45: Revisione e potenziamento

. at 8.30. at 4.30. . on Friday.


Will, future continuous e future perfect Completa i testi con la forma verbale corretta dei verbi tra parentesi: will, future continuous o future perfect.




Future forecasts

Reality or fantasy? Here are some predictions about scientific developments over the next 500 years. Grow me a heart Medical science predicts that in a few years we 0 will be (be) able to re-grow damaged body parts. At first, it 1 (be) possible to re-grow only fingers and toes, but the treatments 2 (advance) so that the regeneration of whole arms and legs and even organs such as the lungs or heart 3 (become) possible.

Life on Mars By the end of the century, we 4 (start) colonizing Mars and humans 5 (travel) between the two planets on a daily basis. The colonization 6 (be) essential for the future of the human race in case of natural or man-made catastrophes on earth.

Talk to the animals Scientists claim that by the end of the century, we 7 (communicate) with animals. Experts believe it 8 (be) possible to ‘translate’ animals’ thoughts and emotions into human terms. It is predicted that there 9 (be) a huge rise in the number of people becoming vegetarian.

The end of humans? Scientists believe that by the middle of the current millennium, society 10 (become) so complex and so dependent on information technology that computers 11 (make) most of the decisions. Eventually, the decisions 12 (become) so complex that humans 13 (not be able) to make them at all. At this stage, computers 14 (be) in control and they 15 (replace) humans as the most advanced ‘organism’ on earth.

Unità 45: Revisione e potenziamento 111


Varie forme del futuro Andy sta raccontando a Bianca come trascorrerà il suo anno sabbatico (gap-year) prima di iniziare l’università. Completa il dialogo scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. Bianca Andy Bianca Andy Bianca Andy Bianca Andy

Bianca Andy

Bianca Andy

Bianca Andy Bianca Andy

Hi Andy. How are things? Great, but I’m very busy at the moment planning my gap-year. Oh yes, I forgot you were taking a gap-year. 0 What will you do / What are you going to do ? Well, 1 I’m going / I go to Australia. Lucky you! 2 When will you go / When are you going? At the end of October. 3 I’ll have gone / I’m going for 6 months. Nice. And 4 what are you going to do / what do you do over there? Well, first 5 I’m going to spend / I’ll have spent a couple of weeks in Sydney. I’ve got a friend who lives there, so 6 I stay / I’ll be staying with him and his family. And 7 I’ll probably go / I’m probably going to the Blue Mountains for a few days while 8 I’ll be / I’m there. They’re not very far from Sydney. After that, 9 I’ll travel / I’m going to travel by bus across the country to Perth. I think 10 it’ll take / it’s taking me about a month to get there. Sounds great. Have you already booked places to stay or 11 are you looking / are you going to look for places as you go? 12 I‘m going to find / I’m finding somewhere once I get to each place. I don’t think 13 I‘ll have / I’m having any trouble – there are loads of cheap hotels. But even so, I think 14 it’s being / it’s going to be a bit of an adventure. Yeah, it sounds like 15 you’ll have / you’re having a great time. And 16 what do you do / what are you going to do in Perth? Well, 17 I’m going to spend / I spend Christmas with my aunt and uncle, who live over there. And then 18 I teach / I’m going to teach English. My aunt has arranged a job for me in a local language school. 19 It starts / It will start in January. And when 20 I won’t be working / I’m not working, 21 I’ll enjoy / I’ll be enjoying the Australian summer. So I guess that while 22 I’ll be going / I’m going to lectures each morning, 23 you’ll lie / you’ll be lying on the beach enjoying the sun. Well, if everything goes to plan, that’s exactly what 24 I’ll be doing / I’ll do. And when did you say 25 you’ll come back / you‘re coming back? In May or June. I’m sure 26 I’ll be having / I’ll have had enough sun, sea and sand by then!

112 Unità 45: Revisione e potenziamento


Varie forme del futuro Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 I’m intending to buy a new mobile. going I’m going to buy a new mobile. 1 I had intended to play tennis, but it’s raining. going I , but it’s raining. 2 What do you suggest we do tomorrow? shall What tomorrow? 3 I’ll get to the hotel and then I’ll phone you. when I’ll phone you the hotel. 4 We’ll be in the middle of dinner at 7.30. having We at 7.30. 5 Next Friday is our tenth wedding anniversary. married Next Friday, for ten years.



Varie forme del futuro Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Andiamo a vedere il nuovo film di James Bond stasera.

We’re going to see the new James Bond film tonight. 1 A che ora inizia il film? 2 Invierò un’email a Vincenza appena arrivo a casa. 3 Ti presterò il libro quando l’avrò letto. 4 Mio fratello si sposa la settimana prossima. 5 Domani a quest’ora starò facendo l’ultimo esame. 6 Domani pomeriggio avrò finito tutti gli esami.


Grammatica e lessico: forme del futuro e cancel, postpone, delay Abbina i verbi alla traduzione in italiano. 1 cancel 2 postpone 3 delay

a rinviare b cancellare c posticipare

Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 4 5 6

The election was due to take place next month, but it has been cancelled / postponed d until February. The match was supposed to kick off at 3.00, but the start was cancelled / delayed for twenty minutes. The meeting was going to be this Friday, but they postponed / cancelled it until next Tuesday. The concert was delayed / cancelled due to lack of interest. Anyone with tickets can obtain a full refund. 7 Flight BA346 was due to arrive at 16.45, but it has been cancelled / delayed until 17.30.

Unità 45: Revisione e potenziamento 113


46 1

Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Andrea 0 Have you ever been (go) to the UK? 1 Frida Yes. I (go) there last year, actually. Vito

Oh no! I 2


Yes, I 5

Toni Paula


Guido Linda

Ben Jenny Chloe Liliana


Revisione e potenziamento (unità 1–44) Tutti i tempi verbali

Yes. She

(think) I 3 (lose) my wallet. 4 (see) it anywhere? (see) it next to the phone this morning. 6 (look) there? you

(know) where Katrina is? (be) in the library. She 9



Yes. I 11 I 13 15


(do) her homework.


(see) Katie recently? (see) her this morning, actually, while I 12 (walk) to school, but 14 (not speak) to her then. In fact, I (not speak) to her for weeks.


No. She 16 18


(speak) to Valeria at the party last night? (already leave) when we 17 (get) there.



Yes. I 19 We 21 Great. I 22

Tom Marta Tom

Oh no! I 23 Don’t worry. I 24 Thanks. I 25

Julio Emily

How long 26 We 27 we 29

(do) anything tonight? (go) for a pizza with Svetlana. 20 (meet) outside school at 7.00. (see) you there.


(want) to come?

(leave) my money at home. (lend) you some. (pay) you back tomorrow. you (live) here? (move) here when I 28 (be) about four, so I guess (be) here for about ten years now.

Completa l’articolo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

FRANCE IS THE MOST VISITED TOURIST DESTINATION France 0 continues (continue) to be the world’s most visited country with around 80 million visitors a (be) at the top of the year. The country 1 World Tourist Organization’s annual survey ever since (be) the survey began in 1950. Paris 2 the country’s most visited city and the Eiffel Tower 3 (remain) the city’s top attraction. Spain, the United States and Italy 4 (be) the second, third and fourth most visited (become) destinations, and all three 5 more popular every year. However, the country that 6 (currently / see) the greatest increase 7 (be) China. The number of in tourists

114 Unità 46: Revisione e potenziamento

(increase) by visitors to the country 8 almost 50% since the year 2000 and it is predicted (become) the world’s top that China 9 tourist destination by the year 2020. According to the WTO, about three-quarters of a (travel) abroad each year billion people 10 (generate) and international tourism 11 over half a trillion dollars per year. (vote) In a separate survey, travellers 12 the Pantheon in Rome as the world’s best free tourist (include) attraction. Others in the list 13 the National Gallery in London, Notre Dame in Paris and St Mark’s Basilica in Venice.


Leggi l’articolo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

Phelps wins historic eig ghth gold g B

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



makes has won sets swim won enters has been have been is standing doesn’t know go want were does are ever see


made won is setting swims was winning was entering was being were being has stood don’t know goes wants was being was doing is are ever seeing


was making was winning set swam has won had entered was was stand hasn’t known are going am wanting had been has done had been will ever be seeing


had made had won was setting was swimming had won had been entering were were stands haven’t known there was have wanted has been had done was being will ever see

Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m going to see my grandparents

at the weekend. last night.

At 7.30 this morning,

. recently. for ages. tonight.

This time tomorrow, One day,

. . at the moment.

Unità 46: Revisione e potenziamento 115



Passivo (present simple e past simple) The computers are backed up every hour. I wasn’t invited to the party.

A Uso Il passivo si usa per esprimere un’azione che qualcosa o qualcuno subisce. La forma attiva invece si usa per esprimere un’azione che qualcuno o qualcosa compie. Forma passiva Oranges are grown in Spain. My bag was stolen. Arsenal were beaten by Juventus.

Forma attiva They grow oranges in Spain. Someone stole my bag. Juventus beat Arsenal.

Nota che il soggetto di una frase passiva (oranges, my bag ecc.) è il complemento oggetto della frase attiva. i Nella maggioranza dei casi si usa il passivo quando non si esprime chi o cosa compie l’azione. Ciò avviene di norma perché la persona o l’oggetto che compie l’azione è ovvio, sconosciuto, non importante oppure non si vuole specificare. Millions of emails are sent every day. My bike was stolen. ii Quando si vuole esprimere chi o cosa compie l’azione, il nome della persona o cosa è preceduto da by, che equivale all’italiano ‘da’ per introdurre il complemento d’agente o di causa efficiente. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by Shakespeare. The car is powered by solar energy.

B Forma Si usa la forma appropriata di be + participio passato. Affermativa

Cricket is played in India. The rooms were cleaned yesterday.


The Euro isn’t used in the USA. David wasn’t told about the meeting.


Are the rooms cleaned every day? When were these photos taken?

La forma negativa completa is not, were not ecc. si può usare in situazioni formali e per accrescere l’enfasi. Credit cards are not accepted. I was not told about the changes. Vedi pagina 416 per un elenco completo del past participle dei verbi irregolari.

C Passivo con get A volte si può usare get invece di be al passivo. Si usa di norma get nell’inglese parlato informale, in particolare per eventi che non sono pianificati o sono inaspettati. I got sacked last week. Sono stato licenziato la scorsa settimana. We got stopped by the police. Siamo stati fermati dalla polizia. Vedi unità 48 per il passivo con altri tempi verbali.

116 Unità 47

1 Completa il testo con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

A brief history y of the inte ernet ernet was

developed p

2 Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle domande alla forma passiva. 0 when / the first Harry Potter book / publish

When was the first Harry Potter book published? 1 where / the 2010 World Cup / hold 2 when / the first text message / send 3 how often / the Olympics / hold 4 when and where / the bicycle / invent 5 in which country / ‘Thanksgiving’ / celebrate 6 who / The Complete English Grammar / publish by

3 Scrivi risposte complete per le domande dell’Esercizio 2 usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. In 1992 in 1997 in 1839 in Scotland every four years by Oxford University Press in South Africa in the United States 0 It was published in 1997. 1 2 3

4 5 6

4 Completa le frasi alla forma passiva usando get e i verbi del riquadro. beat not blow down break recycle stop 0 1 2 3 4

I’m afraid a window got broken Luckily, the fence I was driving too fast and I Not enough rubbish We didn’t win the game. In fact, we

at the party. in the storm last night. by the police. . 5–1. Unità 47 117



Passivo (altri tempi verbali) The game has been cancelled. My computer’s being fixed.

Al passivo si possono usare diversi tempi. Si usa il tempo adatto di be + participio passato.

A Present e past simple Credit cards are accepted here. Our website is updated daily. The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand. We weren’t told about the meeting.

Nota che in inglese si usa la forma progressiva al passivo per azioni in corso di svolgimento. My scooter is being serviced at the moment. Non My scooter is serviced at the moment.

B Present e past continuous My car is being serviced at the moment. The houses are being renovated. The room was being cleaned when I arrived. C Present e past perfect I’ve been invited to Sabina’s party. Has the computer been fixed? The room had been tidied before we arrived. The windows hadn’t been cleaned for ages. D Be going to e verbi modali My scooter’s going to be serviced next week. The new sports centre will be opened by the mayor. I will not be spoken to like that! Can the island be reached by boat? The report should be submitted by Friday at the latest. i Nota che con be going to e i verbi modali si usa l’infinito al passivo: be serviced, be opened ecc.

ii Si può anche usare la forma dell’infinito passato: have been serviced, have been opened ecc. The computers should have been fixed this morning, but there was a problem. 1 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. 0 Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975.

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen

in 1975.

1 About 95% of all computer users use Microsoft software. computer users. 2 A phone company employee sent the world’s first text message in 1992. by a phone company employee in 1992. 3 Someone is repairing my computer at the moment. at the moment. 4 People aged between 14 and 25 send most text messages. aged between 14 and 25.

118 Unità 48

5 You can download a lot of music for free. for free. 6 You can translate most web pages automatically. automatically.

2 Che cosa sta accadendo nelle figure? Scrivi delle frasi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro e il present continuous passivo. the children / tell off the room / paint my scooter / service the windows / clean

0 The room is being painted.




3 Guarda le figure e completa le frasi con la forma passiva corretta. 0

CUP FINAL POSTPONED The Cup Final has been postponed.

EIFFEL TOWER TO BE DEMOLISHED NEXT YEAR The Eiffel Tower is going to be demolished next year.


Dali painting stolen A Dali painting


20 killed in bus crash Twenty people




USE BEFORE 15 MAY The eggs must


4 Ann’s flight 5

. She’s still in London.

International moonbase to be built by 2020 An international moonbase




. Unità 48 119


49 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 47–48) Il passivo

Passivo: present e past simple Completa il testo usando la forma passiva del present simple o del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.

Americ can English g spellin p ng g were made


Passivo: vari tempi verbali Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 Uruguay won the first football World Cup. won The first football World Cup was won by Uruguay in 1930. 1 The Chinese invented sunglasses about a thousand years ago. invented Sunglasses about a thousand years ago. 2 You can buy most things on the internet these days. bought the internet these days. Most things 3 They have held the modern Olympics every four years since 1896. held The modern Olympics years since 1896. 4 NASA is planning a manned flight to Mars. planned A manned flight to Mars NASA. 5 People make more than 200 million internet searches each day. made More than 200 million each day.

120 Unità 49: Revisione e potenziamento


Passivo: vari tempi verbali Leggi i testi e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

Performance halted by mobile

Mobiles go back to the future

When a mobile phone C during a

They can play music, connect to the internet and take photographs and videos, but today’s mobile phones are simply too complicated for many older people. In response, a new telephone 7 which has none of these added extras; you can make and receive calls and nothing more. The PhoneMe Simply, which 8 mainly for the over 55s, is twice the size of most of today’s mobiles and has a large screen and large buttons. Features such as battery and signal strength 9 in words rather than by symbols, which 10 older users. In Japan, a similar phone which went on sale last year became the fastest selling mobile this century.

performance of The History Boys at New York’s Broadhouse Theatre last night, lead actor Robert Griffiths 1 the scene and shouted at the offending audience member, ‘You 2 to turn them off by the stage manager; he 3 you it was against the law. If we hear one more phone, the performance 4 .’ The law to which Griffiths referred is a ban on using mobiles in all theatres, museums, galleries and libraries in New York, which 5 in 2003. Violators of the law 6 $50.

0 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 A T


rings stops told told cancels passed fine introduced designs explains can confuse


is rung stopped are told is told is cancelled is passed is fined has been introduced were designed is explained can be confused


rang is stopped was told was told will cancel was passed are fined is introduced was designed explained is confused


was rung was stopped were told were told will be cancelled were passed were fined was introduced designed are explained are confused

Passivo: vari tempi verbali Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Stanno riparando il mio computer in questo momento.

My computer’s being fixed at the moment. 1 Il vetro è prodotto dalla sabbia. 2 La Coppa del Mondo del 2010 si è tenuta in Sud Africa. 3 Il mio cellulare è stato rubato. 4 Perché è stata cancellata la riunione? 5 I libri di Harry Potter sono stati scritti da JK Rowling.


Grammatica e lessico: be born Be born è un esempio di forma passiva. Completa le frasi indicando dove o quando sono nate queste persone. 0 My brother was born in Rome in 2001. 1 I . 2 My mum . . 3 My dad Unità 49: Revisione e potenziamento 121



Passivo (doppio complemento e soggetto impersonale) We were given lots of homework. It can be reached by boat.

A Verbi con doppio complemento Alcuni verbi possono avere due complementi. Si possono avere due strutture sia nella forma attiva sia in quella passiva. Nota che alla forma passiva uno dei due complementi diventa soggetto. Attiva

The judges awarded Jim the prize. The judges awarded the prize to Jim.


Jim was awarded the prize. The prize was awarded to Jim.

Quando si usa la forma passiva, la struttura con la persona all’inizio della frase è normalmente la più usata (Jim was awarded ...), in particolare in contesti informali e nelle conversazioni. La seconda struttura (The prize was awarded to … ) di norma è usata in contesti più formali. Vedi unità 95 per altri usi dei verbi con doppio complemento.

B Soggetto impersonale Quando ci si riferisce alle ‘persone in generale’ in inglese si preferisce di norma la forma attiva usando i pronomi personali soggetto come you, we, they o people in senso impersonale, senza usare la forma passiva. Tale uso avviene per lo più in situazioni informali, in particolare nelle conversazioni. Osserva i seguenti esempi. You can buy tickets in advance. Tickets can be bought in advance. They say broccoli is good for you. Broccoli is said to be good for you. People don’t use this road much. This road isn’t used much. 1 Completa le frasi usando i suggerimenti dei riquadri. Nelson Mandela an American charity Fabio Cannavaro Zinedine Zidane a $37 billion donation the Nobel Peace Prize FIFA footballer of the year the red card 0 Fabio Cannavaro

FIFA footballer of the year 1

was awarded FIFA footballer of the year was awarded to Fabio Cannavaro was awarded

in 2006. in 2006. in 1993 for

his stand against apartheid. was awarded to

in 1993

for his stand against apartheid. 2

was given


businessman Warren Buffet in 2005. was given to


businessman Warren Buffet in 2005. was shown


in the 2006

World Cup Final. was shown to World Cup Final.

122 Unità 50

in the 2006

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando le parole date. 0 The teacher gave us lots of homework. We were given lots of homework. 1 Oxford University has offered him a place to study English. He 2 They didn’t give us enough time to finish the exam. We 3 My mother is teaching me French. I 4 Someone sent the email to the wrong person. The email 5 They sent it to Alison by mistake. It

at Oxford University. . . . .

3 Riferisci le informazioni come se fossero fornite in una conversazione informale. Inizia con le parole date. 0 A bridge joining the UK and France is going to be built. They are going to build a bridge joining the UK and France. 1 Life has been discovered on Mars. They . 2 Seats for the first passenger trips to the Moon can already be booked. You . 3 The Great Wall of China can’t actually be seen from space. You . 4 Five portions of fruit and vegetables should be eaten each day. We . 5 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is going to be demolished next year. . They

4 Riscrivi i titoli di giornale in due modi: (a) usando la forma passiva così come accadrebbe in un giornale e (b) iniziando con They così come faresti per riportare la notizia oralmente a qualcuno. 0

Stolen Picasso found a The stolen Picasso has been found. b They’ve found the stolen Picasso.


Gene for language learning discovered .

a A gene b 2






Unità 50 123



Strutture passive impersonali It is thought that he is going to resign. Their new album is considered to be their best yet.

A Uso Si possono usare strutture passive di discorso indiretto per riferire le opinioni di dominio pubblico. Queste strutture sono di norma usate in contesti formali come i notiziari e in contesti scientifici ed accademici. It has been reported that 20 people were injured in the explosion. Si riporta che 20 persone sono state ferite nell’esplosione. B Forma i Le due principali strutture passive di discorso indiretto sono: r It + verbo passivo + that It is believed that the president will resign. It has been claimed that life has been found on Mars. r Soggetto + verbo passivo + infinito Depp’s latest film is said to be his best yet. The film is expected to break all box-office records. Nota che si possono anche usare altre forme dell’infinito. Footballer David Moody is rumoured to be dating Hollywood star Keira Kingston. Twenty prisoners are reported to have escaped from Bullingdon prison last night. ii Tra i verbi usati più frequentemente nelle strutture di discorso indiretto si trovano: accept, allege, assume, believe, claim, consider, expect, fear, hope, know, recommend, report, rumour, say, suggest, think, understand. r Hope, recommend e suggest sono di norma usati solo per la prima struttura: It is hoped/ recommended/suggested that. r Supposed to può avere un significato simile a quello di said to, thought to o believed to. Supposed si usa solo con la struttura soggetto + verbo passivo + infinito. Women are supposed to be better drivers than men. Si suppone che le donne siano guidatrici migliori degli uomini. 1 Sottolinea la forma passiva impersonale in questi testi. 0

It is rumoured that Prince Henry and his pop star girlfriend Bryony James have separated. It is thought that the news was revealed after a close friend of the Prince accidentally sent a private email message to the wrong address.


2 At least fifty people are believed to have died in yesterday’s fire at a shopping centre in Los Angeles. It is thought that the fire was started deliberately. 3

It has been reported that humans have already set foot on Mars. It is claimed that two astronauts spent ten hours on the planet as part of a secret US mission. NASA is believed to be planning a further mission to take place next year.

124 Unità 51

The football world is in crisis after it was reported that last year’s World Cup final was fixed. It is claimed that the referee was paid €1 million to influence the game. Football’s governing body, FIFA, is expected to release a statement later today.

2 Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando la struttura passiva impersonale adatta e i verbi tra parentesi. 0

It is believed that (believe) the president is going to resign. He is expected to announce (expect / announce) his immediate resignation at a press conference later today. 1 As the freezing temperatures continue, (recommend) homeowners keep their central heating on during the night.

2 A prisoner has escaped from Leeds high-security prison. Jim Jones, who is serving five years for robbery, (say / be) highly dangerous. (think) Jones escaped by jumping over the prison wall during an exercise period.

3 (hope) Formula One driver Larry Harris will compete in next week’s Italian Grand Prix after his recent illness. The 28-year-old (say / be) desperate to get back behind the wheel after being out of action for over six weeks.

4 The damage caused by last week’s hurricane / be) much worse than expected. thousand homes were destroyed by the winds.

(believe (now / fear) over fifty

5 (understand) a new operating system will be released by a leading software company next year. The software company (expect / reveal) the name of the operating system on its website at midnight tonight.

3 Riscrivi questi brani di conversazione usando be supposed. 0 They say the new James Bond film is the best ever.

The new James Bond film is supposed to be the best ever. 1 They say Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. 2 They say the Japanese diet is good for you. 3 They say English is an easy language to learn.

Unità 51 125



Have/get something done I’m having my computer fixed. Where do you get your hair cut?

A Uso L’espressione have something done si usa in due modi: i Per dire che qualcuno fa qualcosa per noi. In particolare, ci si riferisce a quando si fa in modo che qualcuno faccia qualcosa per noi, spesso in qualità di servizio. Si può anche usare get something done in contesti informali, soprattutto nel parlato. We’re having the house decorated at the moment. Stiamo facendo imbiancare la casa in questo momento. I’m going to get a key cut. Faccio duplicare una chiave. ii Per dire che ci accade qualcosa di inatteso o spiacevole. In questo caso normalmente non si usa get something done. I’ve had my passport stolen. Mi hanno rubato il passaporto.

B Forma Si usa have/get + complemento oggetto + participio passato. have/get

something (complemento oggetto)

done (participio passato)


’m having

my car


Where do you


your hair




the windows


last week.



his bike


the other day.

You need to


your car



1 Guarda le figure e scegli la frase corretta.

0 a The players are taking their photo. b The players are having their photo taken. ✓

2 a She’s painting her nails. b She’s having her nails painted.

1 a He’s fixed his computer. b He’s had his computer fixed.

3 a She’s searching her bags. b She’s having her bags searched.

126 Unità 52

4 a He’s going to clean his car. b He’s going to get his car cleaned.

5 a He’s stolen his scooter. b He’s had his scooter stolen.

2 Immagina di aver scritto questi appunti. Scrivi che cosa accadrà ciascun giorno della prossima settimana. 0 On Monday, I ’m having my new computer delivered. 1 On Tuesday, I . 2 On Wednesday, we . 3 On Thursday, I 4 On Friday, I .


Next week Monday - new computer delivered Tuesday - broadband installed Wednesday - new TV delivered Thursday - scooter serviced Friday - hair cut

3 Scrivi dei consigli usando You need to get e i suggerimenti del riquadro. scooter / check windows / clean hair / cut eyes / test

0 You need to get your windows cleaned








Unità 52 127


53 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 47–52) Forme del passivo

Passivo e attivo: present e past simple Completa le frasi con la forma attiva o passiva del present simple o del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Google – a brief history 0 Google began (begin) in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page, a student at Stanford University, USA. 1 Page (soon / join) by Sergey Brin, a close friend and also a research student at Stanford. 2 The name ‘Google’ (originate) from a misspelling of ‘googol’, which is the name of the number 10100 (one followed by a hundred zeros). 3 The domain name (register) by Page and Brin on th (launch) on the World Wide September 15 1997 and Google Web shortly afterwards. 4 The word ‘Google’ quickly (find) its way into everyday language and the verb ‘to Google’ (add) to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006. 5 On the Google search page, the logo (often / modify) to celebrate special occasions such as public holidays, anniversaries or major sporting events. These (know) as ‘Google Doodles’. 6 Today, Google (process) around 200 million internet searches a day.


Passivo: vari tempi verbali Completa i testi con la forma passiva del tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi.

News in brief A winning argument A pizza restaurant 0 has been ordered

(order) to pay Amy

Moore of Brooklyn, New York, $15,000 after she slipped on a soft drink and 1

(knock) unconscious. The restaurant

owner protested against the award as the beverage was on the floor because Ms Moore had thrown it at her boyfriend two minutes earlier during an argument. However, the judge ruled that the restaurant was at fault because the drink should 2 immediately. Ms Moore


(clean up) (ban) from the restaurant for life

for her ‘unacceptable public behaviour’. Plane lands upside down A pilot has escaped injury after his light aircraft landed upside down. 56-year-old Ewan Jones crash-landed yesterday in a field in north Wales. It 4 Mr Jones

(think) that the plane was experiencing fuel problems. 5

he 6

(help) from the aircraft by a local farmer and (then / take) to Wrexham Hospital with just a few

cuts and bruises. A North Wales Fire Service spokesman said, ‘The pilot 7

down. The pilot 8

128 Unità 53: Revisione e potenziamento

(force) to land due to fuel problems but he landed upside (not hurt) in the incident. It’s a miracle.’

Queen’s head for sale The original artwork of the Queen’s head which appears on UK stamps 9

(rediscover) over 40 years after it


(first / produce). The 46 x 41cm design


(find) by chance in a cupboard in the artist’s studio in

the family home. It 12


(sell) next month in an auction and it


(expect) to reach at least £10,000. The image


(reproduce) on more than 320 billion stamps since 1968.

Passivo: vari tempi verbali Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

‘La Gioconda’ C

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


painted believed to be born thought she was created invented is taken bought took moved stole walked believes to be valued 13 A will never sell 14 A is attracting


has painted is believed is born thought to be are created is invented was taking has bought has taken was moved was stealing was walking is believed to be valued B is never sold B attracts


was painted believes to be was born is thought to be were created was inventing took has been bought was taken has moved was stolen was walked is believed valued C will never be sold C is attracted


has been painted is believed to be were born is thought to have been was created was invented was taken was bought has been taken has been moved was being stolen has walked believed to be valued D will be never sold D is being attracted

Unità 53: Revisione e potenziamento 129


Passivo: vari tempi verbali Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of The Rings in the 1950s. by The Lord of the Rings was written by JRR Tolkien in the 1950s. 1 Peter Jackson directed The Lord of The Rings films. by Peter Jackson. The Lord of The Rings films 2 You must not use your mobile in the museum. used Mobile phones in the museum. 3 Someone has stolen Antonella’s bike. has Antonella’s bike stolen. 4 It is expected that the film will win the Oscar for best picture. to The film the Oscar for best picture. 5 When did Rome hold the Olympics? held When in Rome? 6 Tickets can be booked online or by phone. book or by phone. You



Passivo: vari tempi verbali Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Stanno imbiancando la nostra casa in questo momento.

Our house is being decorated at the moment. 1 Mi farò tagliare i capelli alle 3.30. 2 La Ferrari SpA è stata fondata nel 1929. 3 Hanno rubato la bicicletta a Paolo. 4 I giochi olimpici del 2008 si sono tenuti a Beijing. 5 Quando è stato introdotto l’Euro?


Have/get something done Completa i dialoghi usando la forma corretta di have/get something done e i suggerimenti del riquadro. it / deliver it / service a new one / cut your hair / cut 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B

I’ve lost my house key. Don’t worry. I’ll get a new one cut this afternoon. ? Where At that hairdresser’s on Green Street. I was at the supermarket for over an hour today! You should use the internet. We do our shopping online each week and to the house. 3 A Can I borrow your scooter this afternoon? B Sorry, but I at the garage today. You can borrow my bike if you want.

130 Unità 53: Revisione e potenziamento


Grammatica e lessico: crimini Abbina i verbi alla traduzione in italiano. 1 2 3 4


break into steal break vandalize

a b c d

danneggiare rompere fare irruzione rubare

Grammatica e lessico: have something done + crimini Guarda le figure e descrivi i crimini commessi usando i verbi dell’Esercizio 7 e le parole in corsivo.




0 1 2 3

We’ve had our windows broken. I I We

our windows . my bike . my car . our flat

Unità 53: Revisione e potenziamento 131



Can, could e be able to (abilità e possibilità) He can speak Italian. I couldn’t find my keys. I was able to fix my bike.

A Can: uso i Si usa can (potere/saper fare) e can’t (non potere/non saper fare) per parlare di abilità e capacità in generale. Sara can swim. I can’t play the guitar. ii Si può anche usare can (potere) and can’t (non potere) per dire che qualcosa è possibile oppure che non è possibile. You can book tickets online. I can’t go out tonight – I’m busy. iii Si può anche usare can’t (non riuscire a) per indicare non riuscire, non avere successo nel fare qualcosa. I can’t find my keys.

B Can: forma i Can è un verbo modale, e come tutti i verbi modali non cambia forma ed è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. He can swim Non He cans swim. She can ski. Non She can to ski. ii La forma negative è can’t. (Si può anche usare cannot in contesti più formali.) He can’t swim. Non He doesn’t can swim. iii Non si usa con do/does nelle domande. Can he drive? Non Does he can drive? iv Le riposte brevi alle domande sono Yes, she can.; No he can’t. ecc.

C Could Di solito si usa could e couldn’t per le forme del passato di can e can’t. I could swim when I was three. We could see the sea from our hotel room. I couldn’t go out last night – I was busy.

132 Unità 54

D Could e was / were able to Si usa was/were able to, non could, per parlare di una situazione particolare del passato in cui il significato è ‘riuscire a’, ‘farcela a’. We didn’t have a map, but we were able to find the house.

E Be able to i Si può a volte usare be able to come alternativa a can per parlare della possibilità nel futuro. Be able to è di norma usato in contesti più formali o per essere più indiretti o più cortesi. I won’t be able to go to the party I’m afraid. I can’t go to the party I’m afraid. Will you be able to give me a lift to the station later? Can you give me a lift to the station later? ii Si usa be able to con un tempo perfect. I’ve been able to ski since I was six. Nota che in italiano si usa spesso il presente indicativo per esprimere la capacità di fare qualcosa. Can you play tennis? Giochi a tennis?

Occorre inoltre fare attenzione a non confondere l’uso di can per le abilità (saper fare) con know (sapere). Can you swim? Sai nuotare? Do you know the title of the latest Harry Potter book? Sai il titolo dell’ultimo libro di Harry Potter?

Vedi anche unità 55 (can per esprimere permesso) unità 56 (can per richieste e offerte) e unità 14 (uso di can con verbi relativi ai sensi).

1 Scrivi delle frasi vere per te sulle tue abilità usando i verbi del riquadro. Usa can o can’t nelle frasi 1–3 e could o couldn’t nelle frasi 4–7. cook play ride speak speak speak swim use 0 I can speak 1 2 3

English. German. the piano. pasta.

4 5 6 7

English when I was ten. a bike when I was six. a computer when I was five. when I was three.

2 Scrivi delle domande relative alle figure usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. Poi dai risposte brevi usando can o can’t. you / book online he / find his keys you / pay in euros they / see the band she / rollerblade he / sing

0 Can you pay in euros? ~ Yes, you can.











3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3

My computer had a problem, but I could / was able to fix it in the end. You’ve left the oven on! I thought I could / was able to smell gas. The train was really busy, but eventually we could / were able to find two seats. I couldn’t / wasn’t able to swim until I was about six.

Unità 54 133



Can, can’t e be allowed to (permessi e proibizioni) Can I park here? You can’t smoke in here. You’re not allowed to take photographs.

A Uso e forma Si usa can (potere) e can’t (non potere) per dire che qualcosa è o non è permessa. Ciò può verificarsi in questi casi: i Secondo regole e leggi ufficiali ecc. You can leave school when you are seventeen. You can’t smoke in public buildings. Nota che spesso si usa you col significato di ‘gente in generale’. ii Permesso accordato o richiesto. You can leave when you’ve finished. Can I go out tonight, Mum?

B Passato Il passato di can e can’t per dire che cosa era o non era permesso è could e couldn’t. In the UK, women couldn’t vote until 1925. Before then only men over 21 could vote. Si usa be able to per il present perfect. Women have been able to vote since 1925.

C Be allowed to Si può usare la forma passiva be allowed to per porre l’enfasi sul fatto che si sta parlando di una regola. Are you allowed to wear jeans to school? Avete il permesso di indossare jeans a scuola? I wasn’t allowed to play computer games when I was younger. Non avevo il permesso di giocare con i videogiochi quando ero più piccolo. 1 Spiega il significato dei cartelli usando You can o You can’t. KEEP OFF THE GRASS

walk on the grass.


turn right.




134 Unità 55




0 You can’t

take photos.


pay in euros.

park here.


use your mobile.

2 Completa i dialoghi relativi alle leggi inglesi e americane usando can(’t) o could(n’t). Alex Ben

Alex Ben Alex Ben Alex Ben Alex Ben Alex Ben Alex Ben Alex Ben

What are the laws concerning alcohol in the UK? Well, in general you 0 can’t buy or drink alcohol if you’re under 18. But I think you 1 drink wine or beer in a restaurant with a meal when you’re 16, but only if you are with an adult. And in the USA? drink alcohol in the USA until you’re 21. Well, you 2 3 you? I didn’t know that. 4 you smoke in public buildings in the UK? . But you 6 until 2007. How about in the USA? No, you 5 It depends on the state, but I think it’s banned in most places. And is there a minimum age you 7 buy cigarettes in the USA? Again, it depends on the state. In most states it’s 18, but it’s 19 in some. And how about in the UK? In the UK, you 8 buy cigarettes if you’re under 18. I think you 9 buy them at 16 a few years ago though. you vote in the UK? At what age 10 11 You vote when you’re 18. That’s the same as the USA, isn’t it? Yeah, it is. And when were women allowed to vote in the USA? I think it was 1920. Yeah, I think it was about the same time in the UK, but for the first ten years only women over 30 12 vote. You know, there are still a few countries where women 13 vote.

3 A partire da quale età è consentito compiere le seguenti azioni in Italia? Usa You can … when you’re … . 0 vote You can vote when you’re 18. 1 vote to elect a senator 2 buy alcohol 3 buy cigarettes 4 drive a car 5 ride a scooter 6 leave school 4 Usa i suggerimenti dati per formare delle domande. At school 0 allow / use your mobile Are you allowed to use your mobile? 1 allow / wear jeans 2 can / wear jewellery 3 allow / go home early At home 4 can / watch TV whenever you like 5 can / choose when to go to bed 6 people / allow / smoke

5 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 4. Usa Yes, you are. ; No, I can’t. ecc. 0 No, you aren’t. 1 4 2 5 3 6

Unità 55 135



Can, could e would (richieste e offerte) Can I help you? Could you wait a moment? Would you like something to eat?

A Richieste i Il modo più comune di fare una richiesta è con can o could. Could è in genere più cortese o più formale di can. Can you help me for a minute? Puoi aiutarmi un attimo? Could you open the window, please? Potresti aprire la finestra, per piacere? Can I borrow your pen? Posso prendere in prestito la tua penna? Could I open the window? Potrei aprire la finestra? ii Se si vuole essere più indiretti, gentili o formali si può usare Do/Would you mind …? Do you mind waiting a few minutes? Le dispiacerebbe aspettare alcuni minuti? Do you mind if I open the window? Le dispiacerebbe se aprissi la finestra? Would you mind giving this book to Jane? Le dispiacerebbe dare questo libro a Jane? Would you mind if I opened the window? Le dispiacerebbe se aprissi la finestra? Nota l’uso del passato con Would you mind if …? iii Per chiedere oggetti si usa Can I have …? e Could I have …? Can I have the TV remote? Posso avere il telecomando della TV? Could I have a receipt, please? Potrei avere la ricevuta, per favore? In un negozio o in un bar si dice in genere ciò che si desidera + please. Quando si ordina del cibo, si può anche usare I’ll have … . A café latte, please. Un latte macchiato, per favore. I’ll have the risotto. Prendo il risotto.

B Offerte Si possono fare offerte in diversi modi. Alcuni dei modi più comuni sono: i Do you want (me to) …? e Would you like (me to) …?. Would you like …? è di norma più cortese o formale di Do you want …? Do you want something to drink? Vuoi qualcosa da bere? Would you like me to help you? Vorresti che ti aiutassi? Nota che non si usa that dopo Do you want …? e Would you like …? Would you like me to come with you? Non Would you like that I come with you? ii Si può anche usare I can …, I’ll …, Can I …? e Shall I …? Spesso si usa I’ll … e I can … con if you like. Can I help you? Posso aiutarti? I’ll make the coffee if you like. Farò il caffè se ti fa piacere. iii Si può anche usare Let me … . Let me help you. Lascia che ti aiuti.

136 Unità 56

1 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa Can …? o Could …? e le espressioni del riquadro. check my emails close the window have the dictionary have your name give me a hand pass me the sugar

0 Can I have your name?






2 Riscrivi le richieste in modo da renderle più indirette, cortesi e formali usando Do you mind …? o Would you mind …? 0 Can I sit here? Do you mind if I sit here? 1 Can I use your phone? Do ? 2 Can you help me? Would ? 3 Can I leave early today? Do 4 Can you pick me up at my house? Would 5 Can I open the window? Would

? ? ?

3 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? 0 Offer your friend a drink. Would you like a drink? 1 Offer your friend something to eat. Do 2 Offer to make the coffee. Would 3 Offer to cook dinner I 4 Offer to give your friend a lift. Can

? ? if you like. ?

5 Offer to put a CD on. Shall 6 Offer your friend some chocolate. Would 7 Offer to help your friend. Let 8 Offer to help your friend. Do 9 Offer to do the washing-up. I’ll

? ? . ? . Unità 56 137



Must e have to (obblighi) You must be on time. You mustn’t be late. You don’t have to go.

A Must e mustn’t Si usa must (dovere) per dire che qualcuno è obbligato a fare qualcosa. You must arrive on time. Devi arrivare in orario. We must win this game. Dobbiamo vincere questa partita. La forma negativa mustn’t (non dovere) si usa per dire che qualcuno è obbligato a non fare qualcosa. La forma non contratta must not si può usare in contesti piuttosto formali e per enfasi. You mustn’t be late. Non devi essere in ritardo. You must not feed the animals. Non devi dare cibo agli animali. Vedi le unità 59 e 62 per altri usi di must.

B Have to Have to ha un significato molto simile a quello di must e spesso i due verbi sono intercambiabili. I must fix my computer. o I have to fix my computer. Devo aggiustare il mio computer. Tuttavia, per dare enfasi al fatto che l’obbligo è ‘esterno’, cioè è imposto da qualcun altro o da qualche forza esterna, di norma si usa have to. I have to give a presentation at school tomorrow. Devo fare una presentazione a scuola domani. I don’t want to leave, but I have to. Non voglio andarmene, ma devo. Nota che have got to costituisce un’alternativa a have to e viene comunemente usato nei contesti informali, prevalentemente nella lingua parlata. I’ve got to go now. Adesso devo andare.

C Don’t have to Si usa don’t have to (non dovere, non essere obbligato a) per dire che qualcuno non è obbligato a fare qualcosa. We don’t have to wear a uniform at school. Non dobbiamo indossare una divisa a scuola. D Forma Must è un verbo modale, e come tutti i verbi modali non cambia forma è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. He must leave. Non He musts leave. He must leave Non He must to leave. E Passato Si usa had to come passato sia di must sia di have to. I had to go to Rome last week. Ho dovuto andare a Roma la scorsa settimana. Did you have to reinstall the program? Hai dovuto reinstallare il programma? Didn’t have to è il passato di don’t have to. We didn’t have to go to school yesterday. Non abbiamo dovuto andare a scuola ieri.

138 Unità 57

Mustn’t esprime una proibizione ed equivale in italiano a ‘non devi’, mentre don’t have to equivale a ‘non è necessario’. You don’t have to use a pencil. You can use a pen if you prefer. Non è necessario che tu usi una matita. Puoi usare una penna se preferisci. You mustn’t use a pencil. You have to write in ink. Non devi usare una matita. Devi scrivere con l’inchiostro.

1 Riferisci le informazioni contenute nella pagina web usando must o mustn’t.

r Ya g

UK MOTORING REGULATIONS When driving a car in the UK, remember: ©It is the law …

©It is against the law …

0 to have a valid driving licence

4 to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs

1 to have valid insurance

5 to use a mobile phone while driving

2 to be at least 17 years of age

6 for under 12s to sit in the front

3 for all passengers to wear a seatbelt For more information, click here

0 You must have a valid driving licence. 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Riscrivi le informazioni contenute negli avvisi e cartelli usando You have to, You mustn’t o You don’t have to. 0


12 0 You have to 1 2 3 4 5




Purchase not necessary








£$€ HERE


be at least 12 years old. feed the animals. buy anything. fasten your seatbelt. pay in pounds. turn off your mobile.

3 Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa che risulta essere più naturale al contesto. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Must you / Do you have to go to school on Saturdays? Yes, we do. Must you / Do you have to wear a school uniform? No, we don’t. I can’t come out tonight. I must / ’ve got to visit my grandmother. Oh, that’s a shame. Must you definitely / Have you definitely got to go? Late again! Sorry, but I must / had to go to the doctor’s. Have you seen Lara recently? No, I haven’t. We really must / have to get in touch with her, though. What time must we / do we have to be at school for the trip tomorrow? I think the coach is leaving at 6.30. You mustn’t / don’t have to be late, or they’ll go without you. Unità 57 139



Need, needed e don’t need to (necessità) I need a drink. I needed to make a phone call. You don’t need to be there until 6.30.

A Uso Si usa need (dovere, necessitare, avere/esser(ci) bisogno, occorrere) per dire ciò che è necessario o è richiesto. Si può usare: i need + nome I need a drink. Ho bisogno di una bevanda. ii need + infinito I need to finish my work. Devo finire il mio lavoro. iii need + complemento oggetto + infinito I need you to help me. Ho bisogno che tu mi aiuti. iv need + forma -ing del verbo Your room needs tidying. La tua camera deve essere messa in ordine.

B Forma Need è un verbo regolare. i Si usa I/you/we/they need e he/she/it needs. Il passato è needed. I need to leave. She needs to leave. They needed to leave ten minutes ago. ii Il verbo ausiliare do si usa per le forme negative e le domande. I’m OK. I don’t need any help. We didn’t need to leave until 5.30. Does the car need washing? Did you need any money?

C Needn’t e needn’t have i Si può anche usare needn’t come alternativa a don’t/doesn’t need to. We needn’t leave until 5.30. = We don’t need to leave until 5.30. ii Si può anche usare l’espressione needn’t have + past participle come alternativa a didn’t need to. You needn’t have bought me a present. = You didn’t need to buy me a present.

D There’s no need Si può usare l’espressione There’s no need to … . There’s no need to hurry – we’re not late. Non c’è bisogno di affrettarci – non siamo in ritardo. There’s no need to get any milk – we’ve got some. Non c’è bisogno di prendere del latte – ne abbiamo un po’.

140 Unità 58

Nota la differenza tra needn’t, che equivale in italiano a ‘non è necessario’, e don’t have to = ‘non c’è obbligo di’ fare qualcosa. You needn’t buy any milk. You bought some yesterday. Non devi (= non è necessario) comprare del latte. Ne hai comprato un pò ieri. You don’t have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike. Non devi (= non c’è obbligo di) usare il casco quando vai in bicicletta.

1 Di che cosa hanno bisogno queste persone? Scrivi delle frasi usando le parole del riquadro. a drink a shower a new mobile some help

0 He needs a drink.




2 Completa le frasi usando la forma adatta di need e i verbi tra parentesi. 0 I'm tired. I think I need to go (go) to bed. 1 Can I use your computer? I (check) my emails. 2 If you haven’t got an exam in the morning, you (not come) to school. But you (be) here in the afternoon. 3 I fixed my computer. I (reinstall) the program. 4 A What (you buy) in town? B Oh, I (get) a birthday present for Paula. She’s 16 on Friday. 5 A There’s no (hurry.) We’ve got lots of time. B Yes, but we (make sure) we’re not late – the traffic will be bad. 3 Scrivi una frase per ogni figura. Usa need + -ing e le parole dei riquadri. the car the grass his hair her room cut


0 The grass needs cutting.




tidy wash

Unità 58 141



Must, might, could e can’t (certezza e deduzione) He must be hungry. They might have missed the bus. You can’t be serious!

A Must e can’t i Si usa must (dovere) quando si è sicuri che qualcosa sia vero. You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry. Non hai mangiato tutto il giorno. Devi avere fame. You must be joking! Devi stare scherzando! ii L’opposto di must è can’t (non potere). Si usa can’t quando si è sicuri che qualcosa sia impossibile. You’ve just eaten three burgers – you can’t still be hungry. Hai appena mangiato tre hamburger – non puoi avere ancora fame. You can’t be serious! Non puoi fare sul serio!

B Might, could e may i Si usano might o could (potrei, potresti ecc.) quando si pensa che qualcosa sia possibile. Might e could hanno lo stesso significato quando sono usati in questo modo. Si può usare anche may, di norma, in contesti più formali. It might rain later. Potrebbe piovere più tardi. This could be Jim’s coat, but I’m not sure. Potrebbe essere il cappotto di Jim, ma non ne sono sicuro. There may be a slight delay. Ci potrebbe essere un leggero ritardo. ii Nota che non si usa mai can in questo modo. It can rain later. La forma negativa è might not oppure may not. It might not rain later. Potrebbe non piovere più tardi. We may not get there in time. Potremmo non arrivare lì in tempo. Nota che non si usa mai couldn’t in questo modo. It couldn’t rain later.

C Forma Must, might, may, could e can’t sono verbi modali, e come tutti i verbi modali non cambiano forma e sono seguiti dalla forma base del verbo. He must leave. Non He musts leave. It might rain later. Non It might to rain later. D Forma del passato La forma del passato è must, might, may, could e can’t + have + participio passato. Julie wasn’t at the meeting. She must have forgotten about it. Julie non era alla riunione. Deve averlo dimenticato. Peter’s not here yet. He might have got lost. Peter non è ancora qui. Potrebbe essersi perso.

142 Unità 59

1 Guarda la stanza di Mario: che cosa puoi dedurre sui suoi gusti e preferenze? Completa le frasi usando He must, He might o He can’t.

0 He must 1 2

like football. play the guitar. play in a band.

3 4 5

have a scooter. be English. be interested in sport.

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando might (not), must o can’t. 0 It’s possible that it will rain later. It might rain later. 1 I’m sure there’s a mistake. 2 It’s possible we’ll be late. 3 It’s possible Sara won’t go to the party. 4 I’m sure that’s not his car. 3 Completa le frasi usando must be o can’t be e i suggerimenti del riquadro. he / out that / right you / serious you / hungry you / joking 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Shall we go to the beach?

You can’t be serious!

It’s pouring with rain.

I haven’t eaten since breakfast. . The bill is €30. ! We only had two coffees! He isn’t answering the phone. . Try his mobile. Have you ever done a bungee jump? A bungee jump?


4 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 This afternoon, I might go shopping. 1 Tonight, I might 2 Tomorrow, I might not 3 At the weekend, I might 4 One day, I might

. . . .

5 Rescrivi le frasi usando la forma del passato del verbo modali in corsivo. 0 It’s possible they missed the bus. could They could have missed the bus. 1 It’s possible they have got lost. might 2 I’m sure they have gone out. must 3 Maybe they got lost. could 4 It’s possible that Tom didn’t get your email. might not

Unità 59 143



Gradi di certezza (bound to, sure, possible ecc.) It’s bound to rain. I’m sure you’ll like it. It’s possible we’ll be late.

Si possono esprimere diversi gradi di certezza usando verbi modali come must e might. I diversi gradi di certezza si possono anche esprimere in diversi modi: i Think/expect/suppose/imagine/guess/doubt (penso/mi aspetto/suppongo/ immagino/credo/dubito) I think he lives here. Credo che viva lì. I expect we’ll go by car. Mi aspetto che andremo tutti quanti in macchina. I imagine you’ll have a great time. Immagino che ti divertirai. I doubt it will rain. Dubito che pioverà. Nota che, quando si usa un’espressione negativa con think, si dice in genere I don’t think ... . I don’t think Sam is here. Non I think Sam isn’t here. ii Perhaps/maybe (può darsi/forse) Perhaps he gave you the wrong number. Può darsi che ti abbia dato il numero sbagliato. Maybe we’ll go to Greece this year. Forse andremo in Grecia quest’anno. iii Possibly/probably/definitely (possibilmente/probabilmente/sicuramente) Tom’s possibly going to be late. Tom può essere in ritardo. I’ll probably go out tonight. Stasera probabilmente uscirò. The game definitely starts at 3.00. La partita inizia sicuramente alle 3.00. iv It’s possible/probable/(un)likely (that) … (È possibile/probabile/(im)probabile (che)...) It’s possible we’ll be late. È possibile che saremo in ritardo. It’s unlikely that he’ll win. È improbabile che vinca. v Be bound/certain/sure to/(un)likely to … (essere destinato/certo/sicuro di/ (im)probabile che...) It’s bound to rain later. Pioverà di sicuro più tardi. They’re sure to be late. Sono certi di arrivare in ritardo. The cost is likely to be about €1000. Il costo è probabilmente di circa €1000. vi Be certain/sure/positive (that) … (essere certo/sicuro/convinto (di, che)) He’s certain that you’ll like it. È sicuro che ti piacerà. I’m sure it’ll be a nice day. Sono certo che sarà una bella giornata. Nota che si può usare not in due modi con diversi significati. Confronta le seguenti frasi. I’m sure it won’t snow. Sono sicuro che non nevicherà. I’m not sure it will snow. Non sono sicuro che nevicherà. Vedi unità 59 per l’uso dei modali per esprimere diversi gradi di certezza.

1 Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B

Anna’s not here – where is she? Oh, she’s bound b d / possible to be late – she always is! My emails to Frank aren’t being delivered. Likely / Maybe you’re using the wrong address. Are you going away at the weekend? I think we aren’t / I don’t think we are – my parents are so busy at the moment.

144 Unità 60

3 A B A 4 A B A 5 A B

Are you going on holiday this year? Yes. We’re likely / probably going to the UK. And you? No plans yet, but I’m bound / sure we’ll go somewhere. I’ve got my driving test this afternoon. Wish me luck! I’m sure / likely you’ll be fine. I doubt / unlikely it – I’ve only had one lesson! Is the concert likely / probable to be sold out? No, I’m not sure it will / I’m sure it won’t be. I imagine / sure you’ll be able to get a ticket.

2 Che cosa sono questi oggetti? Scrivi delle frasi in cui fai delle ipotesi più o meno sicure usando Perhaps o I’m sure. Usa le parole del riquadro. bottle coin fork key knife light bulb memory stick mobile pencil saw spoon toothpaste watch wheel 0






0 Perhaps it’s a key. 1 2

3 4 5

3 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa le parole dei riquadri. possible likely unlikely 0 1 2 3 4

It ’s likely I’ll It It It It

go to university. get married one day. live in a different country. be a multi-millionaire one day. become famous.

possibly ’m sure doubt 0 5 6 7

I doubt I’ll I I I

have pasta for dinner tonight. watch TV tonight. go out tonight. go to bed before midnight.

bound likely unlikely 0 8 9 10

It’s unlikely Fiorentina Italy Italy

to rain tomorrow. win this year’s Serie A. qualify for the next World Cup. have a woman president one day.

Unità 60 145



Will e would (supposizioni e comportamenti tipici) That’ll be the postman. The car won’t start. I’d usually go out at the weekend.

A Uso e forma Si usa spesso will per riferirsi al futuro. Comunque, si usa will anche per parlare del presente. i Per fare supposizioni o trarre conclusioni sul presente. That’ll be James at the door. Questo sarà James alla porta. The car won’t start. La macchina non vuole partire. I imagine Helen’s plane will have arrived by now. Immagino che l’aereo di Helen sarà arrivato adesso. Hurry up! Lavinia will be waiting for us. Sbrigati! Lavinia ci starà aspettando. ii Per parlare di comportamenti prevedibili o tipici, come abitudini. After school, I’ll usually watch TV for an hour or so. Dopo la scuola, vedo di solito la TV per un’ora o giù di lì. Nota che questo specifico uso di will è analogo a quello del present simple quando si parla di azioni abituali; tuttavia la differenza è che will si usa quando si vuole porre l’enfasi su un’azione che è frutto di un comportamento tipico o prevedibile e non un ‘fatto’.

B Would Si usa would come forma al passato di will. Sorry I’m late. The car wouldn’t start. Mi spiace di essere in ritardo. La macchina non voleva partire. As a child, I’d spend hours playing computer games. Da bambino, stavo delle ore a giocare con i videogiochi. Vedi unità 39 e 40 per will con significato futuro. Vedi unità 23 e 56 per would e used to. Vedi unità 102 e 103 per l’uso di would nei condizionali.

1 Riscrivi le seguenti affermazioni in modo che diventino supposizioni. Usa will o won’t. 0 Sara has passed her driving test. She’s really pleased. Sara has passed her driving test. She’ll be really pleased. 1 I’ll get the phone. It’s Jake. I’ll get the phone. 2 Come on! Sebastian is waiting for us. Come on! 3 Patrick failed his exam. He isn’t pleased. Patrick failed his exam. 4 There’s a problem with my computer. It’s that new software. There’s a problem with my computer. 5 Samuel’s at the door. He’s forgotten his keys. Samuel’s at the door. 6 The dog's barking. There's someone at the door. The dog's barking.

146 Unità 61

2 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa ’ll o won’t e le espressioni del riquadro. not be cheap be Jenny be the postman be a birthday card

0 That’ll be the postman.

1 It

2 They



3 This


3 Pensa a tre persone che conosci. Scrivi una frase su dove saranno o che cosa staranno facendo in questo momento. Scegli tra le persone del riquadro e scrivi delle frasi usando will. mum dad brother sister boyfriend girlfriend 0 My mum will be doing some shopping at the moment. 1 2 3

4 Riscrivi le riposte dei dialoghi. Usa will o would per sottolineare che queste affermazioni esprimono un comportamento tipico o prevedibile. 0 A Do you go out much? B I generally go out two or three times a week.

I’ll generally go out

two or three times a week.

1 A Do you use your phone for texting much? B I generally send about ten text messages a day. about ten text messages a day. 2 A How often do you change your mobile? B I usually get a new one about once a year. about once a year. 3 A What do you do in the evenings? B Most evenings, I watch a bit of TV. Most evenings, 4 A Do you read comics? B Not any more. But as child, I read them all the time. Not any more. 5 A Computers are so reliable these days. B Yes. My first computer crashed all the time. Yes.


all the time.

all the time. Unità 61 147



Should, ought to, must e had better You should work hard. They ought to win easily. He’d better not be late.

A Should: uso Should (dovrei, dovresti) e shouldn’t (non dovrei, non dovresti) si usano in tre modi principali: i Per dire ciò che si pensa sia la cosa corretta da fare. Si usa spesso per dare consigli e suggerimenti. You should stop smoking. Dovresti smettere di fumare. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. Non dovresti mangiare così tanti dolci. Should I phone her? Dovrei chiamarla? ii Per fare correzioni. You wrote ‘.com’. It should be ‘’. Hai scritto ‘.com’. Dovrebbe essere ‘’. iii Per dire ciò che ci si aspetta che avvenga. If the traffic’s OK we should arrive at about 11.30. Se il traffico è scorrevole, dovremmo arrivare alle 11.30 circa.

B Should: forma i Should è un verbo modale, e come tutti i verbi modali non cambia forma ed è seguito dalla forma base. He should drink more water. Non He shoulds drink more water. You should work hard. Non You should to work hard. ii La forma del passato è should have + participio passato. We got lost. We should have taken a map. Ci siamo persi. Avremmo dovuto portare una cartina. You shouldn’t have told him! Non avresti dovuto dirglielo!

C Ought to Si può spesso usare ought to con lo stesso significato di should. You ought to stop smoking. Dovresti smettere di fumare. Italy ought to beat France. L’Italia dovrebbe battere la Francia. D Must Si può usare must per dare consigli e suggerimenti. You must see the new James Bond film. Devi vedere l’ultimo film di James Bond. You really must visit Oxford. Devi davvero visitare Oxford. E Had better Si usa had better per dire ciò che pensiamo sia la cosa corretta da fare. Il significato di had better è generalmente più forte di quello di should. We’d better go now or we’ll miss the bus. Dovremmo andare ora o perderemo l’autobus. You’d better not be late. Faresti bene a non arrivare in ritardo. = Non dovresti arrivare in ritardo.

148 Unità 62

Nota che had better corrisponde in italiano alle espressioni: ‘dovrei’, ‘farei bene/meglio a’ nonché all’ espressione impersonale: ‘sarebbe bene/ meglio a/che...’ ecc. You’d better buy a new car. Sarebbe bene che ti comprassi una nuova macchina.

1 Dai consigli e suggerimenti usando le parole in corsivo e le espressioni del riquadro. eat so much junk food get a more powerful one get a part-time job go to the dentist go up the Eiffel Tower take an aspirin 0 I’ve got a headache. ought to

You ought to take an aspirin. 1 I’ve got toothache. should 2 I’ve got no money. had better 3 I never have any energy. shouldn’t 4 My computer is too slow. ought to 5 We’re going to Paris soon. must

2 Completa le frasi. Usa should o should have e i suggerimenti del riquadro. .org €6.80 1861 ‘at’ arrive at 5.30 be hot tomorrow win worked harder


n 6. See you o



0 It should be ‘at’



, not ‘on’.




4 It


Arrival time: 5.30

. Garibaldi Italy was unified in 1881 was 1 It

, not 1881.


€4.50 + €2.30 = €6.90 2 It

, not €6.90.


. 19.00 News 19.30 The Big Match: Juventus v Chievo 22.00 FILM Alien Invasion 23.45 Football highlights

Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage

3 It


, not .com.

7 Juventus

19.00 19.30 20.30 22.00 23.30

Ch Pat Yo Ha Th

. Unità 62 149



Espressioni con i modali Do you want to come? ~ I might as well. How did it get broken? ~ I couldn’t help it.

Ci sono numerose espressioni che includono verbi modali. Alcune delle espressioni più comuni comprendono: I can’t believe it! Non posso crederci! You can’t be serious! Non puoi fare sul serio! I can’t be bothered. Non mi interessa. I couldn’t help it. Non ho potuto farne a meno. I couldn’t tell you. Non potevo dirtelo. I couldn’t agree more. Non potrei essere maggiormente d’accordo. I couldn’t care less. Non potrebbe importarmi di meno. You must be joking! Devi stare scherzando! = Stai scherzando! You must be mad! Devi essere pazzo! I might as well. Potrei anche. You might have told me! Avresti potuto dirmelo! (Nota che l’accento intonativo cade su told.) I should have known. Avrei dovuto saperlo. You shouldn’t have! Non avresti dovuto! How should I know? Come potrei saperlo? (Nota che l’accento intonativo cade sul soggetto I.) 1 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Scegli tra le espressioni del riquadro. I can’t be bothered. I can’t believe it! I couldn’t help it. You might have told me! You must be mad! You shouldn’t have!

0 A present! You shouldn’t have!


1 No way!

3 98%!

150 Unità 63

. I’ll just stay here.

4 It’s not a fancy dress party?

5 Sorry,


2 Completa le battute di B con le parole in corsivo e un’espressione adatta. 0 A B 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B

We’re going for a coffee. Do you want to come with us? might I might as well. I’ve got nothing else to do. I’ve got a spare ticket for the gig tonight. Do you want it? might You might have told me! I’ve just bought one! We need to finish the report by Friday. must ! We’ll never get it done by then. What a brilliant film! couldn’t ! It was absolutely fantastic! Who’s that over there? couldn’t . I’ve never seen him before. Italy lost 4–0. can’t ! Against England! Did you break the glass? couldn’t . It just fell out of my hand, sorry. Paul’s told everyone about you and Louisa! should . He just can’t keep a secret. Do you want a game of chess? might . There’s nothing on TV. There’s some football on TV tonight. couldn’t . I hate football. Who broke the window? should ? I wasn’t here at the time.

3 Reagisci all seguenti affermazioni e domande usando le espressioni di pagina 150. 0 I’m going to do a parachute jump. You must be mad! 1 Italian food is the best in the world. 2 What’s the fifth biggest city in the UK? 3 I’m going to swim across the Mediterranean Sea. 4 What happened? How did you spill your drink?

Unità 63 151


64 FCE 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 54–63) Verbi modali

Forme del presente Leggi i testi e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

BRENT UNIVERSITY Your interview Your interview is at 2.30 on Monday 14th February. attend at this time, please inform You 0 D contact us to confirm this, but if you 1 us as soon as possible so we 2 arrange another time. to make sure that the interview is on time, but On the day, we will do all we 3 sometimes you 4 have to wait. If you fail to attend your interview, you 5 6 be offered another interview. Where to go When you arrive at the university you 7

contact us within seven days or you

report to the main reception.

What to bring You 8 bring your exam certificates and your ID card or passport. These 9 the original documents and not photocopies.


Coming to your university interview If you plan to come by car, please allow plenty of time for parking as spaces 10 be difficult to find and you 11 need to park some distance from the university main park in the university car park as this is for permit-holders only entrance. You 12 and your vehicle 13 be clamped. take the number 5 bus from the city centre. This bus stops Alternatively, you 14 at the university main entrance.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


must not cannot could must may can must not had better could must cannot have to do not have to can ought to


cannot could not can would can will cannot should need to can can should do not need to is likely to are likely to

152 Unità 64: Revisione e potenziamento


could not would not should can should must should not could can would must can must not is possible to can


do not need to must not must could have to would may not can might might do not have to may might not is bound to would


Forme del passato Descrivi le figure usando le parole in corsivo e le espressioni dei riquadri. have an accident have a late night revise more see the no-smoking sign 0




0 He must have had a late night. 1 2 3

must should must can’t

wear a coat fall in the river leave the house earlier win the lottery 4




4 5 6 7

might should must should

Unità 64: Revisione e potenziamento 153


Varie forme Completa i dialoghi con la forma affermativa o negativa del verbo modale corretto. In alcuni casi sono possibili più soluzioni. Can 0 Tom you play a musical instrument? can Louisa Yes, I – the piano. 1 Rick How was the exam? Will It was OK. But I answer question 3. 2 Elena you like some more coffee? I have a glass of water? Matteo No, thanks. But 3 Julia you smoke in public buildings in Italy? Sandro No, you . But you until 2005. tell Fiona about the party. It’s a surprise. 4 David You Bella OK, I won’t say anything to her. 5 Luke Sorry I’m late. I stop at the ATM on the way here. leave now or we’ll be late. Josh No problem. But we really 6 Wilma You haven’t eaten since breakfast. You be hungry. Jake I am. I possibly have a sandwich or something? 7 Alice What’s the matter? Erica I find my door key. Have you seen it? Alice No, I haven’t. When did you last have it? Erica Well, it be in the house somewhere. I used it to get in just five minutes ago, but I remember where I put it. Alice Well, it still be in the door. Have you checked? 8 Helen Hi, Sam. I’m afraid we be a little late. The taxi hasn’t arrived. Sam No problem. I pick you up, if you like. I’m sure I borrow my dad’s car. Go back to your house and I be there in about twenty minutes.


Varie forme Completa gli articoli usando la forma del passato dei verbi modali dei riquadri e i verbi tra parentesi.

News in brief can must should should Expensive exam Britney Lopez, an 11th grade High School student, is suing her school for $50,000. Lopez was awarded an ‘A’ grade, but she believes this 0 should have been (be) an ‘A+’. ‘I 1 paper

(not believe) it when I saw my grade. The person who marked my 2


(be) asleep,’ says Lopez. She also claims that the school (not publish) the exam results before the case was settled.

can might must Parrot rescue A zoo-worker who accidentally locked himself in a cage was rescued after a parrot alerted a colleague. Steve Jones said: ‘I didn’t have a key and I 4 door. The parrot 5 help. If it hadn’t, I 6

154 Unità 64: Revisione e potenziamento

(not open) the

(realize) that I was in trouble and it copied my cries for (be) there all weekend.’


Varie forme Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 You are not allowed to smoke here. can’t You can’t smoke here. 1 It’s possible it will rain later. might later. It 2 Could I open the window? mind Do you the window? 3 There’s no need to hurry. have We hurry. 4 Someone needs to clean the windows soon. need The windows soon. 5 It’s not possible that you saw Federica. She wasn’t here. can’t You . She wasn’t here. 6 I’m sure Paolo will have arrived by now. must by now. Paolo 7 I’ll answer the door. I assume it’s Harry and William. will I’ll answer the door. It and William. 8 You should go to bed if you’re tired. ought You if you’re tired. 9 I think we need to order a taxi. had better a taxi. We 10 I recommend that you visit the Vatican when you’re in Rome. must You when you’re in Rome.



Varie forme Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Sai parlare l’italiano?

Can you speak Italian? 1 Non riesco a trovare il mio cellulare. 2 Siete autorizzati a indossare gioielli a scuola? 3 Non puoi fumare qui. 4 Se non ti piace la pasta, non la devi mangiare. 5 L’esame inizia alle 9.30. Devi essere qui per le 9.15. 6 L’autobus parte alle 5.15. Non devi arrivare tardi. 7 Abbiamo perso l’autobus, ma siamo stati in grado di prendere un taxi. 8 Ho comprato la gonna che ho visto in vetrina. Non ho potuto farme a meno.

Unità 64: Revisione e potenziamento 155



Domande What? Where is he? When did they arrive? How long are you staying?

A Present simple e past simple i Per il verbo be, le domande si costruiscono mettendo la forma appropriata di be prima del soggetto. Is he British? Are you OK? How old is the film? When was the party? ii Per gli altri verbi al present e al past simple, le domande si costruiscono con il verbo ausiliare do. La struttura è do + soggetto + forma base (infinito senza to). Do you play tennis? Does Samantha live near here? When did they get home? Did you enjoy the party?

B Altri tempi, have got, il passivo e i verbi modali Gli altri tempi, have got, il passivo e i verbi modali hanno già un verbo ausiliare. La domanda si costruisce mettendo l’ausiliare prima del soggetto. La struttura è ausiliare + soggetto + verbo principale. Are you feeling OK? Have you got a car? Was Hamlet written by Shakespeare? Where are you going? How long have you lived here? When was this book published? Can you play tennis? May I open the window? Would you please sit down? C Parole interrogative i Le parole interrogative in inglese sono, in ordine di frequenza d’uso: What (Che cosa), Which (Quale/i), Who (Chi), When (Quando), How (Come), Where (Dove), Why (Perché), Whose (Di chi). ii Le parole interrogative vengono collocate all’inizio della frase. What is it? Which do you prefer? Where are you going? What time is it? How much are the tickets? How far is it to Cambridge? iii Si può anche fare una domanda usando solo la parola o l’espressione interrogativa. Questa costruzione si usa per chiedere nuove informazioni o per domandare a qualcuno di ripetere qualcosa. I’ve got a new mobile. ~ What make? ~ It’s a Nokia. This is Sam’s coat I think. ~ Whose? ~ Sam’s. Vedi anche unità 66–72 per altri usi delle domande.

1 Completa i dialoghi usando le parole interrogative. 0 A B A 1 A B A 2 A B A 3 A B A

I saw Danny last night.

Who? Danny, he was at the gym. The film starts at 7.30. 7.30. Let’s meet at the cinema at 7.00. I sold my camera. Oh, I never used it and I need some money. I think this is Petra’s bag. Petra’s.

156 Unità 65

4 A B A 5 A B A 6 A B A 7 A B A

I’ve just won some money on the lottery. Oh, just €50. I saw Toni at the weekend. Oh, really? In town. He was buying a new mobile. The film lasts about 2 hours. About 2 hours. Just over, actually. We went to the beach yesterday. Yesterday. But it rained all day.

2 Scrivi le domande usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. what / your first film? what kind of music / like? what / do in your free time? what / your favourite food? have got / a nickname? where / born? when / start acting? have a favourite actor? how / get your name?

2 minute interview This week: Leonardo Di Caprio 0

Where were you born?

I was born in Hollywood, actually. 1

I’m named after the painter Leonardo Da Vinci. 2

Yes, I have. My close friends call me ‘The Noodle’. 3

When I was 14. I was in a TV advert for toy cars. 4

My first film was Critters 3 in 1991. 5

Yes, I do. Jack Nicholson. 6

I love all kinds of pasta, and fries with ketchup. 7

My all-time favourite bands are Pink Floyd and The Beatles. 8

I like to play pool and hang out with my friends.

3 Leggi gli annunci e scrivi delle domande seguendo le istruzioni. FOR SALE electric guitar €300 contact Eric 07694567002

0 What make? 1 What colour?

2 How old? 3 Why selling it?

Sei interessato a comprare la chitarra. Scrivi delle domande per ottenere informazioni su di essa. Usa gli appunti scritti a fianco. 0 What make is it? 1 2 3


4 Where lose it? 5 When lose it?

IF FOUND CONTACT 07910556673

6 What make?

Hai trovato una macchina fotografica. Scrivi delle domande per assicurarti che si tratta della macchina fotografica dell’annuncio. Usa gli appunti scritti a fianco. 4 5 6 Unità 65 157



Domande-soggetto Who wants a drink? What’s happening? Who told you? What happened?

A Uso e forma Quando la domanda riguarda il soggetto di una frase, l’ordine delle parole è lo stesso della frase affermativa. La parola che introduce la domanda sostituisce il soggetto. Le domande-soggetto spesso iniziano con who, ma sono possibili altre parole interrogative. Domanda


Who teaches you English?

Ms Holmes teaches us English.

Who gave you the book?

Harry gave me the book.

Which countries border Spain?

France and Portugal border Spain.

What is making that noise?

The washing machine is making that noise.

How many people are going to the party?

Twenty people are going to the party.

Nota che per i tempi del present e del past simple non si usa il verbo ausiliare do. Who lives here? Non Who does live here? Who told you? Non Who did tell you? What caused the problem? Non What did cause the problem? Nota che il verbo ausiliare don’t o didn’t si può usare per fare domande negative. Who doesn’t want a coffee? Who didn’t go to the party?

B Risposte brevi Le risposte brevi alle domande-soggetto si formano usando il verbo ausiliare o il modale appropriati, per esempio I do, he does, she didn’t, they are, he can. Who wants a drink? ~ I do. Who lives near Danielle? ~ Jenny does. Who made this mess? ~ We did. Sorry. 1 Completa le domande sugli Stati Uniti usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. which countries / share who / discover who / invent how many people / live who / star who / work 0 Who discovered 1 2 3 4 5

America in 1492? in the White House? jeans in 1850? in the Pirates of the Caribbean films? a border with the USA? in the USA?

2 Sai rispondere alle domande dell’Esercizio 1? Usa le risposte del riquadro e la forma corretta dell’ausiliare do. about 300 million Canada and Mexico Christopher Columbus Johnny Depp the President of the USA Levi Strauss 0 Christopher Columbus did. 1 2

158 Unità 66

3 4 5

3 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Scrivi le domande usando who e le espressioni del riquadro. break the window eat all the biscuits fancy a pizza make this mess score not do their homework

0 Who made this mess?






4 Completa i dialoghi scrivendo domande e risposte. Usa who e i suggerimenti del riquadro. cut – my friend Petra drive – Anna fix – Steve take – I tell – Jo win – she 0 A I heard the news about Jo and Rob. B Who told you? A Jo did. 1 A We came by car. ? B A . 2 A This is a great photo. B .

3 A My scooter’s being fixed today. B it? A . 4 A Your hair always looks great. B . 5 A I played tennis with Sue this morning. it? B ? A .


5 Formula le domande adatte per scoprire le informazioni che cerchi su qualcosa o qualcuno. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Someone phoned Harry. Who phoned Harry? Archie found something. What did Archie find? Someone lost the keys. Something woke me up this morning. Valentina bought something. Something happened to Maria. Someone deleted the file. I deleted something by mistake. I didn’t email some people. Some people didn’t help. Unità 66 159



Domande negative Don’t you want it? Haven’t we met before? Why didn’t you say hello?

A Uso Le domande negative si formano senza parole interrogative nelle seguenti situazioni. i Per mostrare sorpresa o quando qualcosa non è come ci si aspettava. Don’t you like it? Hasn’t she told you yet? Wasn’t the party fun? ii Quando ci si aspetta o si spera che l’ascoltatore sia d’accordo. Haven’t we met before? Aren’t you a friend of Jill’s? Isn’t it a lovely day? Le domande negative si usano con una parola interrogativa per chiedere informazioni. Why didn’t you wait? What don’t you like about it? Who isn’t coming with us?

In italiano le domande negative sono spesso introdotte dall’espressione ‘Forse ... non?’ Don’t you like him, too? (Forse) non piace anche a te?

B Forma Le domande negative si formano con un verbo ausiliare negativo o con una forma negativa di be. Domanda negativa

Domanda neutra

Isn’t he Spanish?

Is he Spanish?

Aren’t they going to the UK?

Are they going to the UK?

Don’t you play the piano?

Do you play the piano?

Didn’t you like the film?

Did you like the film?

Haven’t they already left?

Have they already left?

Can’t you come with us?

Can you come with us?

Why didn’t you like it?

Why did you like it?

1 Che cosa domanderesti in queste situazioni? Scrivi le domande usando Aren’t you …? 0 Your friend has just won the lotto, but doesn’t seem excited.

Aren’t you excited? 1 Your friend doesn’t seem hungry even though he hasn’t eaten all day. 2 Your friend failed an exam, but doesn’t seem disappointed. 3 Your friend is going to take an exam, but doesn’t seem nervous. 4 Your friend doesn’t seem tired even though she was working all night.

160 Unità 67

2 Che cosa domanderesti in queste situazioni? Scrivi le domande usando Don’t you e le espressioni del riquadro. eat meat feel well like it want it

0 Don’t you want it?




3 Scrivi della domande negative per chiedere conferma di informazioni che ritieni corrette. You think … 0 … Christopher likes rap music.

4 … Martin got a computer for his birthday.

Doesn’t Christopher like rap music? 1 … Simona can speak German.

5 … Steve has got a car.

2 … Elena and Jo are going on holiday soon.

6 … Melissa has been to the USA.

3 … Katy is from Scotland.

7 … Sean failed his Maths test.

4 Completa le risposte alle domande dell’Esercizio 3 usando Yes o No. 0 No , he hates it. 4 , a really cool laptop. 1 , but she can speak some Polish. 5 , he uses his parents’ car. 2 , to Spain, I think. 6 , a couple of years ago, I think. 3 , she’s from Ireland. 7 , he’s really depressed. 5 Usa le informazioni per fare delle domande sulla festa del tuo amico. 0 Your friend didn’t enjoy the party. Ask why.

Why didn’t you enjoy the party? 1 Some people didn’t come. Ask who. 2 People didn’t dance. Ask why. 3 They didn’t like some of the music. Ask which music. 4 They didn’t eat the food. Ask why. 5 Some people didn’t stay long. Ask who. 6 Your friend isn’t having another party. Ask why.

Unità 67 161



What’s … like?, How’s …? e What does … look like? What’s it like? What was the film like? How’s your pizza? What’s he look like?

A What is/was … like? What is/was ... like? ecc. si usa per chiedere una descrizione o un giudizio generico su qualcosa o qualcuno. What’s Simon like? ~ He’s really nice. Very friendly. What was the film like? ~ Excellent. The acting was superb. What are your teachers like? ~ They’re good. The lessons are always interesting. B How is/was …? Si può usare How’s/was ...? in due modi. i Si può usare in modo simile a What is/was ... like? per chiedere una descrizione o una valutazione generica in merito a qualcosa o qualcuno. How was the film? ~ Excellent. The acting was superb. How are your teachers? ~ They’re good. The lessons are always interesting. ii Si può usare How’s per fare domande sulla condizione, stato di benessere o di salute di qualcuno o qualcosa. How’s your new scooter? ~ Great. I love it! How’s life? ~ Not too bad. But I’m very busy at the moment.

C What do/does … look like? i Per domandare una descrizione o una valutazione più specifica di qualcosa, si può usare What do/does … look/taste/sound/smell/feel like? ecc. What does Des look like? ~ He’s tall and really good-looking. What do they sound like? ~ They sound a bit like the Rolling Stones, actually. What does it taste like? ~ It’s a bit sweet, but quite tasty. ii Nelle conversazioni informali does è a volte pronunciato s in domande del tipo: What’s Des look like? What’s it taste like? What’s it smell like? 1 Scrivi le domande usando What … like? 0 Your friend went to a party. Ask about it. B It was great! A What was the party like? 1 Your friend went to a football match. Ask about it. A B It was a really good game. 2 Your friend went to New York. Ask about it. A B Amazing! Really exciting. 3 Your friend has bought some new boots. Ask about them. A B They’re black with a zip up the side. 4 Your friend has a new girlfriend. Ask about her. B She’s great fun, and really friendly. A 5 Your friend watched a film. Ask about it. A B It was really funny.

162 Unità 68

2 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Scrivi delle domande usando How’s o How was e le parole del riquadro. the exam life your pizza the weather

0 A How’s the weather? B Hot and sunny!

2 A B It was OK, I think.

1 A B Delicious!

3 A B Great thanks. I’m a bit busy though.

3 Lara sta parlando con il suo amico Jim, che è appena rientrato da un viaggio in Italia. Completa le domande di Lara usando How’s/was …? o What’s/was … like? e i suggerimenti del riquadro. how / the weather how / Italy how / the food how / your hotel what / Pisa what / it Lara Jim Lara Jim Lara Jim Lara Jim Lara Jim Lara Jim Lara Jim

Hi Jim. 0 How was Italy? Great, thanks. We had a fantastic time. Good. 1 ? It was perfect. About 30 degrees and clear blue skies every day. You stayed in Rome, didn’t you? 2 ? Oh, it’s an amazing city. There’s so much to see – the Forum, the Coliseum, the Pantheon, … And 3 ? It was very comfortable. It was in a great location – next to the river and close to the Pantheon. And 4 ? Delicious. I love Italian food, so for me it was paradise. And did you just stay in Rome? No, we went on a couple of day trips to Pisa and Pompeii. 5 ? Did you go up the Leaning Tower? Yes, we did. You must go to Italy sometime. It’s wonderful.

4 Scrivi delle domande usando la struttura What do/does … like? e i verbi del riquadro. Usa ciascun verbo almeno una volta. look smell sound feel taste 0 1 2 3 4 5

A What does it taste like? A A A A A


It’s a bit salty. They’re a bit like The Beatles. It’s quite soft. It’s disgusting. Like old socks! They’re silver with a diamond in the middle. It’s delicious. Unità 68 163


69 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 65–68) Domande (1)

Domande con you Vorresti conoscere qualcosa di più su una persona. Scrivi delle domande usando i suggerimenti dati e il pronome you. 0 where / from? Where are you from? 1 how old? 2 where / live? 3 how long / live there? 4 have / got / any brothers or sisters? 5 what sort of school / go to? 6 do / any sports? 7 what kind of music / like? 8 have / got / a favourite band? 9 read / a good book at the moment? 10 can / speak / any other languages? 11 what / do / last night? 12 what / do / next weekend?


Risposte complete e risposte brevi Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 1. Usa le risposte brevi (Yes, I do.; No, I don’t. ecc.) oppure fornisci risposte complete. 0 I’m from Siena. 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6


Domande con your Scrivi le domande usando la parola interrogativa adatta e your. 0 name? What’s your name? 1 phone number? 2 email address? 3 birthday? 4 favourite actor?


Espressioni interrogative con how e what Scrivi una domanda e una risposta per ogni figura. Usa le espressioni del riquadro e is it. how far how tall how long how much how old what colour what size what time

€25 0 How old is he?

He’s six.

164 Unità 69: Revisione e potenziamento







ROME 70km Running time: 92 minutes





55.86 metres 1000 GB




Domande-soggetto Completa le domande del quiz usando who e il tempo verbale corretto dei verbi del riquadro. Poi scegli la risposta corretta. invent live live sing write

S T I R B S U O FAM Answer the questions and win a copy of the book Famous British People.

0 Who lives a The Prime Minister

in Buckingham Palace? b The King or Queen c The Mayor of London

1 a The Prime Minister

at number 10 Downing Street? b The King or Queen c The Mayor of London

a JK Rowling

the Harry Potter books? b Philip Pullman c JRR Tolkien

a The Rolling Stones

b Elton John

a James Watt

the steam engine? b George Stephenson c Isaac Newton

2 3 4

‘All You Need Is Love’? c The Beatles

Answers: 0b, 1a, 2a, 3c, 4a



Unità 69: Revisione e potenziamento 165


Domande Leggi il testo, poi completa le domande.




Correction Fluid I

Correction fluid was invented over 50 years ago by a woman called Bette Nesmith Graham. In 1951, she got divorced and needed to go to work to support herself and her son. She found work as a typist, but she wasn’t a very good one and continually made lots of mistakes. To hide this from her boss, she used her kitchen as a laboratory and she developed a white liquid that she

0 When was correction fluid invented? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T


‘painted’ over her mistakes. Soon, her colleagues began to buy the liquid from her. Bette decided to call her product ‘Liquid Paper’ and she continued to sell it from her house for the next 17 years. In 1979, she sold the formula to ‘Liquid Paper’ for $48 million. Bette’s son became even more famous than she did. He is Michael Nesmith, a member of the 1960s pop group The Monkees.

~ Over fifty years ago. ? ~ Bette Nesmith Graham. in 1951? ~ She got divorced. ? ~ To support herself and her son. the white liquid? ~ To paint over her typing mistakes. from her? ~ Her colleagues. her product? ~ She called it ‘Liquid Paper’. in 1979? ~ She sold the formula. ? ~ For $48 million.

Domande negative e What ... like? Traduci le domande. 0 Non ti piace il calcio? Don’t you like football? 1 Com’è il tuo insegnante? 2 Che aspetto ha il tuo insegnante? 3 Non è un giornata incantevole? 4 Perché non ci hai aspettato? 5 Non ti piacciono i giochi al computer? 6 Come sarà il tempo domani?

166 Unità 69: Revisione e potenziamento



Grammatica e lessico: Why don’t you …? Leggi le frasi. Poi dai dei consigli usando Why don’t you ...? e le espressioni del riquadro. buy her some flowers close the window get a scooter go to bed go to the doctor’s 0 1 2 3 4


I’m exhausted. ~ Why don’t you go to bed? It’s really cold in here. ~ I’ve been feeling unwell for days. ~ I had an argument with my girlfriend. ~ I’m fed up with getting the bus everywhere. ~

Grammatica e lessico: What … like? e generi musicali Alcuni generi musicali possono essere usati come aggettivi. Riscrivi le risposte dei dialoghi usando They’re e gli aggettivi del riquadro. bluesy dancey grungy jazzy punky


0 A What are they like? B They play quite a lot of blues.

They’re quite bluesy. 1 A What are they like? B They play quite a lot of punk. 2 A What do they sound like? B They play rock music. 3 A What do they look like? B They look quite like a grunge band. 4 A What are they like? B They play quite a lot of jazz. 5 A What’s their music like? B You can really dance to it.

10 Grammatica e lessico: What … like? e generi musicali Scrivi dialoghi simili a quelli dell’Esercizio 9 su cantanti o gruppi che conosci. Usa What … like? e alcuni degli aggettivi dell’Esercizio 9. 0 A What are Snow Patrol like? B They’re quite rocky. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B

Unità 69: Revisione e potenziamento 167



Domande indirette Could you tell me who won? Do you know why he left? Have you any idea where it is?

A Uso Le domande indirette si usano per due ragioni principali: i quando si vuole essere più formali o educati, Could you tell us why you’d like this job? Excuse me. Do you know if there’s an ATM near here? ii quando si vuole essere più cauti perché non si vuole mettere sotto pressione la persona a cui si rivolge la domanda. Do you happen to know Luke’s email address? Have you any idea where Sam is?

B Forma i Le domande indirette iniziano con un’espressione interrogativa. Could you tell me …? Have you any idea …? Do you know …? ecc. ii L’espressione interrogativa è seguita da una parola interrogativa o da if. Si usa if nel caso di una domanda di tipo yes/no. Could you tell me where …? Have you any idea when …? Do you know if …? iii Questa a sua volta è seguita dal soggetto + verbo. Nota che l’ordine delle parole è diverso da quello delle domande dirette e che non si usa il verbo ausiliare do. Could you tell me where the office is? Non Could you tell me where is the office? Have you any idea when the bus leaves? Non Have you any idea when does the bus leave? Do you know if Valentina speaks English? Non Do you know if Valentina does speak English? iv È possibile inoltre usare un’espressione interrogativa + parola interrogativa + infinito. Do you know how to get to my house? Could you tell me what to do? Vedi unità 84 per altri usi delle parole interrogative + infinito.

v Si può anche usare un’espressione interrogativa + nome. Do you know his name? Could you tell me the times of trains to York? vi Would you say …? e Do you think …? si usano per chiedere un’opinione e non sono seguite da una parola interrogativa o da if. Would you say you are a good student? Do you think it’s going to rain later? 1 Riordina le parole per formare delle domande indirette. 0 where / lives / she / Do you know

Do you know where she lives? 1 win / this evening / Do you think / will / Juve 2 the nearest ATM / is / where / Could you tell me 3 park the car / we / where / Do you know / can 4 Have you any idea / where / is / Belinda 5 coming back / Vincenzo / Do you happen to know / is / when

168 Unità 70

2 Lucia sta chiedendo delle informazioni su Oxford al suo amico Steve. Completa il dialogo con domande indirette, riformulando le domande del riquadro. Inizia con la domanda già inserita. How far is Oxford from London? How long does it take to get there? When are you coming? Could you recommend a place to stay? Is Oxford any good for shopping? Is it worth visiting for a few days? How much does the bus cost? Is two or three days enough? Can you actually go inside the university colleges? Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia Steve Lucia

I’m thinking of going to Oxford. 0 Would you say it’s worth visiting for a few days? Yes, I would. There are lots of things to see and do. OK. 1 Do you know ? Yes, you can. I think most of the famous colleges are open to the public. Great. 2 And would you say ? Well, the shops are OK. But if you want to do some serious shopping, London isn’t far. 3 Do you know ? It’s about 50 miles. That’s about 80 kilometres. 4 And have you any idea ? By bus it takes about 90 minutes. I think there’s a bus every ten or fifteen minutes. Great. 5 And do you happen to know It’s not expensive. About £20 or so for a return ticket. It’s cheaper if you have a student card. OK. 6 And do you think ? Yes, I’d say two or three days with a day in London is just perfect. 7 And I was wondering . You can stay with me. 8 Do you know yet I’m not sure. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.



3 Hai letto questi annunci: scrivi le domande indirette che faresti per ottenere maggiori informazioni. Usa gli appunti scritti a fianco.


SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Courses all year contact 01866 406889

0 How much? 1 When start?

0 Could you tell me how much the courses are? 1 FOR SALE Computer games console

2 Why you selling? 3 Which games included?

Used twice €400

2 3

Camden Town Pop Festival July 17 & 18

over 30 bands

4 Which bands playing? 5 Where buy tickets? 6 How much?

4 5 6 Unità 70 169



Question tags She’s American, isn’t she? They lost, didn’t they? You’ve been to Spain, haven’t you?

A Uso Le question tags si usano per invitare o incoraggiare l’ascoltatore a rispondere. i La question tag si usa con intonazione discendente (la voce scende) quando ci si aspetta l’assenso dell’ascoltatore. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? È una bella giornata, non è vero? You’ve been to Greece, haven’t you?

Sei stato in Grecia, non è vero?

ii La question tag si usa con intonazione ascendente (il tono della voce sale) quando si tratta di una vera e propria domanda. Ciò può avvenire: r perché colui che parla non è sicuro se l’affermazione sia vera, It’s the 15th today, isn’t it? Sam’s got a car, hasn’t he? r per chiedere o richiedere qualcosa, You haven’t got a pen, have you? You couldn’t lend me €10, could you? r per mostrare disapprovazione o incredulità. You haven’t bought another new mobile, have you?

B Forma i La question tag si forma usando be o un verbo ausiliare + pronome soggetto. Per il present e past simple, si usa il verbo ausiliare do. La question tag negativa si usa dopo una frase positiva. He’s French, isn’t he? Anne’s been to Sicily, hasn’t she? You saw the film, didn’t you? La question tag affermativa si usa dopo una frase negativa. She wasn’t late, was she? Henrik has never been to England, has he? You don’t like football, do you? ii Nota le seguenti forme di question tag: r Dopo I am ..., si usa la question tag aren’t? I’m invited too, aren’t I? I’m coming with you, aren’t I? r Dopo Let’s ..., si usa la question tag shall we? Let’s go, shall we? Let’s get a taxi, shall we? r Con un soggetto che termina in -one o -body, si usa they nella question tag. Somebody told you, didn’t they? No one liked the food, did they? r Con un soggetto che termina in -thing, si usa it nella question tag. Something is wrong, isn’t it? Everything was fine, wasn’t it? iii Si può usare una frase affermativa + question tag affermativa quando si vuole controllare o chiarire un fatto. I can’t help you at the moment I’m afraid. ~ Oh, you’re busy, are you? Tom didn’t get here on time. ~ I see. He was late again, was he?

170 Unità 71

In italiano, le question tags si rendono di solito con le espressioni ‘È vero?’ e ‘Non è vero?’.

1 Completa le frasi usando la question tag corretta. 0 The party was great, wasn’t it ? 7 1 That’s the new teacher, ? 8 2 You live near the park, ? 9 3 You’re not originally from London, ? 10 4 That’s not your car, ? 11 5 Everyone’s heard of The Beatles, ? 12 6 Freddy can play the piano, ? 13

Yuko doesn’t speak English, ? We’ve met before, ? I’m invited to the party, ? Let’s go, ? We first met in 2009, ? You won’t tell anyone, ? Ann's singing beautifully, ?

2 Completa le risposte usando le parole in corsivo e la question tag adatta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

What time does the film start? at 8.30 It starts at 8.30, doesn’t it? Do you know where Samantha lives? on Green Road She ? How old will he be next birthday? 18 ? He What’s the new student’s name? Isabel It ? I suppose the weather wasn’t too bad. not rain Well, at least it ? Who are Italy playing in the quarter final? England They ? The meal was quite expensive. not cheap Well, it ? Wasn’t the film terrible? leave before the end Yes. Everyone ? The hire-car was rubbish: the radio and the air-conditioning were broken. work properly Yes. Nothing ?

3 Scrivi delle richieste usando la question tag corretta. 0 You need to use a pen. Ask your friend if he’s got one. You haven’t got a pen, have you? 1 You don’t know Kerry’s email address. Ask your friend if she’s got it. You ? 2 You need €50. Ask your friend if you could borrow it. ? I 3 You can’t find your keys. Ask your friend if he’s seen them. You ? 4 You don’t understand your homework. Ask your friend if she could help you. You ?

4 Completa le domande chiedendo un chiarimento su quanto detto. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro e la question tag corretta. you / hear you / go out they / split up you / leave Liverpool / won someone / call 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B

The taxi will be here in a minute. Oh, you’re going out, are you? 6–0 to Liverpool! Oh, ? Jen and Steve aren’t together any more. ? Oh,

3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

There’s a phone message for you on the table. Oh, ? Sorry about your exam results. Oh, ? The party's boring. Oh, ? Unità 71 171



Domande-eco You went where? They did what? He fell in the river? You haven’t told him yet?

A Uso e forma Le domande-eco possono essere usate per esprimere sorpresa o per chiedere chiarimenti. Ci sono quattro tipi fondamentali di domande-eco. i Le informazioni su cui si fanno domande possono essere sostituite da un’espressione interrogativa. I’m seeing Jane tonight. ~ You’re seeing who? The exam’s at 9.30 on Friday. ~ It’s when on Friday? Tara’s quit school. ~ She’s what? ii Per le azioni, do + what possono sostituire una intera espressione verbale. Ciò avviene di solito quando si vuole mostrare sorpresa o anche incredulità. Paolo crashed his scooter. ~ He did what? I’ve split up with Anna. ~ You’ve done what? iii Si può ripetere l’informazione. Leo’s broken his leg. ~ He’s broken his leg? Juanita’s getting married. ~ She’s getting married? iv Si può usare be o verbo ausiliare + pronome. Per il present e past simple, si usa il verbo ausiliare do. I saw Larry last night. ~ Did you? Tracy’s gone on holiday. ~ Has she? I’m not coming with you. ~ Aren’t you?

B Intonazione L’intonazione delle domande-eco è molto importante in quanto in tutte le domande-eco l’intonazione sale. Sebbene l’intonazione sia un fenomeno complesso, in generale, più sale la voce, più grande è la sorpresa. William’s bought a Ducati. ~ He’s bought what? He’s changed his mind. ~ He’s done what? Sorry I’m late. I got lost. ~ You got lost? I’m learning Spanish. ~ Are you? Vedi unità 71 per altri usi di Are you?, Have they?, Did she? ecc.

1 Completa le battute di B usando le parole interrogative del riquadro. In alcuni casi la stessa parola va usata più volte. how much how old what when where who whose 0 A B A 1 A B A

Peter’s gone to Australia. He’s gone where ? To Australia. For a month. I’ve bought a car. You’ve bought ? Yes. A second-hand car.

172 Unità 72

2 A B A 3 A B A

The tickets were €50 each. They were ? €50, plus €5 booking fee. Alex’s party’s on the 15th. The party’s ? The 15th. Two weeks tomorrow.

4 A B A B A

I saw Jerome last weekend. You saw ? Jerome. He was in the library. ? He was In the library.

5 A B A B A B A B A

This jacket is twenty years old. It’s ? Twenty years old. It used to be my mum’s. It used to be ? My mum’s. She bought in Paris. She bought it ? In Paris. My parents were on their honeymoon. They were on their ? On their honeymoon!

2 Scrivi delle domande-eco che esprimano sorpresa o incredulità. Usa il tempo verbale corretto di do + what. 0 My brother’s quit his job! He’s done what? 1 Simon’s doing the washing-up! 2 My dad’s bought a motorbike! 3 I’m going to get married! 4 Tom was tidying his bedroom earlier! 5 Roberto told Suzy everything! 6 I’ve crashed my parent’s car! 3 Scrivi delle domande-eco usando il verbo ausiliare + il pronome. 0 I passed all my exams! Did you? 4 I’ve never been to Milan. 1 My brother’s getting married! 5 My mum’s won the lottery! 2 I’ve bought a car! 6 Marta didn’t come to school today! 3 Danny and Sandy are going out together! 4 Che cosa pensi stiano dicendo queste persone? Leggi l’esempio e scrivi dialoghi simili usando le espressioni del riquadro. be afraid of heights fall in the river not / like spaghetti lose the dog 0

0 Harry Mother 1 Dave Ulrika 2 Ian Jane 3 Jimmy Father




Sorry, Mum. I fell in the river!

You fell in the river? I’m sorry You’re joking. Sorry, but

. ? . ?

Sorry, Dad. What?

! ? Unità 72 173



Risposte brevi (a domande yes/no) Yes, I am. No, they didn’t. I think so. I don’t expect so. I hope not.

A Uso In inglese può a volte essere poco cortese rispondere solo Yes oppure No. Spesso è meglio dare una risposta come Yes, I am; Yes, I did o No, she isn’t. Se non si è sicuri della risposta si possono usare espressioni come I think so (Penso di sì ) o I hope not (Spero di no). B Forma i Si usa Yes o No + pronome soggetto + verbo ausiliare (o be quando è il verbo principale). Is Jane American? ~ Yes, she is. o No, she isn’t. Do you like Indian food? ~ Yes, I do. o No, I don’t. Have they finished? ~ Yes, they have. o No, they haven’t. Did Julian speak to you? ~ Yes, he did. o No, he didn’t. Can Suzy play the piano? ~ Yes, she can. o No, she can’t. ii Nota che non si usa la forma affermativa nella forma contratta e si usa sempre il pronome soggetto. Are you OK? ~ Yes, I am. Non Yes, I’m. Was Eva there? ~ No, she wasn’t. Non No, Eva wasn’t. iii Se non si è sicuri della risposta, si può usare think/believe/guess/hope/ expect/suppose + so. Are they French? ~ I think so. (= I think they are French.) Is Mary coming with us? ~ I expect so. (= I expect Mary is coming with us.) Did someone speak to Bill? ~ I hope so. (= I hope someone spoke to Bill.) Are they here yet? ~ I don’t think so. (= I don’t think they are here yet.) Will Jim be at the party? ~ I don’t expect so. (= I don’t expect Jim will be at the party.) iv Per formare il negativo di hope e guess si usa not (non I don’t hope so o I don’t guess so). Is Mary coming with us? ~ I hope not. (= I hope Mary isn’t coming with us.) Did he leave a message? ~ I guess not. (= I guess he didn’t leave a message.) 1 Scrivi risposte brevi affermative e negative a queste domande. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 0 Does Katie speak English? 1 Is Pedro from Madrid? 2 Does Silvia speak English? 3 Did Alan pass his exams? 4 Will John be at the meeting? 5 Was it a good film? 6 Is there a bank near here? 7 Have Sue and Bob arrived yet? 8 Is Nancy coming with us?

174 Unità 73

2 Scrivi risposte vere per te usando Yes, I am.; No, I don’t. ecc. 0 Are you tired? No. I’m not. 5 Did you go out last night? 1 2 3 4

Have you got a computer? Do you go to the gym? Is it raining? Do your parents speak English?

6 7 8 9

Can you play the piano? Are you married? Have you been to the UK? Do you like cheese?

3 Completa i dialoghi usando i verbi tra parentesi e so.

0 Ben Steve 1 Sara Fiona 2 Alan Russ 3 Keira Brad 4 Tamas Olga 5 Eric Jana 6 Ben Steve

Did you manage to fix your computer? I guess so (guess). It’s working fine now. We’re going for a pizza on Friday, aren’t we? Yes, (think). But check with Andrew. Do you think it will rain later? (expect). It always rains at this time of year. Do you think Italy will beat England in the rugby six nations? (think). England should win easily. Will you finish your assignment before the weekend? (hope). I want to go to the beach at the weekend. Is the lesson at the usual time? (suppose). I haven’t heard anything different. Has the football match been cancelled? (hope). I’m really looking forward to playing.

4 Quali sono le tue previsioni per il futuro? Rispondi alle domande usando I think so, I don’t think so, I expect so, I hope so, I hope not ecc.

Do you think … 0 … it will be sunny tomorrow? I think so. 1 … it will rain later today? 2 … you’ll go out with friends at the weekend? 3 … you’ll have a party for your next birthday? 4 … you’ll get married one day? 5 … you’re going to fail all your exams? 6 … you’ll be a millionaire one day? 5 Traduci le seguenti domande e risposte. 0 A Pensi che pioverà stasera? Do you think it will rain tonight? B Penso di sì. I think so. 1 A Pensi che il Milan vincerà il campionato? B Penso di no. 2 A Pensi che Chris verrà in vacanza con voi? B Spero di sì. È così simpatico! 3 A Hai già aggiustato il motorino? B Sì, certo. 4 A Pensi che lo sentirai ancora? B Spero di sì. 5 A Sei già andato allo stadio quest’anno? B Si, certo!

Unità 73 175


74 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 70–73) Domande (2)

Domande indirette Leggi le domande dell’intervista al famoso chef inglese Jude Smith. Riscrivile alla forma indiretta.

0 When and why did you start to cook? Could you tell me when and why you started to cook? 1 Why are you so successful? Why do you think 2 Has fame changed you? Would you say 3 Where do you get your recipes from? Do you mind if I ask you 4 Do you have a favourite kind of food? I’d like to know 5 Do you ever get fed up with cooking and just go for a burger instead? I was wondering 6 What is your favourite meal? Could you tell me


? ? ? . . ?

Abbina le risposte alle domande dell’Esercizio 1. a It changes from time to time, but at the moment it’s probably Indian food. b When I was about nine. I wanted pocket money. I was living in a pub so I started cooking with my mum. 0 c I sometimes borrow recipes from other chefs or restaurants, but I always name them in my books. d I’d say my success is down to a little bit of luck, a little bit of passion and a little bit of knowledge! e Yes, I’ve been known to drop in on the local burger shop. But I never get bored with cooking. f My mum’s Sunday lunch, with vegetables from the garden. g I don’t think my personality has changed, but I’ve become a bit of a businessman.


Domande indirette Immagina di intervistare un personaggio famoso. Completa le domande con le informazioni che vuoi sapere. Celebrity’s name: 1 Could you tell me 2 I’d like to know 3 Would you say 4 Do you think

176 Unità 74: Revisione e potenziamento

? . ? ?


Question tags Alice e Jane stanno discutendo sul riscaldamento globale. Completa il dialogo con le question tag corrette. Alice So, what exactly is global warming? Jane Well, basically it’s the rise in temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, 0 isn’t it ? Alice But why is the earth getting warmer? Jane Well, radiation from the sun heats the Earth, 1 ? Some of this heat is reflected back into space and some is naturally trapped in the atmosphere. If there are too many greenhouse gases, then too much heat is being trapped. Alice OK, but where do greenhouse gases come from? Jane Primarily from burning coal and petrol. But also from other things as well, such as cleaning fluids, and I think fridges contain greenhouse gases as well, 2 ? Alice OK, and the main consequence of global warming will be the melting of the ice-caps, 3 ? Is that right? Jane Well, yes, but there are lots more problems as well. If the ice-caps melt, sea levels will rise, 4 ? And that means that coastal areas will flood. Weather patterns will change, and farming and food production will be affected. There’ll be all sorts of problems. Alice It’s not going to be good, 5 ? But there are lots of ways we can help reduce greenhouse gases and help stop global warming, 6 ? Jane Yes, there are lots of things you can do. You can recycle things and turn off lights when you are not in the room. And you can always travel less by car and walk more, 7 ? Alice People knew about global warming years ago, 8 ? So why didn’t they do anything about it? Jane Good question. It’s like everything, 9 ? If people aren’t directly affected by it, they don’t see it as a problem, 10 ?


Domande-eco Completa le risposte con la parola interrogativa corretta. 0 A I’m going to quit my job. B You’re going to do what ? 1 A My dad’s going to buy a sports car. B He’s going to buy ? ? 2 A Sam’s moving to New York. B He’s moving 3 A Roberto’s broken his arm. B He’s done ? 4 A The exam’s on the 12th. B The exam’s ? ? 5 A I think this is Fred’s bag? B It’s 6 A Can I borrow your blue pen? B Sorry, pen ? 7 A Elisa’s going out with Carlo! B She’s going out with ? did? 8 A Vittoria told me. B

Unità 74: Revisione e potenziamento 177


Risposte brevi Scrivi delle risposte brevi vere per te (Yes, I am.; No, I’m not.; Yes, he did.; No she can’t. ecc.). 0 Are you Italian? Yes, I am. 1 Were you born in Rome? 2 Do you like rap music? 3 Can you play the piano? 4 Have you ever been to the USA? 5 Did you watch TV last night? 6 Have you got a scooter? 7 Are you going out tonight? 8 Do your parents speak English? 9 Is your English teacher Italian? 10 Is it raining at the moment?


Varie domande e risposte Leggi i dialoghi e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. 0 A That’s the new student, B B Yes. His name’s Toni. 1 A Is it going to rain later. B . I’m playing tennis at 4.30. 2 A Do you know ? B I think she’s sixteen. 3 A Do you like punk music? B Yes, . 4 A Julia’s getting married. B ? 5 A Do you know how much ? B It’s about €30 I think. 6 A Where does he work? B He works for Rai Uno, ? 7 A You can speak French, ? B Well, a little. 8 A Is Valeria going to be at the party? B . 9 A Are you coming with us? . B 10 A Are you ready? ? B Yes. Let’s go, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


is it I not hope how old is she I like What she’s does it cost doesn’t he don’t you I don’t think Yes, I’m let us


isn’t it I don’t hope so she is how old I do like She’s what it does cost does he do you I not think Yes, I am do we

178 Unità 74: Revisione e potenziamento


isn’t he I don’t hope is she how old I do What she costs it he doesn’t can’t you not so Yes, am I shan’t we


isn’t that I hope not how old she is do I What is she it costs works he can you I don’t think so Yes, I do shall we



Risposte brevi Che cosa ne pensi? Scrivi delle risposte vere per te usando le parole in corsivo alla forma affermativa o negativa (I think so o I don’t think so ecc.). 0 Is it going to rain tomorrow? I hope not. hope 1 Is it going to be nice tomorrow? hope 2 Are you going to go to university? think 3 Will France win the next World Cup? hope think 4 Is the UK bigger than Italy? 5 Will you have children one day? expect 6 Will you use the internet later today? suppose


Varie domande Traduci le domande. 0 È spagnola, non è vero?

She’s Spanish, isn’t she? 1 Per caso sai dove vive Orlando? 2 Puoi farmi vedere come usare il registratore DVD? 3 Sono invitato alla festa, non è vero? 4 Hai qualche idea su dove sia Salvatore? 5 Vediamo di rado Rosa, vero? 6 Sai se Marco andrà alla festa?

10 Grammatica e lessico: risposte brevi (modi di dire I don’t know) Qui di seguito trovi alcuni espressioni comuni per dire ‘Non so’. Abbina le frasi alla traduzione in italiano. 1 2 3 4

I don’t know. I’m not sure. I’ve no idea. I haven’t a clue.

a b c d

Non sono sicuro. Non so. Non ne so niente. Non ho idea.

11 Grammatica e lessico: risposte brevi (modi di dire I don’t know) Rispondi alle seguenti domande usando le espressioni dell’Esercizio 10. 0 Who was the first king of the United Kingdom? I’ve no idea. 1 In what year did the UK join the European Union? 2 What’s the population of Scotland? 3 In what year were the Olympics first held in the UK? 4 What is the capital city of Wales? 5 Who lives in Lambeth Palace in London?

Unità 74: Revisione e potenziamento 179



Verbo + -ing I enjoy cooking. It’s stopped raining. Do you mind helping me?

Quando un verbo (a parte gli ausiliari e i verbi modali) regge un altro verbo, il secondo può essere seguito dalla forma -ing o dall’infinito. I verbi più comunemente seguiti dalla forma -ing sono: i Verbi che esprimono simpatie/antipatie: adore, love, like, don’t mind, dislike, can’t stand, hate. I love lying on the beach. I really don’t like getting up early. When I was a child, I hated going to school. ii Alcuni verbi con can’t: can’t face, can’t imagine, can’t help, can’t resist, can’t stand, can’t stop. I’m exhausted. I can’t face going for a run. I can’t imagine being twenty! I couldn’t help feeling sorry for John when he failed his exam. iii Altri verbi: admit avoid (don’t) bother consider delay deny dread enjoy fancy feel like finish imagine involve look forward to mention miss postpone/put off practise recommend risk spend/waste time stop/give up suggest. We’re really looking forward to seeing you next week. Do you feel like going for a pizza? Peter recommended going by taxi. Poiché non esiste una regola per i verbi seguiti dalla forma -ing, bisogna imparare tali verbi a memoria. Vedi unità 77, 78 e 80–82 per altri usi di -ing.

1 Questi ragazzi stanno esprimendo delle opinioni sullo shopping. Completale usando i verbi dei riquadri. buy compare go go look queue try on Li Marta Karl


I hate 0 going shopping with my boyfriend. He’s useless and he’s always bored after twenty minutes. I really enjoy 1 presents for other people. That’s the best kind of shopping. shopping with my girlfriend. She always spends hours and hours I can’t bear 2 3 the same clothes again and again. And I also can’t stand 4 at the checkout. It takes forever! I think it’s always important to spend time 5 in different shops. It’s definitely worth 6 prices and quality.

be able go walk wait Linda

180 Unità 75

I don’t bother with supermarkets any more. You waste too much time 7 up and down to find what I want. I do all my shopping the aisles again and again. And I hate not 8 on the internet these days. If you don’t mind 9 for your food to arrive, it’s the perfect way to shop. I just can’t imagine 10 into a supermarket ever again!

2 Guarda le figure e completa la frasi usando i verbi del riquadro. can’t stop / eat deny / break the window enjoy / cook love / play computer games practise / play the guitar stop / rain 0






It wasn't me!

0 1 2 3 4 5

Sam loves playing computer games. Samantha It Jimmy Stanley My brother

. . . . .

3 Che cosa pensi delle attività 1–6? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando i verbi del riquadro. love like don’t mind don’t like can’t stand hate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

study English I love studying English. play computer games get up early watch football do the ironing go to the dentist do exams

4 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te usando la costruzione verbo + forma -ing + complemento. 0 I’m considering getting a part-time job. 1 I really enjoy . 2 I spend a lot of time . 3 I waste a lot of time . . 4 Tonight, I feel like

Unità 75 181



Verbo + infinito I hope to see you soon. We’ve arranged to meet at 6.30. I don’t want to go.

A Uso e forma Quando un verbo (esclusi gli ausiliari o i modali) è seguito da un altro verbo, il secondo verbo può avere la forma all’infinito o la forma -ing. I verbi più comunemente seguiti dalla forma all’infinito sono: agree aim appear arrange ask attempt can(’t) afford claim decide demand deserve expect fail forget hope intend learn (how) manage need offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem tend threaten can’t wait want would like I hope to see you later. We’re planning to leave at about 6.30. I promise not to be late. Did you manage to fix your computer? What time have you arranged to meet? Poiché non esiste una regola per i verbi seguiti dalla forma all’infinito, bisogna imparare tali verbi a memoria.

B Tend, seem e appear Si usa tend (tendere a), seem (sembrare) and appear (apparire) per esprimersi in modo non troppo diretto. i Si usa tend per esprimere qualcosa che avviene in generale o abitualmente. Si può anche usare tend per evitare di esprimersi in maniera troppo critica. I tend to go to bed at about 10.30. I tend not to go out during the week. Tom tends to be a bit silly at times. ii Si usano seem e appear quando si pensa che qualcosa sia vero, ma non se ne è sicuri o quando non si vuole affermare che ciò di cui si parla è un fatto. Larissa seems to be a little upset at the moment. We appear to be lost!

C Forma progressiva dell’infinito e dell’infinito passato i La forma progressiva dell’infinito (per esempio to be doing, to be working) si usa per qualcosa che è in corso di svolgimento. My computer doesn’t seem to be working. I plan to be revising tomorrow. ii L’infinito passato (per esempio to have done, to have stopped) si usa per qualcosa che è avvenuto nel passato. It appears to have stopped raining. He pretended to have hurt his foot. 1 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con le parole date. 0 Harry says he won’t help me. Harry refuses to help me. 1 I’m really looking forward to going on holiday. I can’t wait 2 Lorenzo can count to ten in Chinese. Lorenzo has learnt how 3 They think they’ll arrive at about 9.30. They expect 4 The plan is to leave before it gets dark. We aim

182 Unità 76

. . . .

5 It’s important that I speak to Susanna later today. I need 6 I won’t tell anyone, believe me. I promise not

. .

2 Guarda le figure e scrivi che cosa è successo usando i verbi del riquadro. meet buy speak to turn off the tap help move I've only got £200.

I'll see you at 6.30.

0 He can't afford to buy the bike.

3 They’ve arranged


I'll help you.

1 He offered


4 The dog’s refusing


Get me the manager!

2 She demanded


5 He forgot


3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che risultino meno dirette. Usa i verbi in corsivo. 0 It’s stopped snowing. appear

It appears to have stopped snowing. 1 I’ve lost my mobile. seem 2 Chiara’s English is improving. appear 3 The new student’s very friendly. seem 4 The internet isn’t working. not appear 5 It generally rains a lot at this time of year. tend 6 Francesca’s a bit lazy at times. tend

Unità 76 183



Verbi + -ing o infinito I like to arrive early. I like going out. We tried calling you. We tried to find a bank.

Alcuni verbi possono essere seguiti sia dalla forma -ing che dall’infinito. i Per start, begin, continue, intend non c’è alcuna differenza di significato. I started playing the drums when I was ten. = I started to play the drums when I was ten. Ho iniziato a suonare la batteria quando avevo dieci anni. Nota che quando start, begin o continue sono alla forma progressiva, sono normalmente seguiti dall’infinito. I’m beginning to feel better now. Non I’m beginning feeling better now. ii Per i seguenti verbi c’è una differenza di significato. Like/hate r Like/hate + -ing = mi piace o non mi piace in generale I like going to the gym. Mi piace andare in palestra. I hate doing exams. Odio fare esami. r Like/hate + infinito = penso che qualcosa sia una buona o una cattiva idea I like to arrive at the airport at least two hours before the plane leaves. Mi piace arrivare all’aeroporto almeno due ore prima che l’aereo parta. I hate to keep people waiting. Odio far aspettare le persone. Remember/forget r Remember/forget + -ing = avere o non avere ricordi in generale Do you remember going to school for the first time? I’ll never forget seeing her for the first time. r Remember/forget + infinito = fare o non fare qualcosa Did you remember to buy the milk? Ti sei ricordato di comprare il latte? Oh no! I’ve forgotten to turn the cooker off. Oh no! Mi sono dimenticato di spegnere il fornello. Try r Try + -ing = fare qualcosa per vedere quali saranno i risultati I tried reloading the software, but the program still doesn’t work. Ho provato a caricare di nuovo il software, ma il programma ancora non funziona. r Try + infinito = fare uno sforzo per conseguire qualcosa I tried to get a ticket, but they were sold out. Ho cercato di comprare un biglietto, ma erano tutti venduti. Regret r Regret + -ing = essere dispiaciuti per qualcosa che si è fatto I really regret buying that mobile – it’s rubbish. Mi rincresce di aver comprato quel cellulare – è una schifezza. r Regret + infinito = essere dispiaciuti per qualcosa che si sta per fare I regret to inform you that your application was not successful. Sono spiacente di informarLa che la Sua richiesta non è stata accolta. Nota che ci sono altri verbi il cui significato cambia a seconda se siano seguiti da -ing o dall’infinito. Comunque, quelli trattati in questa unità sono i più comuni e i più utili. Vedi unità 75 e 76 per altri usi dei verbi seguiti dalla forma -ing oppure l’infinito. Vedi unità 78 per altri usi di like e hate.

184 Unità 77

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta in base all’intenzione espressa: chi parla esprime un piacere in generale oppure un’opinione? 0 1 2 3 4 5

I like being / to be at the airport at least two hours before the plane leaves. I like paying / to pay my bills as soon as they arrive. I like eating / to eat five portions of fruit or vegetables every day. Do you like cooking / to cook? I really like playing / to play computer games. It’s great fun. I like washing / to wash my hair twice a week.

2 Julia ha organizzato una festa. Nell’elenco qui a fianco ha indicato che cosa si è ricordata (✓) e ha dimenticato (✗) di fare. Scrivi delle frasi usando She remembered … o She forgot … . 0 She forgot to put up the decorations. 1 2 3 4 5

0 put up the decorations ✗ 1 organize the music ✓ 2 buy the food ✗ 3 buy the drinks ✓ 4 tidy the house ✗ 5 warn the neighbours ✗

3 Il giorno seguente Julia racconta che cosa è successo durante la festa. Completa le sue frasi. 0 remember / eat a lot of birthday cake

I remember eating a lot of birthday cake. 1 remember / dance for most of the evening 2 will never forget / dance with Boris! 3 don’t remember / say goodbye to everyone 4 really regret / eat so much cake!

4 Scrivi le risposte usando try e le espressioni del riquadro. Usa la forma -ing o l’infinito. be with you at 6.30 call her instead change the batteries drink a glass of water get to an ATM this afternoon re-install it 0 The remote control isn’t working properly.

Try changing the batteries. 1 This new photo software isn’t working properly. . 2 Viola isn’t replying to my text messages. Why don’t you 3 Can you give me the £30 you owe me? Yes, sorry. I’ll 4 I’ve got hiccups!

? . .

5 Don’t be late. OK, I’ll


Unità 77 185



Verbo + complemento oggetto + -ing o infinito The doctor kept me waiting for hours. They asked me to go with them.

A Uso e forma Alcuni dei verbi che sono seguiti dalla forma -ing o dall’infinito hanno anche un complemento oggetto. Alcuni di questi verbi devono avere sempre un complemento oggetto ed alcuni altri possono averlo oppure no a seconda di come sono usati. Qui di seguito sono elencati i verbi di questo tipo più comunemente usati. B Verbo + complemento oggetto + -ing i Hear, notice e see devono sempre avere un complemento oggetto. ii Can’t stand, (can’t) imagine, dislike, hate, keep, (don’t) like, (don’t) mind, remember, risk e stop possono essere usati con o senza un complemento oggetto. I can hear someone singing. I saw Carlos going into the supermarket. I don’t remember you taking this photo of me.

C Verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito i Advise, allow, bribe, cause, challenge, enable, encourage, force, inspire, invite, leave, order, persuade, remind, teach (how), tell, train, trust, urge e warn devono avere un complemento oggetto. ii Ask, beg, choose, dare, expect, help, need, want, would like/love/hate/prefer possono essere usati con o senza un complemento oggetto. I advise you to listen carefully. What do you want us to do? The teacher told us not to be late. The teacher warned us not to be late again. Nota che molti di questi verbi si usano per riferire ciò che qualcuno ha detto. Vedi unità 99 per altri verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto.

D Let, make e help i Dopo let e make si usa il complemento oggetto + forma base del verbo. My parents made me go to bed, but they let me read for a while. The film made me cry. Nota che spesso let e make sono usati in senso causativo, con il significato di ‘far fare qualcosa a qualcuno’. Let equivale a lasciare/permettere, mentre make corrisponde a obbligare/costringere. She made me do extra homework for punishment. Mi fece (obbligò a) fare dei compiti in più per punizione. She let me do an easy homework task. Mi fece (lasciò) fare un compito facile. ii Si può usare anche help allo stesso modo. Tom’s going to help me do my homework. Can you help me tidy up? Vedi unità 56 e 89 per altri usi di let e make.

186 Unità 78

1 Leggi questi commenti sul rapporto genitori-figli. Completali usando i verbi in corsivo all’infinito, alla forma base o alla forma -ing. 0 My parents always made me do my homework. do 1 My parents only let me at the weekend go out 2 As a child, I hated people me what to do. tell to bed as late as I wanted. go 3 My parents always allowed me 4 I always helped my parents the housework. do 5 My parents taught me positive about life. be my room. It was great! tidy 6 My parents never made me 7 I can’t imagine my parents young. be 8 My parents always tried to stop me the internet so much. use myself. be 9 My parents always encouraged me 10 My parents always expected me to university. go 2 Riferisci quanto è stato detto usando i verbi in corsivo e il pronome adatto. 0

Can you help me, please?

Please go shopping with me.



You should do more exercise.




Don’t forget to phone Silvia.

0 He asked her to help him. 1 2


Please, please tell me.

ask remind persuade

Take a seat, please.

3 4 5

beg advise ask

3 Completa le frasi usando It makes/made me … e le espressioni del riquadro. cry feel sick jump want to leave work harder 0 1 2 3 4

The weather in this place is awful. It makes me want to leave. The film was so sad. I failed an exam. The food was disgusting. I suddenly heard a loud bang.

4 Che cosa ti infastidisce? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando la parola people e i verbi del riquadro. can’t stand don’t like don’t mind 0 1 2 3 4

use their mobile on the bus I can’t stand people using their mobile on the bus. chewing gum all the time kiss in public play loud music in public eat in the street Unità 78 187


79 FCE 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 75–78) verbo + -ing o infinito

Verbo + -ing o infinito Karen ed Erica sono in vacanza in Tailandia. Leggi la loro email e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

Hi Katie, We’re in Thailand and we’re having a great time! Sorry we haven’t written to you before now. We intended 0 C you when we first arrived, but we’ve been really busy. Anyway, a little we’re having a great time here and we’ve decided 1 longer than we originally intended. Tomorrow, we’re getting a train to the north of the country and we’re going to spend in the mountains. It’ll involve 3 about 20 a few days 2 miles a day – Erica wasn’t too keen at first and wanted 4 a bit more time around Bangkok, but I’ve managed 5 , too! She wants 6 you that I made 7 with me, but that’s not true! to one of the islands in the After that, we’re planning 8 with them south. Some people we met have invited 9 for a few days. I’m sure that by the time we get there we’ll nothing for a few days – except lie on really feel like 10 the beach, of course! you again soon and we can’t Anyway, we promise 11 12 you back at university in a few weeks. wait Lots of love, Karen and Erica x

0 1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10 11 12


email stay trek to walk us spend persuade her to come me tell her to come going us to stay do us email to see


emailing staying trekking us to walk us spending persuade her coming tell her come us to go us stay to do email seeing

188 Unità 79: Revisione e potenziamento


to email to stay to trek walk to spend to persuade her to come me telling her coming to go us staying doing to email see


us to email to have stayed to be trekking walking spending to persuade her coming me to tell come go to stay us doing emailing to seeing


Verbo + -ing o infinito Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 It would be better if you came on Friday. prefer I would prefer you to come on Friday. 1 It’s important that you are there by 5.30. need by 5.30. You 2 My parents don’t allow me to stay up late during the week. let My parents late during the week. 3 The police forced us to empty our pockets. made The police our pockets. 4 I played computer games for two hours last night. spent computer games last night. I 5 Sergio wasn’t really ill. pretending Sergio ill. 6 Tessa was coming out of the supermarket when I saw her. saw the supermarket. I


Verbo + -ing o infinito Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B



Did you manage g to fix your computer? No. I tried d reloading / to reload the program, but it still doesn’t work. I like your new mobile! Thanks. I tried getting / to get a pink one, but they’d sold out. Does Carlo know about the party? Oh no! I forgot emailing / to email him. I must remember doing / to do it this afternoon. I’ll never forget watching / to watch The Lord of the Rings films for the first time. Me too. I can remember being / to be amazed by the visual effects.

Verbo + -ing o infinito Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Non ricordo di aver fatto questa foto.

I don’t remember taking this photo. 1 Ti sei ricordato di imbucare la lettera? 2 Se non è casa, prova a chiamarlo sul suo cellulare. 3 Provai ad aprire la finestra, ma era sprangata. 4 Sembra che la pioggia stia per smettere. 5 Ha smesso di piovere.


Verbo + -ing o infinito Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I enjoy studying English. 5 I can’t wait 1 I don’t like . 6 I spend a lot of time . 7 I need 2 I can’t stand 3 I want . 8 I’d like 4 I love . 9 I hope

. . . . .

Unità 79: Revisione e potenziamento 189



Preposizioni + -ing He apologized for being late. Are you interested in coming with us?

La forma -ing si usa di norma con una preposizione. La costruzione può essere: i verbo + preposizione + -ing We’re thinking of going to the beach. Fabio insisted on paying for the coffees. ii aggettivo + preposizione + -ing I’m fed up with waiting. Let’s go. Are you serious about moving to England? iii nome + preposizione + -ing I’ve got lots of memories of living in America. There was a delay in sending the package. iv by + -ing, per dire come avviene qualcosa They got into the house by breaking a window. The thieves escaped by running away. v for + -ing, per dire per quale scopo si usa un oggetto That cloth is for cleaning the windows. Quel panno è per pulire le finestre. What’s this for? ~ It’s for charging batteries. A che cosa serve? ~ È per caricare le batterie. vi without + -ing I swam fifty lengths without stopping. I left the party without anybody realizing. Nota che con without si usa anybody, anything ecc., non nobody, nothing. They got married without anybody knowing. Non They got married without nobody knowing. Si sposarono senza che nessuno lo sapesse. She left home without saying anything to anybody. Se ne andò di casa senza dire nulla a nessuno.

A differenza dell’italiano, in inglese non si usa la doppia negazione. Siccome without ha significato negativo, è seguito da un verbo alla forma affermativa e da pronomi indefiniti come anybody e anything.

1 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la preposizione in corsivo. 0 He was late. He didn’t apologize. for He didn’t apologize for being late. 1 I’m late. I’m sorry. for I . 2 Tom paid for the meal. He insisted. on Tom . 3 Pete plays the drums. He’s very good. at Pete . a car. 4 Sam stole a car. He was arrested. for Sam 5 Harriet helped him. He thanked her. for He . 6 Do you want to come with us? Are you interested? in Are you 7 He’s very generous. He’s got a reputation. for He . 8 I broke Jim’s camera. He’s angry with me. for Jim . 9 Wendy is waiting for Tom. She’s fed up. with Wendy .

190 Unità 80


2 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola without. 0 I translated everything. I didn’t use a dictionary.

I translated everything without using a dictionary. 1 I ran five kilometres. I didn’t stop. 2 Olga left. She didn’t say goodbye. 3 They won the game. They didn’t really try. 4 Tim left the room. Nobody realized.

3 Completa i dialoghi relativi ai titoli di giornale. Usa by e le espressioni del riquadro. drink rainwater jump out of a window pretend to be security guards punch the shark on the nose 0


How did he survive?

By drinking rainwater.



Mike Judy 2

How did she escape?

Man survives shark attack Mike Judy


How did he do it?

Gang steal van Gogh masterpiece Mike Judy

How did they do it?

4 Un bambino sta chiedendo che cosa sono questi oggetti. Scrivi le risposte usando It’s for … e le espressioni del riquadro. crush garlic drain pasta grate cheese open bottles 0

0 1 2 3



What’s this? What’s this? What’s this? What’s this?




It’s for crushing garlic.

Unità 80 191



Espressioni + -ing I spent hours doing my homework. It’s no use trying to fix it. Is the film worth seeing?

Alcune espressioni sono seguite dalla forma -ing. Fra le più comuni e le più utili vi sono le seguenti:

Nota che la costruzione It’s (not) worth..., Is it worth ...? corrisponde in italiano all’espressione ‘(Non) vale la pena …, Vale la pena (di) … ?’ che è sempre impersonale. If you’ve already visited St Tropez, it’s not worth seeing Cannes. Se hai già visitato St Tropez, non vale la pena vedere Cannes. Is this DVD worth buying? Vale la pena di comperare questo DVD? Are the ski slopes in Chamonix worth trying? Vale la pena di provare le piste da sci di Chamonix?

i There’s no point (in) … (Non ha senso…),What’s the point of …? (Che senso ha…?), What’s the use of …? (Che motivo c’è…?) There’s no point waiting any longer. Let’s go. What’s the use of learning a foreign language if you’re never going to speak it? ii It’s (not) worth …, Is it worth …? It’s not worth getting the bus. We can walk there. Are the Harry Potter books worth reading? Rome is definitely worth visiting. iii It’s no use … (È inutile…), It’s no good … (Non serve (a nulla)…) It’s no use talking to him. He won’t listen. It’s no good saying sorry. What you did is inexcusable. iv It’s a waste of time/money … (È una perdita di tempo/di soldi…) It’s a waste of time talking to him. He never listens. It’s a waste of money buying DVDs. v Spend time/money … (Impiegare del tempo/spendere denaro…) I spent a week writing my report. They’re going to spend ten million euros renovating the palace. vi Have difficulty … (Avere/trovare difficoltà…) Did you have any difficulty finding the house? I’m having great difficulty fixing my computer.

1 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con le parole date. 0 I wrote the report. It took me a week. I spent a week writing the report. 1 I never buy newspapers. It’s a waste of money. It’s a waste 2 We tried to find Patrick’s house. It took us an hour. We spent 3 We translated the song lyrics. It was difficult. We had difficulty 4 Penny’s had cosmetic surgery. It’s cost €20,000 so far. So far, Penny’s spent 5 I fixed the computer. It was very difficult. I had great difficulty 6 I don’t watch TV. It’s a waste of time. It’s a waste

192 Unità 81

. . . . . .

2 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. 0 Don’t go to the gym if you don’t enjoy it. It’s a waste of time.

It’s a waste of time going to the gym 1 Don’t go out if it’s raining. There’s no point.

if you don’t enjoy it. if it's raining.

2 Don’t pay to download music. It’s a waste of money. download music. 3 Don’t go to clubs if you don’t like dancing. There’s no point. if you don't like dancing. 4 Don’t get upset about what he said. It’s not worth it. about what he said. 5 Don’t say sorry now. It’s no use. now.

3 Scrivi le domande adatte usando What’s the point of … if you …? 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B

He’s just bought a piano, but he can’t play it.

What’s the point of buying a piano if you can’t play it? He has a swimming pool, but he never uses it. ? She’s bought a sports car, but she can’t drive. ? She’s got a mobile, but she never switches it on. ?

4 L’amica di Tom, Fran, sta per andare a Londra e Tom le dà alcuni consigli. Completa la loro conversazione usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi. Fran Tom

Fran Tom

Fran Tom Fran Tom Fran

So, where do you recommend in London? Well, for generally enjoying the atmosphere, I think Trafalgar Square 0 ’s worth visiting (worth / visit) and (also / worth / have) it 1 a walk around Covent Garden and Soho, especially in the evening. And to get a wonderful view of the city it 2 (definitely / worth / go) on the London Eye. OK, and what about the museums and places like that? Yes, they’re wonderful of course, but maybe save them for a rainy day. There 3 (no point / be) inside on a lovely day, is there? You don’t get that many sunny days in England! And the forecast for next week is pretty good, isn’t it? Yes, I think it is. And I’d say it 4 (a waste of time and money / go) to Buckingham Palace. There’s not much to see and it’s very expensive. OK. And what about going to a football match, say Chelsea or Arsenal. Is that possible? Well, you can try, but I think you might 5 (have difficulty / (definitely / worth / go) if you can. get) a ticket. But it 6 Great, I’ll look into it. And thanks for the tips.

Unità 81 193



Be/get used to + -ing e be/get used to + nome I’m used to living here. I’m getting used to the food.

i Be used to si usa per parlare di qualcosa che un tempo non era abituale per qualcuno ora lo è diventato. Si traduce con ‘essere abituato a’, ‘avere l’abitudine di’. ii Si usa get used to per parlare del processo di abituarsi a qualcosa. Si traduce con ‘abituarsi a’. iii Con be used to, si usa la forma -ing di un verbo oppure un nome o un pronome. A How’s your new teacher? B She’s great. But I’m not used to having so much homework. We get a lot more than last year! A I’m sure you’ll get used to it!

Nota che non si deve confondere be used to con il verbo used to.

Vedi unità 23.

B How’s life in England? Are you used to the weather yet? A No, but I think I’m getting used to it! iv Le risposte più appropriate a domande del tipo Are you used to ...? sono: Yes, I am. No, I’m not. No, but I’m getting used to it. 1 Di recente Laura è andata in Gran Bretagna per studiare all’università. Scrivi le azioni con cui ha (✓) e non ha (✗) familiarità. 0 be in the UK ✓ She’s used to being in the UK. 1 speak English every day ✗ 2 use pounds instead of euros ✓ 3 drive on the left ✓ 4 eat potatoes all the time ✗ 2 Laura sta parlando con la sua amica Jane a proposito del suo soggiorno in Gran Bretagna. Completa la conversazione usando il tempo verbale corretto di get used to e le parole del riquadro. have all my lectures Jane Laura Jane Laura Jane Laura Jane Laura

194 Unità 82

the British way of life

the famous British weather

the food here


So, how’s life in London? Great. I’m really enjoying myself. And I think I 0 ’m getting used to the British way of life little by little. Great. And how’s the course? Fine, thanks. Really interesting. It took me a while to 1 in English, but it’s not a problem now. My English is really improving, actually. you ? That’s fantastic. And 2 Not really – one minute it’s warm and sunny and the next minute it’s pouring with rain. Every time I go out I need to take sunglasses and an umbrella! Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you 3 eventually! And what have you been eating? Well, I think I’m slowly 4 . It’s not too bad actually. I'm eating lots of pizza and pasta, and there are Italian restaurants everywhere!

3 Scrivi le domande usando be used to e le espressioni del riquadro. Poi aggiungi le risposte brevi appropriate. drive on the left

get up early

ride a bike

speak English




0 Is he used to speaking English? 1 2 3

~ No, he isn’t. ~ ~ ~

4 Quanta familiarità hai con queste situazioni? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando I’m used to, I’m not used to o I’m getting used to. 0 be a student I’m used to being a student. 1 work hard 2 speak English 3 do lots of homework 4 my current timetable 5 my school’s rules and regulations 5 Immagina di essere appena arrivato in Gran Bretagna e scrivi quattro frasi su azioni o situazioni con cui non hai ancora familiarità. 0 I'm not used to looking right when I cross the road. 1 2 3 4

Unità 82 195



Aggettivi e nomi + infinito Are you ready to leave? It’s important not to be late. What a lovely place to live!

A Aggettivi + infinito i Alcuni aggettivi reggono l’infinito. Le costruzioni passono essere: r Aggettivo + infinito We’re nearly ready to leave. I’m surprised to see you here. It’s difficult to explain. It’s good to be back home. r Aggettivo + for/of + complemento + infinito It’s important for you to be at the meeting. It was kind of him to help. They are keen for us to go with them. ii Gli aggettivi seguiti dall’infinito sono usati di norma con soggetto impersonale it (It’s great to see you) o con un pronome personale soggetto (I’m surprised to see you). Alcuni aggettivi si possono usare con entrambe le strutture. It’s easy to use the camera. o The camera is easy to use. Is it safe to drink the water? o Is the water safe to drink? It was crazy of them to do that. o They were crazy to do that. Gli aggettivi che si usano più comunemente con entrambe le strutture sono tra gli altri: difficult, easy, free, hard, impossible, interesting, safe, crazy.

B Nomi + infinito i L’infinito si usa con alcuni nomi ed espressioni nominali. Le costruzioni possono essere: r Nome + infinito It’s time to go. This is your last chance to change your mind. What’s the best way to get to your house? r Nome + be + infinito My advice is to say nothing. The important thing is to exercise every day and to eat healthily. ii L’infinito si può usare con the first, the second, the only, the last ecc. I was the last to arrive. Who was the first person to walk on the moon? Vedi unità 144 per usi dell’infinito con il to con too e enough.

1 Completa le frasi usando i verbi e le espressioni del riquadro. get back home 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

be on time

hear anyone





I like your new camera. Is it easy to use? The taxi is here. Are you ready ? The music was so loud in the club last night. It was impossible . Did you get the opportunity Pompeii when you were in Italy? I love going away, but it’s always great . There’s no need Luisa. I’ve just spoken to her. Don’t be late. It’s really important .

196 Unità 83

2 Riferisci le informazioni delle insegne e annunci usando It’s e i suggerimenti del riquadro. dangerous / swim 0

easy / install 1

P FREE PARKING 1 hour only

free / join


free / park

not safe / drink




No membership fee

Do not swim in the river

0 It’s free to park for one hour. 1 2 3 4


Try PHOTOPRO Software easy installation

3 Completa i dialoghi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. the best way / get to your house time / go an amazing place / live a big mistake / do that the chance / talk to her 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Do you think I should tell her? No. It would be a big mistake to do that! This is a photo of my grandparents’ house. Wow. What Did you see Carol last night? Yes, but I didn’t get Which is By bus. There’s a bus stop right outside. Come on. It’s OK, I’ll get my coat.

! . ? .

4 Completa le domande usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. first team / win first person / reach second person / walk last person / walk first athlete / win first person / climb 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A

Who was the first person to reach Wasn’t it Roald Amundsen?

the South Pole? Mount Everest?

Sir Edmund Hillary in 1952. the World Cup? Wasn’t it Uruguay in 1930?

Olympic gold medals? B It was British rower Steve Redgrave from 1984 to 2000. 4 A B It was Buzz Aldrin, wasn’t it? Just after Neil Armstrong. 5 A B It was a guy called Gene Cernan in 1972.

five consecutive

on the moon? on the moon?

Unità 83 197



Parole interrogative + infinito I don’t know who to speak to. I’m not sure whether to invite Luigi to the party.

A Uso e forma Con alcuni verbi e locuzioni si possono usare le parole interrogative + infinito. i Verbo + parola interrogativa + infinito I don’t know what to say. I can’t decide what to wear. Can you show me how to get to your house? I verbi più comuni che possono reggere una parola interrogativa + infinito sono: ask (someone) choose decide discover discuss explain find out forget know learn remember say see show (someone) talk about teach (someone) tell (someone) think (about) understand wonder work out worry about ii Locuzione + parola interrogativa + infinito I’m not sure where to go. We haven’t got a clue what to do. Have you made up your mind who to invite to the party? Le locuzioni che possono reggere una parola interrogativa + infinito includono: I’ve no idea …, I haven’t got a clue …, I’m not sure …, make up your mind Nota che si può usare un nome retto da what, which, whose, how many e how much. I can’t decide which pizza to have. I don’t know what music to put on. Nota che non si usa la costruzione why + infinito. I don’t know why I have to do it. Non I don’t know why to do it.

B Whether Si può anche usare whether + infinito con certi verbi e locuzioni. I can’t decide whether to go to the party or not. I’m not sure whether to invite Nicola to the party. Nota che non si può usare if al posto di whether. I don’t know whether to go out tonight. Non I don’t know if to go out tonight. Non so se uscire stasera. 1 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le parole interrogative e l’infinito del verbo. 0 How do I get to the train station? I don’t know.

I don’t know how to get to the train station. 1 Where do I get off the bus? I don’t remember. 2 How do you use the DVD recorder? Can you show me? 3 How do you connect to the internet? I don’t know. 4 What shall I buy Carrie for her birthday? I’ve no idea. 5 How do I say ‘Thank you’ in German? I’ve forgotten.

198 Unità 84

2 Suzy ha deciso di invitare alcune persone a cena. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro per completare le sue frasi. what / cook whether / invite how / make what music / play what time / tell what / wear 0 I wonder what time to tell people to arrive.

3 I don’t know –

1 I’ve no idea classical or pop?

– risotto or pasta?

4 I can’t make up my mind Guido or not.

2 I just can’t decide – jeans or my new dress?

5 Help! Can anyone show me an omelette?

3 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Scrivi delle frasi usando whether. 0 Coffee or tea? You can’t decide which to have.

I can’t decide whether to have coffee or tea. 1 Go out or stay in tonight? You don’t know what to do. 2 Do my homework or watch TV? You can’t decide what to do. 3 To the gym or swimming? You can’t make up your mind where to go. 4 Speak to him or not? You just didn’t know what to do.

4 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa le parole interrogative e l’infinito del verbo. 0 I can’t decide what to do at the weekend. 1 I don’t know . 2 I’m not sure . 3 I can’t make up my mind . 4 I need to find out . 5 I know . 6 I've forgotten .

Unità 84 199



Infinito di scopo I’m going to the shop to get some milk. Where are you going? ~ To get some milk.

L’infinito si usa: i Per esprimere uno scopo. Risponde alla domanda o serve per spiegare why? (perché?). I phoned Peter to invite him to the party. Can I use your phone to text Sammy? Why are you going to the shop? ~ To get some milk. ii Per spiegare lo scopo o la funzione di qualcosa. You use a mouse to operate a computer. Pull that lever to open the door. What’s this button for? ~ To turn the light on. Nota che in inglese non si usa for allo stesso modo in cui si usa ‘per’ in italiano. I’m going to the supermarket to buy some bread. Non I’m going to the supermarket for buy some bread.

In italiano, l’infinito di scopo si può esprimere con a o per + infinito. Occorre stare attenti alla costruzione di for che, in inglese, regge la forma -ing.

1 Scrivi delle frasi in cui spieghi che cosa stai per fare e perché. Usa le espressioni del riquadro. buy some milk get my eyes tested get some money play tennis return some books visit Janice 0 1 2 3 4 5

the shop I’m going to the shop to buy some milk. the bank the library the hospital the optician’s the park

2 Scrivi le risposte usando le espressioni del riquadro. Inizia con To. buy a newspaper celebrate the end of the exams get my bag invite us to her party save money visit my cousins 0 Nick Ian 1 Chris Tony 2 Freda Anna 3 Sara Karen 4 Sandy Becky Sandy Becky

200 Unità 85

Why aren’t you going out this evening?

To save money. Why are you going to Brighton? . They live there. Where are you going? To the shop Why did you go back to the classroom?

. . I left it there.

Why did Maria phone? . It’s not her birthday, is it? What’s the party for? .

3 Scrivi delle risposte usando le tue idee. Inizia con To. 0 Why did you go to the garage? To get some petrol. 1 Why did you go to the shop? 2 Why did you go to the sports centre? 3 Why did you go to the bank? 4 Why did you go to the city centre? 4 Scrivi le frasi usando i suggerimenti dati e Can I use …? o Can I borrow …? 0 a stamp / post Lara’s birthday card

Can I borrow a stamp to post Lara’s birthday card? 1 your computer / send an email 2 your phone / ring my parents 3 some money / buy a coffee 4 your scooter / go to the shops 5 the internet / check the football results

5 Spiega a che cosa servono questi oggetti e comandi usando le espressioni del riquadro e It’s to. connect the camera to the computer switch the camera on and off zoom in or out release the battery take a photo change the settings 2


1 4

5 0

0 1 2 3 4 5


What’s this cable for? It’s to connect the camera to the computer. What’s this button for? What’s this for? What’s this button for? What’s this button for? What’s this for? Unità 85 201


86 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 80–85) Altri usi delle forme -ing e infinito

Preposizioni + -ing Completa i dialoghi usando le preposizioni e i verbi del riquadro. about / study at / play by / practise for / be for / dry on / give on / pass without / stop 0 Sue Dino 1 Alison Enrico 2 Kate Lucio 3 Bianca Teacher 4 James Mia 5 Tom Sanna 6 Lena Tessa


Did you get the bus here? No. Elisa insisted on giving Congratulations Thanks. Are you serious Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer. I’m sorry late. Don’t worry. We haven’t started the lesson yet. Paris to Rome in twelve hours – that’s pretty good. Yes, we drove all night Can I use this towel? No, that’s the one we use How did you get to be so good every day!

me a lift. your exam! law at university?

. the dog! the piano?

Be used to + -ing Simon si è trasferito da poco in Italia dal Regno Unito. Guarda le figure e scrivi delle frasi sulle cose alle quali è e non è abituato. Usa le espressioni del riquadro. drive on the right eat spaghetti speak Italian use euros

Parlare sempre l’Italiano è facile.

0 He isn’t used to driving on the right.


€5.60 = £???

1 202 Unità 86: Revisione e potenziamento



Espressioni con aggettivo/nome + infinito Completa i consigli per imparare meglio l’inglese. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro. easy / learn essential / go a good idea / watch important / read opportunity / speak secret / listen useful / have 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


It’s useful to have It’s It’s Take every The It’s It’s

a good dictionary. as many English books and magazines as possible. lots of films in English. English. is to lots of English bands. for you to all your lessons! English if you really want to!

Espressioni con aggettivo/nome + infinito Il/La tuo/a amico/a sta organizzando la sua festa di compleanno. Completa le frasi per dargli/le dei consigli. Usa le idee del riquadro o altre a tua scelta. enjoy yourself have food play games have music you can dance to invite a lot of people have a fancy-dress party warn the neighbours invite an equal number of boys and girls invite your teachers 0 1 2 3 4 5


It’s important to warn the neighbours. It’s a good idea It’s essential It isn’t necessary It’s better not The most important thing is

. . . . .

Verbi + -ing o infinito Completa i dialoghi con la forma -ing o l’infinito dei verbi tra parentesi. Alice We’re thinking of 0 going (go) to the beach later. Do you want to join us? (meet) Darina. Billy No thanks, I can’t. I’m going into town 1 Abby Carlo

I’ve no idea what 2 It’s no use 3

Yuko Darius

Are you serious about 4 Yes, I never have the time 5

Alfie Robbie

Can you show me how 6 The easiest way is 7

Sam Andrea

Can I use your computer 8 Sure, but I’m having difficulty 9

Francis Steve

Thanks for 10 No problem. It’s good 11

Lizzy John

I’m sorry 12 (hear) about your driving test. Oh, never mind. They say it’s quite normal 13

Jack Sarah

Where are you going? To the supermarket. 14

(wear) for the party tonight. Any suggestions? (ask) me – I’ve got no idea about fashion! (sell) your guitar? (play) it anymore. (get) to the train station? (take) the number 5 bus from the bottom of the road. (check) my emails? (connect) to the internet at the moment. (help) me with my homework. (be able) to help each other from time to time.

(get) something 15

(fail) first time. (eat). I haven’t had lunch yet.

Unità 86: Revisione e potenziamento 203


Varie forme Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 He was late but he didn’t apologize. for He didn’t apologize for being late. 1 It took me an hour to tidy my room. spent I my room. 2 How do I get to the bus station – can you show me? to Can you show me to the bus station? 3 I did all my work and I didn’t ask for help. without I did for help. 4 They broke a window to get into the house. by They got into a window. 5 Is your house easy to find? it Is your house? 6 Angelina plays the guitar very well. good Angelina’s the guitar. 7 His parents bought him a new bike because he passed all his exams. for His parents bought him a new bike all his exams. 8 Who left the party last? was Who the party?



Varie forme Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Complimenti per aver passato l’esame.

Well done for passing your exam. 1 Esco a prendere del latte. 2 Sai come arrivare a casa mia? 3 Vale la pena vedere il film? 4 È facile trovare il negozio? 5 È importante arrivare in orario.


Grammatica e lessico: look forward to + -ing Completa le frasi con i verbi del riquadro. Ricordati di usare la forma -ing del verbo dopo look forward to (non vedere l’ora di). hear meet receive see 0


L Lo Look forward you tonight. tonight onight. night. Jx

I’m looking forward to meeting Tom. What’s he like?


3 We look forward in the next 7 days. Yours sincerely, Claire Chapman, Accounts

204 Unità 86: Revisione e potenziamento

your payment


Grammatica e lessico: look forward to + -ing Scrivi due cose che non vedi l’ora di fare. 0 I’m looking forward to going on holiday. 1 2

10 Grammatica e lessico: infinito di scopo e oggetti di uso scolastico Immagina che un bambino stia chiedendo che cosa sono questi oggetti. Scrivi le risposte usando It’s a, You use it to e le espressioni dei riquadri. calculator paperclip hole punch rubber ruler sharpener stapler clip pieces of paper together do calculations draw straight lines join pieces of paper together make holes in paper rub something out sharpen pencils

0 What’s this?

It’s a stapler. You use it to join pieces of paper together.

1 What’s this?

2 What’s this?

3 What’s this?

4 What’s this?

5 What’s this?

6 What’s this?

Unità 86: Revisione e potenziamento 205



Get We got wet. Let’s get going. We didn’t get to see the film. I don’t get it.

Get ha diversi significati ed usi. Qui di seguito sono elencati alcuni dei più comuni.

A Diventare Get + aggettivo = diventare Did you get wet when it rained? Ti sei bagnato quando è piovuto? It’s getting dark. Si sta facendo buio. Are you getting ready? Vi state preparando? B Ottenere/ricevere Get + nome = ottenere o ricevere I got a new bike for my birthday. Ho ricevuto una bicicletta nuova per il mio compleanno. I’m going to the shop to get some milk. Sto andando al negozio a prendere del latte. C Viaggiare/arrivare Get + avverbio = viaggiare o arrivare How do you get to school? Come vai a scuola? What time did you get home? A che ora sei arrivato a casa? D Iniziare Get + -ing = iniziare Let’s get going or we’ll be late. Andiamo o saremo in ritardo. You tidy the room and I’ll get cooking. Tu metti a posto la stanza e io inizio a cucinare. E Capire Get + nome/espressione interrogativa = capire I don’t get it! Non capisco! Do you get what I mean? Capisci ciò che dico? F Riuscire Get + infinito = riuscire o ‘avere l’opportunità di’ Did you get to see the Forum when you were in Rome? Sei riuscito a vedere il Foro quando eri a Roma? Nota che queste espressioni con get sono in genere usate in contesti più informali, per esempio in conversazione con gli amici. Vedi unità 52 per usi di get e have/get something done con il passivo.

1 Leggi le seguenti notizie giornalistiche. Quale parola sostituiresti con una forma di get per riferire le informazioni in una conversazione? 0 The weather is going to become a lot worse next week. get 1 You can generally obtain things cheaper on the internet. 2 The Earth is becoming warmer every year. 3 You can now travel from London to Paris in under two hours. 4 Due to traffic delays, many fans didn’t manage to see the start of the game. 5 We finally arrived home at midnight. 206 Unità 87

2 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa una forma di get e le parole del riquadro. an A in English dark going changed the milk and bread the coffee wet 0






0 1 2 3 4 5

We got wet. I I It’s Come on. Let’s I’m

. but I

. . . .

3 Completa i dialoghi usando get e le parole in corsivo. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

How was your holiday? Fantastic! I got to spend How was the gig? Brilliant. And Was William at the party? Yes, but How long have you known Zena? Oh, In Paris, Yes, we did. What a view!

the whole week on the beach! I / spend the band afterwards. we / meet to him before he left. I / not / speak her about three years ago. I / first / know the Eiffel Tower? you / go up

Unità 87 207



Have We had a great time. Can I have a go? Have a seat.

Have come verbo principale ha diversi usi e significati. Qui di seguito sono elencati gli usi più comuni. i Si usano espressioni con have + nome per alcune azioni ed esperienze. Per esempio: Pasti have breakfast/lunch Cibo e bevande have a burger/a coffee/pizza Attività quotidiane have a shower/a rest/a walk/a siesta Avvenimenti have a lesson/an exam/a meeting/ a party/a chat/a holiday Esperienze positive have fun/a good time/a good day/a laugh Esperienze negative have a bad day/a problem/an argument/ an accident ii Si usa a volte have a + nome invece di un verbo. Per esempio: have a go (sperimentare o provarci), have a look (vedere, dare un’occhiata), have a taste (assaggiare), have a guess (indovinare). This new game is brilliant. Do you want to have a go? Il nuovo gioco è entusiasmante. Vuoi provare? I can’t start the car. Will you have a go? Non riesco ad avviare la macchina. Vuoi provare? There’s a problem with my computer. Can you have a look at it? Il mio computer ha un problema. Puoi vederlo?

Nota che alcune delle espressioni con have, in italiano reggono altri verbi. I’m having a shower. Sto facendo la doccia. We have lessons all morning and then we have lunch a 12.00. Abbiamo lezioni per tutta la mattina e poi pranziamo alle 12.00. Did you have a coffee with him yesterday? Hai preso un caffè con lui ieri?

iii Si usa have a/some per offrire qualcosa. Have a seat/a drink/some more cake ecc. (Siediti/prendi da bere/ancora un po’ di dolce ecc.) Vedi unità 7 per have (got) per esprimere possesso ed unità 52 per have something done.

1 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa have e le parole del riquadro. a bad day lunch a good time a shower

0 He’s having a shower.



3 They

208 Unità 88


2 Completa i dialoghi con have a e le parole del riquadro. go guess listen look taste 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

How’s your pizza, it looks nice. It’s delicious. Have a taste. Have you heard the new song by The Rakes? I’ve got it here on my MP3 player – do you want to I just can’t open this bottle. Here, you OK, I’ll try. Have you seen this article about music? It’s really interesting. No, I haven’t. Can I ? How old are you? I’m not telling you. !

? .

3 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Usa Have e le parole del riquadro. a biscuit a rest a seat some more wine

0 Have a seat.





3 If you’re tired,


4 Scrivi sei frasi che siano vere per te su quanto hai fatto oggi usando I’ve had e I haven’t had e i suggerimenti del riquadro. an accident an argument a burger a coffee dinner an exam fun a good day a bad day lunch a laugh a maths lesson a problem a shower a siesta 0 I’ve had lunch. 0 I haven’t had an argument. 1 2

3 4 5 6

Unità 88 209



Make I’ll make lunch. I need to make a phone call. It’s made from wood. It made me cry.

Make ha diversi usi e significati. Qui di seguito sono elencati quelli più comuni:

A Produrre Make + nome = produrre qualcosa I’ll make the coffee. Farò il caffè. Who made this mess? Chi ha fatto questo caos? Alcune tra le espressioni più frequenti sono: make

breakfast/lunch/dinner a cake/a coffee a list a mess a noise a plan

B Eseguire Make + nome = eseguire un’azione I need to make a phone call. Devo fare una telefonata. I made a mistake. Ho fatto un errore. Alcune tra le espressioni più frequenti sono:


an appointment the bed a choice a complaint a decision a difference an effort an excuse friends a fuss an impression a mistake an offer a phone call a promise a speech

C Prodotto da Be made from/of + materiale = materia di cui qualcosa è fatto Glass is made from sand. Il vetro è fatto di sabbia. The sculpture is made of ice. La scultura è fatta di ghiaccio. Nota che, come regola generale, si usa from se il materiale grezzo viene trasformato durante il processo e of se non lo è.

D Causare, provocare Make + pronome + aggettivo/forma base del verbo = causare/provocare qualcosa Too much chocolate makes you fat. Troppa cioccolata fa ingrassare. The book made me cry. Il libro mi ha fatto piangere. E Obbligare Make + pronome + forma base del verbo = obbligare qualcuno a fare qualcosa My parents make me go to bed at ten o’clock. I miei genitori mi obbligano ad andare a letto alle dieci.

210 Unità 89

Nota che alcune delle espressioni con make prendono altri verbi in italiano. You need to make a decision. Devi prendere una decisione. Who’s making that noise? Chi sta facendo questo rumore?

Vedi unità 90 per le espressioni in cui si usa do.

1 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa make e le parole del riquadro. a list a mess a big mistake a phone call

0 He’s making a mess.




2 Completa i dialoghi usando make e le parole del riquadro. an appointment a difference a fuss friends lunch 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B A

The food was cold, the service was slow, and I didn’t like the music. Oh, stop making a fuss – the restaurant wasn’t that bad. Hello, this is the health centre. Can I help you? I’d like to to see Dr Smith, please. I’m hungry. OK, I’ll . I hear you and Jimmy had a big argument. again. Yes, but we’ve I’ve got a new pair of glasses. Has it ? Yes, I can actually see now!

3 Scrivi delle frasi in cui spieghi di quale materiale sono fatti i seguenti oggetti. Usa from oppure of. denim eggs plastic sand water wood 0 Glass is made from sand. 1 Jeans 2 Paper

. .

3 An omelette 4 Clouds 5 DVDs

. . .

4 Completa le frasi usando made me e i suggerimenti del riquadro. it / cry my teacher / do it again it / ill it / laugh his parents / pay for it it / think 0 1 2 3 4 5

I read a news article about world poverty. It made me think. The film was very sad. In fact, . I think the chicken was undercooked – when Simon fell in the river! I broke a window at my friend’s house so My essay wasn’t very good so .

. !

Unità 89 211



Do What are you doing? I’m doing an English course. It does 220 kph.

A Uso e forma Do come verbo principale ha il significato generico di ‘eseguire un’attività’. Corrisponde per lo più in italiano al verbo ‘fare’. i Si usa do quando l’attività non è specificata, per esempio nelle domande e nelle frasi negative. What did you do at the weekend? Che cosa avete fatto durante il weekend? We didn’t do anything last night. Non abbiamo fatto niente ieri sera. What do you do? è una domanda comune che significa ‘Che lavoro fai?’ What do you do? ~ I’m a teacher. What does he do? ~ He’s a doctor. ii Si usa do + nome. I’m doing a grammar exercise. I didn’t do my homework last night. do

your best some exercise an exercise someone a favour some homework nothing some damage research a test/an exam a course some work some sightseeing

iii La costruzione do + the/some + -ing si usa per faccende domestiche. I’ll do the cooking if you do the washing-up. Cucino se tu lavi i piatti. I need to do some washing. Devo fare del bucato. do the/some

cooking cleaning gardening shopping washing washing-up

iv Si usa do per la pratica di alcuni sport. My sister does yoga. Have you ever done a bungee jump? do

gymnastics judo karate athletics yoga a bungee jump

v Si usa do + velocità per dire a quale velocità viaggia qualcosa. A Formula One car can do 350 kph. Vedi unità 89 per le espressioni in cui si usa do / make.

B To do with Si usa to do with per dire ‘avere a che fare/essere collegato con’ o ‘responsabile di’. The broken window has nothing to do with me. La finestra rotta non ha nulla a che fare con me. = Non ho nulla a che fare con la finestra rotta. The problem is something to do with your anti-virus software. Il problema ha a che fare/è collegato con il tuo software antivirus. C Will do Will do = ‘essere abbastanza/bastare’. Just a salad will do – I’m not very hungry. How much tip shall we leave? Will €5 do? Vedi unità 65 per do come verbo ausiliare.

212 Unità 90

1 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa do e le parole del riquadro. a bungee jump

her homework



0 He’s doing a bungee jump.






the washing


2 Completa i dialoghi usando do e le parole del riquadro. 300 kph 0 Anna Brad 1 Alice Bart Alice 2 Alan Bruce 3 Andy Bruno 4 Alex Bill 5 Ali Betty

a lot of damage

me a favour

my best


with me

Good luck with your exam! Thanks. I’ll do my best. Could you ? Sure, what is it? Could you feed the cat tomorrow? I’m away for the day. It was an amazing storm last night! . I think it destroyed some houses. Yes, and it Have you seen John’s new sports car? I have. Apparently, it can . Do you know anything about the broken window? ! No, I don’t. It has nothing Do you fancy some lunch? OK, but I’m not that hungry. A sandwich .

3 Completa le domande usando il verbo do alla forma verbale corretta. 0 What are you doing tonight? ~ I’m going out with some friends. last night? ~ I went to the cinema. 1 2 at the weekend? ~ I’m going to the beach. 3 ? ~ I’m looking for my keys. ? ~ I’m a journalist. 4 Unità 90 213



Take I’m taking the car to the garage. She took an exam. It took twenty minutes.

Take ha diversi usi e significati. Qui di seguito sono elencati alcuni dei più comuni.

A Spostare, trasportare ecc. Si usa take + nome + espressione avverbiale per indicare che si sposta qualcosa in un altro luogo. I took my mobile to school. Ho portato il cellulare a scuola. Can you take this DVD to Sam? Puoi portare questo DVD a Sam? Nota che si usa bring quando qualcosa viene spostato al luogo dove si trova chi parla. We need to bring our swimming kit to school tomorrow. Dobbiamo portare il nostro equipaggiamento da nuoto a scuola domani.

B Esprimere durata Si usa take + espressione di tempo per indicare la durata di viaggi o di azioni. It takes 20 minutes to get to school on foot. Ci vogliono 20 minuti per arrivare a scuola a piedi. The bus takes five minutes. Il bus ci mette cinque minuti. It took me three days to write the report. Mi ci sono voluti tre giorni per scrivere la relazione. How long does … take? e How long does it take to …? sono domande comuni. How long does the journey take? Quanto dura il viaggio? How long does it take to get to Genoa? Quanto ci vuole per arrivare a Genova? Nota che per film, lezioni ecc. si usa last. The lesson lasts 45 minutes. La lezione dura 45 minuti.

C Indicare quantità Si usa It takes/took + nome + to per dire il numero o la quantità necessaria per fare qualcosa. It took three people to lift the box. Ci vollero tre persone per sollevare la scatola. It takes a lot of skill to make the perfect pizza. Ci vuole una grande abilità per fare la pizza perfetta. D Azioni Le espressioni con take + nome si usano per esprimere alcune azioni. Le espressioni più comuni sono: Trasporto take the bus/the train/the metro/a taxi Cibo e medicine take milk/sugar (in your coffee)/ drugs/an aspirin Esami take an exam/a test Altre espressioni includono take a break (fare una pausa), take control (prendere il controllo), take place (avere luogo), take part (prendere parte), take a picture/photo (fare una fotografia), take advice (consultare), take (your/his ecc.) time (prendersela comoda), take a seat (mettersi a sedere)

214 Unità 91

Nota che alcune espressioni con take sono rese in italiano con diversi verbi. Did you take any photos? Hai fatto qualche fotografia? There’s no need to hurry. Take your time. Non c’è bisogno di affrettarsi. Prenditela con comodo. Do you take sugar? Metti lo zucchero?

1 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa take e le espressioni del riquadro. a tablet a break her driving test an exam a photo her dog for a walk

0 He’s taking a tablet.






2 Completa queste notizie giornalistiche usando take e le espressioni dei riquadri. over 100 firefighters at least a year control There was a fire at Oxford’s Science Museum yesterday. Firefighters quickly 0 took control of the situation and damage to the building was minimized, but it 1 and 15 hours to finally 2 to extinguish the blaze. ‘We estimate it will repair the damage before we can reopen,’ said museum director, David James.

part a petition place A demonstration by teachers 3 centre of Rome. Over ten thousand teachers 4 at the end of the demonstration, teachers’ leaders 5 to the Department of Education, asking for more pay.

yesterday in the and

drugs a drugs test part Olympic gold medallist Martha Johnson has been banned for five years after for five years. Johnson she admitted that she 6 7 in two Olympic Games and won medals in the 400 metres and 200 metres. Officials first became suspicious of Johnson when she refused to 8 at an event last year. Unità 91 215



Go I’m going to school. Go and get some bread. The interview went well.

Go ha numerosi usi e significati. Qui di seguito sono elencati alcuni tra i più comuni sono.

A Go to school, go on holiday ecc. Go + espressione avverbiale = muoversi/viaggiare in qualche luogo. I didn’t go to school yesterday. Non sono andato a scuola ieri. Where are you going on holiday? Dove andate in vacanza?

B Go and … Si usa go and + verbo per parlare del fatto che ci si dirige verso qualche luogo per un motivo. I’ll go and check the weather forecast. Vado a vedere le previsioni meteo. Let’s go and get some lunch. Andiamo a pranzo. Nota che si usa di solito come (venire) quando il parlante o l’ascoltatore sono nel luogo dove si è diretti. I’m not coming here again! Non vengo più qui. Can you come and help me, please? Mi puoi venire ad aiutare, per piacere?

C Go swimming, shopping ecc. Si usa go + -ing per attività del tempo libero e per lo shopping. Let’s go swimming. Andiamo a nuotare. I went shopping this morning. Sono andato a fare shopping stamattina. D Go well, go slowly ecc. Si usa go + avverbio per parlare di come avviene qualcosa. The interview went well. Il colloquio andò bene. The lesson went slowly. La lezione andava avanti lentamente. How did … go? è una domanda frequente. How did your exam go? ~ It went OK, I think. Com’è andato l’esame? ~ È andato bene, credo. 1 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa go e le parole ed espressioni del riquadro. to the dentist on holiday out for a pizza

0 He’s going to the dentist.




216 Unità 92

2 Immagina che queste siano alcune foto della tua vacanza estiva. Scrivi delle frasi di commento usando We went e le parole del riquadro. camp shop surf swim 0




0 We went camping. 1

2 3

3 Completa i dialoghi usando go and e le espressioni del riquadro. change your clothes get an umbrella get some see the doctor lay the table wash my hands 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

I’ve had a headache for days. I think you should go and see the doctor. There’s no milk. Don’t worry. I’ll I fell in the river! I think you need to Oh, no it’s started raining. No problem. I’ll Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Can you Sure. I’ll just

. . . ? first.

4 Scrivi domande e risposte per queste situazioni. Usa How did … go? e It went … . 0 Your friend had an eye test. It was OK. A How did your eye test go? B It went OK. 1 Your friend had an exam. It was OK, he thinks. B A 2 Your friend had an interview. It was really bad. A B 3 Your friend had a date. It was really good, he thinks. A B Unità 92 217



Prefer, would prefer e would rather I prefer wine to beer. I’d prefer to go by car. I’d rather go by car.

Si usano prefer e would rather per parlare di preferenze.

A Prefer Per esprimere ciò che si preferisce in generale si può usare: i prefer + nome I don’t drink much tea. I prefer coffee. Non bevo molto tè. Preferisco il caffè. ii prefer + -ing o prefer + infinito I don’t like watching DVDs. I prefer going to the cinema. Non mi piace guardare DVD. Preferisco andare al cinema. I don’t like watching DVDs. I prefer to go to the cinema. Non mi piace guardare DVD. Preferisco andare al cinema. iii Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa to. I prefer coffee to tea. Preferisco il caffè al tè. I prefer going to the cinema to watching DVDs. Preferisco andare al cinema che guardare DVD.

B Would prefer ('d prefer) i Si usa would prefer + nome e would prefer + infinito per riferirsi ad una situazione specifica. Tea or coffee? ~ I’d prefer coffee, if that’s OK. Tè o caffè? ~ Preferirei il caffè, se va bene. How shall we get there? ~ I’d prefer to go by train. Come possiamo andarci? ~ Preferirei andarci in treno. ii Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa rather than. I’d prefer to go by train rather than by bus. Preferirei andare in treno piuttosto che in autobus.

C Would rather ('d rather) i Si usa would rather + forma base con un significato analago a would prefer. Non si usa would rather + nome. How shall we get there? ~ I’d rather go by train. Come possiamo andarci? ~ Preferirei andarci in treno. ii Per esprimere un’alternativa si usa than. I’d rather go by train than by bus. Preferirei andare in treno piuttosto che in autobus. Nota che nella lingua parlata e in contesti scritti di tipo informale si usa di norma la forma contratta di would (I’d prefer …, We’d rather ... ecc.) con un pronome personale soggetto (I, we ecc.).

D I’d prefer not, I’d rather not Si usa not quando la frase è negativa. I’d prefer not to go by bus. Preferirei non andare in autobus. I’d rather not go by bus. Preferirei non andare in autobus. E If that’s OK, … if possible ecc. Si usano spesso espressioni quali if that’s OK, if possible e if you don’t mind a fine frase. I’d prefer coffee if that’s OK. Preferirei il caffè, se va bene. I’d rather get the bus if possible. Preferirei andare in autobus se è possibile. I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind. Preferirei stare qui se non le dispiace.

218 Unità 93

1 Che cosa preferisci? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando I prefer … to … . 0 1 2 3 4

orange juice or cola? I prefer cola to orange juice. tea or coffee? pop music or classical music? rugby or football? going to the gym or swimming?

2 Completa i dialoghi usando prefer, would prefer o would rather e le parole tra parentesi. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B A 4 A B 5 A B

It’s a lovely day. Shall we go for a walk? I’d rather read (rather / read) a book in the garden. Do you fancy something to eat? I’m not that hungry, actually. I (rather / eat) a bit later, if that’s OK. Do you play computer games? Never. I (prefer / listen) to music or (read). What do you fancy for dinner – risotto or pasta? I (rather / not have) pasta if that’s OK. I had pasta for lunch. Oh, that’s good – I (prefer / have) risotto anyway. Do you ever go skiing? I don’t like skiing. I (prefer / snowboard). We can get to Pisa by bus or train. I (prefer / go) by bus – it’s cheaper. What do you think? To be honest, I (rather / go) by train if you don't mind– it’s much quicker, isn’t it?

3 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te usando I'd rather … than … o I'd prefer … rather than … . 0 Would you rather study English or maths?

I’d rather study English than maths. 1 Would you rather meet the Pope or your favourite celebrity? 2 Would you rather live in the UK or the USA? 3 Would you prefer to be a famous sportsperson or a famous actor? 4 Would you prefer to be rich and ugly or poor and attractive?

4 Scrivi delle domande usando Do you prefer … or … e dai risposte vere per te. cats / dogs coffee / tea football / rugby RnB / rock music romantic films / comedies Roma / Lazio summer / winter penne / spaghetti history / geography 0 1 2 3

Do you prefer rugby or football? ~ I prefer football.

Unità 93 219



Suggest e recommend I recommend the pasta. I suggest we leave at about 6.30. What do you recommend?

Si può usare suggest (suggerire) e recommend (raccomandare, consigliare) in diversi modi:

A Suggest/recommend + nome Si può usare la struttura suggest/recommend + nome. Sam suggested Café Baba for lunch. Sam ha suggerito il Café Baba per il pranzo. I recommend the spinach calzone. Consiglio il calzone con spinaci. B Suggest/recommend + verbo i In genere si usa suggest/recommend + espressione verbale (con o senza that). I suggest we wait here. Suggerisco di aspettare qui. They recommend that you book in advance. Consigliano di prenotare in anticipo. ii Si può anche usare suggest/recommend + -ing. I suggest waiting here. Suggerisco di aspettare qui. They recommend booking in advance. Consigliano di prenotare in anticipo. Nota che non si usa la costruzione suggest/recommend + infinito. Non I suggest to wait here. Non They recommended to book in advance. iii Si può usare anche recommend + complemento + infinito, anche se questa può spesso sembrare un po’ formale. He recommended us to go to Piazza Navona. Ci ha consigliato di andare a Piazza Navona. Nota che non si usa suggest in questo modo: He suggested us to go Piazza Navona. 1 Guarda le figure e scrivi le domande usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. Poi scrivi le risposte. which album / recommend which school / recommend which bus / suggest what date / suggest 0

1 English Schools: 1. Capital School 2. Star School 3. River School o ol

2 BUS TIMETABLE > Bristol Depart Arrive

4. City School 5. West Street School

Depart Arrive

2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45

0 A Which school do you recommend? B I recommend the River School of English. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B

220 Unità 94



Nirvana Discography: 1. Bleach (1989) 2. Nevermind (1991) 91) 91

April Thursday









3. In Utero (1993) 4. MTV Unplugged in NY (1994)

we catch? ? for the party?

2 Leggi l’email di Donna sulle cose da fare a Oxford e riferisci a un amico che cosa Donna ha suggerito. Usa le parole in corsivo + we.

Hi Chloe and Tom, A few ideas for when you visit Oxford: 0 Visit Magdalen and Christ Church Colleges 1 Go punting on the River Thames 2 Eat in Brown’s Restaurant 3 Go for a drink in the Trout Pub 4 Visit Stratford (where Shakespeare was born) 5 See a band at the Zodiac Club 6 Stay for at least three days Have fun, Donna x

0 She suggests we visit Magdalen and Christ Church Colleges. 1 2 3 4 5 6

suggest suggest recommend suggest suggest recommend recommend

3 Scrivi alcuni consigli e suggerimenti a un turista in visita nella tua città. Usa i verbi in corsivo. 0 I suggest you visit Piazza San Giovanni. 1 2 3 4

suggest suggest suggest recommend recommend

4 Riferisci le informazioni contenute in questi avvisi e cartelli. Usa la forma -ing dei verbi. 0 It is recommended you allow at least 2 hours to see the exhibition. They recommend allowing at least 2 hours to see the exhibition. 1


Unità 94 221



Verbi con doppio complemento Tom gave me the book. Tom gave me it. Tom gave the book to me.

A Uso e forma Diversi verbi di uso comune possono avere due complementi. Quando un verbo ha due complementi, sono in genere possibili due strutture. Soggetto


Compl. indiretto (persona)

Compl. oggetto (cosa)




some flowers.




a book.







Compl. oggetto (cosa)


Compl. indiretto (persona)



some flowers













Sebbene non vi siano regole precise su quale delle due strutture usare, nota che: i Entrambe le strutture sono in genere possibili quando sia il complemento oggetto che quello indiretto sono costituiti da pronomi. Jenny bought me it. Jenny bought it for me. I’ve lent Simona my camera. I’ve lent my camera to Simona. ii Quando però uno solo dei complementi è un pronome, il pronome in genere va per primo. I’ll give it to George. Non I’ll give George it. I’ll give you my email address. Non I’ll give my email address to you. I principali verbi con for sono: book, buy, choose, cook, find, get, make, order, save. I principali verbi con to sono: bring, fax, give, lend, owe, pass, send, show, take, teach, text, write.

B Verbi plurisillabici Per alcuni verbi plurisillabici che hanno due complementi si usa in genere solo la struttura con to/for. He explained the situation to me. Non He explained me the situation. Mi spiegò la situazione. Tali verbi sono: demonstrate, describe, explain, introduce, mention, organize, repeat, report, say.

222 Unità 95

1 Riordina le parole in modo da formare delle frasi di senso compiuto. 0 a T-shirt / my boyfriend / I gave I gave my boyfriend a T-shirt. 1 €50 / me / Sara lent 2 me / the sugar / can you pass / ? 3 I gave / to / my homework / the teacher 4 for / I need to buy / my girlfriend / a present 5 a text message / you / I’ll send 2 Chi ha dato e chi ha ricevuto questi oggetti? Rispondi in due modi come nell'esempio usando le parole del riquadro. a book a pen a ring a watch 0




0 Lauren gave Kim a watch. Lauren gave a watch to Kim. 1 2 3

3 Alcune delle espressioni in neretto all’interno dei dialoghi sono più naturali senza to o for: riscrivile. Fai un segno di visto (✓) accanto alle frasi che vanno bene così come sono. Dino Bella

I’ve got a new mobile. 0 Let me give my new number to you Let me give you my new number . OK, but 0 why don’t you text it to me ✓


Amy Chloe Amy Chloe

I saw you in town this morning. Did you? 1 I was buying a birthday present for Marta I didn’t know it was her birthday. What did you get her? 2 I got a scarf for her cake for her .

Jenny Darina

Is there any pizza left? Sorry, 4 I gave the last slice to Bruno hungry 5 I’ll make some pasta for you

Joel Lisa Joel

It’s my parents’ wedding anniversary tomorrow. Have you got anything nice for them ? Yes, 7 we’ve booked a romantic table for two at La Parisienne for them . 8 And we’ve got a bouquet of flowers for them .

Danni Ben

If you don’t understand your homework, you should ask your teacher. 9 He’s already explained it to us , but I still don’t understand.

. . 3 And I’m going to make a

. But if you’re , if you like.


4 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa il doppio complemento. 0 My parents bought me a camera. 1 I bought . 2 I sent . 3 My teacher gave . 4 My parents bought . Unità 95 223


96 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 87–95) Strutture verbali

Make e do Le espressioni del riquadro richiedono il verbo make o do? Scrivile nella colonna corretta. an appointment your best breakfast / dinner / lunch a choice a coffee / a pizza / a cake a course some damage the shopping a difference an exercise some exercise someone a favour your homework a list a mess a mistake a noise a phone call some research a speech a test / an exam some work





an appointment

your best

Make e do Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di make o do. 0 Do you do any sports? 1 Do you know how to risotto? 2 Have you ever a speech in public? 3 I need to my homework. 4 Who this mess in the classroom? 5 You need to a decision about who to invite to your party. 6 I’m a cookery course at the moment. 7 The goalkeeper a terrible mistake. 8 My sister me a cake for my birthday. 9 The storm a lot of damage to several houses. that noise? 10 Who is Make e do Completa l’email di Federica al suo amico Toni con la forma corretta di make o do.

Hi Toni, I’m in Oxford in the UK for four weeks and I 0 ’m doing an English course. The lessons are fun and we have lots of opportunity to speak in English. I think this 1 a big difference because you can practise what you learn. We also 2 lots of grammar exercises, which I like! We 3 a test at the end of every week and my teacher says that I 4 good progress. lots of new friends and we 6 quite a lot in the evenings. Next Saturday, there’s I’ve 5 a trip to London. We’re going to 7 some sightseeing and there will be time to 8 some shopping. I must finish now because I promised to 9 I have to 10 my homework. Love, Federica x

224 Unità 96: Revisione e potenziamento

pasta aglio e olio for my host family. And before that


Do, get, go, have, make e take Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Usa do, get, go, have, make o take e le espressioni del riquadro. an argument a bath a coffee dressed some exercise some gardening her hair a phone call a photo a pizza some washing


4 3








0 He’s making a pizza. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unità 96: Revisione e potenziamento 225


Do, get, go, have, make e take Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. A B A B

I’m going to 0 take / havee / do a cup of tea. Do you want one? Yes, please. Do you 1 take / do / get milk and sugar? Milk, but no sugar thanks.

A I’m 2 making / taking / getting my driving test this afternoon. B Good luck! A Thanks. I’ll 3 have / make / do my best. A What did you 4 have / get / take for your birthday? B I 5 had / got / took a camera from my parents. And my brother and sister 6 got / went / took me out for lunch. I 7 took / had / got the biggest pizza ever! A B A B

Could you tell me how to 8 go / get / take to the bus station? Turn left at the traffic lights and then 9 go / get / take the first right. How long will it 10 go / get / take to 11 go / get / take there? About five minutes.

A I think there’s a problem with my computer. It’s 12 doing / making / having a strange noise. Could you 13 do / make / get me a favour and 14 have / make / do a look at it for me? B Sure, no problem. I’ll just 15 get / take / have a screwdriver. A How do you 16 take / go / get to school? B I usually walk. It 17 has / gets / takes about twenty minutes. But sometimes I 18 have / go / take the bus.


Prefer Completa le battute di B usando prefer e le parole del riquadro. red rock or blues rugby San Francisco snowboarding Thai food 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B


Do you like jazz music? It’s OK, but I prefer rock or blues. Do you like Chinese food? It’s OK, but Los Angeles is such an amazing city, isn’t it? Yes, but Does your brother like football? Yes, but You can ski, can’t you? Yes, I can. But Do your parents drink white wine? They do, but

. . , actually. . .

Would prefer e would rather Completa le risposte usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. rather / have pasta prefer / eat a bit later prefer / go by train rather / stay at home prefer / tea prefer / orange juice 0 1 2 3 4 5

Do you want some water? I’d prefer orange juice Shall we go by bus? How about pizza tonight? Shall we eat now? Fancy a coffee? Shall we go out?

226 Unità 96: Revisione e potenziamento

, if you’ve got some. , if possible. , if that’s OK. , if you don’t mind. , actually. , if you don’t mind.


Suggest e recommend Leggi la richiesta di aiuto che Dalia ha scritto in un forum su internet e le risposte che ha ricevuto. Completa le frasi in cui riferisce a un amico le risposte ricevute. Posted by Dalia, Italy: Hi there, can anyone give me some simple tips for improving my English? Thanks.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Read lots of books in English. POSTED BY TOM , UK Watch lots of films in English. POSTED BY BRETT , NEW YORK Buy a good grammar book. POSTED BY MARTA , ITALY Do an English course. POSTED BY THIERRY , FRANCE Speak English as much as possible. POSTED BY SAM , UK Spend some time in an English-speaking country. POSTED BY METTE , DENMARK Get an English boyfriend! POSTED BY DAVE , ENGLAND

Tom suggests reading lots of books in English . Brett suggests . Marta recommends that Thierry suggests . Sam recommends that Mette suggests . Dave suggests that !

. .

Verbi con doppio complemento Scegli l’alternativa corretta. In alcuni casi ci sono due risposte valide. 0 Alice What did you get your boyfriend y for his birthday? Cathy I got a shirt to him / him a shirt / a shirt him. 1 Alberto Can you pass to me the sugar / the sugar me / me the sugar? Henri Sure. Here you are. 2 Yuko Did you do your homework? Tamas Yes, I gave it the teacher / to the teacher it / it to the teacher this morning. 3 Jake You’ve got a new mobile! Ben Yes, I gave my old one to my brother / my old one my brother / my brother my old one. 4 Diana I like your necklace! Paola Gisella made for me it / it for me / me it.


10 Varie strutture verbali Traduci le frasi e le domande. Usa le parole in corsivo. 0 Ho ricevuto una macchina fotografica per il mio compleanno. got

I got a camera for my birthday. 1 Abbiamo inglese tre volte alla settimana. have 2 Di che cosa è fatto il tuo anello? made 3 Che cosa fai stasera? doing 4 Ci vogliono dieci minuti in autobus per arrivare in centro città. takes 5 Porti il tuo cellulare a scuola? take 6 Non c’è latte. Esco a prenderne un po’. get

Unità 96: Revisione e potenziamento 227



Discorso indiretto (say e tell) He said he was hungry. She told me they were having a party.

A Say e tell Say e tell si usano per riferire ciò che qualcuno dice (o ciò che scrive). i Quando non si vuole nominare la persona a cui si riferisce qualcosa, si usa say. Quando invece non si vuole nominare, si usa tell. Mr Smith said we could leave.

Mr Smith told us we could leave.

I said you were ill.

I told the teacher you were ill.

She didn’t say what had happened.

She didn’t tell me what had happened.

Non He said me he was tired.

Non He told he was tired.

ii Si può a volte usare say + to me/us ecc. Questo avviene di solito quando non si specifica che cosa è stato detto. He said something to us, but we weren’t listening. Did you say anything to Valeria? iii That si può usare nel discorso diretto. Non c’è una regola su quando usare that ed è spesso una scelta personale. She said she was going home. o She said that she was going home.

B Cambiamento dei tempi verbali Quando si riferisce il discorso diretto, a volte si cambia il tempo (presente will/can/must would/could/had to, past simple past perfect ecc.).


i Si usa di norma il passato di say o tell (He said …, She told me …) e si cambia il tempo. I’m feeling a bit tired.

She said she was feeling a bit tired.

I want to be a teacher.

He told me he wanted to be a teacher.

I’ve never been to the UK.

He told us he’d never been to the UK. (had never been)

I’ll email you later.

She said she’d email me later. (would email)

ii Tuttavia, quando si vuole sottolineare il fatto che qualcosa è ancora vero, rilevante o importante si può usare il presente di say o tell (He says …, She tells me …) e non si cambia il tempo. I’m having a party.

He says he’s having a party.

He lives in Paris.

Lorna tells me you live in Paris.

I’ll be late.

She says she’ll be late.

Nota che si può anche usare il passato senza cambiare il tempo. She said she isn’t working on Saturday.

C L’imperativo Si usa l’infinito per riferire un imperativo, che viene introdotto da tell, non say. Stop!

He told us to stop.

Don’t be late.

He told us not to be late Non to not be late

228 Unità 97

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

What did Juan say / tell to Alice? He said / told d her he was going to be late. Did Roberto say / tell you what happened at the party? Yes, he said / told it was a disaster! Samantha says / tells that you’re all going for a pizza tonight. Oh! Nobody said / told me! Did you say / tell anything to Liz? Not yet. I’ll say / tell her this evening. The weather forecast told / said it was going to rain later. Oh! I’ll say / tell Jenny. She’s planning to play tennis.

2 Riferisci quanto ha dichiarato il calciatore Wade Moody durante un dopo-partita. Usa He said e cambia i tempi verbali. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

It was a hard game. England played well. I think 2–1 is a fair result. I’m looking forward to playing Italy. Italy are a very good side. I’m sure it’ll be a great game. I’m confident England will win.

0 He said it had been a hard game. 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 Guarda le figure e riferisci le informazioni usando He/She/It says. Ricorda di cambiare i pronomi (I she ecc.) se necessario. 0


Will meet you in the café. café Jane x

I'v just been on a date with I've JJack ack! k! Cl Claudi dia



Gone shopping. I’ll be back around 5.30.


0 1 2 3

There’s a text message from Jane. She says she’ll meet us at the café. I’ve got an email. I’ve got a text from Claudia. Tamas has left a note.

4 Riferisci quanto ti è stato chiesto di fare. 0 Sit down! He told me to sit down. 1 Wait a minute! She 2 Don’t be late! He

. .

3 Be quiet! He 4 Go away! He 5 Don’t press that button! She

. . . Unità 97 229



Discorso indiretto (domande) He asked me what had happened. She wanted to know how old I was.

A Uso e forma È possibile riferire le domande usando verbi come ask (chiedere, domandare), want to know (voler sapere), e wonder (domandarsi/chiedersi). He asked me what time it was. I asked her how much it cost. Darina wants to know if there’s a café near here. He wondered if we wanted to go for a pizza. La stessa costruzione si usa anche per le altre domande indirette. Vedi unità 70.

Quando si vuole nominare la persona a cui si fa la domanda, si usa ask. Nota comunque che ask si può usare senza nominare la persona a cui si fa la domanda se questa è nota oppure se non è importante sapere di chi si tratta.

B Ordine delle parole L’ordine delle parole è diverso da quello delle domande dirette. Il soggetto va prima del verbo e non si usa il verbo ausiliare do. Per le domande yes/no, si usa if oppure whether. Where are you going?

He asked me where I was going.

How old is he?

She wondered how old he was.

When are we meeting?

Sam wants to know when we are meeting.

Did you see Harry?

She wanted to know if I’d seen Harry.

C Cambiamento dei tempi verbali Per cambiare i tempi verbali nel caso delle domande al discorso indiretto valgono le stesse regole per il discorso indiretto introdotto da say o tell (vedi unità 97, sezione B). Nota che il tempo verbale rimane al presente quando la domanda indiretta è introdotta da He/She wants to know if … . D Richieste ed imperativi Si usa l’infinito per riferire richieste e forme imperative. Can you help me?

Steve’s asked me to help him.

Please don’t be late.

He asked us not to be late.

Can I sit by the window?

I asked to sit by the window.

Will you email me?

He wants me to email him.

230 Unità 98

Nota che l’ordine delle parole anche nelle domande indirette, a differenza di quanto avviene in italiano, è fisso e non può essere variato. She wondered where you were living . Si domandò dove tu vivessi. = Si domandò dove vivessi tu.

1 Immagina di essere stato a un appuntamento al buio e di aver risposto ad alcune domande. Riferiscile a un amico usando i verbi dichiarativi in corsivo. In queste frasi viene piuttosto spontaneo cambiare il tempo verbale. 0 ‘What are your hobbies?’

He asked me what my hobbies were. ‘I like sport, reading and music.’ I told him I liked sport, reading and music. 1 ‘What kind of music do you listen to?’

ask tell want to know

‘I listen to all kinds of music.’ say 2 ‘Do you have a favourite band?’ ask ‘My all-time favourite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers.’ tell 3 ‘Do you play computer games?’ want to know ‘I can’t stand them.’ say 4 ‘What car does your dad drive?’ wonder ‘He’s got a sports car.’ tell 5 ‘Do you want to go for a pizza?’ ask ‘I’m not hungry.’ tell 6 ‘Do you want to go on another date?’ ask ‘I’ll think about it.’ say

2 Riferisci le domande usando … wants to know … . In queste frasi viene piuttosto spontaneo non cambiare il tempo verbale. 0 Alessandro ‘What time does the party start?’

Alessandro wants to know what time the party starts. . 1 Bella ‘What time are we meeting?’ . 2 Dino ‘Is Elisa going to the party?’ . 3 Charles ‘Do we need to dress up?’ . 3 Riferisci queste richieste usando me e i verbi in corsivo. 0 Stay there! He asked me to stay there. asked . asked 1 Can you help me please? She 2 Will you text me later? He . wants 3 Don’t be late! Billy . asked 4 Email the photo to Jane. Oscar . wants

Unità 98 231



Altri verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto He promised not to be late. They invited me to go with them. She denied being there.

A Uso Say, tell e ask riportano generalmente ciò che viene detto in modo neutro. Comunque, quando si riferisce ciò che qualcuno dice, spesso si usano dei verbi che conferiscono una sfumatura di significato ben precisa. Per esempio: He warned us not to do it. Ci ammonì di non farlo. She threatened to tell the teacher. Minacciò di dirlo all’insegnante. Sara persuaded us to go with her. Sara ci persuase ad andare con lei. B Forma I verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto possono avere diverse costruzioni. Alcuni dei più comuni ed utili sono: i Senza complemento r verbo + infinito: agree, ask, claim, demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, warn We offered to help them. Paul promised not to be late. r verbo + -ing: admit, apologize for, deny, insist on, mention, suggest He denied breaking the window. Frank suggested going for a coffee. r verbo + frase introdotta da that (esplicito o implicito) admit, agree, claim, complain, confirm, deny, explain, insist, mention, predict, promise, reveal, say, suggest, warn He mentioned that he would be late. She insisted everything was OK. ii Con complemento r verbo + complemento + infinito advise, beg, convince, encourage, invite, order, persuade, recommend, remind, tell, urge I convinced her to buy it. They reminded me to book the taxi. r verbo + complemento + preposizione + -ing accuse … of, congratulate … on, talk … into, thank ... for, warn … against He thanked them for helping him. I talked him into coming with us. r verbo + complemento + frase introdotta da that (esplicito o implicito) assure, convince, inform, reassure, remind, tell He assured me it would be OK. They convinced me that it was a good idea. Nota che alcuni verbi possono avere più di una costruzione.

C Cambiamento dei tempi verbali Per cambiare i tempi verbali, nel caso dei verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto studiati in questa unità, valgono le stesse regole per il discorso indiretto introdotto da say o tell (vedi unità 97, sezione B). 1 Immagina che ti siano stati rivolti questi commenti. Riferiscili usando le parole date e me se necessario. 0 ‘Everything will be OK. Don’t worry.’ Jenny reassured me that everything would be OK. 1 ‘I’ll call you later. I promise.’ Danny promised . 2 ‘Do you want to go with us?’ Sue invited . 3 ‘I didn’t break the window.’ Toby denied .

232 Unità 99

4 5 6 7 8

‘I’ll help you with your homework.’ Daniela has offered ‘You deleted the file, didn’t you?’ William accused ‘I broke the window. I'm Sorry.' Dan apologized for ‘Remember to email Jim.’ Tony reminded ‘Go on. Speak to him! ’ Sally encouraged

. . . . .

2 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

I’m going for a walk. Roger’s suggested it. Roger’s suggested going for walk. I’m going out tonight. Jim’s persuaded me. Johan won’t talk about football. He’s agreed. I’m going to take the exam. Marta’s convinced me. Pascal wouldn’t tell me. He refused. It’s not going to rain. Gianni assures me. We’re going out tonight. Did Elena mention it?

3 Riferisci quanto è stato detto nelle figure usando i verbi del riquadro al past simple. admit advise complain demand insist on suggest You should go to bed.

I want to speak to the manager.

0 He demanded to speak to the manager.

3 My room is cold.

I broke the vase. Sorry.



Shall we go for a coffee?

I'll pay. I insist.


5 Unità 99 233


100 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 97–99) Discorso indiretto

Say e tell Riferisci le seguenti informazioni. Ricordati di cambiare i pronomi (I se necessario. 0


Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.

0 1 2 3



It's Tara's birthday next week.

I'm going to be late.

she ecc.)


I'll meet you both at 6.30.

The weather forecast says it will be warm and sunny tomorrow. Letta says Hi Tara. Serena tells me Paula says

. . .

Said/told e domande indirette Immagina di aver sostenuto un colloquio per un lavoro in un negozio di dischi. Riferisci le domande che ti sono state fatte e le tue risposte. Ricordati di cambiare i tempi verbali. 0 Interviewer You

Why do you want to work in a music shop? I’m really interested in music and I like meeting people.

She asked me why I wanted to work I told her that I was really interested in music and that I liked 1 Interviewer You

Have you worked in a shop before? I’ve worked in a supermarket.

She wanted to know I told her 2 Interviewer You

before. in a supermarket.

How many hours can you work each weekend? I’m available to work on Saturday afternoons.

She asked me I told her 3 Interviewer You

each weekend. on Saturday afternoons. Have you got any references from previous jobs? I can give you a reference from my job in the supermarket.

She asked I said 4 Interviewer You

from previous jobs. from my job in the supermarket. Do you know a lot about music? I know quite a lot, especially about pop music.

She wanted to know I told her 5 Interviewer You

in a music shop. meeting people.

about music. , especially about pop music.

Do you know which song is Number One in the chart? I don’t know.

She wondered I said 234 Unità 100: Revisione e potenziamento

Number One in the chart. !


Richieste ed imperativi Guarda le figure e completa le frasi in cui riferisci che cosa è stato detto. 0


Be quiet!


3 Take a seat.

0 The teacher wants us to be quiet. 1 The receptionist has asked us


Turn the music down!

Don't be late!


2 Your dad wants us 3 My mum told me

. .

Altri verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto Riferisci queste citazioni famose. 0 ‘People will soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night.’ Referring to television in 1946, film producer Darryl Zanuck predicted

that people would soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night. 1 ‘Man will never set foot on the moon.’ In 1967, scientist Lee de Forest predicted 2 ‘We don’t like their music.’ After rejecting The Beatles in 1962, Decca Records explained 3 ‘I never think about the future.’ Albert Einstein once revealed 4 ‘There is no reason why anyone would want a computer in their home.’ In 1977, businessman Ken Olsen suggested 5 ‘Everything that can be invented has been invented.’ In 1899, the US Office of Patents claimed FCE 5

. . . . .

Altri verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 Gianna said she didn’t take the book. denied Gianna denied taking the book. 1 Carlo said he was sorry that he was late. apologized Carlo late. 2 Katie said that she would do the washing-up. offered Katie the washing-up. 3 Imelda thought we should go for a walk. suggested a walk. Imelda 4 Belinda said she would definitely phone later. promised Belinda later. 5 Emilio said Lucio broke the window. accused Emilio the window. 6 Rosalia said I should talk to the teacher. advised to the teacher. Rosalia Unità 100: Revisione e potenziamento 235



Periodo ipotetico generale e di primo tipo If it’s nice at the weekend, we’ll go to the beach. If you’re going to be late, let me know.

A Uso Il periodo ipotetico generale (zero conditional) e di primo tipo (first conditional) indica situazioni reali o possibili. Si usa in diversi modi, ma gli usi più comuni sono per parlare di: i Fatti e situazioni che sono sempre vere (zero conditional), If you heat water to 100° C, it boils. If you’re running out of ink, the red light flashes. ii Situazioni presenti, If you’re tired, you should go to bed. If you’ve finished your work, you can leave. iii Possibili situazioni future (first conditional). If it rains, we’ll stay at home. If you work hard, you’ll pass the exam.

B Forma In ogni periodo ipotetico, c’è una frase subordinata introdotta da if (if-clause) ed una frase principale. i Nella frase con if, si usa if + tempo presente o going to. If Peter calls, will you take a message? If it’s a nice day, we’ll have a picnic. If we’re going to see Chris tomorrow, we can ask for his email address. Nota che nella frase con if non si usano will né altri modali. If I see him, I’ll talk to him. Non If I’ll see him, I’ll talk to him. ii Nella frase principale, la struttura dipende da ciò che si vuole esprimere. r Si usa il presente per parlare di fatti o situazioni che sono sempre veri. If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. If you get over 50%, you pass the exam. r Per parlare di fatti presenti, si usa un tempo presente. If you need some sugar, it’s in the cupboard. If they win this game, they’ve won the league. r Per dare istruzioni o per dare suggerimenti, si può usare l’imperativo. If you’re cold, close the window. If you miss the bus, get a taxi. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. r Per parlare di situazioni possibili nel futuro si usa will, altri verbi modali (can, might ecc.) oppure be going to. If I see Danny, I’ll give him your message. If we miss the bus, we can get a taxi. If we don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late. r Per formulare le domande, la frase principale viene trasformata in interrogativa, mentre la subordinata con if non cambia. If you’re hungry, why don’t we go for a pizza?

C Ordine della subordinata La subordinata con if può essere usata all’inizio o alla fine del periodo. Quando si trova all’inizio del periodo, è seguita dalla virgola. Quando invece si trova alla fine del periodo, non è mai seguita dalla virgola. If you’re hungry, let’s go for a pizza. Let’s go for a pizza if you’re hungry. D Unless Unless ha un significato simile a if … not (se... non/a meno che). Unless you listen, you won’t understand. A meno che tu non ascolti, non capirai.

236 Unità 101

1 Completa le battute di B usando i verbi tra parentesi alla forma corretta: present simple o will. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

I’ll come to the cinema with you tonight if it’s OK. Sure, I’ll call for (call for) you around 6.30 if you like (like). If you don’t hurry up, we’ll miss the bus. Don’t worry. We (get) a taxi if we (miss) the bus. I’ll be amazed if Simon doesn’t pass his driving test. Well, if he (not pass), he (not be) very pleased. I’m going to Belinda’s house this evening if I have time. (see) her sister, (you / give) her this book? Oh, if you Shall we go to the beach if it’s nice at the weekend? Good idea. I (invite) Mary along if that (be) OK. What happens if you’re late for class? Our teacher’s quite cool. She usually (not mind) if we (arrive) late. 6 A What does it mean if the red light comes on? B If the red light (be) on, it (mean) the power is low.

2 Completa le frasi con I can o can you e le espressioni del riquadro. get me some milk 0 1 2 3 4

give him a message

give me a hand

have your old one

let me know

If you see Harry, can you give him a message? If you go to the supermarket, If you get a new mobile, If you’re going to be late, If you’re not busy,

3 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dell’imperativo. 0 If you miss the bus, get a taxi. 1 If you’re too hot, the window. 2 If you’re feeling tired, to bed. 3 If I’m not in when you phone, a message. 4 If you don’t like the pasta, don’t it. 4 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. 0 Let’s go out tonight if we don’t get too much homework. Let’s go out tonight unless we get too much homework. 1 You can’t get in to the party if you don’t have an invitation. unless 2 If I don’t ring you, I’ll see you in the café at 4.30. Unless . 3 If we don’t get delayed, we’ll arrive at about 5.30. unless



Unità 101 237



Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo If it was warmer, we could go to the beach. If I were you, I’d talk to your teacher.

A Uso Il periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo (second conditional) si usa per parlare di situazioni ipotetiche nel presente, ad esempio quando ci si immagina una situazione diversa da quella reale. Questo tipo di periodo ipotetico si usa anche per parlare di situazioni future improbabili. If I could afford it, I’d get a new computer. Se potessi permettermelo, mi comprerei un computer nuovo. If I were you, I’d get a haircut. Se fossi in te, mi taglierei i capelli. B Forma i Frase con if (if-clause) In inglese non esiste il modo condizionale. Per indicare che un’azione presente o futura è irreale o ipotetica si usa un tempo passato. Quindi, si usa if + tempo passato nella frase con if. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house. If I could, I’d go on holiday tomorrow. If it wasn’t raining, I’d go for a walk. Nota che nella frase con if non si usa would. If I had more time, I’d read a lot more. Non If I would have more time, I’d read a lot more. ii Frase principale Nella frase principale, si usa would o wouldn’t. Would è normalmente contratto in ’d, specialmente nel parlato e nella scrittura informale If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house. If I could, I’d go on holiday tomorrow. If it wasn’t raining, I’d go for a walk. Si possono anche usare altri verbi modali, specie could e might. If it wasn’t raining, we could go out.

C If I was/were … i Con If I/he/she/it si può usare was o were. Alcuni sostengono che If I/he/she/ it were ... è più corretto, ma normalmente ciò è legato alla scelta del parlante. If I was a millionaire, I’d buy a yacht. o If I were a millionaire, I’d buy a yacht. ii If I were you, I’d ... Si usa If I were you, I’d ... (Se fossi in te...) per dare consigli. If I were you, I’d get a part-time job. Are you tired? I’d go to bed if I were you.

D Ordine della subordinata La subordinata con if può essere usata all’inizio o alla fine del periodo. Quando si trova all’inizio del periodo, è seguita dalla virgola. Quando invece si trova alla fine del periodo, non è mai seguita dalla virgola. If I could afford it, I’d get a new mobile. I’d get a new mobile if I could afford it.

238 Unità 102

1 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la struttura If …, would … . 0 I want to buy a new mobile, but I can’t afford it.

If I could afford it, I’d buy a new mobile. 1 We want to go for a walk, but it’s raining. 2 I want to get some money out, but I can’t find an ATM. 3 I want to email you, but my computer isn’t working. 4 She wants to go out tonight, but she has to babysit.

2 Che cosa faresti in queste situazioni? Dai dei consigli iniziando con If I were you, I’d … . You are in: THE CHAT ROOM 0 A friend of my parents dropped a lottery ticket at my house. It has won €100. What would you do – tell him or keep the money?

If I were you, I’d keep the money. 1 I found a wallet with €200 in it. What would you do – keep it or take it to the police?

2 I am the best at science in my class. Some classmates want to give me money to copy my homework. What would you do – accept the money or tell the teacher?

3 My boyfriend and I split up last week. He wants me to give back a ring he bought for me. What would you do – keep the ring or give it back?

3 Scrivi delle frasi vere per te. Inizia con If I could … . 0 go to any sports event

If I could go to any sports event, I’d go to the Olympics. 1 visit any country 2 have any job 3 have any car 4 spend a day with a famous person

4 Scrivi tre cose che faresti se vincessi un milione di euro alla lotteria. 0 I’d buy a sports car. 1 2 3 Unità 102 239



Periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo If I’d got up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus.

A Uso Il periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo (third conditional) si usa per parlare di situazioni ipotetiche nel passato che però non si sono realizzate. If I’d seen Barry, I would have spoken to him. If you hadn’t worked so hard, you wouldn’t have passed the exam. B Forma: frase con if (If-clause) Si indica che una situazione è irreale o ipotetica usando il past perfect. Quindi, nella subordinata con if, si usa if + past perfect. If I’d got up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus. If we hadn’t taken a map, we would have got lost. Nota che non si usa would nella frase con if. If I had known, I would have told you. Non If I would have known, I would have told you.

C Forma: frase principale i Nella frase principale, si usa would(n’t) have + past participle. If I’d got up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus. If we hadn’t taken a map, we would have got lost. ii Nota che nel parlato would è spesso contratto in ’d e have è spesso contratto in ’ve. If we hadn’t taken a map, we’d’ve got lost. iii Nella principale, si possono anche usare altri verbi modali come could have e might have. If I’d seen Peter, I could have asked him about the party.

D Condizionali misti (Mixed conditionals) i Si usano talvolta per parlare di una situazione passata, le cui conseguenze persistono ancora nel presente; in questo caso si usa would + forma base nella frase principale. If Inter had won their game last night, they’d be in first place in the league. If I’d gone to bed earlier last night, I wouldn’t be feeling so tired now. ii Si usano talvolta per parlare di una situazione passata che è una conseguenza di un fatto che è ancora valido nel presente; in questo caso si usa If + past simple. If I didn’t like them, I wouldn’t have bought their new album.

E Ordine della subordinata La subordinata con if può essere usata all’inizio o alla fine del periodo. Quando si trova all’inizio del periodo, è seguita dalla virgola. Quando invece si trova alla fine del periodo, non è mai seguita dalla virgola. If I’d seen her, I’d have said ‘hello’. I’d have said ‘hello’ if I’d seen her. 1 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi iniziando con If. Le situazioni e le conseguenze corrispondenti si collocano entrambe nel passato. 0 I didn’t see Thomas, so I didn’t talk to him. If I’d seen Thomas, I would’ve talked to him. 1 We didn’t take a map and we got lost. 2 She worked hard and she passed the exam. 3 I didn’t have her mobile number, so I couldn’t text her.

240 Unità 103

4 Sally didn’t know about the party so she didn’t go. 5 I missed the bus, so I was late for school.

2 Scrivi delle frasi in cui spieghi come avrebbero potuto essere differenti questi eventi del passato. Usa il periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo. 0 Isaac Newton went for a walk in an orchard. He formulated the theory of gravity.

He saw an apple fall from a tree.

If Isaac Newton hadn’t gone for a walk in an orchard, he wouldn’t have seen an apple fall from a tree. If he hadn’t seen the apple fall from a tree, he wouldn’t have formulated the theory of gravity. 1 Sting got fed up with being a teacher. He left his job to form the pop group The Police. He became rich and famous. If Sting hadn’t got fed up with being a teacher,

2 Bill Gates didn’t enjoy studying law. He dropped out of university to start a computer He became a billionaire by the time he was 30. company.

3 The crew of the Titanic didn’t see the iceberg in time. 1523 lives were lost.

They hit it.

The ship sank.

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi iniziando con If … . Le frasi esprimono una conseguenza presente di eventi passati, oppure una conseguenza passata di una condizione stabile. 0 You lost the key, so we can’t get into the house.

If you hadn’t lost the key, we would be able to get into the house. 1 You stayed up all night and you’re feeling tired now. 2 Alan wasn’t listening, so he doesn’t know what to do. 3 I’m hungry because I didn’t have breakfast. 4 I like their music so I bought their album. 5 She got the job because she speaks perfect English.

4 Abbina le due metà di queste citazioni famose. 1 If God had intended men to fly, 2 If I had asked my customers what they wanted, 3 If General Motors had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, a they would have said ‘a faster horse’. (Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors) b he would have given us wings. (anonymous) c we would all be driving $25 cars that get 1000 miles per gallon. (Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft)

Unità 103 241



Wish e if only I wish I was richer. I wish it would stop raining. If only he hadn’t seen me!

A Wish Dopo wish (volere, magari) si usa un tempo passato. i Per esprimere un desiderio attuale, si usa una forma del tempo passato dopo I wish. I wish I had more money. Magari avessi più soldi. I wish it wasn’t raining. Magari non piovesse. ii Per esprimere il desiderio che qualcosa si verifichi o cambi, si usa would. Inoltre, si usa spesso would per esprimere fastidio ed irritazione. I wish it would stop raining. Magari smettesse di piovere. I wish you’d ask before you borrow my things. Vorrei che tu me lo chiedessi prima di prendere le mie cose. iii Per esprimere invece un desiderio al passato, si usa il past perfect. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much – I feel sick. Sto malissimo. Se almeno non avessi mangiato così tanto. I wish I’d done more revision for the exam. Se avessi ripassato di più per l’esame!

B If only If only ha un significato analogo a wish, ma di norma ha valore più enfatico. Dopo la frase introdotta da if only, si può avere anche un’altra frase. If only I didn’t have to go to the dentist. Se non dovessi andare dal dentista! If only I’d been listening, I’d know what to do. Se avessi ascoltato, saprei che cosa fare. 1 Ci sono alcuni aspetti della propria vita che ad Alistair non piacciono. Riscrivi le sue frasi iniziando con le parole date. 0 I live with my parents. I wish I didn’t live with my parents. 1 I share a bedroom with my brother. I wish 2 I don’t have my own TV. I wish 3 I have to go to school. If only 4 It rains all the time. I wish 5 We’re going to Disneyland in the summer. I really wish

. . . . . .

2 Alistair è stato a una festa e rimpiange alcune cose che ha fatto o non ha fatto. Riscrivi le sue frasi usando le parole date. 0 I ate too much. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much. 1 I sang karaoke. I wish . 2 I didn’t speak to Francesca. If only . . 3 I danced with Beth. If only 4 I didn’t enjoy the party. I wish .

242 Unità 104

3 Che cosa dici per esprimere la tua irritazione? Usa I wish … would(n’t) … . 0 Your sister never asks before she uses your phone.

I wish my sister would ask before she uses my phone! 1 Your sister listens to her MP3 player all the time. 2 Your phone won’t stop ringing. 3 Your parents treat you like a child. 4 Your parents embarrass you in public. 5 Your brother never tells you when someone leaves you a message.

4 Guarda le figure e completa i pensieri di queste persone. Usa I wish e i verbi del riquadro. arrive remember have not / rain 0 I wish I had 1 2 3

the bus

a car. right now. my umbrella. .

be not / steal visit 4 5 6

that car. my cell bigger. my friends and family me sometimes.

ask like stay talk 7 8 9 10

someone someone

the music. me to dance. to me. at home.

5 Scrivi tre desideri relativi alla tua vita usando I wish. 0 I wish I could play the piano. 1 2 3 Unità 104 243


105 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 101–104) Il periodo ipotetico, if only e wish

Condizionali Completa i dialoghi usando i suggerimenti dei riquadri. be – go not buy – have do – win not leave – be not rain – can go 0 Tom Jules 1 Nic Carla 2 Flora Erica 3 Dino Enzo 4 Enrico Lena

I’m really tired. If I were you, I’d go to bed. Hurry up! If we now, we late. OK, I’m coming. What you if you the lottery? I’d buy a big house with a swimming pool and a sports car. I haven’t got any money. Well, if you all those magazines, you some left. , we for a walk. If it Actually, it looks like it might stop soon. There’s some blue sky over there.

be – come finish – can go go – be not stay up – not feel not worry – be 5 Carlo Teacher 6 Alex Mother

Can we leave the class now? Yes. If you all your work, you . I’m exhausted today. all night playing computer games, you Well, if you so tired now, would you? 7 Alan I’m so nervous about my driving test. Belinda Oh, I if I you. You’ll be fine. 8 Teacher If you on the school trip next week, there a meeting this afternoon to discuss the arrangements. Student What time is the meeting? Teacher 2.15. If you busy at 2.15, to see me in my office tomorrow.


Condizionali Completa le notizie giornalistiche con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

News in brief €50 million jackpot unclaimed If you 0 bought

(buy) a lottery ticket six months ago, you have

(have) until midnight

on Friday to check if you are the lucky winner of a €50 million jackpot. There is a six-month deadline for claiming prizes and if the jackpot 1

(remain) unclaimed, the money

(go) to charity. The winning ticket was bought in Rome. 120 not out The oldest man in Britain is celebrating his 120th birthday today. Charles Mitchell believes his long life is down to not worrying and having no regrets. ‘If I 2 again, I

(do) everything exactly the same,’ he said.

244 Unità 105: Revisione e potenziamento

(can live) my life over

News in brief Lucky dog inherits $12m fortune An American business woman has left all her $12 million estate to her pet dog, Trouble. The human members of Lily Holmes’ family inherited nothing at all. ‘If that 3 my mother’s dying wish, then we


(have to) accept it,’ said her son, Robert.

Trouble, and the money, will be looked after by Ms Holmes’ best friend. Pilots slept on flight A Hawaian airline has dismissed two pilots who fell asleep during a flight. Air traffic controllers realized something was wrong when the aircraft passed its destination and did not turn back. It took 17 minutes to wake the pilots. ‘If we 4 to wake them, the plane

(not be able)

(run out) of fuel and eventually crashed,’ said an

airport spokesman. Walker uses mobile as torch A walker who was lost on a Scottish mountain as darkness fell crawled five miles to safety on his hands and knees using the light from his mobile phone as a torch. Peter Cameron, 24, was wearing only a T-shirt as the temperature dropped to minus ten degrees. The area is very remote and there was no mobile phone signal. ‘If I 5 I


(stay) on the mountain,

(freeze) to death,’ Mr Cameron said.

If I were you Dai qualche consiglio usando If I were you e le espressioni del riquadro. ask him to go for a pizza get a part-time job hide it get a new one go to bed take it to the garage buy her some flowers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


I’m exhausted. If I were you, I’d go to bed. I never have any money. My mobile’s about five years old. My scooter’s making a terrible noise. I really like Guido, the new student. My brother’s always using my MP3 player. I forgot my girlfriend’s birthday.

Imperativi e condizionali Dai qualche consiglio usando l’imperativo e le espressioni del riquadro. ask the teacher close the window not eat it get something to eat take an umbrella take some painkillers not buy it 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

I’m cold. If you’re cold, close the window. I’m hungry. I don’t understand. It’s too expensive. It’s going to rain. I’ve got a headache. I don’t like the salad.

Unità 105: Revisione e potenziamento 245


Unless Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 You can’t go to the party if you aren’t invited. unless You can’t go to the party unless you’re invited. 1 We’ll go for a walk unless it’s raining this afternoon. if We’ll go for a walk this afternoon. 2 I’ll arrive at about 2.30 if the train isn’t delayed. unless I’ll arrive at about 2.30 delayed. 3 I’m going to go out tonight unless we get a lot of homework. if I’m going to go out tonight a lot of homework. 4 Unless you hear from me, let’s meet at 6.30. if , let’s meet at 6.30. 5 If it isn’t an emergency, don’t call 999. unless , don’t call 999.


Wish Completa i pensieri dello studente usando il verbo tra parentesi al tempo corretto. 0 I wish the lesson was (be) more interesting. 1 I wish I (not be) here. (play) football with the other boys. 2 I wish I 3 I wish I (do) my homework last night. 4 If only we (not have to) go to school. (ring). 5 I wish the bell 6 I wish I (can go) home.

246 Unità 105: Revisione e potenziamento


Wish In Giappone è un’usanza comune scrivere un desiderio e appenderlo a un ‘albero dei desideri’. Completa i seguenti desideri usando I wish e i suggerimenti in corsivo.

0 I wish I was 1 2 3 4 5 6


taller. I / be no wars in the world. there / be more money. I / have at the moment. it / not rain play the guitar. I / can last night. Lazio / win me more freedom. my parents / give


Wish Scrivi un tuo desiderio da appendere all’albero dei desideri.


Condizionali, if I were you e wish Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Se fossi in forma, giocherei a tennis più spesso.

If I were fitter, I’d play tennis more often. 1 Se l’autobus non fosse stato in ritardo, sarei arrivato in orario. 2 Che cosa faresti se trovassi un portafoglio per la strada? 3 Se fa caldo durante il fine settimana, andremo in spiaggia. 4 Avrei passato l’esame se avessi lavorato più sodo. 5 Vorrei che smettesse di piovere. 6 Se fossi in te, mi farei tagliare i capelli.

Unità 105: Revisione e potenziamento 247



Nomi numerabili e non numerabili He’s got two cars. There’s a lot of traffic. I caught a fish. I don’t eat fish.

Come in italiano, anche in inglese i nomi possono essere numerabili o non numerabili. i I nomi numerabili si possono contare. Hanno due forme: singolare e plurale. Si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. I’ve got three brothers and a sister. Have you got a scooter? My parents have got hundreds of CDs. ii I nomi non numerabili non si possono contare. Hanno una sola forma. Non si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. We need bread and milk. I love music. I’ve got a lot of homework. Nota che si possono usare the, no, some, any, a lot of/lots of e gli aggettivi possessivi (my, your ecc.) con nomi sia numerabili sia non numerabili. Look at the cars. Look at the traffic. Is this your car? Is this your luggage? Vedi unità 108, 114, 115 e 121 per altri usi di the, no, some, any, a lot of e aggettivi possessivi.

Alcuni nomi possono essere sia numerabili sia non numerabili, a seconda del contesto in cui li si usa. Generalmente i nomi sono numerabili quando si riferiscono ad un oggetto individuale ma sono non numerabili quando si riferiscono a un materiale, a una sostanza o a un’idea astratta. Numerabile a coffee (un caffè) an exercise (un esercizio) an experience (un’esperienza) a fish (un pesce) a glass (un bicchiere) a hair (un capello) an iron (un ferro) a light (una luce) a paper (un giornale) a space (uno spazio) a sport (uno sport) a stone (una pietra) a/the time (una/la volta) a wood (un bosco)

Non numerabile coffee (caffè) exercise (esercizio) experience (esperienza) fish (pesce) glass (vetro) hair (capelli) iron (ferro) light (luce) paper (carta) space (spazio) sport (sport) stone (‘stone’ = misura di peso 6,35 kg) time (tempo) wood (legna)

Did you buy a paper today? Hai comprato un giornale oggi? I need some paper to write a phone number on. Ho bisogno di un po’ di carta per scrivere un numero telefonico.

248 Unità 106

Alcuni tra i nomi non numerabili in inglese, ma numerabili in italiano, sono: accommodation, advice, baggage, furniture, homework, information, luck, luggage, money, news, progress, spaghetti, traffic, travel, weather, work.

1 Scrivi accanto a questi nomi se sono numerabili (C) oppure non numerabili (U). 0 car C 6 information 13 furniture 0 money U 7 bag 14 homework 1 food 8 luggage 15 equipment 2 music 9 work 16 journey 3 accommodation 10 job 17 traffic 4 euro 11 weather 18 bus 5 advice 12 chair 19 luck 2 Completa le frasi con la forma adatta del nome in corsivo. 0 We had great accommodation . accommodation 0 We had great rooms . room 1 I’ve got lots of . luggage . bag 2 I’ve got lots of 3 The gym had lots of fitness . machine 4 The gym has lots of . equipment 5 Sam gave me some good . advice 6 Anna made some good . suggestion 7 Filippo had some good . idea 8 Amata gave me some useful . information . test 9 The students do lots of 10 The university does a lot of . research 11 I’ve had lots of . job 12 I’ve got lots of . work 13 We ate lots of . spaghetti 14 We had some great . meal 15 Sara has got long blonde . hair 16 And she’s got blue . eye 17 I’ve done all the . homework . exercise 18 I’ve done all the grammar 3 Che cosa vedi nelle figure? Usa le parole del riquadro, una volta con a/an e una volta senza a/an. chocolate wood glass black hair paper 0









0 0 1 2

There’s a wood There’s a wood She’s got . It’s

over there. over there. .

3 4 5 6

Can I have There’s Did you buy Do you need

? on the floor. ? ?

7 Do you want 8 I love

? .

Unità 106 249



Plurali e partitivi city

cities person

people The news is exciting. I’ve bought a pair of jeans.

A Regole ortografiche Le regole ortografiche generali per la formazione del plurale sono: la maggior parte dei nomi nomi che terminano in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x nomi che terminano in -f, -fe nomi che terminano in consonante + y nomi che terminano in vocale + y

cars school schools aggiungono -s car aggiungono -es bus buses church churches f/fe -ves leaf leaves life lives y -ies city cities lorry lorries aggiungono -s monkey monkeys chimney chimneys

B Plurali irregolari Ci sono numerosi plurali irregolari in inglese. Alcuni dei più comuni sono: child children foot feet man men person people series species species tooth teeth woman women


deer fish Anche alcuni nomi di animali hanno il plurale irregolare: deer goose geese mouse mice ox oxen sheep sheep

fish (o fishes)

Vedi appendice 1, pagina 410, per un elenco più dettagliato di plurali irregolari.

C Nomi che terminano in -s Alcuni nomi hanno sempre una -s finale. Alcuni sono singolari, altri plurali. i Alcuni nomi che hanno -s finale ma sono singolari: athletics economics gymnastics maths/mathematics news physics politics statistics Maths is boring. The news is interesting, isn’t it? ii Alcuni nomi che hanno -s finale ma sono plurali: binoculars clothes goods jeans shorts scissors (sun)glasses tights trousers Where are my clothes? Your trousers are dirty. Nota che i nomi elencati sopra sono tutti non numerabili, per cui non possono essere preceduti da a/an oppure un numero. I’ve got some scissors. Non I’ve got a scissors. I’ve got three pairs of sunglasses. Non I’ve got three sunglasses.

D Partitivi I partitivi sono usati per contare i nomi non numerabili. I’ve got a new pair of sunglasses. I bought two bottles of wine. Let me give you a piece of advice. Alcuni tra i partivi più comuni sono: a loaf of bread a slice of cake/bread a tin/can of paint/beans/tomatoes/beer/soup a bottle of wine/olive oil/milk a carton of milk/orange juice a bag of sugar/apples/rice/crisps a jar of coffee/jam/honey/olives a packet of biscuits/crisps/sweets/cigarettes a loaf of bread

250 Unità 107

a bar of soap/chocolate a bunch of grapes/bananas/flowers/keys a tube of toothpaste/glue/tomato puree a pair of socks/trousers/shoes/scissors/sunglasses an item of furniture/news/clothing a piece of information/advice/wood/paper a pint of beer/milk a cup of coffee/tea a bar of soap/chocolate

1 Scrivi la forma plurale di questi nomi. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

chimney chimneys tomato orange monkey knife wish bus

7 8 9 10 11 12

country box shop party church kiss

6 7 8 9 10

foot mouse sheep fish species

2 Scrivi la forma plurale di questi nomi. 0 1 2 3 4 5

goose geese woman man person child tooth

3 I nomi contenuti in queste frasi sono singolari o plurali? Completa le frasi usando is o are. 0 1 2 3 4

These jeans are Where The news His clothes Where

too small! my trousers? very exciting. cool. the scissors?

5 6 7 8 9

Athletics Economics Your sunglasses Politics Mice

my favourite sport. my favourite subject. on the table. boring. disgusting.

4 Leggi lo scontrino e scrivi che cosa è stato acquistato usando le parole del riquadro. bar bottle bunch carton loaf packet pair tin tube 0 two bottles of water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


£1.22 £0.89 £1.05 £0.95 £1.18 £2.49 £7.98 £3.87 £2.19

5 Scrivi che cosa c’è nella tua cucina. 0 1 2 3

a bottle of lemonade a packet of a bag of a jar of

4 5 6 7

a tin of a carton of a bottle of a bunch of

Unità 107 251



Possessivi: ’s e the … of … This is my brother’s car. He’s Bari’s captain. He’s the captain of Bari.

A Uso e forma Si usa ’s oppure the … of ... per esprimere possesso o per indicare oggetti posseduti. i Si usa in genere ’s per persone, animali ed espressioni di tempo. This is my sister’s school. I can’t find the dog’s lead. Good luck in tomorrow’s exam! I’ve got a week’s holiday. ii Si usa the … of … per gli oggetti. What’s the title of the book? Sit in the back of the car. Our house is at the end of the road. iii Si può in genere usare ’s oppure the ... of ... per organizzazioni e per luoghi. He’s the BBC’s Director General. o He’s the Director General of the BBC. What’s Italy’s population? o What’s the population of Italy? Nota che ci sono eccezioni alle regole di cui sopra, e ciò spesso dipende dalla scelta del parlante. Per esempio, si può a volte usare ’s per gli oggetti e the ... of ... per le persone, specie con una lunga espressione nominale. What’s the film’s title? What’s the name of the people we met on holiday last year?

B Negozi ed altri servizi Si usa ’s per diversi tipi di negozi ed altri servizi e per le case delle persone. I’m going to the hairdresser’s. Sto andando dal parrucchiere. I went to the doctor’s this morning. Sono andato dal medico stamattina. I’ll see you at Roberta’s at 5.30. Ti vedrò da Roberta alle 5.30. C Nomi che terminano in -s Per un nome singolare che termina in s si usa ’s, ma per un nome plurale che termina in s, si usa ’ (l’apostrofo senza s). Have you seen Chris’s camera? This is my parents’ car. Se qualcosa appartiene a più di una persona, si mette ’s solo dopo la seconda persona. Is this Jack and Jill’s house? Are you going to Brad and Johnny’s party? Nota che non si usa the prima del nome quando si usa ’s. This is David’s car. Non This is the David’s car. Where is Sam’s coat? Non Where is the Sam’s coat? Vedi unità 121 per gli aggettivi possessivi

1 Scrivi le risposte usando It’s, i nomi in corsivo e ’s. 0 Whose is the passport? ~ It’s Alice’s. 1 Whose house is this? ~ 2 Whose is this bike? ~ 3 Whose car is this? ~ 4 Whose is this classroom? ~ 5 Whose room is this? ~ 6 Whose room is this? ~

252 Unità 108

Alice Toby and Kate Jess my parents Mr Jones my brother my brothers

2 A chi appartengono questi oggetti? Scrivi delle frasi usando It’s e le parole del riquadro. bag book computer ID card key passport 0






k This boo belongs to Kim

ANNA JONES Nationality








Library no.



Welcome back Enter your password to begin




078 66

Ben ¡


0 It’s Anna Jones’s passport. 1 2


435 882 0

3 4 5

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando le parole date e ’s o the … of … . 0 I’m looking forward to the party on Saturday. I’m looking forward to Saturday’s party. 1 Good luck in your exam on Friday! Good luck in . 2 I live on this road. At the end. I live at . 3 Did you read the film review in the newspaper yesterday? Did you read the film review in 4 My classroom is in this building. On the second floor. My classroom is on 5 I need a holiday for a month. I need . 6 This is the apartment where Patricia lives. This is . 7 That film we saw last week – what’s the title? ? What’s 8 That guy we met at the party – have you got his email address? Have you got ?

? .

4 Riferisci questi titoli di giornale in due modi: usando ’s e the … of … . 0

BBC boss resigns




World population now ten billion

The BBC’s boss has resigned. The boss of the BBC has resigned. 1


Unità 108 253


109 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 106–108) Nomi, partitivi e possessivi

Nomi numerabili e non numerabili Leggi i dialoghi e aggiungi s ai nomi quando è necessario. Bella You’re 30 0 minute s late! Claudio Sorry. We were held up in 0 traffic – . They’re doing some 0 work – on the main road. Alec Diana

Are you going out tonight? No. I’ve got a lot of 1 homework

Steve Debbie

Did you ask Paola about Rome? Yes, I did. She gave me lots of useful 3 information and 4 advice 5 And she made several suggestion about hotels to stay in.

Tom Fred

How was your holiday? at the airport and then when we A disaster! First, they lost all our 6 luggage finally got to our hotel, the room didn’t have any 7 furniture ! Not even a bed! Did they change your 8 accommodation ? Well, yes they moved us to a different room. And they finally brought us all our 9 bag after two days. And we had terrible 10 weather – it rained most of the 11 time . And on top of that, someone stole my wallet with all my 12 money in it. Three hundred 13 euro . Oh dear. You did have a lot of bad 14 luck , didn’t you?

Tom Fred



. Lots of maths 2 exercise


Nomi plurali Completa il cruciverba con il plurale delle parole. 1

2 3



6 7 9



11 12 13



ACROSS 4 knife 6 leaf 7 foot 9 species 14 match 15 child 17 kiss

16 17



Partitivi Completa le espressioni usando le parole del riquadro. bottle box bunch can or tin carton jar packet 0 a box of 1 2 3 4 5 6

chocolates / matches wine / olive oil / beer honey / jam / coffee crisps / biscuits / cigarettes grapes / flowers orange juice / milk baked beans / soup / tomatoes

254 Unità 109: Revisione e potenziamento

DOWN 1 tooth 2 city 3 person 5 sheep 8 toy 10 chimney 11 party 12 shoe 13 mouse 16 man


Possessivo con ’s Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa non più di tre parole. 0 What’s Scotland’s population? What’s the population of 1 Who is Inter’s coach? Who is 2 Does this bag belong to Daniela? Is 3 Sit in the car, in the back. Sit in 4 I think this coat belongs to Janie. I think this 5 Good luck in the exam on Monday. Good luck


Scotland? Inter? bag? the car. coat. exam.

Grammatica e lessico: nomi numerabili e non numerabili (ingredienti base dei cibi) I cibi contrassegnati da * sono nomi numerabili (one onion, two peppers ecc.). Ma quando ci si riferisce ad essi come ingredienti diventano non numerabili. Completa i dialoghi usando le parole del riquadro. chilli* garlic herbs mushroom* olive oil onion* pepper* stock tomato* 0 Jim Helen 1 Carole Chris 2 Sam Cristina


Has the curry got

in it?

Yes, it’s quite hot. What kind of quiche is it? It’s got



How do you make risotto? To start off, fry the

, the in the

Then add the rice and gradually add the


in it.

and the for about five minutes. .

Grammatica e lessico: possessivo con ’s (negozi e altri servizi) In quali negozi vai per comprare questi articoli? Rispondi usando le parole del riquadro. the baker’s the butcher’s the chemist’s the doctor’s the florist’s the hairdresser’s the newsagent’s Where do you go … 0 to buy meat? The butcher’s. 1 to buy a newspaper or magazine? 2 to buy bread? 3 to see someone about a medical problem? 4 to get your hair cut? 5 to buy flowers? 6 to buy medicine?

Unità 109: Revisione e potenziamento 255



Articoli (a/an e the) They’ve got a boy and a girl. The boy is 8 and the girl is 12.

A Uso A/an è l’articolo indeterminativo e the è l’articolo determinativo. Ci sono diverse regole sull’uso di a/an e the, ma le regole di base sono: i A/an si usa quando o chi parla o chi ascolta (o entrambi) non sono a conoscenza in modo specifico della cosa di cui si sta parlando. Have you got a laptop? Is there a computer in the room? They’ve got two children, a boy and a girl. We’re going to see a film. I left my bag in a taxi. (Chi ascolta conosce esattamente di quale taxi si tratta.) Can you open a window? (Chi ascolta può scegliere quale finestra aprire.) ii The si usa quando sia chi parla sia chi ascolta sanno specificamente di che cosa si sta parlando. Can I use the laptop after you? Can you shut the computer down when you’ve finished? They’ve got two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is 15 and the girl is 13. We’re going to see the new James Bond film. I left my bag in the taxi. (Chi ascolta sa già del tragitto in taxi.) Can you open the window? (C’è solo una finestra nella stanza.)

B Forma In inglese non esiste la distinzione tra generi, quindi si usa o a/an oppure the per tutti i nomi. a boy (un ragazzo) a girl (una ragazza) the boy (il ragazzo) the girl (la ragazza) the boys (i ragazzi) the girls (le ragazze) L’articolo the si usa anche per i nomi plurali. Può quindi equivalere non solo a: il, lo, l’ (maschile), la, l’ (femminile) ma anche a i, gli, le. the book/the books (il libro/i libri)

C A o an? L’uso di a o an dipende dalla pronuncia del suono iniziale della parola che segue. i Prima di un suono consonantico si usa a. a car a euro a house a new computer a red dress a ship a tree a university ii Prima di un suono vocalico si usa an. an apple an egg an hour an interesting book an MP3 player an onion an umbrella Nota che le parole inizianti con la lettera u sono a volte pronunciate con suono consonantico /K/ (per esempio university) e a volte invece con suono vocalico /7 ( umbrella). Vedi unità 111–112 per altri usi degli articoli.

256 Unità 110

In italiano si usa la stessa parola, uno, per riferirsi sia all’articolo indeterminativo che per indicare il numero cardinale. In inglese si usa, al contrario, one solo quando vogliamo sottolineare la quantità specifica corrispondente a tale numero. He’s got one sister and two brothers. It costs only one euro. I had a pizza for lunch. Non I had one pizza for lunch.

1 Scrivi a o an. 0 1 2 3 4

Would you like an apple? TV in the room? Is there Have you got euro? She’s Italian teacher. Have you got MP3 player?

2 Scrivi a o an. 0 a university 1 uniform

5 6 7 8 9

She’s wearing yellow dress. I haven’t got jacket. It’s old house. It takes hour to get to the airport. It was horrible experience.

H 2 3

umbrella unicorn

3 Completa queste richieste di ulteriori informazioni usando a/an o the. 0 Is the hotel near the city centre? 1 Does price include breakfast? 2 Is there swimming pool? Single: €75 hotel have wi-fi? 3 Does Double: €130 4 Is there TV in room? 5 Has hotel got website? 6 7 8 9 10

special occasion? Is it Where is party? party? Who else is going to Can I bring friend? Will there be band playing?

Hotel St George

I’m m having a party on Saturday – hope you can come! Jx

4 Completa queste brevi notizie di cronaca usando a/an o the.

Smelly socks Doctors at 0 a hospital in London treated 1 2 inhaled fumes from pair of socks. 3 socks were drying on 5 electric fire.

man yesterday after he man fell asleep while 4

Family business 6

woman from Cleveland, Ohio, is furniture store to court. taking Barbara James, 36, is claiming $50,000 damages after she was injured when she child was knocked over by 8 who was running ‘out of control’ around woman claims that the store. 9 FurnitureWorld’s staff did nothing to stop 10 child’s behaviour. 11 spokesperson for FurnitureWorld says 12 company rejects 13 seven-year-old claim because 14 child, Toby James, is actually 15 woman’s son. 7

Message in a bottle Seven sailors were rescued yesterday desert island off the from 16 coast of South America. Ten days ago, 17 men put 18 message 19 bottle and threw it into in 20 ocean. 21 bottle 22 fisherman, was found by 23 coastguard. who contacted 24 castaways had spent three island. weeks on 25

Unità 110 257



Articoli (usi particolari) She’s a teacher. I play the bass guitar. 70% of the earth is water.

Ci sono diversi casi particolari in cui si usa a/an, the, oppure non si usa l’articolo (zero article). Questi sono alcuni dei più importanti.

Non si usa l’articolo: i con i titoli professionali e di cortesia, Mrs Smith is here. Have you seen Dr Jones?

Si usa a/an: i per le professioni, She’s a doctor. He’s an architect.

ii con l’ora, i giorni, i mesi, gli anni e i nomi di festività, It’s three o’clock. I play golf on Sundays. I was born in 1998. I saw him at Christmas.

ii con questi disturbi, I’ve got a cold/a headache/a temperature/ a cough/a bad back/a black eye. iii per classificare gli oggetti, A whale is a mammal. What is a plectrum? A mamba is a kind of snake. iv con l’espressione What a + nome numerabile. What a surprise! What a great goal! Si usa the: i quando esiste una sola entità di qualcosa, The sun’s hot today. What’s the capital of Italy? The internet is amazing. ii con play + strumenti musicali, I play the guitar. Do you play the piano? iii con i numeri ordinali e le date, Who was the first man in space? It’s the 15th of May. iv con i superlativi, Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe. v con le nazionalità, The Chinese invented fireworks. vi con specifiche aree e determinati nomi geografici, the equator, the Tropic of Cancer, the Far East, the Arctic vii con nomi di paesi che sono al plurale, the Netherlands, the United States viii con catene montuose, fiumi, canali, mari, oceani e deserti, the Pacific ocean, the Nile, the Apennines, the Sahara desert ix con nomi di alberghi, teatri e musei. We stayed in the Seaview Hotel. I went to the British Museum.

258 Unità 111

iii con i nomi che indicano i pasti della giornata, Breakfast is at 7.30. What time is lunch? iv con le materie scolastiche e discipline universitarie, He’s studying biology at university. Maths is interesting. v davanti ai nomi di sport, Tennis is my favourite sport. I play basketball. vi davanti ai nomi di colori, Pink is my favourite colour. I don’t like yellow. vii con le percentuali, 90% of teenagers have a mobile. 70% of the earth is water. viii con continenti, paesi, stati, città, piccole città o cittadine e paesini, Have you been to Africa? She’s from France. I live in Oxford. ix con i nomi di montagne, I flew over Everest. How high is Mont Blanc? x con strade, parchi, piazze, palazzi, castelli, stazioni, aereoporti, I live in Green Street. We fly to Heathrow. Did you go to Buckingham Palace? xi con l’esclamazione What + nome plurale o non numerabile. What amazing photos! What terrible weather!

1 È necessario usare l’articolo the davanti a questi nomi di luoghi oppure no? Scrivi the o –. – 0 Europe 4 Heathrow Airport 9 Thames The 0 Alps 5 Mount Everest 10 Central Park 1 Lake Como 6 Science Museum 11 Adriatic sea United States 7 Times Square 12 Italy 2 3 Oxford Street 8 Victoria station 13 Plaza Hotel 2 Completa l’email con l’articolo the. Scrivi – se non c’è bisogno dell’articolo.

We’ve been here in 0 the UK for two weeks and we’re having a fantastic time. We’re in 0 — Old Compton Street in London at the moment. We’re staying in a small hotel on a road just off 1 Buckingham Palace, Soho. We’ve been seeing the famous London sights – we’ve been to 2 3 Trafalgar Square, 4 British Museum and we went on 5 London Eye this Ritz Hotel yesterday. This afternoon, we’re going to go for morning. Oh, and we went for tea at 6 River Thames and then we’ll go to 8 Hyde Park later. a walk along 7 Scotland for a week. 10 Scottish Highlands were really Before London, we were in 9 Ben Nevis, which is 12 highest mountain amazing and we walked part of the way up 11 UK. in 13 14 Edinburgh, 15 capital, is a great city and 16 Edinburgh Castle was really interesting with some great views of the city. We’re going to 17 Brighton tomorrow for a few days. Hopefully, we’ll spend some time on the beach, English Channel will be as warm as 19 Pacific back home in but I don’t think 18 20 California!

3 Scrivi le risposte usando le parole del riquadro. amphibian very large number herbivore mammal kind of pizza 0 1 2 3 4

Is a whale a fish? No, a whale is a mammal. Is a frog a reptile? What’s a margherita? Is a rhinoceros a carnivore? What’s a googol?

4 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa What a/an …! o What … e le espressioni del riquadro. amazing result great idea lovely day lovely food surprise terrible weather unbelievable luck 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

The sun is shining. What a lovely day! It’s rained for days. What terrible weather! You have an unexpected visitor. You eat a great meal. Italy beat Brazil 4–0. Someone makes an excellent suggestion. Your friend wins the lottery.

5 Completa le risposte in modo che siano vere per te. 0 What do you do? ~ I’m a student. 1 What job does your father do? ~ He’s 2 What year were you born? ~ I was born in 3 When is your birthday? ~ It’s on 4 What's your favourite subject at school? ~ It’s 5 What sports do you play? ~ I play

. . . . . Unità 111 259



Articoli (the per generalizzare e zero article) I don’t drink coffee. Do you enjoy school? Who invented the bicycle?

A Uso e forma Si omette l’articolo (zero article) quando si parla di qualcosa in senso generale. Nota le differenze tra queste frasi. Per parlare in generale Sugar is bad for you. Children love reading comics. Students have a great life. Bars usually play music.

Per parlare di qualcosa di specifico Can you pass me the sugar? The children are hungry. The students next door are really friendly. I didn’t like the music in the bar last night.

B The whale, the computer ecc. Si può usare the per fare affermazioni generali su animali, piante o invenzioni. The blue whale is the biggest living animal. Who invented the computer? The piano is my favourite instrument. Nota che non si può usare the per nomi non numerabili. Who invented paper? Non Who invented the paper? Chi ha inventato la carta? C School, university ecc. Con school, university, college, hospital, church, prison e bed a volte si usa the e a volte non si usa l’articolo. i The si usa per parlare di un luogo specifico. The church is beautiful. I saw Peter at the university. The book is under the bed. ii L’articolo non si usa quando si parla dell’attività associata ad un luogo. I go to church every Sunday. (= I go to a religious ceremony.) Jim’s at university. (= Jim’s a student.) I’m going to bed. (= I’m going to go to sleep.)

In italiano l’uso dell’articolo determinativo è più frequente, mentre in inglese non si usa l’articolo per i nomi usati in senso generale, senza alcuna specificazione. People watch too much TV. Le persone guardano troppo la TV. Inoltre non si usa the con gli aggettivi possessivi my, your, his, her ecc. My car is a BMW. La mia macchina è una BMW. Our house has a garden. La nostra casa ha un giardino.

Vedi unità 121 per gli aggettivi possessivi.

1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Could you pass me sugar / the sugar, r please? Yes, sure. Do you take sugar / the sugar in your coffee? No. Just milk / the milk, thanks. I love pizza / the pizza. So do I, but pizza / the pizza I had for lunch today was terrible. You know a lot about music / the music, don’t you? Well, a bit. But not music / the music you like listening to. I prefer sixties music / the sixties music. Do you play computer games / the computer games? Not really. I prefer watching films / the films when I have free time / the free time.

260 Unità 112

5 A I think cars / the cars should be banned in city centres / the city centres. B I agree. Roads / The roads where I live are always busy, and air / the air is full of pollution. They should provide free car parks / the free car parks outside the city and free buses / the free buses to get in. 6 A I don’t think teachers / the teachers get paid enough. B I agree. It’s a difficult job, and teachers / the teachers in our school are fantastic.

2 Completa le frasi con the o – (se non c’è bisogno dell’articolo). 0 My brother’s studying chemistry at – University. church every Sunday. We never miss Mass. 1 We go to 2 He’s in prison for three years for burglary. 3 The park is behind church. school got a swimming pool? 4 Has 5 I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. 6 Do you enjoy school? bed. 7 There are lots of boxes under hospital. He was visiting his mother. 8 I saw Giles at 9 I’m going to prison to visit Larry. 10 How long will you be in hospital after the operation? 3 Completa le frasi usando le parole di animali e piante del riquadro. eagle elephant giant redwood giant tortoise rose 0 The eagle 1 2 3 4

is the symbol of the USA. is the national flower of England. is the biggest land animal. is the world’s tallest tree. can live to be over 150.

4 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte. Inizia con Who invented the …? 0






0 Who invented the bicycle? 1 2 3 4 5

~ Kirkpatrick Macmillan in the 1830s. ~ Adolphe Sax in 1846. ~ Lars Magnus Ericsson in 1910. ~ John Logie Baird in 1926. ~ Douglas Engelbart in 1970. ~ Zacharias Janssen in 1609. Unità 112 261


113 1


Revisione e potenziamento (unità 110–112) Articoli

A/an e the Completa i dialoghi usando a/an o the. 0 A Have you got a pen? B Yes, there’s one in the top drawer of the desk. 1 A Where’s Sandy? B She’s in garden. I think she’s cutting grass. 2 A We went to see film last night. B Which one? A It’s called Arrested. B Is that film with guy from those TV advertisements? A Yes, that’s right. It’s great film. Italy versus Germany game last night? 3 A Did you see B No, I didn’t. What was score? great game, actually. A 2–0 to Italy. It was 4 A Have you got pet? B Yes, two actually. dog and cat. A I guess you prefer cat. B Well, no actually. dog is definitely more fun. 5 A I need to send email, but internet connection isn’t working. B There’s internet café just down road if it’s urgent. bank, isn’t it? A Oh yes, I remember seeing it. It’s next to B That’s right. It’s got red and white sign outside. A/an, the e zero article Completa le frasi usando a, the o – (se non c’è bisogno dell’articolo). 0 I was born in 1999. 1 What time is lunch? 2 75% of teenagers use internet every day. piano. 3 I play 4 My mother is teacher. 5 I’ve never been to Asia. last football World Cup? 6 Who won 7 I’ve never been to Middle East. Ireland, but I’ve never been to United Kingdom. 8 I’ve been to 9 I’ve got headache. 10 I want to study chemistry at university. 11 I play football every Sunday. coffee. 12 I never drink 13 Which is biggest country in the world? 14 What’s ‘viper’? It’s kind of snake. Mount Everest? 15 How high is 16 Have you ever been to Saint Mark’s Square in Venice? 17 Do you ever play computer games? 18 What lovely day! 19 What fantastic weather!

262 Unità 113: Revisione e potenziamento


incent V

A/an, the e zero article Completa la biografia usando a/an, the o – (se non c’è bisogno dell’articolo).

Vincent Van Gogh T

oday, Vincent van Gogh is 0 a world-renowned artist, who painted some of 1 most famous paintings of all time. But during his lifetime he sold only one painting, and for most of his life he was unknown and very poor.

In 1886, Vincent decided to move to 12 France, where he met some of 13 greatest artists of 14 time, such as Monet, Pissarro and Gauguin. Vincent became 15 obsessive painter and he often spent his money on 16 art 17 supplies instead of food. He soon started to suffer from 18 depression, 19 and he was admitted to mental hospital in 20 December 1888 after cutting off his own ear. While in 21 mental hospital, Vincent painted some of his best-known paintings.

Vincent van Gogh was born in 2 Netherlands on March 30th, 1853. His father was 3 priest and Vincent grew 4 up in religious environment. In 5 1869, aged 16, van Gogh left 6 school and went to 7 England, where he worked first in 8 bookshop and then as 9 art dealer for seven years. He then spent four years living in various European countries. Finally, in 1880, van Gogh moved to 10 Brussels to 11 study art.


In May 1890, Vincent left 22 mental hospital and spent 23 last few months of his life in Auvers, France. On July 27, 1890 Vincent van Gogh shot himself in 24 chest with 25 hand gun. He died two days later.


A/an e zero article Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Vi piace veramente l’inglese. You really like English. 1 Mio padre è medico. 2 Ho il raffreddore in questo momento. 3 Che film fantastico! 4 Ascolto musica di continuo. 5 Parli italiano? 6 Il pranzo è alle 12.30.


Grammatica e lessico: zero article (proverbi) Molti modi di dire e proverbi si riferiscono a concetti in termini generali. Completa i proverbi inglesi 1–4 con le parole del riquadro, poi abbinali alle versioni italiane a–e. actions blood charity love time 0 Time 1 2 3 4

is money. begins at home. speak louder than words. is thicker than water. is blind.

a b c d e

Il sangue non è acqua. Il tempo è denaro. 0 Contano più i fatti che le parole. La carità comincia a casa propria. L’amore è cieco. Unità 113: Revisione e potenziamento 263



Some e any I’ve got some money. I haven’t got any money. Would you like something to eat?

A Uso e forma Si usano some e any con nomi plurali non numerabili quando si parla di quantità indefinite. i Si usa di norma some nelle frasi affermative e any nelle negative. I’ve got some money.

I haven’t got any money.

There are some chairs in the room.

There aren’t any chairs in the room.

I bought some shoes.

I didn’t buy any shoes.

ii Si usa any per domande generiche, ma di norma si usa some per domande che sono richieste e offerte e quando ci si aspetta una risposta positiva con yes. Did you buy any coffee?

Would you like some coffee?

Have we got any bread?

Could we have some more bread, please?

Have you seen any good films recently?

You look worried. Have you lost something?

iii Any ha anche il significato ‘non importa quale’ = qualsiasi. You can catch any of these buses – they all go to the city centre.

B Something, anything ecc. Le regole per some e any valgono anche per something/anything, someone/anyone, somebody/anybody e somewhere/anywhere. We’re lost – let’s ask someone for directions. I can’t see anyone. Would you like something to drink? You can sit anywhere you like. Nota che si possono usare something, anything ecc. come soggetto di una frase. Someone phoned you earlier. Anyone can learn English. Anything is possible. Vedi unità 115 per le forme negative nothing, no one, nowhere ecc.

1 Completa i dialoghi usando some o any. 0 A Have you got any milk? B Yes, there’s some in the fridge. 1 A Have you got sugar? B No, there isn’t . Sorry. 2 A Are there good restaurants near here? B Yes, there are excellent ones around George Square. 3 A Have we got homework tonight? B Not yet, but I’m sure the teacher is going to give us . 4 A Would you like food? B No, thanks. I’ve just had pizza, actually.

264 Unità 114

Nota la diversa traduzione di anyone in queste frasi: Is anyone at home? C’è qualcuno in casa? I didn’t see anyone at the cinema. Non ho visto nessuno al cinema. This is easy: anyone could do it! Questo è facile: chiunque potrebbe farlo. Have you talked to anyone about this? Hai parlato di questo con qualcuno?

5 A B 6 A B A

I don’t speak foreign languages. Do you speak Well, I can speak French, but only the basics. I haven’t got money. Can I borrow ? I’m afraid I haven’t got . Sorry. OK, I’ll go the cash machine to get . Do want me to get


out for you, too?

2 Descrivi la figura usando le parole date e There are some o There aren’t any.

0 1 2 3

cupboards There are some drawers. shelves posters on the wall clothes on the floor

4 plants 5 toys 6 books

3 Ci sono gli oggetti dell’Esercizio 2 nella tua camera? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te. 0 There aren’t any drawers. 1 2 3

4 5 6

4 Completa i dialoghi usando le parole del riquadro. Alcune parole vanno usate più di una volta. anyone anything anytime anywhere someone something 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Someone phoned for you earlier. Did they leave a message? What’s the matter? is wrong with my TV. Oh, Is snowboarding difficult? No, can do it if they try. Do you think Juve will beat Roma? is possible! I don’t know. I thought you’d lost your mobile. I did, but found it.

5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

What do you fancy to eat – Chinese or Thai? You choose. I’m happy to eat . When shall I come round? . I’ll be at home all day – call round Do you prefer a window or an aisle seat? I don’t mind. I’m happy to sit . I think we’re lost! OK, let’s ask to help us.

5 Completa le frasi usando any e le parole del riquadro. colour film music size bus 0 1 2 3 4

Small, medium, large – you can have any size you like. Take . They all go to the central station. Red, blue, black – you can have you like. – I really don’t mind. I’m happy to listen to I love with Orlando Bloom in it! Unità 114 265



No, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere ecc. There’s no coffee. I heard nothing. We had a party, but no one came.

A No Si può usare no in alternativa a not … any oppure a not … a. There’s no milk. (= There isn’t any milk.) They’ve got no TV. (= They haven’t got a TV.) B None Si usa none in alternativa a not … any oppure a no + nome per qualcosa che è già stato nominato. How much money have you got? ~ None. (= I haven’t got any money. o I’ve got no money.) Can I have some more cake? ~ I’m afraid there’s none left (= There isn’t any cake left. o There’s no cake left.) Si può anche usare none of + frase nominale. I saw none of my friends at the weekend. (= I didn’t see any of my friends.)

C No one, nothing ecc. Si possono usare no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere come alternative a not … anyone/anybody/ anything/anywhere. We saw no one. (= We didn’t see anyone.) What did you buy? ~ Nothing. (= I didn’t buy anything.) Where did you go last night? ~ Nowhere. (= I didn’t go anywhere.) Nota che il doppio negativo not …. no/none/no one/nothing ecc. non è possibile in inglese. There’s no time. o There isn’t any time. Non There isn’t no time. I’ve got none. o I haven’t got any. Non I haven’t got none. I said nothing. o I didn’t say anything. Non I didn’t say nothing. Non si usa nemmeno anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere … not. Yesterday, nobody came to class. Non Yesterday, anybody didn’t come to class. Nota che si può usare anche no + nome, none, no one, nothing ecc. come soggetto di una frase. None of my friends like the same music as me. No one came to the meeting. Nothing changes!

D At all At all (affatto, per niente, assolutamente, nemmeno un po’) si usa per porre l’enfasi su un’affermazione negativa. I watched no TV at all last week. Non ho visto assolutamente la TV la scorsa settimana. We didn’t see anyone at all. Non abbiamo visto assolutamente nessuno. I’ve got no money at all. Non ho assolutamente soldi. 1 Completa le affermazioni riformulando le frasi del riquadro usando no. there aren’t any eggs she hasn’t got any money there isn’t a charge there isn’t any spaghetti there aren’t any buses 0 1 2 3 4

I can’t make spaghetti alla bolognese. There’s no spaghetti. Sue can’t go out tonight. Let’s get a taxi. I can’t make an omelette. Entrance to the museum is free.

266 Unità 115

2 Completa le affermazioni riformulando le frasi del riquadro usando none. there wasn’t any tea left I haven’t got any money on me there isn’t any coffee no bands were any good no dresses suited me there aren’t any taxis 0 1 2 3 4 5

We can’t have a coffee. There's none left. I can’t lend you any money. We can’t take a taxi. I didn’t have another cup of tea. I saw a few bands at the weekend, but I tried on lots of dresses, but

. .

3 Completa le frasi usando no one, nothing o nowhere e le parole in corsivo. 0 We organized a meeting, but no one came. come 1 We went for a meal, but . enjoy it 2 The shopping trip was a disaster. I . buy 3 We took an exam, but . pass 4 I’m trying to book a hotel, but . have any rooms 5 It’s a secret. You must . tell 6 It’s the same old story – ! change 4 Ben sta rispondendo alle domande di Alice a proposito delle sue vacanze. Completa il dialogo usando le parole del riquadro e at all. none none no one nothing nothing nowhere Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben Alice Ben

How was your holiday? Fantastic. We had a really relaxing time. Great. So, what did you do? 0 Nothing at all . We just stayed by the hotel pool all week. How was the weather? Did you get any rain? No, 1 . It was really sunny and hot all week. Did you meet any interesting people? No, 2 . We wanted to be alone. Did you spend at lot of money? . We spent 3 Everything was included in the price. Did you visit any places nearby? 4 . We spent the whole week reading and sunbathing by the pool. And did you take any photos? No, 5 . We didn’t take a camera. Well, it sounds like a great holiday. It was. You must come with us next year.

Unità 115 267



Many, much, a lot of, a few e a little I haven’t got much time. I’ve got a lot of work. There was a little rain this morning.

A Uso e forma i Many (molti/e) e a few (alcuni/e) si usano con i nomi numerabili. Have you got many CDs? I haven’t been to many countries. I’ve got a few pairs of shoes. ii Con nomi non numerabili si usa much (molto) e a little (un po’). Have you got much money? There’s a little wine left. It didn’t rain much last year. iii A lot of ha un significato simile a much e many e si usa sia per i nomi numerabili sia per quelli non numerabili. Come regola molto generale, si usa a lot of nelle frasi affermative e much o many in frasi negative e nelle domande. I’ve got a lot of homework tonight. We haven’t got much homework tonight. Have you got much homework tonight? r Si possono anche usare lots of e loads of invece di a lot of. Lots of e loads of si usano in contesti più informali come, ad esempio, in conversazione. There are lots of cafés near here. Romeo’s had loads of girlfriends. r Si può usare anche plenty of (parecchio, un bel po’). We’ve got plenty of time to get to the airport.

B How much …? e How many …? How much (quanto/a) e How many (quanti/e) sono usati frequentemente. How much money have you got on you? How many people were at the party? C Few e little Si usano in genere a few e a little per esprimere un fatto neutro (senza commenti). A few people went to the party. Poche persone andarono alla festa. There was a little snow last night. C’era un po’ di neve ieri sera. Si usano few (pochi, poche) e little (un po’) senza a per esprimere un’idea negativa e per indicare l’assenza di ciò che ci si era aspettati o si sperava. Few people went to the party. It was a bit boring. Poche persone andarono alla festa. Era un po’ noiosa. There’s been very little snow all winter. Skiing is impossible. C’è stata poca neve per tutto l’inverno. Non è possibile sciare.

D Only e just Si possono usare only e just per dare enfasi a a few e a little. I’ve got only a few pence. o I’ve only got a few pence. There was only a little rain this morning. Do you speak Italian? ~ Just a little. 1 Che cosa usi in questi casi: many e a few o much e a little? 0 much / a little traffic 8 1 / money 9 2 / people 10 / rain 11 3 4 / hours 12 5 / time 13 / energy 14 6 7 / luggage 15 268 Unità 116

/ / / / / / / /

emails work food songs cars homework information cafés

2 Completa i dialoghi usando (not) much, (not) many, a little o a few. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Do your parents speak English? Yes, but only a little. Would you like some coffee? Just , please. With just milk if you have some. Did you spend money last night? No, . Only about five pounds. Have you got CDs? Only . Most of my music is on my MP3 player. Did it rain where you were yesterday? Yes, . We had showers in the afternoon. Did you know many of the people at the party on Saturday? No, . Just people from school. Have you got a lot of homework to do tonight? No, . Just grammar exercises.

3 Leggi l’email di Chantal e completala scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

We arrived in India 0 a few / a little days ago. We’re going to spend 1 a few / a little time here in Delhi and then we’re going to go to Goa for 2 a few / a little weeks to spend some time on the beach. There are so 3 many / much things to see and do here in Delhi. It’s amazing. We’re spending 4 a lot of / much time in cafés and restaurants just watching the world go by, but yesterday we visited 5 a few / a little places – the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid Mosque and 6 a few / little markets. There are 7 lots of / much amazing things to buy, but I haven’t spent 8 much / a little money yet. The weather is perfect, although there was 9 a few / a little rain this morning.

4 Completa le domande usando How many o How much. 0 How many brothers and sisters have you got? 1 money have you got on you? 2 students are there in your class? 3 did your mobile phone cost? 4 TV do you watch each week? 5 English lessons do you have each week? 6 pairs of shoes have you got? 5 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa le parole del riquadro o altre a tua scelta. bags books CDs clothes computer games cousins DVDs free time friends money 0 I’ve only got a little money. 1 I’ve only got a few 2 I’ve got loads of

. .

3 I’ve got a lot of 4 I haven’t got many 5 I haven’t got much

. . .

6 Completa le frasi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5

Few of his ideas made money. He was promoted. / He was sacked sacked. Few people went to the exhibition. It was a success. / It closed after three days. They had little in common. They became friends. / They didn’t become friends. He’s got few friends. He’s quite lonely. / He’s got a good social life. There was little to eat. I’m not hungry. / I’m still hungry. I’ve read few books recently. I’ve been too busy. / I’ve had a lot of free time.

Unità 116 269



All, each, every e most I ate all the pizza. I went to every class. Most of the teachers are really good.

A All, each ed every All, each ed every hanno un significato simile. i All (tutto/a, tutti/e). È seguito da un nome plurale o non numerabile. All può essere seguito da the o da un aggettivo possessivo. All cars cause pollution. We drank all the wine. I passed all my exams. ii Each (ciascuno, ogni) ed every (ciascuno, ogni, tutti/e) sono seguiti da un nome singolare. Each ed every non possono essere seguiti da the o da un aggettivo possessivo. I checked every detail. Each diamond in the necklace cost a million pounds. Each ed every sono spesso intercambiabili, ma: r si usa each solo per riferirsi a due oggetti o persone, What’s on each side of the coin? r si usa di norma every per grandi numeri di oggetti o persone. It’s impossible to see every star in the sky.

B Everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere Everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere si possono usare al posto di all + nome. Everybody had a good time last night. (= All the people had a good time last night.) I passed everything. (= I passed all my exams.) i Everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere sono seguiti da un verbo alla forma singolare. Everyone was dancing. Everything looks beautiful. Everywhere was busy. ii Non si usa di norma all per esprimere everyone, everybody, everything ed everywhere. Everyone passed the exam. Non All passed the exam. iii Si può comunque usare all per esprimere everything nell’espressione all about. Frank told me all about his holiday.

C Most Most (la maggioranza, la maggior parte di) è seguita da un nome plurale o non numerabile. I like most classical music. Most students in Italy study English. D All of, each of, most of e none of Si possono usare all of, each of, most of e none of. Quando si usa of, si deve usare the/these/ those, un pronome (his, them, us ecc.), o un aggettivo possessivo. Non si usa every of. I need to speak to each of you. Most of my family lives in Scotland. Nota che all in alcuni casi si può usare senza of. I’ve seen all of the Star Wars films. o I’ve seen all the Star Wars films.

E All All può anche voler dire the only thing (tutto ciò, l’unica cosa che). Did I crash the computer? All I did was turn it on. All you need is love. All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich.

270 Unità 117

1 Completa le regole scolastiche scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

School Rules

0 All / Every students must wear a uniform. 1 Students must attend all / every lesson. 2 Students must work hard in all / every subjects. 3 All / Every student will receive homework all / each day. 4 All / Each students must attend the school assembly. 5 Students must behave responsibly at all / every times. 2 Leggi i risultati del girone di Champions League. Poi completa le frasi usando all (of), every, most (of) o none of. Roma Liverpool Barcelona Ajax






6 6 6 6

6 4 2 0

0 0 0 0

0 2 4 6

18 12 6 0

0 Roma won every 1 Roma won 2 Liverpool won

game. their games. their games.

3 Barcelona lost 4 Ajax lost 5 Ajax won

games. game. their games.

3 Completa i dialoghi usando all, each, every, everyone, everything o everywhere. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Have you found your ID card? No, and I’ve looked everywhere. Katherine Jones is the favourite for the Olympic gold medal, isn’t she? Yes, thinks she’ll win. cars should be banned in city centres. I think I agree. In fact, cars should be banned in part of the city, not just the centre. Houses are very expensive in the UK these days. It’s not just houses. is expensive in the UK these days! You should print on side of the paper – think of the environment. True, but I can’t be bothered to put the paper back in the printer time. your homework? Have you finished Almost, but I haven’t quite done .

4 Riscrivi le frasi iniziandole con All in modo che il significato non cambi. 0 My boyfriend only bought me a magazine for my birthday!

All my boyfriend bought me for my birthday was a magazine! 1 The only thing I’ve eaten today is a piece of pizza. 2 Why is Tara upset? I only said ‘Hello.’ Why is Tara upset? 3 What’s happened? The only thing I did was press the green button. What’s happened? Unità 117 271



Both, neither e either Both cafés are good. Neither café is expensive. I’ll have either coffee or tea.

Si usano both (entrambi), either (l’uno o l’altro) e neither (nessuno dei due) per riferirsi a due persone, oggetti o idee. Si usano in una varietà di modi: Wear either jacket – they both look great. Indossa l’una o l’altra giacca - sono entrambe splendide. Both drivers were very lucky and neither of them was injured in the accident. Entrambi i conducenti sono stati fortunati e nessuno dei due è stato ferito nell’incidente. I don’t like either phone. They’re both too big. Non mi piace nessuno dei due telefoni. Sono entrambi troppo grandi. i Quando ci si riferisce ai nomi, both è seguito da un nome e da un verbo plurale, mentre either e neither sono seguiti da un nome e un verbo singolare. Both computers are quite old. Neither computer is new. Both computers have outdated software. Neither computer has up-to-date software. ii Si può usare sia both … and, either … or (sia… sia/che, o... o ) e neither … nor (né… né). I’m both hungry and tired. Sono sia affamato sia stanco. We can either get the bus or take a taxi. Possiamo prendere o l’autobus o un taxi. Neither Bill nor Ben is coming to the party. Né Bill né Ben vengono alla festa. iii Both, either e neither si possono usare da soli. Tea or coffee? ~ Either. I don’t mind. Tè o caffè? ~ O l’uno o l’altro. Non mi importa. Milk? Sugar? ~ Neither, thanks. Latte? Zucchero? ~ Nessuno dei due, grazie. Milk? Sugar? ~ Both, please. Latte? Zucchero? ~ Entrambi, prego. Do you prefer cola or orange juice? ~ I don’t drink either. Preferisce cola o succo d’arancia? ~ Non bevo nessuno dei due. iv Si può usare both of, either of e neither of. Quando si usa of, occorre usare the, these, those, un pronome (you, them, us ecc.) oppure un aggettivo possessivo (my, their ecc.). I’ve got both of their albums. I don’t like either of them. Ho entrambi i loro album. Non mi piace né l’uno né l’altro. I don’t like either of the cafés. Non mi piace nessuno dei due bar. Neither of us speaks Spanish. Nessuno di noi parla spagnolo. Nota che a volte si può usare both anche senza of. Ma occorre usare both of con un pronome. I’ve read both his books. o I’ve read both of them. Both of us are taking the exam. Non Both us are taking the exam. Vedi unità 169 per neither do I, neither can I ecc.

1 Completa i dialoghi usando both (of), either (of) o neither (of ). A Have you got any brothers or sisters? B Yes, I’ve got two brothers. But 0 neither A Still or sparkling water? . I don’t mind. B 1 A Sorry we didn’t phone you, but 2 B Don’t worry. A Are you from the US or Canada? B 3 – I’m British, actually. But 4

272 Unità 118

of them lives at home. They’re 0 both

away at university.

of us had our mobiles with us.

of my parents are American, so I’ve got their accent.

A OK, so you’ve tried on 5 dresses. Which do you prefer – the red or the black one? B I don’t like 6 of them, actually. 7 of the colours suits me. A We can 8 B 9

have Indian or Chinese food – what do you fancy? , to be honest. I’m afraid I don’t like 10 . How about a pizza?

A I hear it was 2–2 in the game last night. B Yes, it was a good game. 11 teams played really well. There were lots of chances 12 to score and team could have won.

2 Guarda le figure e scrivi delle frasi usando both o neither e i suggerimenti del riquadro. bottle / full bottle / full shop / closed answer / correct translation / correct 0





o bye = cia rci ede v i bye = arr

0 Both shops are closed. 1 2

6 6x3 = 1 5 6x5 = 3

3 4

3 Leggi la tabella in cui sono messi a confronto il Regno Unito, l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti. Completa le frasi usando both … and o neither … nor. Population Head of state Head of government Life expectancy Money National sport

ITALY 59 million president prime minister 80 euro football

0 Both Italy and the USA 1 2 3 4 5 6 Football is the national sport in

UK 62 million monarch prime minister 79 pound football

USA 302 million president president 78 dollar baseball

have a president. have a prime minister. has a monarch. have a population of approximately 60 million. have a life expectancy of under 80. uses the euro. .

4 Scegli un componente della tua famiglia (fratello, sorella, padre, madre, cugino ecc.) e scrivi cinque frasi in cui descrivi ciò che avete in comune. Usa We both … e Neither of us … . The person I have chosen is: 0 We both like rock music. 1 2

3 4 5

Unità 118 273



Revisione e potenziamento (unità 114–118) Quantificatori


Some e any Completa le frasi usando some, any, anyone, anything, someone o something. 0 I need some song lyrics translating. Do you know anyone who speaks German? 1 Could I have more cake, please? 2 You look worried. Have you lost ? 3 Skateboarding is easy. can do it! 4 Who turned the lights off? I can’t see ! 5 The weather has been great all summer. We haven’t had rain for weeks. 6 This exercise is difficult. I think I need help.


Much, many, a lot of, a few e a little Completa i dialoghi usando much, many, a lot (of), a few o a little. 0 A I saw Jenny a few days ago. B Oh, how is she? homework to do tonight. I think I’ll go out. 1 A I haven’t got B Lucky you. I’ve got maths homework. It’s going to take me all evening. 2 A Hurry up! We haven’t got time! B OK, I’ll just be more minutes. 3 A Did you take photos when you were on holiday? B No, not . Just of the hotel and the beach. A And how was the weather? B Well, we had rain, but not . Most of the time it was lovely and sunny. money on you? 4 A Have you got B Only , I’m afraid. How do you need to borrow? A Not . Say, ten euros.


Quantificatori: varie forme Sarah sta facendo delle domande a Clive a proposito di una festa alla quale ha partecipato. Completa il dialogo scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive Sarah Clive

How 0 many / much people were at the party? About twenty I’d say. Who did you know there? 1 No one / Anyone. I didn’t know 2 no one / anyone at all. So, did you talk to 3 someone / anyone? No, 4 no one / anyone. Oh. So, what did you do all evening? 5 None / Nothing. I just watched 6 anyone / everyone else. OK, and what was the music like? There wasn’t 7 some / any. No music! And was there 8 any / each food or drink? No, 9 none / any at all. Well, apart from 10 a few / a little crisps – there was one packet between 11 all of / all us I think. And there was 12 none / nothing to drink? No, 13 anything / nothing. It sounds like the worst party ever. Yes. 14 Most / Most of people left after about half an hour. And where did you go then? 15 Anywhere / Nowhere. I just went home.

274 Unità 119: Revisione e potenziamento


Quantificatori: varie forme Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. The London Eye


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FCE 5


all all each most both every Either all each


most all of every most of both of each of Both several each of


each of every either several either each Every most every


each most all many every all of Each every all

Quantificatori: varie forme Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 There’s no coffee left. any There isn’t any coffee left. 1 I’m hungry and I’m tired. both I’m tired. 2 I’m afraid I don’t like either colour. neither I’m afraid colour. 3 Sara passed every one of her exams. all exams. Sara 4 There are no cafés near here. any There near here. 5 I spoke to all the people at my party. everyone I at my party. 6 I’ve only got a little money on me. much I on me.



Quantificatori: varie forme Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 C’è qualcuno in casa?

3 A tutti i miei amici piace il calcio.

Is anyone at home? 1 Non conoscevo nessuno alla festa.

4 Potresti prestarmi dei soldi?

2 Tutti hanno gradito molto la lezione.

5 Nessuno dei miei genitori parla inglese.

Unità 119: Revisione e potenziamento 275



Pronomi soggetto e complemento I saw him. He gave it to me. We gave her a book. She showed them it.

A Forma I pronomi soggetto e complemento in inglese sono: Pronomi soggetto

Pronomi complemento

I you he she it we they

me you him her it us them

Nota che esiste solo una forma di you per il singolare e per il plurale, familiare o formale.

Non esistono in inglese forme di cortesia corrispondenti al Lei/ Loro dell’italiano. La forma di cortesia italiana viene sempre espressa in inglese con you, la seconda persona singolare/plurale. Are you Swiss? = Lei è svizzero? o Loro sono svizzeri? o Tu sei svizzero?

Nota che in inglese non esistono i pronomi complemento indiretto in quanto tali. Si usa, invece, una preposizione come to o for. Have you given the CD back to him? Gli hai ridato indietro il CD?

B Uso i I pronomi personali soggetto precedono sempre il verbo cui si riferiscono. I pronomi complemento seguono sempre il verbo. I hate her. La odio. She is going to phone me. Lei sta per telefonarmi. Did you meet them? Li hai incontrati? They don’t want it. Non lo vogliono. ii In inglese il soggetto viene sempre espresso e, quando si tratta di un pronome, viene sempre reso esplicito. Daniela’s my sister. Have you already met her? Daniela è mia sorella. L’hai già conosciuta?

A differenza di quanto avviene in italiano, i pronomi complemento in inglese non precedono mai il verbo, ma lo seguono. Did you tell him the whole truth? Gli hai detto tutta la verità?

Oltre che come soggetto neutro, it si usa per esprimere un soggetto impersonale. It’s so hot in here. Fa così caldo qui dentro. iii I pronomi soggetto e complemento non fanno mai parte del verbo e non sono mai espressi dalla forma di un verbo. I am Italian. Non Am Italian. You are late. I want to phone him. I’d like to speak to you.

C Risposte brevi Nell’inglese informale, si possono a volte dare risposte brevi alle domande con Who ...? usando le espressioni It’s/It was + pronome complemento. Si può anche usare il pronome complemento come risposta con una parola singola. Who’s there? ~ It’s me. Who won? ~ Us. Nota che questa è un’alternativa più informale rispetto alle risposte brevi con soggetto + verbo ausiliare (I am., We did., They are.).

276 Unità 120

1 Completa le frasi con il pronome corretto. 0 I see my grandparents a lot. I see them two or three times a week. 1 This is Daniela. I work with . ? 2 I like your new scooter. When did you get 3 We’re lost. Can you help ? 4 Give me your number and I’ll phone . 5 Where are Harry and William? I need to talk to . 6 I like your shoes. Where did you get ? 7 I don’t understand. Can you help ? 8 It’s John’s birthday. Have you got a present for ? 2 Scrivi delle risposte usando i pronomi asserendo il contrario come nell’esempio. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Did Isabella phone Mr Smith? No, he phoned her. Did Carlo email Anna? No, . Does Simona fancy Johnny? . No, Did Alicia and David invite you and Roberto? No, . Are you and William staying with Wendy and Greta? No, . Did the children take the dog for a walk? ! No, I can’t remember – did Harry kiss me? No, !

3 Riscrivi le risposte con un pronome oggetto per renderle più informali. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Who’s going to drive? I’m going to drive. Me. Who broke the window? He broke the window. It was Who tidied up? I tidied up. It was . Who’s making that noise? She’s making the noise. It’s Who made this mess? We made the mess. Sorry.


. . Sorry.

Unità 120 277



Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi It’s my bag. It’s mine. These are our seats. Are these seats ours?

A Uso e forma Gli aggettivi e pronomi possessivi in inglese sono: Aggettivi possessivi

Pronomi possessivi

my your his her its our their

mine yours his hers – ours theirs

i Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi sono invariabili. This is her magazine. These are her magazines. Is this key yours? Are these keys yours? ii Mentre l’aggettivo possessivo si usa prima del nome, il pronome possessivo si usa da solo. It’s my bag. The bag’s mine. It’s mine. Is this your coat? Is this coat yours? Is this yours? iii In inglese l’aggettivo possessivo va sempre prima del nome a cui si riferisce. This is our car. Non This is car our. iv L’articolo the non si usa con l’aggettivo possessivo. My house is near here. Non The my house is near here.

B Its e it’s Its è l’aggettivo possessivo. It’s è la forma contratta di it is e di it has. The dog has broken its leg. It’s a nice day. It’s got a garden. 1 Riscrivi le frasi e le domande usando il pronome possessivo corretto. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This is my bag. This bag is mine. Is this your pen? Is this pen yours? This is his scooter. Are these your shoes? This is our taxi. Is this your bag? It’s my paper. It’s her dictionary. Is this their car? Are these our seats? This isn’t my mobile. These aren’t our coats.

278 Unità 121

2 Riscrivi le frasi e le domande usando l’aggettivo possessivo corretto. 0 This car’s mine. This is my car. 1 Are these tickets ours? 2 This book is hers. 3 Is this magazine yours? 4 This house is ours. 5 Are these children theirs? 6 This bag is his. 7 Are these glasses yours? 8 This laptop is mine. 3 Completa i dialoghi usando l’aggettivo o il pronome possessivo corretto. Ali Bella

Do you know the Smiths? Well, I know Mrs Smith, but I don’t know 0 her

Alex Bill

I saw Enrico in a sports car this morning. Is it 1 No. It’s 2 dad’s.

Aimee Brad

Is this Patricia’s scarf? No, it isn’t 3 . Jack was looking for a scarf earlier. I bet it’s 4

Angus Bunty

Are these 5 No, they’re not 6

Andy Becky

Is this mobile 8 No, it isn’t. 9

Ashley Ben

Oxford is most famous for 10 university. Yeah. And 11 terrible football team!


Excuse me. I think you’re sitting in the wrong seats. These are 12 . over there are 13 Oh, sorry. Ah yes, you’re right. Those are 14 seats.


husband. ?

children in the photo? – I haven’t got any children! They’re 7

. nephews and nieces.

? is an old model – I bought it two years ago.

. Perhaps those

4 Scrivi le domande usando your e rispondi usando my in modo che siano vere per te. 0 name? What’s your name?

My name’s Jon. 1 phone number? 2 email address? 3 birthday? 4 favourite subject at school? 5 favourite actor or actress? 6 best friend?

Unità 121 279



Pronomi riflessivi e each other I did it myself. Did you paint the house yourselves? They gave each other a book.

A Forma Pronomi soggetto

Pronomi riflessivi

I you he she it we you they

myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

B Uso I pronomi riflessivi si usano in diversi modi. Gli usi più comuni sono come complemento di un verbo riflessivo. I’ve hurt myself. Mi sono fatto male. Tom paid for himself. Tom pagò per sé. In inglese ci sono solo pochi verbi che possono prendere la forma riflessiva in questo modo. Alcuni dei più utili sono: cut oneself (tagliarsi) help oneself (servirsi) enjoy oneself (divertirsi) introduce oneself (presentar(si)) pride oneself on (vantarsi di) I pronomi riflessivi si usano anche: i dopo il complemento di un verbo per porre l’enfasi sulla persona che compie l’azione, I fixed the computer myself. Ho aggiustato il computer da solo. I’m not telling him. Tell him yourself. Non glielo dirò. Diglielo tu. ii dopo un nome o un pronome per porre l’enfasi sulla persona o sull’oggetto. I got a letter from the president himself. Ho ricevuto una lettera dal presidente stesso.

C Each other Si usa each other oppure each other’s quando una persona fa qualcosa a o per un’altra persona e viceversa. The students helped each other. Gli studenti si aiutarono l’un l’altro/a. They wrote down each other’s phone numbers. Scrissero i numeri telefonici l’uno dell’altro. Nota la differenza di significato tra each other e themselves/ourselves. Zoe and Evie bought each other a book. Zoe ed Evie comprarono un libro l’un l’altra/a vicenda. Zoe and Evie bought themselves a book. Zoe ed Evie comprarono un libro ciascuna.

280 Unità 122

Alcuni dei verbi riflessivi più comuni in italiano ma non in inglese sono: behave (comportarsi) complain (lamentarsi) dress/get dressed (vestirsi) fall in love (innamorarsi) feel (sentirsi) forget (dimenticarsi) get up (alzarsi) hurry (affrettarsi) notice (accorgersi di) remember (ricordarsi) rest (riposarsi) shave (radersi) wake up (svegliarsi) wash (lavarsi) worry (preoccuparsi)

Nota che molti verbi riflessivi in italiano, in inglese si esprimono con l’espressione to get + aggettivo/past participle. Tra i più comuni: to get bored (annoiarsi) to get dressed (vestirsi) to get lost (perdersi) to get used to (abituarsi) to get upset (agitarsi) to get worried (preoccuparsi)

Vedi unità 82 per l’uso di to get used to

1 Che cosa stanno facendo le persone raffigurate? Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro e un pronome riflessivo. the children / not behave she / enjoy he / introduce she / weigh 0




Hello. I'm Barry Jones.

0 She’s weighing herself. 1

2 3

2 Completa le risposte usando le parole in corsivo e un pronome riflessivo. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Is someone decorating your house for you? No, we’re doing it ourselves. Did Paul take his scooter to the garage? No, he didn’t. He Who taught you to play the guitar? No one. I I’m hungry. Can I have a biscuit? Of course, Did Harry pay for your pizza? No, he didn’t. I Do you want some help? No, thanks. I’m sure I can Who did you complain to about the food? I demanded to speak to

do it . repair it . teach . help . pay for it . install the software . the manager

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano più naturali usando each other. 0 Brad fell out of love with Jen, and Jen fell out of love with Brad. Brad and Jen fell out of love with each other. 1 Bill doesn’t like Tom, and Tom doesn’t like Bill. Bill and Tom 2 I email her every day, and she emails me every day. We 3 Do you know Johnny, and does Johnny know you? Do you and Johnny

. .

4 Completa le frasi usando each other, themselves o ourselves. 0 Lucy and I really enjoyed ourselves at the party. at the park. 1 The children really enjoyed 2 At Christmas, people buy presents. very often these days. 3 Alicia and I don’t see 4 We didn’t let Peter pay for our tickets – we paid for them . 5 Ana and Belinda had a big argument. They’re not speaking to when they are about four years old. 6 Children learn to dress



Unità 122 281



This, that, these, those This tiramisu is delicious. Is that your coat? Are these your keys? Whose are those?

A Uso e forma Si può usare this, that, these e those con o senza un nome. This pizza is delicious. This is delicious. Whose are these shoes? Whose are these? i This (questo/a) e that (quello/a) si usano con nomi singolari. This is my car.

That’s Frank’s car.

Nota che in inglese this, that, these e those non cambiano la forma in base al genere dei nomi. This is my brother. This is my sister. Who are those boys? Who are those girls?

ii Con i nomi plurali si usano these (questi/e) e those (quelli/e ecc.). These are my books.

Those are your books.

B This is … Si può usare This is … quando si presenta qualcuno e quando ci si presenta al telefono. Alfred Boris, this is Jane. Have you met before? Boris No, we haven’t. Nice to meet you Jane. Receiver Caller

Hello. This is Bill Smith. Can I speak to Valerie Harrison, please?

C This year, this weekend, these days Si usano le espressioni this week/month/year per riferirsi alla settimana/mese/anno in cui si è attualmente. Have you seen Roberto this week? It’s Simona’s birthday later this month. Si usa this Friday/July/weekend per riferirsi al prossimo venerdì/luglio/weekend. I’m going to a party this Friday. Are you going away this weekend? Si usa these days (questi giorni) per riferirsi al tempo presente in generale. Life is very expensive these days. I don’t see Francesco much these days. 1 Scrivi this o these. 0 this coat 1 coats 2 music

3 4 5

children shoes information

6 7 8

traffic coffee coffees

2 Scrivi that o those. 0 that table 1 tables 2 money

3 4 5

bread shirts homework

6 7 8

students person people

282 Unità 123

3 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Completa usando this, that, these o those. 0






0 1 2 3 4 5


spaghetti is delicious. was delicious. Look at boys next to Harry, is Eva. Hi, is Victoria Evans. Is Whose are ?

car. What are they doing? David Bradley?

4 Guarda le figure e scrivi le domande con Is this/that o Are these/those. Usa le parole del riquadro due volte. Potrebbe essere necessario usare la forma plurale della parola. the library your coat your keys

0 a

Is this your coat?

b Are those your coats?

1 a


2 a


Unità 123 283



One e ones Which one do you prefer? This one is mine. I’ll have the blue ones.

A Uso e forma Si usano one e ones al posto di un nome numerabile che è stato nominato in precedenza. I haven’t got a pen. Have you got one? Non ho una penna. Ne hai una? Is there a bank near here? ~ Yes, there’s one round the corner. C’è una banca vicino? ~ Sì, ce n’è una dietro l’angolo. I didn’t buy the black boots. I bought the brown ones. Non ho comprato gli stivali neri. Ho comprato quelli marroni. Si usa abitualmente one e ones se si parla di alternative o di scelte. i Con this, that, each, every, any, either ecc. Do you want this one or that one? ~ I don’t mind. Any one is fine. ii Dopo which There are several coats. Which one is yours? iii Dopo gli aggettivi My scooter is the silver one. Non My scooter is the silver. iv Nell’espressione the one Which hotel are you staying in? ~ The one next to the beach.

B It oppure one? It si riferisce a qualcosa di specifico. One e ones a qualcosa di non specifico. If you’re not using your pen, can I borrow it? Se non usi la penna, posso prenderla in prestito? I haven’t got a pen. Have you got one? Non ho la penna. Ne hai una? 1 Riscrivi le risposte in modo che siano più naturali usando one o ones. 0 A Did you get a new mobile? B No. I didn’t see a mobile that I liked.

No. I didn’t see one that I liked. 1 A Can you lend me a pen? B Sorry. I haven’t got a pen. 2 A Did you buy the black gloves? B No. I got the blue gloves. 3 A Would you like a coffee? B No thanks. I’ve just had a coffee. 4 A Is there a supermarket near here? B Yes. There’s a supermarket over there. 5 A Are these photos recent? B No. They’re old photos.

284 Unità 124

Nota che in inglese non si usa that per indicare the … one. Can I have the red one? Non Can I have that red? Posso avere quella rossa?

6 A Which bar did you go to? B The bar on Queen Street. 7 A Which is Francesca’s house? B It’s either this house or that house. A Oh yes. I think it’s this house. The house with the blue door. 8 A Can you pass me my coat? B Which coat’s yours? The stripy coat or the checked coat? A The checked coat.

2 Che cosa stanno chiedendo queste persone? Usa Which …? e le parole in corsivo. 0




0 Which bus? This one or that one? 1 2 3

this / that the big / the small this / that the black / the white

3 Completa i dialoghi usando un’espressione che includa one e le parole del riquadro. any 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B A

each either neither the this which Which newspaper shall I buy? Any one. You choose. Do you want a different chair? No. is fine, thanks. Do I get the number 23 or the number 26 bus to get to the town centre? . They both go to the town centre. I don’t fancy either of these films. looks very interesting. No. Are all the apartments the same? No. is different when you get inside. I’ve bought that scooter. ? we saw in the paper yesterday. Unità 124 285


125 1

Pronomi e determinanti Completa i dialoghi usando la parola corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Revisione e potenziamento (unità 120–124) Pronomi e determinanti


Do you like the colour? How often do you see your cousins? How many people went to the restaurant? Who taught to play the guitar? Is this coat? Can I borrow a pen? I saw brother yesterday. How’s pizza?


It’s OK, but I think I prefer the blue one. I suppose I see once or twice a month. Just two of us. and Samantha. No one. I never had lessons. I taught . No, it isn’t – I think it’s Guido’s. Sorry, I haven’t got . Which ? I have two: Andrea or Antonio? Delicious. And ?

Pronomi e determinanti Leggi la storia e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. A young man was shopping in a supermarket when he noticed that a woman was following 0 A . , but the woman always followed him. She was The man moved from aisle to aisle to try to avoid 1 looking at 2 sadly. When the man had finished shopping, he found 3 behind the woman in a long checkout queue. 4 trolley was completely full. After a few minutes, the woman spoke. ‘I’m sorry for following you,’ she said, ‘but you look exactly like 5 son. He died a month ago. 6 is where he used to do 7 shopping and I thought for a moment that you were his ghost.’ Tears appeared in the woman’s eyes. The young man felt very sorry for 8 and they chatted to 9 for a few minutes. As the woman got to the checkout, she asked ‘As I leave the supermarket, will you say ‘Goodbye Mum’ to 10 ? I know it may seem strange, but it will make 11 feel so much better.’ The young man thought for a moment and agreed to 12 request. The woman gave 13 a tearful smile, waved and picked up 14 she walked out of the supermarket.

heavy bags. ‘Goodbye Mum!’ he said as

The man was thinking about what had happened when the cashier told him that his bill was £150. ‘There must be a mistake. I only have three items,’ the young man said. ‘Yes,’ replied the cashier, ‘but 15 mother 16 said that you are paying for , too!’ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


him she he he One me This himself she them me I her he hers one she


me her him his It my That him herself themselves my my hers him her you its

286 Unità 125: Revisione e potenziamento


her herself himself him Her mine These he her they mine me she his she your hers


you hers his himself Hers I It his hers each other I mine its himself these yours herself


Pronomi e determinanti Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 Suzy is one of my friends from university. mine Suzy is a friend of mine from university. 1 Are these keys yours or Claudio’s? your Are these or Claudio’s? 2 These are our seats, aren’t they? ours These , aren’t they? 3 Sara doesn’t like Enrico, and Enrico doesn’t like Sara. each Sara and Enrico other. 4 No one helped me to clean the room this morning. myself I this morning. 5 Tomorrow, Assunta and I are going shopping. me Tomorrow, shopping. 6 Which car is theirs? their Which car?



Pronomi e determinanti Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Qual è il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica? What’s your email address? 1 Bruno e Alicia si conoscono? 2 Quale sciarpa preferisci: quella rossa o quella blu? 3 Mi sono svegliato alle 6.30 questa mattina. 4 Mi dispiace, mi sono dimenticato di comprare il latte. 5 Quale cappotto è il tuo? 6 Hai fatto la pizza tu stesso?


Grammatica e lessico: aggettivi possessivi (igiene personale) Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Completa le frasi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. brush / hair clean / teeth cut / nails wash / face wash / hair

0 She’s washing her face.

3 They


1 She

2 He

4 She



. Unità 125: Revisione e potenziamento 287



Preposizioni: luogo He’s in the garden. The car is opposite the park. We live near the station.

A Uso e forma Si usano le preposizioni di luogo per indicare dove è qualcosa. Le frasi da 1 a 15 indicano le principali preposizioni di luogo in inglese.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

The school is between a bookshop and a café. (tra/fra) The school is opposite a park. (di fronte) There are some students outside the school. (fuori) There are some students inside the school. (dentro) The school is near a bus stop. (vicino) There are some people at the bus stop. (a)

The teacher is behind the desk. (dietro) There’s a map on the wall. (sopra/su) There’s a computer on the desk. (sopra/su) There’s a cupboard next to/by the window. (vicino/accanto a) The light is above/over the desk. (sopra) There’s a bag under/below the desk. (sotto) A student is in front of the teacher’s desk. (davanti) There are some books on top of the cupboard. (sopra) There are some students in the classroom. (in/dentro)

B At Si usa at: i Nelle espressioni at home, at school, at work. I’ll be at home all evening. Bill’s at work at the moment. I won’t be at school tomorrow. ii Per eventi (feste, concerti, conferenze ecc.) e per posti dove un evento specifico o un’attività ha luogo (palestra, cinema, ristorante, supermercato, stazione, hotel ecc.). We met at a party/concert/conference. I saw Oliver at the gym/cinema/supermarket/restaurant/library.

288 Unità 126

Nota che opposite significa ‘di fronte a, dirimpetto’ ad esempio quando si indica in edificio al lato opposto della strada rispetto ad un altro edificio. Invece in front of significa ‘davanti a’.

Ci sono numerose differenze tra inglese e italiano nell’uso delle preposizioni. Alcune tra le più importanti sono: He’s in bed. (a letto) I live in London. (a Londra) I read it in the paper on page two. (a pagina due del giornale) The bank is on the right. (sulla destra) They live on the third floor. (al terzo piano) There’s a poster on the wall. (sul muro) Let’s meet at Roberto’s (house). (da Roberto) We live at the end of the street. (in fondo alla via) The school is at the top/ bottom of the hill. (cima alla collina/ai piedi della collina)

1 Guarda la stanza e completa le frasi usando le preposizioni di luogo corrette. 0 There’s a tree outside the window. 1 There are two people the room. 2 The boy is the bed. the desk. 3 The girl is sitting 4 The desk is the window. 5 There’s a laptop the desk. 6 There’s a chair the bed. 7 The chair is the bed and the wardrobe. 8 There’s a guitar the chair. 9 There are some books the wardrobe. 10 There are some shoes the bed. 11 There’s a poster the wall the bed.

2 Completa l’email usando le preposizioni di luogo corrette.

Here I am 0 in end of a little road

New York. I’m staying 1 3

Mercer Street and Thompson Street. It’s quite

which is about five minutes’ walk away. My room is of the street


Greenwich Village. The hotel is 2 5

the Union Square,

the third floor and I’ve got a great view

. There are lots of cafés, restaurants and shops. In fact, there’s a fantastic Italian

restaurant directly 7

the hotel. It’s called Luigi’s. And there’s a great little café 8

Luigi’s. It’s got some tables and chairs 9

and it’s a great place to sit and watch the world

go by – if it’s not raining, of course! And if it is raining, the café’s pretty cool 10 interesting art



, with lots of

the walls and books to read.

3 Completa le frasi con la preposizione corretta. 1 2 3 4

Kate’s Sam lives He lives I saw Sue

bed. Oxford. Green Road. Nic’s party.

5 6 7 8

My house is I stayed Let’s meet The picture is

the left. home last night. Joe’s house. page six.

Unità 126 289



Preposizioni: moto I’m going to the shops. We walked through the park. I translated it into English.

Queste sono le principali preposizioni di moto in inglese.

I walked across the road.

I went over the bridge and along the river.

I ran through the gate and round/around the fountain.

I drove under the bridge and past the church.

I walked from my house to the bus stop.

I got on/onto the bus.

I got off the bus.

I went in/into the shop.

I came out of the shop.

We drove towards London and then turned south.

i Si usa in genere to quando si ‘viaggia’ fino ad un luogo. I usually walk to school. I’m going to the supermarket. We went to Rome at the weekend. Ma si dice I’m going home. Non I’m going to home. ii Into e onto indicano movimento. Comunque, se il contesto implica in modo chiaro l’idea di movimento, si può usare anche in e on. He pushed me into/in the river. I kicked the ball onto/on the roof. iii Si usa get in/into e get out of per macchine, taxi e piccole imbarcazioni (per esempio barca a remi, canoa). Si usa get on/onto e get off per autobus, pullman, treno, aereo, grandi barche (per esempio nave, traghetto ecc.), bicicletta, scooter, motocicletta e cavallo. Get in the car. Where do we get out of the taxi? Get on the scooter. Where do we get off the bus?

290 Unità 127

1 Guarda la mappa. Poi completa il tragitto di Paula da casa a scuola usando le preposizioni di moto corrette. I go 0 out of my house and walk 1 the corner. I walk 2 the shops and I go through the gate 3 the park. I then walk 4 the park and 5 the other 6 7 side. I go the bridge and the river for about half a kilometre. I then go 8 the road, 9 the bridge and 10 the shops. I turn 11 Green Street and the school is on the left. I take the same school. route in reverse to come back 12 Sometimes, I take the bus. I get 13 the the bus bus near my house and get 14 outside the shops near the school. 2 Leggi le descrizioni che alcune persone fanno delle vacanze dell’estate precedente. Completale usando le preposizioni di moto corrette. Last summer we went 0 to Italy. We drove 1 London 2 Bari. We went 3 4 France and Switzerland and the east coast of Italy. We went 5 Greece for our holidays last year. It was amazing when we flew 6 the Alps. We then hired a car at Athens airport and drove 7 Athens 8 the south of Greece. It was exciting when we drove 9 the bridge that goes 10 the Corinth Canal. We went 11 can drive 12 way 14

a small island in the north of England called Holy Island. When the tide is low, you the island 13 a narrow road. The island is very small: you can walk all the it in a few hours. It’s my favourite place in England.

3 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Scrivi delle frasi per ciascuna persona usando le preposizioni di moto corrette.

0 He’s getting in the car. She’s getting out of the car.

1 He She

. .

2 He She


3 He She




4 Scrivi un breve testo in cui descrivi il tuo tragitto da casa a scuola. I go out of my house and Unità 127 291



Preposizioni: tempo Let’s meet at 6.30. I saw him on Monday. I was born in 1999.

Le principali preposizioni di tempo e i loro usi sono:

A At, on, in i Si usa at per periodi e per le festività e nelle espressioni at the moment, at the weekend e at night. The bus leaves at 6 o’clock. I’ll see you at Christmas. What are you doing at the weekend? ii On si usa per i giorni e per le date. The party’s on Friday. Suzy’s birthday is on 28th May. Kim was born on New Year’s Day. iii Si usa in per periodi di tempo più lunghi, come mesi, anni, secoli e stagioni. My birthday is in June. We got married in 1998. In the spring. Life was hard in the 1800s. Si usa in anche per le parti del giorno. Ma si usa on se si specifica anche il giorno. The exam’s in the afternoon. The exam’s on Tuesday afternoon. Si usa in anche per dire il momento in cui qualcosa avverrà nel futuro. The film starts in ten minutes. I’ll email you in a couple of days. Si usa in anche per dire quanto tempo ci vuole per fare qualcosa. I can run a kilometre in five minutes.

B For, from … to/until, between … and i For si usa per dire per quanto tempo continua qualcosa. You are at school for six hours each day. We’re going on holiday for two weeks. Vedi unità 27 per altri usi di for.

ii From si usa per dire quando inizia qualcosa e to o until per dire quando finisce. I work from 8.30 to 5.00. You can stay up until midnight.

Nota che in inglese non si uniscono le preposizioni con gli articoli. Per esempio: in the morning = al mattino in the afternoon = nel pomeriggio

C By Si usa by per esprimere ‘non più tardi di’ . I need to finish my work by Friday at the latest. We have to be at school by 8 o’clock. 1 Completa la tabella con le parole ed espressioni del riquadro. four o’clock five minutes half past three the afternoon Thursday afternoon Saturday the 15th April August winter Christmas Christmas Day my birthday 2012 8.45 the weekend at

four o’clock

292 Unità 128



2 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni di tempo corrette. 0 My birthday is in July. 1 My birthday is 15th July. 2002. 2 I was born 3 I usually get up 7.15 ... 4 … but I get up about 9 o’clock the weekend. the evening. 5 I usually watch TV 6 I go to school 8.00 2.00. 7 We have an English class Monday morning. September. 8 The school year starts 9 It’s my brother’s birthday Wednesday. 10 The weather is usually very hot summer. 2006. 11 I started school 12 In Italy, you have to go to school nine years. 8.30 5.30 every day. 13 The shop is open 14 I need to finish my homework Friday at the latest. 15 We’re going on holiday two weeks, 2nd

16th August.

3 Completa le frasi usando un’espressione di tempo che sia vera per te. 0 I was born in 1998. 1 I was born . 2 My birthday is . 3 School starts and finishes 4 I go to school hours each day. 5 The school year starts and continues 6 I usually go to bed .

each day. .

4 Riscrivi le frasi usando in. 0 It’s now 10.30. The lesson finishes at 10.45.

The lesson finishes in fifteen minutes. 1 It’s now 8.20. The shop opens at 8.30. 2 It’s now 10th October. My birthday is on 15th October. 3 It’s now 18th July. The football season starts on 18th August.

5 Completa le frasi usando le date del riquadro e la preposizione adatta. 1896 2nd June, 1946 4th July 21st July, 1969 AD 43 1945 0 1 2 3 4 5

American Independence Day is on 4th July. Italy became a republic The first modern Olympic games were held in Greece The Second World War lasted 1939 02.56 Humans first walked on the moon The Romans ruled Britain 367 years,

. . . . 410.

Unità 128 293


129 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 126–128) Preposizioni: luogo, moto e tempo

Preposizioni Completa i dialoghi con le preposizioni corrette di stato in luogo, moto a luogo o di tempo. Gina James

Did you get wet when it started raining? Not really. We were 0 in the park so we sheltered 1 2 about ten minutes.

Tom Sam

How do I get 3 your house? I live 4 Henry Street. Take the number 3 bus 5 the station. Get 6 the bus 7 the first stop after you have gone 8 the river. Henry Street is directly 9 the bus stop – cross the road 10 the traffic lights. My house is number 42. It’s 11 the left 12 the end of the road.

Bella Julia

Did you go away at the weekend? London, actually. 14 Friday 15 Sunday Yes, we went 13 16 17 evening. We stayed a little hotel right the city centre. Did you have a good time? Yes, it was great. We saw all the sights and we took a trip 18 a boat 19 the River Thames. That was my favourite bit.

Bella Julia

a tree. It only rained

Visitor Can you tell me how to get 20 Mr Smith’s office? 21 Receptionist Yes. It’s the third floor. You can take the lift or go 22 23 you get the third floor, turn left and Mr Smith’s office is 24 Anna Linda



the stairs. When the right.

Are you going on holiday next year? America 26 August. We’re going 27 Yes, we’re going 25 28 three weeks. We’re going to spend a week New York and then we’re flying 29 San Francisco. We’re hiring a car and we’re going to drive 30 San Francisco 31 Las Vegas. Nice. We went there a few years ago – 32 2009, I think. I was about ten. Florida 34 two weeks. But we just stayed 33

Preposizioni Completa l’email con le preposizioni corrette.

Hi Carlo, England. I’m 1 Bournemouth, which is 2 I’m having a really good time here 0 in the south coast. I’m doing an English course 3 a language school. We have lessons 4 9.30 5 12.30 and 6 the afternoon we visit places or do sports. Yesterday, we went 7 a park and played football against another school. We won! the centre of Bournemouth and very 9 to the sea – you can walk there The school is 8 10 about ten minutes. The school has students 11 lots of different countries – we are all 12 14 and 16 years old. The lessons are really fun and I am learning a lot. I am staying with an English family. There is a boy our age and a girl who is 17. They are very friendly. I walk 13 the school every day. I go 14 the seafront and then 15 a park that goes 16 the seafront 17 the town centre. It’s really nice. five minutes. Please email me back soon. I have to go now because we have a lesson 18 Ciao, Salvatore PS The teacher asked us to write an email in English. I hope you understand it!

294 Unità 129: Revisione e potenziamento


Preposizioni Riferisci le informazioni spiegando dove o quando hanno luogo. Document

Channel 5

8.30 Olympics Live

11.30 Politics Today

7.00 8.30 10.00 10.35 11.30

meet eet Jane’s house Friday 7.30

Ch Pa Yo Ha Th

0 The Olympics is on channel 5 at 8.30.

3 We’re meeting



Meeting in room 6, 2.30

50% off everything Only 2 days to go!!!

1 The meeting is


WEDDING INVITATION 15 April St Mary's Church 2 The wedding is


4 The sale starts


I’ve booked a football pitch - Brookes Sports Centre, Thursday 5.30-7.00. See you there! Alex





5 Alex has booked a football pitch .

Preposizioni Traduci le frasi. 0 Sono nato nel 1999.

I was born in 1999. 1 Ci incontriamo a casa di Armando alle 2.30. 2 Il caffè è a fianco del museo, sulla destra. 3 Ho visto Gianni alla stazione ieri. Stava andando a Milano. 4 Incontriamoci davanti al cinema alle 7.30. 5 Riesce a correre i 100 metri in circa dieci secondi. 6 C’è un parco dietro alla scuola.


Grammatica e lessico: preposizioni di tempo (le date) Rispondi alle domande scrivendo le date in due modi diversi. (Di solito si può esprimere la data in due modi: 15th May = ‘the fifteenth of May’ oppure ‘May the fifteenth’.) 1 What is the date today? 2 When is your birthday? 3 When is Festa della Repubblica?

Unità 129: Revisione e potenziamento 295



Preposizione + nome We’re going on holiday. I did it by mistake. Did you get home in time?

A Uso e forma Ci sono molte espressioni formate da preposizione + nome. Le seguenti sono tra le più utili: On + nome on fire (a fuoco) on foot (a piedi) on holiday (in vacanza) on the internet (su internet) on a journey/a trip/a tour (in viaggio/in gita/ in giro) on the phone (al telefono) on purpose (di proposito) on strike (in sciopero) on television/the radio (alla televisione/ alla radio) on the whole (nel complesso) In + nome in advance (in anticipo) in cash (in contanti) in charge of (la supervisione di) in control of (in controllo di) in danger (in pericolo) in fashion (di moda) in general (in generale) in a hurry (in fretta) in love (innamorato) in luck (fortunato) in my opinion (secondo me) in order (al fine di) in pain (sofferente) in summary/short/brief/a word/conclusion (in sintesi/in breve/brevemente/in una parola/in conclusione) By + nome by car/bus/train (in macchina/autobus/treno) by chance (per caso) by cheque/credit card (tramite assegno/ carta di credito) by mistake/accident (per caso) For + nome for breakfast/lunch (a colazione/pranzo) go for a drink/for a walk/for a swim ecc. (andare a fare una bevuta/una passeggiata/ una nuotata) for sale (in vendita) 296 Unità 130

Out of + nome out of control (fuori controllo) out of danger (fuori pericolo) out of date (fuori moda) out of luck (sfortunato) out of order (fuori servizio) out of work (disoccupato) Up to + nome up to date (aggiornato) Under + nome under age (minorenne) under control (sotto controllo) under pressure (sotto pressione)

B At the end, in the end i At the end of si riferisce alla fine di qualcosa. L’opposto di at the end of è at the beginning of. We’re going on holiday at the end of July. I’ll phone you at the beginning of next week. ii In the end significa ‘alla fine’ o ‘finalmente’. L’opposto di in the end è at first. At first, we wanted to go to France, but in the end we decided to go to Italy.

C On the way, in the way i On the way significa ‘durante il tragitto’. Shall I call at your house on the way to school? ii In the way significa ‘che ostruisce’ o che ‘impedisce la visuale’. I can’t see Toni. There are too many people in the way.

D On time, in time i On time significa ‘puntuale’, secondo un orario o un tempo prefissato. The train left exactly on time. ii In time significa ‘abbastanza in tempo’. Il contrario è too late (troppo in ritardo). Did you get to the shop in time? ~ No, we were too late. It was already closed.

1 Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A A 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B

Did you come here e by / in bus? No, I came e by / in train. Sorry we’re late. First, the bus didn’t leave in / on time and then it broke down in / on the way. You should have come by / in car. Alice has gone for / to a walk by the river. Well, lunch will be ready in five minutes. I hope she gets back in / on time. Is the Arsenal game in / on TV tonight? Let me check. Er, no, you’re out of / under luck I’m afraid. They’re showing the Chelsea game. Have you decided where to go in / on holiday? Well, we thought about England, or Ireland, but at / in the end we decided to go to France again. William and Britney seem so in / on love! Haven’t you heard? They’re getting married at / in the end of the year. How do you get to school? By / On foot. But if I’m in / on a hurry, I go by / on bike. Did Harry delete the photograph in / on purpose? Well, he said he did it by / in accident.

2 Scrivi la preposizione mancante. 0

1 HomeFinder Ltd









£20 advance £25 on the night

3 Scrivi delle frasi che descrivano le figure. Usa le parole del riquadro accompagnate da in oppure on. danger fire the internet love pain the phone 0






0 They’re in love. 1 It 2 He

. .

3 She 4 He 5 She

. . . Unità 130 297



Verbo + preposizione I’m listening to the radio. It depends on the weather. We’re waiting for Jimmy.

A Uso e forma Alcuni verbi sono usati con una preposizione. Alcuni tra i più utili sono: apologize for/to (scusarsi di/a) I apologized to the teacher for being late. apply for (fare domanda per) I’ve applied for a new job. ask for (chiedere, chiedere di) Did you ask for a clean knife? believe in (credere a) Do you believe in God? belong to (appartenere a) Who does this belong to? complain about/to (lamentarsi di/con) We complained to the manager about the service. concentrate on (concentrarsi su) I need to concentrate on my work. dream about (sognare) I dreamt about you last night! dream of (sognare di) I dream of being a billionaire one day. depend on (dipendere da) We may go for a walk. It depends on the weather. happen to (accadere a) What happened to you? hear about (sentire) Did you hear about Matt’s party? hear from (avere notizie di) Have you heard from Peter recently? hear of (sentire di) I’ve never heard of a band called ‘Nirvana’. listen to (ascoltare) Sssh! I’m listening to the radio. live on (vivere di) He’s got a terrible diet. He lives on burgers and coke! look after (badare a) Can you look after my cat for a few days? What are you looking at? look/stare at (guardare/fissare) look for (cercare) What are you looking for? pay for (pagare per) I’ll pay for lunch. play for (giocare per) I play for the school football team. rely on (contare su) I can always rely on my parents if I need advice. speak/talk to (parlare a/con) Did you speak/talk to Harry last night? think about (pensare a) You’re quiet. What are you thinking about? think of (pensare di) We’re thinking of going to France this year. travel/run/fly at (viaggiare/correre/volare a) The train travels at about 200 kph. wait for (aspettare) I’m waiting for the taxi. write to (scrivere a) I’ll write to you soon. Nota che si dice write to, ma non si usa una preposizione con i verbi telephone, email, text ecc. I’ll email you later. I’ll text you this evening. Can you fax me the details?

B Verbo + preposizione + -ing Dopo verbo + preposizione si usa la forma -ing del verbo. He apologized for being late. I’m thinking of buying a car. Vedi unità 80 per l'uso delle preposizioni + -ing.

1 Da quale preposizione sono seguiti i verbi del riquadro? Riscrivili nella colonna corretta. apply ask belong concentrate depend happen listen live pay rely talk wait write to


298 Unità 131



2 Descrivi ciò che stanno facendo queste persone usando i verbi del riquadro. apply ask dream listen wait write

0 She’s writing to


3 He


1 She


4 They

a bus.

2 He

the bill.

5 She

a job.

3 Questi verbi richiedono una preposizione diversa a seconda del contesto. Leggi i dialoghi e scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B A

Have you heard from / of a group called The Changelings? No, I haven’t. What kind of music do they play? Did you complain to / about the waiter to / about the service? Yes, we did. And he apologized to / for us to / for the terrible food, as well. Have you heard the news of / about Penelope? No. In fact, I haven’t heard of / from Penelope for ages. No emails, no phone calls, nothing. You’re quiet. What are you thinking of / about? Oh, I’m thinking of / about getting a new car. Do you think I need a new one? What are you looking at / for? Have you lost something? Yes. My keys. Are you blind? They’re there. You’re looking right for / at them!

4 Completa le domande usando la preposizione corretta. Poi scrivi risposte vere per te. 0 Do you belong to any clubs? ~ Yes, I belong to a sports club. 1 Do you believe ghosts? ~ 2 What did you dream last night? ~ 3 Which famous person do you dream meeting? ~ 4 How much money do you live each week? ~ 5 Who pays your school books? ~ 6 What kind of music do you listen ?~ Unità 131 299



Verbo + complemento + preposizione I borrowed some money from Thomas. I need to do something about my hair.

A Uso e forma Alcuni verbi seguono la costruzione verbo + complemento + preposizione. Alcuni dei verbi più utili sono: accuse someone of (accusare qualcuno di) arrest someone for (arrestare qualcuno per) ask someone for (chiedere qualcosa a qualcuno) blame someone for (dare la colpa a qualcuno per) borrow something from (prendere in prestito qualcosa da) congratulate someone on (congratularsi con qualcuno per) cut/divide/separate something into (tagliare/ dividere/separare qualcosa in) do something about (fare qualcosa per) explain something to (spiegare qualcosa a) invite someone to (invitare qualcuno a) lend something to (prestare qualcosa a) prefer something to (preferire qualcosa a) prevent someone/thing from (impedire a qualcuno/qualcosa di) protect someone/thing from (proteggere qualcuno/qualcosa da) provide someone with (rifornire qualcuno di) remind someone about (ricordare a qualcuno di)

The teacher accused us of cheating in the exam. The police arrested him for burglary. We’re lost. Let’s ask someone for directions. Everyone blamed the goalkeeper for the defeat. I borrowed twenty euros from Janet. We all congratulated Sam on passing his exam. Cut the pizza into four pieces. We need to do something about Bill’s behaviour. Can you explain the rules of the game to me? I didn’t invite Scott to the party. I lent my scooter to Harry for the afternoon. I prefer tea to coffee. The rain prevented us from going out. Sun cream protects you from getting burnt.

The hotel provides us with clean towels each day. Thanks for reminding me about the exam. I’d forgotten. This song always reminds me of the summer remind someone of (ricordare a qualcuno di) of 2008. share something with (condividere qualcosa con) Simon didn’t share his sweets with us. I spend all my money on computer games. spend something on (spendere qualcosa in) The police suspect him of several crimes. suspect someone of (sospettare qualcuno di) Who told you about the party? tell someone about (dire a qualcuno di) The children threw stones at the window. throw something at (tirare qualcosa a) Quick. Pass the ball to Riccardo. throw/pass something to (lanciare/passare qualcosa a) Let me thank you for all your help. thank someone for (ringraziare qualcuno per) Can you translate this from Italian translate something from/into (tradurre into English? qualcosa da/a) The teacher warned us about cheating. warn someone about (ammonire qualcuno di) Nota che si può usare ask for senza un complemento oggetto. We asked for a clean glass.

B Verbo + complemento + preposizione + -ing Quando si usa un verbo dopo la costruzione verbo + complemento + preposizione, si usa la forma -ing. He accused me of stealing the money. He thanked us for being so patient.

300 Unità 132

1 Da quale preposizione sono seguiti i verbi del riquadro? Riscrivili nella colonna corretta. blame borrow explain invite lend prevent protect remind thank tell warn to





2 Riferisci queste affermazioni iniziando con le parole date. 0 Sam: ‘Peter caused the accident.’ Sam blamed Peter for causing the accident. 1 Jim: ‘I think Henry broke the window.’ Jim accused . 2 Andrea: ‘Maria. Do you want to come to my party?’ . Andrea invited 3 Yuko: ‘I like baseball more than football.’ . Yuko prefers 4 Alex: ‘When I hear this song, I always think about my holiday last summer.’ This song reminds . 5 Silvia: ‘Don’t forget about the washing-up, Viola.’ Silvia reminded . 6 Debbie: ‘Thanks Oliver. Your help is appreciated.’ . Debbie thanked

3 Che cosa stanno facendo queste persone? Completa le frasi usando le espressioni del riquadro e la preposizione corretta. arrest the man lend €50 pass the ball share the cake throw stones translate the letter

0 He’s throwing stones at

the window.

3 He’s


1 She’s


4 He’s

number 10.

2 She’s

her friends.

5 He’s

robbery. Unità 132 301



Aggettivo + preposizione I’m interested in most sports. He’s worried about his exam.

Alcuni aggettivi sono seguiti da una preposizione. Ecco alcuni degli aggettivi più utili.

A Aggettivi che descrivono un atteggiamento o un sentimento afraid/frightened/scared of (spaventato/impaurito da) bored/fed up with (stanco di) disappointed in/with (deluso da) enthusiastic about (entusiasta di) excited about (eccitato alla prospettiva di) interested in (interessato a) keen on (appassionato di) proud/ashamed of (orgoglioso/vergognoso di) sorry about/for (dispiaciuto di) sure about (sicuro di) upset about (turbato per) worried/nervous about (preoccupato/agitato per)

I’m afraid of spiders. I’m bored with this book. I’m disappointed with my exam results. Harry’s very enthusiastic about school. I’m really excited about the party tonight. Are you interested in sport? I’m not keen on Indian food. I’m very proud of my children. I’m sorry for being late. I’m not sure about the colour – it’s too dark. Anna’s upset about failing her driving test. Danny’s worried about the exam.

B Altri aggettivi allergic to (allergico a) covered in (coperto di) different from (diverso da) equivalent to (equivalente a) famous/well known for (famoso per) full of (pieno di) married/engaged to (sposato/fidanzato con) responsible for (responsabile di) similar to (simile a) short of (a corto di) typical of (caratteristico)

Linda’s allergic to cats. The children are covered in paint. Sally’s very different from her sisters. One euro was equivalent to about one US dollar. Oxford is famous for its university. The beach was full of holiday-makers. Paula is married to an American. Who is responsible for this mess? Is Oxford similar to Cambridge? I’m always short of money. That’s typical of you!

C Good, bad, excellent ecc. Si usa un aggettivo per esprimere gradi di abilità, per esempio good, bad, excellent, OK, not bad + at. Anna’s brilliant at tennis. I’m OK at swimming. Are you any good at skiing? D Angry, annoyed, furious Si usa angry/annoyed/furious + with ‘qualcuno’ for ‘qualcosa’. Si usa angry/annoyed/furious + about ‘qualcosa’. I’m angry with Steve for not waiting for me. I’m annoyed about failing the exam. E Aggettivo + of/to someone Si possono usare aggettivi come nice, kind, friendly, good, rude, unfair + to ‘qualcuno’ o + of + ‘qualcuno’ (+ infinito). The waiter was rude to me. Our teacher is always very nice to us. Thanks for the present. It’s very kind of you. It was good of you to help. F Aggettivo + preposizione + -ing Quando si usa un verbo dopo un aggettivo + preposizione, si usa la forma -ing. I’m fed up with waiting. I’m sorry for being late. 302 Unità 133

1 Da quale preposizione sono seguiti di solito gli aggettivi del riquadro? Riscrivili nella colonna corretta. afraid allergic bad bored covered equivalent excellent excited fed up full good interested married OK proud similar surprised typical upset worried about










2 Scrivi una frase per ciascuna figura usando i suggerimenti del riquadro e la preposizione corretta. covered / mud pleased / her exam results rude / his sister very similar / her mother worried / her interview angry / his friend 0






0 She’s pleased with her exam results. 1 2

3 4 5

3 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con la seconda frase. 0 You jumped in the river. It was stupid. It was stupid of you to jump in the river. 1 You helped me. It was very kind. 2 You ate all the biscuits. It was greedy. 3 Katie gave Sara €50. It was very generous. 4 Aggiungi la preposizione corretta. Se le frasi sono vere per te metti ✓, se non sono vere per te metti ✗. 0 I’m good at tennis. ✓ 5 I’m always enthusiastic studying. 1 2 3 4

I’m allergic cats. I’m afraid flying. I’m interested history. I’ve always been keen music.

6 7 8 9

I never get nervous I’m always short I’m very similar I’m quite different

exams. money. my mother. my father. Unità 133 303



Nome + preposizione There’s no difference between them. What was his reaction to the news?

A Uso e forma Alcuni nomi sono spesso seguiti da una preposizione. Ecco alcuni dei nomi più utili: advantage/disadvantage of (vantaggio/ svantaggio di) answer to (risposta a) attack on (attacco a) attitude to/towards (atteggiamento verso) cause of (causa di) chance of (possibilità di) damage to (danno a) difference between (differenza fra/tra) difficulty with (difficoltà con) experience of (esperienza in) invitation to (invito a) matter with (problema di) mixture of (insieme di) opinion of (opinione su) photograph/picture of (fotografia/immagine di) reaction to (reazione a) reason for (ragione per) research into (ricerca su) respect for (rispetto per) relationship with (relazione con) room for (spazio per) solution/answer to (soluzione/risposta a) trouble/problems with (problema/problemi con)

The advantage of living alone is freedom. What’s the answer to question 2? An attack on an army base injured ten soldiers. She has a good attitude towards her work. What was the cause of the accident? There’s a good chance of rain later. Did you do any damage to the car? What’s the difference between these two mobiles? I’m having difficulty with my computer. Have you got much experience of sales? Did you get an invitation to Valerie’s party? What’s the matter with Sam? He seems quiet. There’s a mixture of old and new buildings. What’s your opinion of the new Bond film? Here’s a photograph of my brother. What was your parents’ reaction to the news? There’s no reason for behaving so badly. I’m doing research into internet use. I have a lot of respect for my teacher. I have a great relationship with my parents. Is there room for one more person in the car? We need to find a solution to the problem. I’m having trouble with my internet connection.

B Desire, need ecc. + for Desire, need, demand, wish, hope, request si usano con for. There is a great need for more public transport in the city. Is there any hope for world peace? C Connection, link ecc. Le parole come connection, link, contrast, relationship, contact, problem si usano con with (una cosa o persona) o between (due o più cose o persone). Crime has a connection with poverty. There’s a connection between crime and poverty. D Increase, decrease ecc. I nomi che indicano cambiamento come increase, decrease, rise, fall si usano con in, of, from o to. Last year, there was an increase in unemployment of 1.5%. The increase was from 4.0% to 5.5%. 1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 Amy Bruce 1 Customer Shop assistant

304 Unità 134

I need a lift. Have you got room m for / of one more person in the car? Yes, I think we can fit you in. What’s the difference between / of these phones? One has a 10GB memory and the other has 20GB. The advantage of / with a bigger memory is that you can store more videos and songs.

2 Alex Beth 3 Interviewer Interviewee 4 Andy Bill 5 Anna Ben

What’s the answer of / to question 3? I’m not sure. I’m having difficulty for / with question 3 too. Have you had much experience for / of working in a shop? Yes, I have. And I feel that I’ve always had a good relationship to / with the customers. There has been a massive fall in / on CD sales in the last few years. Yes, I think there’s been a decrease at / of about 80% since 2005. What’s the matter of / with Sasha? She seems upset. Oh, she’s having a bit of trouble for / with her boyfriend. They’ll be OK, I’m sure.

2 Aggiungi la preposizione adatta ai titoli di giornale. 0

Solution needed to






Islamic leader receives invitation








Poverty is main reason



global warming, says US President life on Mars is a fake


finding missing mountaineers fades

wheels was cause


train crash crime


airport causes damage

three planes

3 Guarda le figure e completa le frasi. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro. the answers / exam questions a connection / price and sales a rise / temperature / 1°C an invitation / a wedding a photo / the Coliseum the price / petrol 0





h would like to invite



to their wedding at St. Mary’s Church on 15th September. RSVP



Unleaded £


Diesel £ 0 1 2 3 4 5


It’s the answers to the exam questions. It’s It’s It shows It shows It shows

temperature °C


price 15 14 13 12 11 10 1900



. . . . between 1900 and 2000. Unità 134 305


135 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 130–134) Preposizioni con nomi, aggettivi e verbi

Preposizione con nome Queste parole richiedono la preposizione on o in? Riscrivile nella spazio corretta. advance charge control danger fashion fire foot general holiday a hurry love my opinion purpose strike television the phone the whole on in




Preposizione con nome Completa le frasi usando la preposizione corretta. 0 Tickets cost €15 in advance or €20 on the night. 1 I’m going a walk. 2 Did you drive here or come bus? 3 Did you pay cash or credit card? 4 Are you going holiday this year? 5 What did you have lunch today? 6 Sorry I’m late. We stopped to get some petrol the way. 7 first I was going to have a big party, but the end it was just a few friends and family. 8 Harry’s the phone at the moment. 9 I didn’t delete the files purpose. I did it accident – sorry. 10 Don’t panic. Everything is control. 11 Is there anything interesting TV tonight? 12 my opinion, learning English is fun. Preposizione con nome Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 Is it quicker to drive or take the train? car Is it quicker to go by car or take the train? 1 The drinks machine isn’t working at the moment. order The drinks machine at the moment. 2 Don’t be late for the interview. time for the interview. You must 3 This price list is out of date, I’m afraid. date This price list isn’t , I’m afraid. 4 The Smiths are selling their house, aren’t they? sale The Smiths’ house , isn’t it? 5 Over a million people haven’t got a job at the moment. work at the moment. Over a million people 6 The final scene of the film was fantastic. end The scene the film was fantastic.

306 Unità 135: Revisione e potenziamento


Verbi, aggettivi e nomi con preposizione Completa i dialoghi scegliendo la preposizione corretta. A What are you listening 0 at / to ? B It’s the new Monkeys album. A The Monkeys? I’ve never heard 1 from / of them! A What’s the matter? B Oh, I’m feeling a bit nervous 2 about / of the exams. A You’ll be fine. Stop worrying 3 about / for it. A Sorry we’re late. We waited for ages 4 of / for a bus. B I should’ve warned you 5 about / for that – the buses are always late. A Is that your bike? B No, I’ve borrowed it 6 from / to Marco. He’s lent it 7 for / to me for a few days. A B A B


What’s happened 8 at / to you? You’re covered 9 in / of mud! Me and Fabio have been playing rugby in the park. I didn’t know you were interested 10 in / of rugby. Didn’t you? I much prefer it 11 of / to football. And Fabio plays 12 for / to the school team. He’s really good 13 at / in it.

Verbi, aggettivi e nomi con preposizione Completa le informazioni usando la preposizione corretta.

Did you know...?

Unità 135: Revisione e potenziamento 307



Phrasal verbs I grew up in Rome. Can you fill this form in? I ran into John last week.

A Uso e forma Un phrasal verb è un verbo + particella (on, in, off, up ecc.). Il verbo unito alla particella acquisisce un significato diverso da quello del verbo e della particella quando sono usati indipendentemente. The machine broke down. = The machine stopped working. She takes after her mother. = She has a similar personality to her mother. I came across an old photo. = I found an old photo by accident. B Verbo + particella (senza complemento) Questi phrasal verbs sono intransitivi (non reggono un complemento). We set off at 6.30. Can you speak up, please? How many people turned up? set off (partire) break down (rompersi) show off (darsi delle arie) fall out (litigare) speak up (parlare ad alta voce) get up (alzarsi) take off (decollare) go off (spegnersi/esplodere) turn up (presentarsi) grow up (crescere) wake up (svegliarsi) hang out (frequentare) meet up (incontrarsi) C Verbo + complemento + particella (separabile) Questi phrasal verbs sono transitivi (reggono un complemento). Il complemento va quasi sempre tra il verbo e la particella. Turn the light off. Turn it off. Throw the boxes away. Throw them away. Tuttavia, se il complemento è un nome, può anche andare dopo la particella. Se invece il complemento è un pronome, non può andare dopo la particella. bring up (educare) call off (disdire) cross out (eliminare/cancellare) fill in (riempire) find out (trovare/scoprire) give up (rinunciare/smettere) hand in (consegnare) hang up (appendere/sospendere) let down (deludere) look up (cercare) make up (inventare) put off (posporre/rinviare)

put on (indossare/mettere) sort out (risolvere) switch/turn/put off (spegnere) switch/turn/put on (accendere) take off (togliersi degli abiti) throw away (buttare via) tidy/clear up (mettere in ordine) try on (provare degli abiti) turn down (abbassare) turn up (alzare) wake up (svegliare)

D Verbo + particella + complemento (non separabile) Questi phrasal verbs sono transitivi (prendono un complemento). Il complemento va sempre dopo la particella. Look after the children. Look after them. Non Look the children after. o Look them after. look after (badare a/prendersi cura di) come across (incontrare per caso) look into (investigare) count on (contare su) take after (assomigliare a/essere come) deal with (occuparsi di) run/go after (correre dietro) do without (fare a meno di) run into (incontrare per caso) get over (superare/guarire) 308 Unità 136

Nota che alcuni phrasal verbs hanno più di un significato e possono a volte essere sia transitivi che intransitivi. Per esempio: I turned up the volume. Only three people turned up for the meeting. I took off my coat. The plane took off. 1 Completa le frasi con i phrasal verbs del riquadro. go off get up grow up meet up set off speak up turn up wake up 0 I was born in London, but we moved when I was a baby and I grew up in Oxford. 1 I can’t hear you. Can you , please? at my house at 7.30, but no one 2 Last night was a disaster! We arranged to until 8.30, which was too late to see the film. 3 Normally, I when my alarm clock at 7.15. immediately, have breakfast and I don’t have time to stay in bed, so I for school at about 7.45.

2 Sostituisci le parole in neretto usando i phrasal verbs del riquadro. call off get over try on give up look into hand in make up look up take after 0 1 2 3 4

She is very similar to her mother. She takes after her mother. They’ve cancelled the meeting. The children invented a new game. I’ll investigate the cost of hiring a car. Ronaldo recovered from his injury quickly.

5 Jane stopped smoking a few years ago. 6 I need to find the meaning of this word in the dictionary. 7 Why don’t you wear the shirt for a short time to see if it suits you? 8 When do we need to give our homework to the teacher?

3 Completa le battute di B usando i phrasal verbs in corsivo e un pronome al posto del nome. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

What shall I do with my jacket? Give it to me. I’ll hang it up The music’s too loud. OK, I’ll Do you want to keep these old socks? No, please What a mess! Don’t worry. We’ll Do you always wear your glasses? Yes, all the time. I can’t There’s a problem with the computer. I’m busy. Can you Have you seen Barry Scott recently? I have, actually. I

for you. hang up . turn down . throw away before we leave. tidy up . do without ? sort out at the gym the other day. run into

Unità 136 309



Phrasal verbs in tre parti We’ve run out of time. I’ll get back to you later. We need to come up with a plan.

Un phrasal verb in tre parti è formato da verbo + particella + particella (on, up, with, to ecc.). The printer has run out of ink. = The printer has used all its ink. How do you put up with that noise? = How do you tolerate that noise? carry on with (continuare)

I’ll have a coffee and then carry on with my homework. catch up with (recuperare) I need to catch up with the schoolwork I missed. come/get back from (rientrare) When did you come back from your holiday? come down with (ammalarsi) I think I’m coming down with a cold. come up with (escogitare) We need to come up with a plan. cut down on (ridurre) I really should cut down on the amount of sugar I eat. do away with (eliminare) We should do away with out of date laws. drop out of (ritirarsi) Sam’s dropped out of university. He didn’t enjoy it. face up to (accettare) You need to face up to reality. fall back on (ricorrere a) He’s got lots of friends he can fall back on. feel up to (sentirsela di) I’m tired. I don’t feel up to going out tonight. get away with (passarla liscia) The referee didn’t see the foul, and the player got away with it. get back to (ritornare/riparlare) I’ll get back to you as soon as I hear any news. get on with (andare d’accordo) I get on really well with my parents. Stop wasting time – get on with your work. get on with (continuare) get round to (trovare il tempo di) Will you ever get round to fixing the gate? get through to (comunicare con) I can’t get through to Alice. Her phone may be off. keep up with (stare al passo con) It’s important to keep up with the latest fashions. look forward to (attendere con impazienza) I’m really looking forward to the party on Friday. look up to (guardare con ammirazione) I’ve always looked up to my grandparents. make up for (compensare) Beating Juve will make up for losing to Roma. put up with (sopportare) I can’t put up with their behaviour any more. run out of (finire/restare senza) We need to finish now. We’ve run out of time. stand up for (difendere/lottare) It’s important to stand up for what you believe in. I phrasal verbs in tre parti sono transitivi e reggono un complemento, che si colloca sempre dopo la seconda particella. He dropped out of university after one semester. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Alcuni phrasal verbs in tre parti possono essere usati senza un complemento e senza la seconda particella. Si evitano in questo modo le ripetizioni. He didn’t like university, so he dropped out.

310 Unità 137

1 Completa le frasi usando una parola da ciascun riquadro. Coniuga il verbo al tempo corretto. come back from cut down on feel up to get on with get on with run out of each other holiday petrol pizzas playing tennis her work 0






0 1 2 3 4 5

They’re not getting on with each other. They’ve just He needs to He doesn’t The car’s She’s

. . . . .

2 Completa l’email di Silvie con i phrasal verbs del riquadro. look forward to catch up with get back to come up with get back from come down with

Hi Tamas, It was good to run into you the other day and to 0 catch up with all your news. And it’s a shame that you’ve 1 a cold just before your holiday! I’m sure you’ll be over it soon and have a great time. Anyway, let’s try and 2 a date to meet up when you 3 your holiday. Perhaps we can go for a meal or something. I’ll check my diary and 4 you in the next few days. I 5 seeing you again. Love, Silvie x

3 Elimina le parole superflue per evitare le ripetizioni e rendere le frasi più naturali. 0 1 2 3 4 5

I drink too much coffee. I really should cut down on coffee. I’ve been trying to phone Lucy all morning, but I can’t get through to Lucy. He hated university, so he dropped out of university after one term. My brother and I are always arguing. We don’t get on with each other. I never know what’s in or out of fashion. I just can’t keep up with fashion these days. I missed a lot of work when I was on holiday. Now I need to catch up with the work I missed. Unità 137 311


138 1

Significato dei phrasal verbs Trova altri dieci phrasal verbs nel diagramma e scrivili a fianco della definizione sottostante. I verbi si trovano in questi sensi: [ ], [ ] e [ ]. Ti aiuterà sapere che tutte le vocali del diagramma fanno parte dei phrasal verbs. W Q R C Y T U R N U P


Revisione e potenziamento (unità 136–137) Phrasal verbs











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

explode go off begin a journey postpone cancel chase invent investigate discover meet by chance increase (volume) decrease (volume)

Significato dei phrasal verbs Completa il testo con i phrasal verbs del riquadro. get up go off hang out meet up put on put on set off tidy up wake up

CoZWo ' Wj-$)&$?b_[ ?kikWbbo&wake up m^[dcoWbWhcYbeYa ) ( co WdZ _dX[Z\ehW\[mc_dkj[iWdZj^[d? * \eh iY^eebkd_\ehc$?^Wl[Xh[Wa\WijWdZj^[d?kikWbbo iY^eebWjWXekj.$'+$7\j[hiY^eeb"?]e^ec[WdZZeco^ec[meha$ m_j^W\[m\h_[dZiWdZm[][d[hWbbofbWo ?j^[dkikWbbo+ , \ehWd^ekh Yecfkj[h]Wc[iWjiec[ed[½i^eki[eh`kij dZj^[d YbeYaW l[de½ ehie$J^[d_j½iXWYa^ec[\ehZ_dd[hWjWXekji[ iec[cki_Y ?][d[hWbbo]ejecoX[ZheecWdZmWjY^JLeh . co m^_b[?ikh\j^[_dj[hd[j$Cockc_di_ijij^Wj?WbmWoi heecX[\eh[?]ejeX[Z$


Significato dei phrasal verbs Descrivi una tua giornata-tipo usando almeno quattro dei phrasal verbs dell’Esercizio 2.

312 Unità 138: Revisione e potenziamento


Significato dei phrasal verbs Descrivi che cosa sta succedendo in ciascuna figura usando i phrasal verbs del riquadro. cross out deal with fill in look up try on turn down 0


She’s crossing out

a word.


a word.



a hat.



the radio.


a lot of people.





a form.

Posizione del complemento nei phrasal verbs Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

What does ‘gig’ mean? I don’t know.. Look it up / Look up it in the dictionary. I can’t hear the TV. Here’s the remote. Turn it up / Turn up it. What are you doing with your dog while you’re away on holiday? My aunt and uncle are going to look it after / look after it. What shall I do with my coat? Oh, you can hang it up / hang up it over there. I’m sorry to hear you failed your exam. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll get it over / get over it! When’s the deadline for the geography homework? You need to hand it in / hand in it by Friday. Look, John’s forgotten his keys. I’ll go him after / go after him. He only left a minute ago. What’s the best way to get from London to Bournemouth? I’ll look it into / look into it for you and let you know. Do you still wear these old shoes? No, I don’t. Throw them away / Throw away them. Unità 138: Revisione e potenziamento 313


Phrasal verbs in tre parti Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi sostituendo le parti in neretto con i phrasal verbs del riquadro. carry on with cut down on come down with come up with get back from get back to get on with keep up with put up with run out of 0 I think I’m getting a cold.

I think I’m coming down with a cold. 1 What time do you usually return from school? 2 I really should reduce the amount of fast food I eat. 3 I’ll contact you in a day or two to let you know my decision. 4 Do you have a good relationship with your neighbours? 5 The music from next door is driving me mad – I can’t tolerate it any longer! 6 After lunch, I need to continue my work. 7 We must finish the lesson now – we don’t have any more time. 8 You have to change your mobile every two months to be up to date with the latest technology. I’ve no idea what they will think of next. FCE 7

Phrasal verbs: varie forme Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 They left for the airport at about 9.30. set They set off for the airport at about 9.30. 1 I met Francesco by chance in the city centre yesterday. ran I in the city centre yesterday. 2 I found some old photos by chance the other day. across I the other day. 3 The game has been postponed until next week. off The game until next week. 4 They’ve cancelled the meeting. off the meeting. They 5 The printer has no ink left, I’m afraid. run The printer , I’m afraid. 6 I spent my childhood in Florence. grew I Florence. 7 Billy left university at the end of the first year. dropped at the end of the first year. Billy 8 I’m really excited about going on holiday. forward I’m really on holiday.

314 Unità 138: Revisione e potenziamento



Phrasal verbs: varie forme Traduci usando i phrasal verbs. 0 I usually go to bed at about 11 o’clock.

Di solito vado a letto intorno alle 11. 1 Sono cresciuto a Roma. 2 Di solito mi alzo alle 7. 3 Spengo il computer? 4 Puoi abbassare la musica, per favore? 5 Mi tolgo le scarpe? 6 Il mio scooter si è rotto questa mattina.


Phrasal verbs: varie forme Scrivi due complementi per ogni phrasal verb qui sotto. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. a bag a bomb a car chocolate an alarm clock a football match a coat shoes a TV a computer a machine a meeting a child music a person food work a friend a party a holiday petrol ink a radio schoolwork a shirt trousers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

go off a bomb, an alarm clock, break down call off put on/take off turn up/down turn on/off try on look after catch up with cut down on get on with look forward to run out of

Unità 138: Revisione e potenziamento 315



Aggettivi I’ve got a new mobile. It’s a lovely day. She’s Italian. Is your teacher nice?

A Uso e forma Gli aggettivi danno informazioni sui nomi. Si usano in due modi: i prima del nome, She’s got blonde hair. Non She’s got hair blonde. It’s an interesting book. Non It’s a book interesting. ii dopo i verbi be, look, feel, smell, sound e taste. My computer is old. You look tired. It sounds interesting. Nota che ci sono alcuni aggettivi che si usano solo dopo un verbo e non prima di un nome. Alcuni dei più comuni sono: afraid, alive, alone, asleep, content, pleased, ready e sure. Don’t disturb the children who are asleep. Non Don’t disturb the asleep children.

B Is your teacher nice? Nelle domande, si può mettere l’aggettivo dopo un nome o un pronome. Are your shoes comfortable? Were they expensive? Does the exhibition look interesting? C Get + aggettivo Get + aggettivo si usa per dire ‘diventare’. I’m getting hungry. Inizio ad avere fame. We got lost. Ci siamo persi.

Nota che le desinenze degli aggettivi non cambiano. This is a different colour. They are different colours. Non They are differents colours.

Vedi unità 87 per altri usi di get.

1 Completa le frasi usando i nomi e gli aggettivi dei riquadri. day dress friends house man sizes

black different good lucky big sunny






0 We live in a big house. 1 It’s a 2 They’re 316 Unità 139

. .

3 She’s wearing a 4 The socks are 5 He’s a

. . .

2 Ben racconta ad Alex delle sue vacanze. Completa il dialogo usando i suggerimenti in corsivo e la forma corretta di be. Alex How was your holiday? 0 Was it good? it / good 0 It was OK, I suppose. It / OK Ben ? it / comfortable Alex And what was your hotel like? 1 Ben No, 2 . the beds / hard Alex Oh dear. And 3 ? the beach / nice 4 Ben No, . We stayed by the pool. the beach / crowded Alex And 5 ? the local sights / interesting Ben No, 6 . they / boring Alex And the weather? 7 ? it / sunny 8 Ben No, all the time. And cold. it / cloudy Alex And the local food? 9 ? it / tasty Ben No, 10 . We all got ill. the food / awful ? the local people / friendly Alex Oh dear. But 11 12 Ben No, . they / very unfriendly Alex Oh well. 13 to be back home? it / good Ben No, 14 . I have to go back to school tomorrow. it / terrible 3 Completa le frasi usando le parole dei riquadri. feel feel look smell sound taste disgusting expensive nice really nervous sick really good 0 1 2 3 4 5

I ate too much. I feel sick. Ugh! There’s too much salt! It Kate’s wearing a diamond ring. It I’m taking my driving test tomorrow. I Tom’s new band You

. . . . You should listen to them. . Are you wearing a new perfume?

4 Completa le frasi usando la forma corretta di get e gli aggettivi del riquadro. angry hungry late lost tired wet 0 1 2 3 4 5

I’m getting hungry Hurry up, it He We didn’t take a map and we Did you I didn’t finish the race. I

. I think I’ll make some lunch. . It’ll be dark soon. when I told him I’d broken the window. . when it started raining? after about 5 kilometres.

5 Queste frasi sono corrette o no? Cancella quelle sbagliate. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Look at that black cat. The ready students left the classroom. We saw an asleep lion at the zoo. I’m reading an interesting book. The alone child had no one to play with. There are lots of pleased customers in the shop. The afraid mouse ran away. The frightened mouse ran away.

Unità 139 317



Aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing The book’s boring. I’m bored with the book. The news was shocking. I was shocked.

i Un buon numero di aggettivi termina in -ed o in -ing. Si usano gli aggettivi che terminano in -ed per descrivere come si sente qualcuno. I was surprised. Fui sorpreso. We’re bored. Siamo annoiati. He’s tired. È stanco. ii Si usano gli aggettivi che terminano in -ing per descrivere la cosa, o la persona, che causa l’emozione o la sensazione. The news was surprising. La notizia fu sorprendente. The film is boring. Il film era noioso. It’s tiring work. È un lavoro faticoso. iii Alcuni aggettivi comunemente usati che possono avere sia la forma in -ed sia quella in -ing sono: amazed/amazing (stupito/stupefacente) amused/amusing (divertito/divertente) annoyed/annoying (infastidito/fastidioso) astonished/astonishing (sorpreso/sorprendente) bored/boring (annoiato/noioso) confused/confusing (confuso/che crea confusione) depressed/depressing (depresso/deprimente) disgusted/disgusting (disgustato/disgustoso) embarrassed/embarrassing (imbarazzato/ imbarazzante) excited/exciting (emozionato/emozionante) exhausted / exhausting (esausto/che rende esausto)

fascinated/fascinating (affascinato/affascinante) frightened/frightening (spaventato/spaventoso) horrified/horrifying (atterrito/raccapricciante) interested/interesting (interessato/interessante) invigorated/invigorating (corroborato/ corroborante) relaxed/relaxing (rilassato/rilassante) satisfied/satisfying (soddisfatto/soddisfacente) shocked/shocking (sconvolto/sconvolgente) surprised/surprising (sorpreso/sorprendente) terrified/terrifying (terrorizzato/terrificante) thrilled/thrilling (elettrizzato/elettrizzante) tired/tiring (stanco/stancante) worried/worrying (preoccupato/preoccupante)

Nota che la y si trasforma in i prima di -ed (con l’eccezione di annoyed). They were worried. It was worrying. 1 Guarda le figure, poi completa le frasi usando gli aggettivi terminanti in -ed e -ing partendo dalla radice data in corsivo.

0 tirHe’s tired. The journey’s tiring.

318 Unità 140

1 borThe party They

. .

2 embarrassShe Her parents

3 disappointThe exam results He

4 terrifyThe film They

. .

. .

5 exhaustHe The race

. .

. .

2 Completa le battute di B usando la forma corretta delle parole in corsivo. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

How was the exhibition? It was fascinating . You should go and see it. fascinate It’s been raining for days now. Yes, this weather is very at the moment. depress Have you heard the news? Yes. It’s very , isn’t it? worry You must be pleased with your exam results. I am. I’m . thrill How was the game last night? Really . We won 3–2. excite What’s the new student like? He’s very . You should talk to him. interest Do you want to come to the England vs Italy game with us? in rugby. interest No, thanks. I’m not

3 Immagina che ti siano accadute le cose elencate qui sotto. Scrivi come ti sei sentito usando I was ... e un aggettivo in -ed. Poi descrivi come ti ha fatto sentire la situazione usando It was ... e un aggettivo in -ing. 0 You forgot someone’s name. I was embarrassed. It was embarrassing. 1 You failed an exam. 2 You saw a ghost. 3 You won the lottery. 4 You met your all-time hero.

Unità 140 319



Ordine degli aggettivi A long black coat. A big round coffee table. A beautiful red silk dress.

A Uso e forma Quando si usa più di un aggettivo per descrivere qualcosa, gli aggettivi sono espressi in un ordine fisso. i Gli aggettivi di ‘opinione’ sono espressi prima di quelli che si riferiscono ai ‘fatti’. It’s a lovely sunny day. Non It’s a sunny lovely day. She’s got amazing red hair. Non She’s got red amazing hair. ii Gli aggettivi che si riferiscono ai ‘fatti’ seguono di norma il seguente ordine. grandezza età colore origine/nazionalità materiale. He’s got big brown eyes. (grandezza colore) We watched an old Italian film. (età origine) She was wearing a long red silk dress. (grandezza colore materiale) Gli aggettivi relativi a grandezza e lunghezza (big, small, long, short ecc.) di norma vanno prima degli aggettivi relativi alla grandezza e all’ampiezza (square, round, wide, narrow ecc.). It’s a tall thin building. The room has a big round bed. Nota che non esiste una regola precisa sull’uso della virgola tra gli aggettivi ed è considerato accettabile sia usarle sia non usarle. It’s a beautiful sunny day. o It’s a beautiful, sunny day.

B Nomi usati per classificazioni Alcuni nomi funzionano come aggettivi e classificano l’esatto tipo di cosa alla quale ci si riferisce. Sono posti immediatamente prima del nome. Where are the wine glasses? Maria runs a successful software company. He’s got an amazing red sports car. 1 Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

What will the weather be like tomorrow? Well, the forecast says it will be a horrible wet day / wet horrible day. Which is your coat? It’s the leather brown jacket / brown leather jacket on the chair. Which is your car? It’s the red small one / small red one over there. Who are those people? The girl with long black hair / black long hair is Jenny, and the guy wearing the Roma football shirt / football Roma shirt is Andy. Where do your grandparents live? They live in a little beautiful village / beautiful little village not far from Oxford. Which one is your boyfriend? He’s the guy over there with the curly black short hair / short black curly hair and the big black moustache / black big moustache.

320 Unità 141

2 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi riordinando gli aggettivi. 0 It’s a metal box. It’s big.

It’s a big metal box. 1 We sat under an enormous tree. It was old. 2 We went to a fantastic pizza restaurant. It was family-run. It was little. 3 I stayed in a little beach hut. It was wooden. It was lovely. 4 We visited an ancient temple. It was Buddhist. It was amazing. 5 He’s bought an Italian sports car. It’s red. It’s expensive.

33 Completa le descrizioni usando gli aggettivi dei riquadri. Usa due aggettivi per descrivere ogni nome.

baseball black dark old red short leather white He’s got 0 short dark 1

He rides an 3

hair. He’s wearing a jacket and a 2 scooter.


big black black and white blonde denim knee-length long old round striped She’s got 4 5

skirt and 7 8

hair. She’s wearing an jacket, a 6 sunglasses. She’s carrying a bag.

4 Descrivi tre cose che vedi in questo momento. Usa almeno due aggettivi per ogni descrizione. I can see … 0 a grey plastic chair 1 2 3 Unità 141 321



Aggettivi: gradi di comparazione I’m quite cold. I’m absolutely freezing. It’s very crowded.

A Aggettivi che ammettono gradi di comparazione La maggior parte degli aggettivi ammette gradi di comparazione. Questi aggettivi possono essere espressi con diversi gradi o gradazioni. Si usano parole come a little, quite, very ed extremely con gli aggettivi con gradi di comparazione. I’m tired. Sono stanco. I’m quite tired. Sono abbastanza stanco. I’m very tired. Sono davvero stanco. I’m extremely tired. Sono estremamente stanco. B Aggettivi che non ammettono gradi di comparazione Alcuni aggettivi non ammettono gradi di comparazione, pertanto non possono essere espressi con diversi gradi o gradazioni. In questi casi si usa generalmente absolutely, ma anche totally e completely. I’m exhausted. I’m absolutely exhausted. I’m completely exhausted. Non I’m very exhausted. E, allo stesso modo, non si può dire I’m absolutely tired.

C Really Nota che si può usare really sia con aggettivi che ammettono gradi di comparazione sia con aggettivi che non li ammettono. He was really angry. He was really furious. Vedi unità 153 e 173 per altri usi di really.

D Equivalenti La tabella qui di seguito contiene un elenco di aggettivi che ammettono gradi di comparazione con i loro equivalenti che non li ammettono. Gli aggettivi che non ammettono gradi di comparazione sono più enfatici dei loro equivalenti che ammettono i gradi di comparazione. angry—furious, attractive—gorgeous/beautiful, clean—spotless, cold—freezing/frozen, dirty—filthy, frightened/scared—terrified, funny—hilarious, hot—boiling, hungry—starving, important—vital/ essential, interesting—fascinating, pleased—thrilled, sure—certain/positive, tasty—delicious, tired—exhausted, wet—soaking/soaked

Nota che molti aggettivi che non ammettono gradi di comparazione non hanno un diretto equivalente che li ammette, e viceversa. It’s absolutely perfect. The story is totally false. The film was very enjoyable.

E Good, bad, big, small Good, bad, big e small hanno una serie di equivalenti che non ammettono gradi di comparazione. Aggettivi che ammettono gradi di comparazione

Aggettivi che non ammettono gradi di comparazione


amazing, brilliant, excellent, fantastic, incredible, superb, wonderful


atrocious, appalling, awful, dreadful, rubbish, terrible


enormous, gigantic, huge, massive


microscopic, miniscule, minute, tiny

Vedi anche unità 173 (enfasi con aggettivi e avverbi).

322 Unità 142

1 Scrivi due frasi per ogni figura. Nella prima usa He’s/She’s very, nella seconda He’s/She’s absolutely e gli aggettivi del riquadro. boiling cold dirty filthy freezing exhausted hot hungry soaking starving tired wet

0 He’s very wet.


He’s absolutely soaking.





2 Completa l’email scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

Hi Joe, It’s a big shame you missed the party last night. It was 0 very / absolutelyy brilliant. David’s house is 1 very / absolutely enormous with a 2 really / absolutely big garden. And their swimming pool is 3 very / totally amazing. I think his family must be 4 very / absolutely rich. The music was excellent and the food was 5 very / absolutely delicious. Unfortunately, the weather was 6 very / absolutely awful – it started to rain and we got 7 very / completely soaked, so we had to have the party inside. I met David’s sister. She’s 8 very / absolutely attractive, 9 very / absolutely gorgeous in fact. And she’s 10 really / absolutely interesting to talk to. See you soon, Jim

3 Completa le battute di B con gli aggettivi che non ammettono gradi di comparazione. 0 1 2 3 4 5


Are you sure the party is on Friday? Was the film funny? Was the kitchen clean? Was she angry? Is it small? I hear the weather was quite bad.


Yes. I’m absolutely certain. Yes, it was absolutely Yes. Completely Angry? She was absolutely Small? It’s absolutely Bad? It was absolutely

. . ! ! . Unità 142 323



Aggettivi derivati da nomi e verbi a rainy day a stylish coat a cloudless sky a broken window

A Uso e forma Si possono formare aggettivi da alcuni nomi e verbi aggiungendo un suffisso. Alcuni dei suffissi più comuni sono: i nome + -y/-ful/-ous/-ish/-able a cloudy sky (un cielo nuvoloso) a colourful painting (un dipinto pieno di colore) a dangerous situation (una situazione pericolosa) childish behaviour (comportamento infantile) a knowledgeable person (una persona di cultura) ii nome + -less a cloudless sky (un cielo senza nuvole) a windowless room (una stanza senza finestre) The situation is hopeless. (La situazione è senza speranza.) iii verbo + -ive/-able an impressive building (un edificio imponente) a talkative person (una persona loquace) an unstoppable penalty kick (un calcio di punizione imprendibile/non parabile) a likeable person (una persona piacevole)

B -able o -ible -ible è una alternativa meno comune di -able. Non esiste una semplice regola che dica quale aggettivo finisca in -ible e quale in -able e occorre impararli uno per uno. Nota che esistono alcune forme irregolari: It’s reputable. = It has a good reputation. It’s inexplicable. = You can’t explain it. It’s (in)destructible. = You can(’t) destroy it. It’s (in)defensible. = You can(’t) defend it. It’s (il)legible. = You can(’t) read it. It’s (in)audible. = You can(’t) hear it. It’s (in)visible. = You can(’t) see it. It’s (in)edible. =You can(’t) eat it. C Prefissi negativi Si usano spesso prefissi negativi con gli aggettivi che derivano da nomi e verbi e con aggettivi che terminano in -able o -ible e -ive. i I prefissi negativi più comuni che vengono usati in questo modo sono un- e in-. unstoppable invisible inactive ii Si usa in genere il- per le parole che iniziano con ‘ l’, im- per le parole che iniziano con ‘m’ e ‘p’, e ir- per le parole che iniziano con ‘r’. illegal immature impossible irregular Tuttavia, nota che ci sono eccezioni a queste regole. unpredictable unpopular Vedi unità 179 e 180 per altri usi di prefissi e suffissi.

324 Unità 143

1 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi formati partendo dalle parole in corsivo. 0






0 1 2 3 4 5

That’s very nice. It’s very stylish ! style Thank you. That’s very of you. thought . harm Don’t worry. He’s Oh, stop being ! child What a horrible day! rain and . act / adventure He’s very

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa l’aggettivo derivato dal nome o dal verbo della prima frase. 0 It has no soul. It’s soulless. 1 His clothes have lots of colours. His clothes are . 2 There are lots of clouds. It’s . . 3 The building impressed me. The building is 4 There’s a lot of salt in it. It’s . 5 There is no hope for the situation. The situation is . 6 She changes her mood a lot. She’s . . 7 It causes harm. It’s 8 There are a lot of mountains. It’s . 9 He behaves like a fool. He’s . 10 There were no goals in the game. The game was . 3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa l’aggettivo che termina in -able derivato dal nome o dal verbo delle prima frase. In alcuni casi devi aggiungere un prefisso negativo. 0 You can’t predict it. It’s unpredictable. 5 People generally like her. 1 You can download them. 6 He has lot of knowledge. 2 You can’t explain it. 7 It has a lot of value. 3 You can’t see them. 8 You can’t stop it. 4 It has a good reputation. 9 You can’t read it. 4 Pensa a qualcosa o a qualcuno che può essere descritto da ciascuna delle frasi dell’Esercizio 3. 0 The weather is unpredictable. 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 Unità 143 325



Too e enough It’s too hot. I’m not old enough. We haven’t got enough time for a coffee.

A Too Too si usa prima di aggettivi e nomi. i too + aggettivo I’m too cold. Ho troppo freddo. The restaurant is too expensive. Il ristorante è troppo costoso. ii too much/many + nome I’ve got too much homework. Ho troppi compiti. There are too many cars on the roads. Ci sono troppe macchine sulla strada. Nota che si usa too many + nome numerabile e too much + nome non numerabile.

B Enough Si usa enough dopo gli aggettivi e prima dei nomi. i aggettivo + enough I’m not warm enough. Non I’m not enough warm. Non ho abbastanza caldo. Your room is tidy enough. La tua stanza è abbastanza in ordine. ii enough + nome I haven’t got enough money. Non I haven’t got money enough. Non ho abbastanza denaro. Have you got enough food? Hai abbastanza cibo? Si possono anche usare too e enough con gli avverbi. He answered too slowly. Rispose troppo lentamente. You didn’t work quickly enough. Non hai lavorato abbastanza velocemente.

C Infinito e for Si possono usare too e enough con infinito o for. The sea isn’t warm enough to go swimming. This cake is too sweet for me. Nota che il nome può essere omesso. Have you had enough food to eat? I don’t earn enough money.

D Had enough (of) I’ve had enough (of) (Ne ho abbastanza) è un’espressione comune in inglese. I can’t do any more work today – I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough of this weather! Nota che, con un verbo dopo had enough of si usa la forma -ing. Sara’s had enough of being a waitress. She’s going to look for another job. 1 Completa le possibili risposte alle domanda usando too o enough. Why aren’t you going out tonight? 0 I’m


4 I won’t get home early busy.

2 I’ve got

5 I’ll be 1 I haven’t got

326 Unità 144



many things to do.

3 I’ll get home



2 Per ogni figura scrivi una frase con too e un’altra con enough usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. people / chairs short / tall small / big work / time

0 It’s too small. It isn’t big enough.

1 She She

. .

2 There There

. .

3 He’s got He hasn’t got

. .

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando too o enough e le parole in corsivo. 0 You must be 18 to join the gym. I’m 17. young I’m too young to join the gym. 1 I don’t want to go to bed. It’s only 9 o’clock. early It’s 2 It’s €2 for a coffee. I’ve got €1. money I haven’t got 3 Five people can go in the taxi. There are six of us. people There are 4 You need to be 16 to ride a scooter. I’m 15. old I’m 5 I earn €400 a week. I can’t live on my own. earn I don’t

. . . . .

4 Le seguenti situazioni non ti soddisfano. Scrivi delle frasi usando had enough of. 0 You play computer games all the time.

I’ve had enough of playing computer games. 1 The weather has been awful for days. 2 You eat pizza every day. 3 You spend all your time revising for exams.

5 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I’m not rich enough to buy a car. 1 I’m too young 2 I haven’t got enough 3 I’ve got too many 4 I’ve got too much 5 I’ve had enough of

. . . . . Unità 144 327



So e such, What (a) … I’m so hungry. It’s such a nice day. What a lovely day!

A So/such + aggettivi/nomi Si usa so e such per dare enfasi ad aggettivi e nomi. i Si usa so + aggettivo. The film was so bad. The weather is so amazing. ii Si usa such + aggettivo + nome. It was such a bad film. It’s such amazing weather. They were such interesting people. Nota che si usa such a con un nome numerabile e che si usa such (senza a) con un nome non numerabile o plurale. iii Si può anche usare so con gli avverbi. Non si usa such con gli avverbi. He speaks so quickly. iv Si usa so many/few + nome plurale e si usa so much/little + nome non numerabile. I took so many photos. I spent so much money. We’ve got so little time. v Si usa such a lot of + nome plurale o non numerabile. I took such a lot of photos. I spent such a lot of money. Nota che generalmente non c’è differenza di significato tra so much/many … e such a lot of … .

B So/such … that … So/such … that … è una struttura usata per parlare di una situazione e delle sue conseguenze. There were so many people at the party that we couldn’t move. It was such a nice day that we went to the beach. Nota che è possibile anche omettere that. He was so shocked he couldn’t speak.

C What (a) … What (a) … (Che…) è un’esclamazione comunemente usata. Si usa what con un nome numerabile e what (senza a) con un nome non numerabile o plurale. What a great lesson! What nice people! Si può usare anche What (a) … senza aggettivo. What a view! What a goal! Vedi unità 106 per i nomi numerabili e non numerabili.

1 Riscrivi le frasi relative a una giornata in spiaggia. Usa so o such per dare enfasi all’aggettivo o al nome. 0 It was a lovely day. It was such a lovely day. 1 It was hot. 2 It’s a beautiful beach. 3 The sea was warm. 4 There were many people. 5 We had a lot of fun. 6 It was a great day.

328 Unità 145

2 Completa le due frasi relative a ogni figura usando so nella prima e such nella seconda e gli aggettivi del riquadro. close easy expensive slow SCOREBOARD Home v Visitor

Loading program Please wait 0



0 My computer is so slow It’s such a slow computer.


2 The game


Café Royale w DRINKS MENU

Coffee Mineral water Beer


Anna Henry John Steven

€20 €15 €20

1 The café


99% 97% 96% 98%

3 The test


. test.

3 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi in modo che il signif icato non cambi. Usa so/such … that … . 0 It was a nice day. We went for a walk.

It was such a nice day that we went for a walk. 1 I was tired. I went to bed at 9 o’clock. 2 They are a popular band. Tickets sold out in minutes. 3 The film was bad. I walked out after 30 minutes. 4 Ms Jones is a great teacher. I enjoy all her lessons. 5 I’ve got a lot of clothes. I can never decide what to wear.

4 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa What (a) … e le parole del riquadro. cold day fantastic view goal delicious food

0 What a cold day!



3 Unità 145 329


146 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 139–145) Aggettivi

Aggettivi: varie forme Completa i dialoghi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. A Are you 0 interesting / interested d in football? 1 B No. I think it’s really boring / bored. A Do you want something to eat? B Yes, I’m absolutely 2 hungry / starving. A Is Nicole the one with 3 hair blonde / blonde hair? B Yes, 4 blonde long / long blonde hair. A Where exactly is your school? B It’s that 5 big old grey / grey old big building next to the 6 centre sports / sports centre. A How was the film? B It was very 7 good / fantastic. Absolutely 8 funny / hilarious. A How’s your pizza? B Very 9 tasty / delicious. And yours? A Absolutely 10 tasty / delicious. A It was 11 so / such a nice day yesterday, wasn’t it? B Yes. We went to the beach, actually. It was 12 so / such hot. A How was the tennis? B Really 13 tiring / tired. I’m 14 so / such 15 exhausted / exhausting. A B A B

Did you buy that 16 computer game new / new computer game? No, it was 17 too expensive / too much expensive. I didn’t have 18 enough money / money enough. Are you 19 enough warm / warm enough? Shall I close the window? Well, I am quite 20 cold / freezing, actually.

A You can’t watch this film. You’re 21 too young / too much young. B Oh, that’s 22 so unfair / such unfair! All my friends have seen it. They all say it’s absolutely 23 good / brilliant. T


Aggettivi: varie forme Traduci le frasi. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sono troppo vecchio per leggere i fumetti. I’m too old to read comics. Non ho abbastanza soldi per un caffè. Sono troppo stanco per uscire stasera. Che film assolutamente brillante! Sara stava indossando un vestito rosso stupefacente. Sono così emozionato per le mie vacanze. Quella è stata una lezione veramente eccellente! È stata proprio interessante.

7 Ho comprato uno gonna di cotone, verde e lunga. 8 Sto leggendo un interessante libro di science. 9 I dipinti di Jane sono molto colorati.

330 Unità 146: Revisione e potenziamento


Aggettivi derivati da nomi e verbi Leggi il testo tratto da un libro e usa le parole date alla fine di ogni riga per formare l’aggettivo corretto.

Four days in Tuscany I woke up, opened the window and I looked up at the beautiful 0 cloudless blue sky. I was in Tuscany in July and I was staying with a family in a 1 old villa with a 2 red roof, yellow walls and an big green door. The villa was surrounded by vineyards and 3 narrow tracks for as far as the eye could see. The family were very 4 and welcoming 5 and the home-cooked food was absolutely . The best I have ever tasted. The grandmother, who was in her nineties, was an extremely 6 old lady and we chatted all day long. In her younger days, she had been unusually 7 and had travelled all over the world, studied in America and had met many 8 people, including two presidents. Not surprisingly, she was also very 9 and she had answers to all my questions. She told me the secret of old age was to be 10 in body and mind at all times. Her enthusiasm for life was truly 11 . After four days I said goodbye to one of the most 12 and 13 times of my life. We have kept in touch. The old lady is now a hundred and five.


cloud colour impress dust friend wonder

talk adventure fame knowledge act amaze enjoy memory

Grammatica e lessico: aggettivi (varie forme) Completa le descrizioni usando gli aggettivi del riquadro. diamond-shaped oval rectangular round spherical square triangular 0 a square 1 2 3 4 5 6 0

birthday cake coffee table watch picture frame glass vase goldfish bowl kite







Unità 146: Revisione e potenziamento 331



Aggettivi comparativi He’s taller than me. This one’s more expensive. Canada is a little bigger than the USA.

A Forma Gli aggettivi al grado comparativo si formano aggiungendo -er o aggiungendo more. i Per aggettivi monosillabici, si aggiunge -er. small smaller quick quicker cheap It’s quicker by train. È più veloce con il treno.


Nota che agli aggettivi che terminano in e si aggiunge solo -r, mentre negli aggettivi che terminano in vocale seguita da una consonante si raddoppia la lettera finale. nice nicer big bigger ii Per aggettivi con due o più sillabe, in genere si usa more. famous more famous expensive more expensive Houses are more expensive in the UK. Le case sono più costose in Gran Bretagna. Nota che si può usare anche less. Houses are less expensive in France. Le case sono meno costose in Francia. iii Per aggettivi bisillabici che terminano in -y si usa in genere -ier, ma a volte si può anche usare more. friendly friendlier o more friendly funny funnier o more funny iv Queste sono alcune forme comparative irregolari: good better bad worse far farther/further Vedi appendice 1, pagina 411, per i cambi ortografica.

B Than e as ... as Si può usare than e (not) as ... as per paragonare due cose tra loro. Pete’s taller than me. Pete è più alto di me. I’m not as tall as Pete. Non sono alto come Pete. I’m as tall as my dad. Sono alto come mio padre. C A little, a lot, much ecc. Si possono fare paragoni più precisi con espressioni come: a little (un po’) a lot (molto) twice (il doppio) slightly (leggermente) much (molto) three times (il triplo) a bit (un po’) far (di molto) 300 metres (300 metri) ecc. The train is slightly more expensive than the bus. This shirt is €20 cheaper. Nota che non si usa very prima di un comparativo. The weather is much nicer today. Non The weather is very nicer today.

D Twice, three times ecc. Di solito si possono usare espressioni come three times, ten times (il triplo/tre volte più, dieci volte più) ecc. con un aggettivo al grado comparativo o con as … as. This mobile is three times more expensive than that one. This mobile is three times as expensive as that one. Twice (il doppio, due volte più) si usa sempre con as … as. This mobile is twice as expensive as that one. Non This mobile is twice more expensive than that one.

332 Unità 147

1 Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza dell’aggettivo in corsivo. 0 Your mobile is quite cool, but mine is cooler. 1 It’s a nice day today, but yesterday was . . 2 Today’s lesson was interesting, but yesterday’s was 3 Rihanna is famous, but Beyoncé is . 4 I’m pretty good at computer games, but my friend Luigi is . 5 My last exam results were bad, but these are much . 6 Italy is hot, but Greece is generally a little . 7 Oxford is beautiful, but Cambridge is . 8 The last exercise was easy, but this one is much . 2 Scrivi le domande usando Which is … e il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi del riquadro. big busy intelligent near 0 1 2 3

A Which is bigger A A A

– Canada or the USA? – Venus or Mars? – a gorilla or a chimpanzee? – JFK or Heathrow airport?


Canada, I think. Venus, I think. A chimpanzee, I think. Heathrow, I imagine.

3 Confronta le seguenti cose in due modi usando than e not as … as e gli aggettivi del riquadro. big high long popular Italy 301,000 km2 The UK 244,000 km2

The Amazon 6400 km The Nile 6695 km 0 The Nile is longer than the Amazon. The Amazon is not as long as the Nile.

2 Italy The UK

Mount Everest 8848 m The Matterhorn 4477 m 1 Mount Everest The Matterhorn

. .

Football 200 million participants Rugby 2 million participants . .

3 Football Rugby

. .

4 Confronta le cose dell’Esercizio 3 usando le espressioni del riquadro. Usa than o as … as. about twice a hundred times a little quite a bit 0 1 2 3

The Nile is a little longer than the Amazon. Mount Everest Italy Football

. . .

5 Qual è la tua opinione su questi argomenti? Scrivi delle frasi vere per te usando gli aggettivi in corsivo e than o not as … as. 0 Angelina is better-looking than Keira. good-looking 1 French food Italian food. healthy 2 Brazil Italy. good at football 3 Johnny Depp Brad Pitt. cool Paris. beautiful 4 Rome

Unità 147 333



Aggettivi superlativi I’m the oldest. Which is the most expensive? This one is the best.

A Forma Gli aggettivi superlativi si formano aggiungendo -est o usando most. Prima dell’aggettivo si usa the. i Per gli aggettivi monosillabici, si aggiunge -est. small the smallest quick the quickest cheap Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. La Città del Vaticano è il Paese più piccolo del mondo.

the cheapest

Nota che per gli aggettivi che terminano in e si aggiunge solo -st e, per gli aggettivi che terminano in vocale-consonante, si raddoppia la lettera finale. nice the nicest big the biggest This is the hottest room in the house. Questa é la stanza più calda della casa. ii Per aggettivi di due o più sillabe, in genere si usa most. famous the most famous expensive the most expensive Moscow is the most expensive city in the world. Mosca è la città più cara del mondo. Nota che si può anche usare least. The XD1 is the least popular model in the range. L’XD1 è il modello meno popolare della gamma. iii Per aggettivi bisillabici che terminano in -y si usa in genere -iest, ma a volte si può anche usare most. friendly the friendliest o the most friendly iv Ci sono alcune forme superlative irregolari. good the best bad the worst far

the farthest/furthest

Ricorda che most non viene usato con -est o con le forme irregolari. It’s the most biggest. It’s the most best. Vedi appendice 1, pagina 411, per i cambi ortografica.

B By far Si può dare enfasi al superlativo usando by far (di gran lunga). Russia is by far the biggest country. La Russia è di gran lunga il paese più grande. C My oldest …, this year’s biggest … ecc. Si possono usare altri determinanti come my, this, his year’s, the school’s ecc. al posto di the. My oldest friend is Paolo. This year’s biggest film was ‘Space Wars’.

334 Unità 148

1 Scrivi la forma superlativa degli aggettivi in corsivo. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Are you a fan of The Beatles? Absolutely. They are the greatest band ever. great What was Prague like? I’d say it’s city I’ve ever been to. beautiful Can you recommend a good book? Perfume by Patrick Süskind. It’s book I’ve ever read. amazing Thomas never does any work. I agree. In fact, he must be person I know. lazy How was your meal last night? Terrible. By far meal I’ve ever eaten. bad What’s the best way to get to your house? By bus. It’s way and probably also . cheap, quick 6 A How was the party? B Brilliant. It was party ever! good

2 Completa il quiz usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. Sai rispondere alle domande? which / big what / common which / long who / long-serving what / popular which / visit


Answer the questions and win a holiday in the USA!

0 Which is the biggest a California b Alaska c Texas 1 a the Mississippi

b the Colorado

US state?

river in the USA? c the Missouri


family name in the USA? a Johnson

b Jones

c Smith

a football

b baseball


spectator sport in the USA?

a Harry S Truman 5

US president? b George Washington c Franklin D Roosevelt

tourist attraction in the USA? a the Empire State Building b the Statue of Liberty c Times Square

Answers: 0b, 1c, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5c


c basketball

3 Scrivi frasi vere per te usando la forma superlativa dell’aggettivo dato. 0 hot / place I’ve been to The hottest place I’ve been to is Turkey. 1 interesting / place I’ve been to 2 good / book I’ve ever read 3 my old / friend 4 expensive / thing I own 5 my treasured / possession

Unità 148 335


149 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 147–148) Aggettivi comparativi e superlativi

Aggettivi comparativi Completa le frasi in cui Italia e Regno Unito sono messi a confronto. Usa gli aggettivi in corsivo e than o not as … as. ITALY 1 2 3 4 5 6

area urban population agricultural land life expectancy world wealth rank happiness index

0 Italy is bigger than the UK. big 1 Italy is the UK. urban the UK. agricultural 2 Italy


244,000km² 90% 22% 78.9 13th 70%

3 Italian people live British people. long 4 Italy the UK. wealthy 5 Italian people British people. happy

Aggettivi comparativi Elimina l’alternativa che non è possibile. Usa le informazioni della tabella dell’Esercizio 1. 0 1 2 3


UK 301,000km² 66% 33% 80.1 23rd 71%

Life expectancy in Italy is a little / a lot / slightly higher. Italians are generally much / slightly / a little happier in life. Italy is quite a lot / much / very more agricultural. Italy is about 25% / quite a bit / only very slightly bigger.

Aggettivi superlativi Completa il testo con la forma superlativa degli aggettivi del riquadro. annoying long old popular successful successful young

British pop p p records the mosst successful f

336 Unità 149: Revisione e potenziamento


Aggettivi comparativi e superlativi Completa queste informazioni sportive usando l’aggettivo in corsivo e le parole che servono.

0 The world’s most popular It is marginally more popular than

non-competitive sport is swimming. cycling, which is the second

most popular

. popular

twice next

competitive sport in the world is volleyball. It is more than basketball, which is . popular


2 Suleiman Nashnush is professional sportsman ever. When he represented Libya at basketball in 1962, he was 2.45 metres. This is ten centimetres North Korean basketball star Ri Myong-hun, who at one time was person in the world. tall 3

sportsman ever is Sumo wrestler Konishiki. In 1994, he weighed 267 kg. heavy

4 In 1997, Yiannis Kouros of Greece ran anyone has ever run in a single day. He covered 300 km in 24 hours at an average speed of 12.5 kmh. far




man in the world is Usain Bolt, who shot to fame when he ran at 43.9 kmh in the 2008 Olympic 100 metres final. This was 0.3 kmh the previous record achieved by Maurice Greene in the 1997 World Championships. fast


world’s is powerboat racing. Statistically, it is five times motor racing. dangerous


Aggettivi comparitivi e superlativi Traduci le frasi e la domanda. 0 Sono il più giovane della mia famiglia. I’m the youngest in my family. 1 Il libro è molto meglio del film. 2 L’Italia non è così costosa come il Regno Unito. 3 L’Ucraina è di gran lunga il paese più grande dell’Europa. 4 È più veloce andare in autobus o in treno? 5 Carolina è una delle mie più vecchie amiche. 6 Firenze è la città più bella del mondo. Unità 149: Revisione e potenziamento 337



Avverbi di modo I opened the door slowly. They won the game easily. He played well.

A Uso Gli avverbi di modo si usano per descrivere un’azione. Esprimono il modo in cui qualcuno fa qualcosa o il modo in cui accade qualcosa. He ran quickly. Corse velocemente. I did my work carefully. Feci il lavoro attentamente. B Forma La maggior parte degli avverbi di modo si forma aggiungendo -ly ad un aggettivo. slow slowly immediate immediately Tuttavia, ci sono diverse forme a seconda di come termina l’aggettivo. -y -le -ic

-ily easy easily -ly terrible terribly -ically automatic automatically

Ci sono alcune forme irregolari. good well fast fast hard hard early early late late He played well. He’s driving fast. I worked hard. We arrived early/late.

C Posizione nella frase Gli avverbi di modo in genere vanno dopo il verbo e i relativi complementi. They left suddenly. He opened the door slowly. Alcuni avverbi di modo possono andare prima del verbo, specie se il complemento è lungo. Non c’è alcuna regola che stabilisca quali avverbi possano e quali non possano andare prima del verbo. È importante notare come sono usati gli avverbi. They suddenly left. You’ll easily pass the exam. He slowly opened the door of the room at the end of the corridor.

Nota che in inglese gli avverbi di modo non vanno messi tra il verbo e i relativi complementi. She speaks well Spanish. He opened slowly the door.

D Comparativi e superlativi Si usa more e the most + avverbio. Si possono usare anche less e the least. Can you drive more slowly? Puoi guidare più lentamente? Andrea speaks the most fluently. Andrea parla nel modo più corretto possibile. Can you speak less quickly? Può parlare meno velocemente? Si usa -er e the -est per avverbi irregolari. We arrived earlier than everyone else. Arrivammo prima di chiunque altro. We arrived the earliest. Arrivammo per primi.

338 Unità 150

1 Che cosa succede nelle figure? Completa le frasi con la forma avverbiale degli aggettivi del riquadro. angry bad careful dangerous heavy quiet

0 He’s riding dangerously .

2 She’s shouting

1 He’s listening

3 He’s playing



4 She’s speaking


5 It’s raining



2 Completa le insegne e gli avvisi usando i verbi e gli avverbi dei riquadri. drive fasten mix speak walk write carefully clearly quietly securely thoroughly slowly 0









walk slowly. 1


Use CAPITAL letters and .



Welcome to Greendale Please


3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando un avverbio. 0 He’s a good tennis player. He plays tennis well. 1 I’m a fast typist. I can . 2 He’s a slow reader. He . 3 She’s a good guitarist. She plays . 4 I was early for my interview. I arrived 5 We were late for class. We came . 6 His singing is very bad. He . 7 Her spoken English is good. She . 8 Is she a hard worker? Does she ?

t Put all the ingredients into an oven-proof dish and . Then heat at 200° for thirty minutes.


Unità 150 339



Avverbi di luogo e di tempo I went to London on Friday. David’s at school at the moment.

A Uso e forma i Gli avverbi di luogo indicano il luogo dove avviene qualcosa. Sono composti da parole ed espressioni come: in London, at the cinema, to school, on the table, outside, here, everywhere, away ecc. ii Gli avverbi di tempo indicano il momento in cui qualcosa avviene o la durata di tempo di un avvenimento, un’azione ecc. Sono parole ed espressioni come: at six o’clock, on Friday, in July, in 2015, yesterday, at the moment, for two hours, since June, when I was a child ecc.

B Posizione nella frase i Gli avverbi di luogo e di tempo generalmente vanno dopo il verbo e il suo complemento. We’re leaving on Monday. Non We’re on Monday leaving. I saw Pedro at the gym. Non I saw at the gym Pedro. We have lunch at 12.30. Non We have at 12.30 lunch. Comunque, gli avverbi di tempo e luogo si possono mettere all’inizio della frase o dell’espressione. At 12.30 we have lunch, and then we have lessons until 2.30. They drive on the right in the USA, but in Australia, they drive on the left. ii Quando si esprimono tempo e luogo, la posizione degli avverbi dipende dal verbo. r Per i verbi che hanno un forte collegamento con il luogo (go, come, arrive, stay, live ecc.) si indica il luogo prima del tempo. I went to London at the weekend. Non I went at the weekend to London. We’ve lived here for years. Non We’ve lived for years here. Pedro was at the gym on Friday. Non Pedro was on Friday at the gym. r Per i verbi che non hanno un così forte collegamento con il luogo (see, meet, speak ecc.), ciò che si vuole enfatizzare viene anteposto. Have you seen Pedro recently? ~ Yes, I saw him on Friday at the gym. o Yes, I saw him at the gym on Friday. Vedi unità 154 per gli avverbi di tempo relativo already, yet, just, soon, still e recently.

1 Quali di queste risposte sono accettabili (✓) e quali non lo sono (✗)? 0 Have you seen Simon recently? a I saw him in the park yesterday. ✓ b I saw him yesterday in the park. ✓ c I saw yesterday him in the park. ✗ 1 What did you do at the weekend? a On Saturday we went to the beach and on Sunday we stayed at home. b We went on Saturday to the beach and we stayed on Sunday at home. c We went to the beach on Saturday and on Sunday we stayed at home. 2 What are you doing tonight? a I’m meeting at Café Roma at 7.30 Julia. b I’m meeting Julia at Café Roma at 7.30. c I’m meeting Julia at 7.30 at Café Roma. 340 Unità 151

3 What are your plans for the summer? a We’re going to Spain in July and in August we’re going to the UK. b In July we’re going to Spain and in August we’re going to the UK. c We’re going to Spain in July and we’re going in August to the UK. 4 How long have you lived here? a I’ve all my life lived here. b I’ve lived all my life here. c I’ve lived here all my life.

2 Riordina le parole in modo da scrivere delle frasi di senso compiuto. 0 after school / we / to the park / are going

We are going to the park after school. 1 English / have studied / I / for two years 2 study / we / on Tuesdays and Thursdays / Biology 3 this semester / economics / am studying / I 4 to school / I / five days a week / go 5 at 7.55 / arrived / this morning / I / at school 6 at school / was / I / all day yesterday

3 Leggi l’agenda di Jen e completa le frasi sulla sua giornata di sabato.

Saturday 15th July 10.30 3 12 30 12.30 2.30 5.30 7 00 7.00 10.00 0 1 2 3 4 5

Sunday 16th July

meet Katie a – Café af B Baba a a Fisher’ss Restaurant – lunch Fisher town centre – meet SSuzyy gym Pizza PPalace Pi l – di dinner with Arnie A i ppartyy – Dave’s house

She’s meeting Katie at Café Baba at 10.30. She’s having She’s meeting She’s going She’s having She’s going

. . . . .

4 Completa le frasi relative a tre impegni che hai preso. In ciascuna frase usa almeno due informazioni a scelta tra ‘chi’, ‘dove’ e ‘quando’. 0 I’m meeting my friend Sofia at her house this evening. 1 I’m meeting . 2 I’m seeing . 3 I’m going . Unità 151 341



Avverbi di frequenza I usually walk to school. I am occasionally late for work. I go out twice a week.

A Uso e forma Gli avverbi di frequenza si usano per indicare quanto spesso si compie qualcosa. i I principali avverbi di frequenza sono: always (sempre) più frequente often/frequently (spesso/frequentemente) usually/normally/generally (spesso/normalmente/generalmente) sometimes (a volte) occasionally (occasionalmente) rarely (raramente) hardly ever (quasi mai) never (mai) meno frequente I occasionally go to the gym. I hardly ever listen to classical music. Do you ever play computer games? ~ No, never. ii Si usano anche espressioni di frequenza come: every day (ogni giorno) twice a year (due volte all’anno) every two months (ogni due mesi) on Mondays (il lunedì) I check my emails every day. I go swimming once a week. Nota che always e usually/normally/generally si usano insieme con altre espressioni di frequenza o quando la frequenza è sottintesa. I normally go to the gym three times a week. I usually walk to school. (È sottinteso ‘ogni giorno’.)

Nota che non si usa un verbo negativo con never e hardly ever. I never drink coffee. Non I don’t never drink coffee.

B Posizione degli avverbi di frequenza Gli avverbi di frequenza in genere vanno: i prima del verbo principale, I occasionally play tennis. Non I play occasionally tennis. I never buy a newspaper. Non I buy never a newspaper. ii dopo be. He is occasionally late for school. Non He occasionally is late for school. I’m often in bed by 10 o’clock. Non I often am in bed by 10 o’clock. Nota che si possono anche mettere occasionally, sometimes, usually, normally e generally all’inizio o alla fine della frase. Sometimes, it rains for days. It rains for days sometimes. Le espressioni di frequenza in genere vanno alla fine della frase. We have English lessons every day. Non We have every day English lessons.

C How often …? Si può usare How often ...? per chiedere con quale frequenza avviene qualcosa. Si può usare anche How many times a day/week/month/year …? How often do you study English? How many times a week do you play tennis?

342 Unità 152

1 Cancella l’alternativa sbagliata.

A day y in my y life

2 Riscrivi le frasi aggiungendo le espressioni avverbiali in corsivo nella posizione corretta. 0 I use the internet. two or three times a week

I use the internet two or three times a week. 1 I buy things online. hardly ever 2 I post things on forums. occasionally 3 I check my emails. usually / several times a day 4 I spend three or four hours on the internet. generally / each day 5 I change my passwords. every six months

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che siano vere per te aggiungendo un avverbio e/o un’espressione di frequenza. 0 I use the internet. I usually use the internet every day. 1 I play online games. 2 I download music. 3 I chat with friends online. 4 I change my password. 5 I send emails. 6 My internet connection is slow. 4 Scrivi le domande usando How often …? 0 get your hair cut? How often do you get your hair cut? 1 go to the cinema? 2 be late for school? 3 play football? 5 Scrivi delle risposte vere per te alle domande dell’Esercizio 4. 0 I usually get my hair cut every two months. 1 2 3 Unità 152 343



Avverbi rafforzativi He’s very old. It’s really hot. I’m fairly sure. It’s quite interesting.

Si usano avverbi comparativi per rafforzare o attenuare il significato di aggettivi, avverbi o verbi.

A Very, really e so Very, really e so sono gli avverbi rafforzativi più comuni. Si usano con gli aggettivi e gli avverbi. Con i verbi si può anche usare really. My teacher’s very nice. Il mio insegnante è molto simpatico. Brrr! It’s so cold. Brrr! Fa così freddo. I really enjoyed the film. Mi è davvero piaciuto il film. B Extremely, incredibly ecc. Altri avverbi che vengono in genere usati per rafforzare aggettivi e avverbi sono: extremely (estremamente), unbelievably (incredibilmente), incredibly (incredibilmente). The exam was incredibly difficult. It’s extremely old. C Not very, a little, a bit e slightly Not very, a little, a bit e slightly sono gli avverbi più comunemente usati per attenuare il significato di aggettivi e avverbi. I’m not very hungry. Non ho molta fame. We were a little late this morning. Eravamo un po’ in ritardo stamattina. D Quite, rather, fairly e pretty Quite, rather, fairly e pretty significano più di a little ma meno di very. Si usano con gli aggettivi e gli avverbi. Si può usare anche quite con i verbi like e enjoy. The film was quite good. Il film era piuttosto bello. He played fairly well. Ha giocato piuttosto bene. I quite like ballet. Mi piace parecchio il balletto. Tuttavia, se si sottolinea l’aggettivo, l’avverbio o il verbo quando si usa quite, rather, fairly e pretty si suggerisce che si è sorpresi o che si pensa che chi ascolta sarà sorpreso. The film was quite good. I quite like ballet.

E A lot e (not) very much A lot e (not) very much si usano con espressioni verbali. I like Indian food a lot. Mi piace molto il cibo indiano. I didn’t enjoy the film very much. Il film non mi è piaciuto molto. Vedi unità 142 per altri avverbi comparativi e aggettivi con/privi di gradi di comparazione.

F Posizione degli avverbi rafforzativi Gli avverbi rafforzativi si mettono subito prima della parola che modificano. It’s very beautiful. She’s quite tall. I have really enjoyed myself. Invece, very much e a lot vanno dopo il verbo e il complemento. I enjoyed the party very much. La festa mi è piaciuta moltissimo. Non I enjoyed very much the party. I like playing tennis a lot. Mi piace molto giocare a tennis. Non I like a lot playing tennis. Vedi anche unità 173 (enfasi con aggettivi e avverbi).

344 Unità 153

1 Guarda le figure poi completa le frasi usando le parole in corsivo.

0 tall quite, really She’s quite tall. He’s really tall.

1 old fairly, very She He

2 untidy a bit, so His desk Her desk

3 expensive not very, incredibly The sports car The family car

. .

4 did well quite, really Lara Kate

. .

. .

5 enjoyed the film quite, a lot She He

. .

. .

2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

How was the game? It was OK. We played a bit / quite well. Phew! It’s a lot / so hot today. Yeah, it’s very much / pretty amazing, isn’t it? It’s 35 degrees, I think. Thank you very / very much for my birthday present. Don’t mention it. You’re very / a lot welcome. I really / very don’t like rap music. Don’t you? I quite / a little like some of it. I extremely / really enjoyed the film last night. Did you? I thought it was a bit / not very boring, actually.

3 Aggiungi very, really, not very, quite, fairly ecc. in modo che le frasi siano vere per te. Puoi usare anche not o don’t. 0 I’m quite tall. 4 I’m interested in football. 1 My hair is short. 5 I enjoy studying. like rock music. 6 I’m cool! 2 I 3 I’m good at chess. 7 I’m friendly. Unità 153 345



Avverbi di tempo relativo I’ve already had lunch. I haven’t finished my work yet. Have they just arrived?

A Uso e forma Si usano already, still, yet, just, soon e recently per parlare di tempo relativo in contrasto con il tempo esatto. i Si usa already (già) per parlare di qualcosa che è già avvenuto in precedenza. Si usa yet (già, non ancora) per parlare di qualcosa che non era accaduto prima, ma ci si aspetta che accada. Sam has already left. Sam è già partito. Sam hasn’t left yet. Sam non è ancora partito. Sia already che yet si possono usare nelle domande. Has Sam left yet? Sam è già partito? Has Sam already left? Sam è già partito? Not yet è una risposta breve usata comunemente. Have you had lunch? ~ Not yet. Hai già pranzato? ~ Non ancora. ii Si usa just (appena) per dire che qualcosa è avvenuto da pochissimo tempo. Sam has just left. Sam è appena andato via. iii Si usa soon (tra breve) per dire che qualcosa avverrà entro breve tempo. Sam is leaving soon. Sam partirà tra breve. iv Si usa still (ancora) per dire che una situazione continua. Sam is still here. Sam è ancora qui. v Si usa recently (recentemente, di recente) per dire che qualcosa è avvenuto poco tempo fa. Si usa inoltre per qualcosa che è iniziato nel passato e che continua fino ad ora. Sam has recently left. Sam è partito recentemente. I’ve been working hard recently. Di recente lavoro sodo. Not recently è una risposta breve usata comunemente. Have you seen Tony? ~ Not recently. Hai visto Tony? ~ Non di recente. Nota che spesso si usa already, yet, just, still e recently con il present perfect. Vedi unità 25–28 per l'uso degli avverbi con il present perfect.

B Posizione nella frase i Si mette in genere already, still, just o recently immediatamente prima del verbo principale ma dopo il verbo be. I’ve already eaten. I’m still hungry. They still live here. Bill’s just arrived. He recently won the Nobel prize. Si può anche mettere already o recently alla fine della frase. I’ve eaten already. Have you seen Karen recently? ii Si mette in genere soon o yet alla fine della frase. The taxi will be here soon. I haven’t eaten yet.

346 Unità 154

1 Riscrivi i dialoghi usando le parole in corsivo nella posizione corretta. 0 A Is Peter back? yet Is Peter back yet? B No. He’s on holiday. still No. He’s still on holiday. 1 A Have you had lunch? already B Yes, but I’m hungry. still 2 A Have you seen Jimmy? recently B I saw him in the library, actually. just 3 A Are you waiting for Harry to call? still B No, he’s phoned. just 4 A Have you phoned Lena? yet B No, but I’ll do it. soon 5 A I think I’ll get a new mobile. soon B Oh, I’ve bought a new one. just 6 A Has the taxi arrived? yet B No, we’re waiting. still 2 Completa i dialoghi usando Not yet o Not recently. 0 A Have you had lunch today? B Not yet. 1 A Have you passed your driving test? B 2 A Have you seen Sara? B 3 A Have you had dinner today? B 4 A Have you had exams at school? B 5 A Have you had your exam? B

It’s at 1.30 . I’m only 15. . I last saw her three months ago. . We’re eating at about 8.30. , but we had some last term. . It’s next Monday.

3 Scrivi una frase per ciascuna delle ‘cose che devi fare prima di compiere diciotto anni’. Usa have already done it o haven’t done it yet e le parole del riquadro.



gu 4 Learn a foreign lan

0 Learn to drive us 1 Learn to play a m

ical instrument

thou 5 Go on holiday wi


t your parents

2 See a live band

6 Stay up all night

3 Go abroad

hool at spor 7 Represent your sc


already yet recently still soon 0 I’ve already learnt to drive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unità 154 347



Ever e -ever Have you ever been to the USA? You can sit wherever you want to.

A Ever Ever (mai) significa ‘in qualsiasi momento’ oppure ‘per tutto il tempo’ e si usa in genere per dare enfasi ad una frase. Ever si usa in molti modi, ma gli usi più comuni sono: i Generalmente prima del verbo principale. Ever è usato prevalentemente nelle domande e nelle frasi con un elemento negativo. Have you ever been to Australia? Sei mai stato in Australia? No one will ever swim across the Atlantic. Nessuno attraverserà mai l’Atlantico a nuoto. I only ever drink wine with a meal. Bevo vino soltanto durante i pasti. Nota che spesso si usa ever con il present perfect, specie nelle domande del tipo Have you ever ... ? Vedi unità 26 per l’uso di ever con il present perfect.

ii Con since I’ve loved Orlando Bloom ever since I saw The Lord of the Rings films. Mi piace Orlando Bloom da quando ho visto i film del Signore degli Anelli. iii Con if If ever you need help, just ask. o If you ever need help, just ask. Se mai avrai bisogno di aiuto, chiedi. o Se avrai mai bisogno di aiuto, chiedi. iv Con aggettivi superlativi e con first, last ecc. This is the best party I’ve ever been to! Questa è la migliore festa a cui sia mai andato! This is the first time I’ve ever eaten Chinese food. È la prima volta che mangio cibo cinese. Pavarotti’s last ever concert was at the Turin Winter Olympics. L’ultimo concerto in assoluto di Pavarotti è stato alle Olimpiadi invernali di Torino. v Con aggettivi comparativi + than e con more/less than. The competition is closer than ever. La gara è più serrata che mai. I love you more than ever. Ti amo più che mai.

B -ever i Il suffisso -ever si unisce alle parole interrogative: whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever e however. Il significato è ‘qualunque cosa, tempo, luogo’ ecc. You can invite whoever you like to your party. Puoi invitare chiunque tu voglia alla tua festa. Whenever I go to Brighton, I always visit my cousins. Ogni volta che vado a Brighton, vado sempre a trovare i miei cugini. ii Spesso si usa whatever, whenever ecc. al termine di una lista. I don’t mind where we go for a walk – the park, the river, wherever. Non mi importa dove andare a fare una passeggiata – al parco, al fiume, dovunque. The internet is great for shopping, gaming, downloading music and whatever. Internet è favoloso per fare shopping, per giocare, per scaricare musica e qualsiasi altra cosa.

348 Unità 155

1 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa ever per dare maggiore enfasi, se appropriato. 0 A When did the World Cup start? B The first World Cup was in Uruguay in 1930. The first ever World Cup was in Uruguay in 1930. 1 A How was the concert last night? B Great – much better than I imagined it would be. Great – much 2 A Where do you live? B Milan. We moved there in 2008 and we’ve lived there since. Milan. We moved 3 A Where did you go last night? B To Club Habana. Have you been there? To Club Habana. 4 A What’s your favourite TV programme? B The Sopranos. Did you watch it? The Sopranos A Yes, I did. I thought the last episode was brilliant. Yes, I did. 5 A Who’s your favourite actor? B Dennis Hopper. I’ve been a big fan since I saw Apocalypse Now. Dennis Hopper. A I’ve never seen it. B Well, if you get the chance, you really should. It’s the best film! Well, if




. .



2 Scrivi delle domande che inizino con Have you ever? Poi scrivi delle risposte vere per te usando Yes, I have o No, never. 0 go to the USA? Have you ever been to the USA? ~ No, never. 1 drink jasmine tea? ~ 2 go to the UK? ~ 3 meet a famous person? ~ 4 win anything on the lottery? ~ 3 Completa le frasi con una parola interrogativa + ever. 0 That’s the new student – Barry, Brian or whatever his name is. you like – these chairs are all free. 1 You can sit 2 wins the game tonight will play England in the semi-final. 3 You can use the computer you like. You don’t need to ask. 4 We’ve got no plans – we can do you’d like to do. 5 You can invite many people you like to your party … 6 … and you can invite you like. 4 Completa le frasi con una parola interrogativa + ever. 0 I don’t mind what we eat – Chinese, Indian, Italian, whatever 1 I don’t care who wins – Italy, Brazil, France, . 2 I’m happy to listen to anything – rock, pop, punk, 3 I don’t mind where I sit in class – front, back, middle, 4 I’ll have tea or coffee – . 5 Call round anytime – five, five-thirty, six, .

. . .

Unità 155 349


156 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 150–155) Avverbi

Significato degli avverbi Completa i dialoghi con gli avverbi dei riquadri. 0

just really yet A Do you fancy a coffee? B No, thanks. I’ve just had one. But I haven’t had lunch yet really A No, I haven’t. And I’m hungry, actually. Let’s go.


just soon still A Is Sue B No. She’s


. Have you?

here? gone to post a letter. But I think she’ll be back

ever normally so A Brrr! It’s cold! It’s not this cold, is it? B No, it isn’t. They say this winter is going to be the coldest




soon still yet A Have Giulia and Armando arrived ? B No, we’re waiting for them. I hope they get here or we’ll have to go without them.


at the moment for ages last week really recently A B A B


, revising for her final exams.

easily every week quite usually A B A B


Have you seen Jolanda ? Yes, I saw her , actually. I haven’t seen her . How is she? busy She’s fine, but she’s

How was the football? Did you win? , actually. Three-nil. Yes, we won Do you play ? Yes, on Wednesdays and Sundays.

fluently quite slowly very well A B A B

Does Karen speak Italian? Yes, I think she speaks it Do you speak it? Well, I can understand a little if you speak

350 Unità 156: Revisione e potenziamento

, but not

. !


Avverbi: forme e posizione Completa l’oroscopo cinese scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

CHINESE ASTROLOGY T In Chinese astrology each year is represented by an animal, and people born in that year have the characteristics of that animal.

RAT 1996, 2008 You are 0 veryy / a lot determined and ambitious. You work 1 hard / hardly at all times and you 2 make carefully decisions / make decisions carefully. OX 1997, 2009 You are 3 very / a lot dependable and you 4 keep always / always keep your word. You are 5 too serious sometimes / sometimes too serious about life. TIGER 1998, 2010 You 6 extremely are self-confident / are extremely self-confident. You make 7 decisions quickly / quickly decisions and they 8 usually are / are usually the right decision. RABBIT 1999, 2011 You 9 generally are / are generally quiet and calm. You are sensitive and you 10 often worry / worry often about other people. DRAGON 1988, 2000 You are a 11 very much / very lucky person and you are 12 generally very successful / very generally successful at whatever you do. SNAKE 1989, 2001 You are lively and energetic. However, you can 13 get sometimes / sometimes get 14 quickly angry / angry quickly. HORSE 1990, 2002 You are sociable and you make 15 friends easily / easily friends. However, 16 you rather can be / you can be rather insecure at times. SHEEP 1991, 2003 You are considerate and you 17 always think / think always before you act. However, 18 you think sometimes / sometimes you think about things too much. MONKEY 1992, 2004 You love parties and you 19 always are / are always looking for fun. You 20 don’t take life seriously / don’t seriously take life. ROOSTER 1993, 2005 You 21 really / very love to be the centre of attention. You 22 smartly dress / dress smartly and you like to look 23 good at all times / at all times good. DOG 1994, 2006 You have strong opinions and 24 always you fight / you always fight for what you believe in. PIG 1995, 2007 You are 25 extremely polite in all situations / in all situations extremely polite. You are a 26 much / very popular person.

Unità 156: Revisione e potenziamento 351


Avverbi: posizione Riscrivi le frasi della biografia di Keira Knightley usando gli avverbi in corsivo nella posizione corretta. Quando c’è più di un avverbio, usali nell’ordine dato.

Keir ra Knightley y Keira Christina a Knightle g ey y was born in London on March 26th h 1985. 9 1

352 Unità 156: Revisione e potenziamento


Avverbi: posizione Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le parole in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 There has been a rapid decrease in unemployment this year. rapidly Unemployment has decreased rapidly this year. 1 I think it will be an easy win for Arsenal tonight. easily I think Arsenal tonight. 2 I enjoyed the film a lot. really I the film. 3 The party wasn’t very good I’m afraid. much I didn’t enjoy , I’m afraid. 4 Toni hasn’t finished his work yet. still Toni doing his work. 5 Have you had lunch yet? already Have lunch? 6 Juliette left a short time ago. just Juliette left.



Avverbi: forme e posizione Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Di solito vado a letto intorno alle 11. I usually go to bed at about 11 o'clock. 1 Siamo andati al cinema ieri sera. 2 Hai già pranzato? 3 Ho già inviato l’email. 4 Non ho molta fame. 5 Di solito vado a scuola a piedi. 6 Non arrivo mai in ritardo a scuola. 7 Parli mai in inglese a casa? 8 Abbiamo lezione di inglese due volte alla settimana.


Grammatica e lessico: avverbi di frequenza/espressioni di frequenza Abbina l’espressione inglese alla traduzione in italiano. Poi completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa i verbi del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. 1 all the time 2 from time to time 3 once in a blue moon

a assai di rado b di tanto in tanto c continuamente

eat go listen play read see visit watch 0 I play computer games all the time. 1 2 3

all the time. from time to time. once in a blue moon.

Unità 156: Revisione e potenziamento 353



Frasi relative determinative I met someone who knows you. Here’s the book you wanted to borrow.

Una frase relativa determinativa dà informazioni su qualcosa che descrive esattamente la persona o l’oggetto di cui stiamo parlando. La frase relativa viene immediatamente dopo questa persona o oggetto. Where’s the book that you gave me? Dov’è il libro che mi hai dato? That’s the man who helped us. Quello è l’uomo che ci ha aiutato. A zoologist is someone who studies animals. Uno zoologo è qualcuno che studia gli animali.

A Pronomi relativi I pronomi relativi (who, which, whose e that) si mettono all’inizio della frase relativa. i Si usa who oppure that per le persone e which o that per oggetti e animali. That è usato più comunemente in contesti informali, come nell’inglese parlato. Is that the guy who we met yesterday? The people that live next door are really friendly. Where’s the DVD which Sue lent me? What’s the name of the film that we saw last week? ii Whose si usa per esprimere un possesso. Whose è sempre seguito da un nome. That’s the guy whose house we went to.

B Omissione del pronome relativo Si può omettere who, which o that quando la parola che segue è soggetto (you, we, I, Sue ecc.). L’omissione di who, which o that è molto comune nell’inglese parlato. Where’s the book that you gave me? o Where’s the book you gave me? Is that the guy who we met yesterday? o Is that the guy we met yesterday? That’s the man who helped us. (Ma non That’s the man helped us poiché la parola che segue who non è un soggetto.) C Who o whom? Whom si usa qualche volta come alternativa più formale a who a condizione che la parola seguente sia un soggetto. Where is the person whom (or who) I saw earlier? D Where e when Si possono usare gli avverbi where e when in un modo analogo ai pronomi relativi. Nota che when e where non possono essere mai omessi. This is the church where we got married. This is where we catch the bus. ‘The sales’ are when shops sell clothes at a reduced price. Christmas is a time when families get together. 1 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi usando un pronome relativo. Inizia con le parole date. 0 I met someone last week. She says she knows you. I met someone last week who says she knows you. 1 This is my friend. I was telling you about him. This is 2 Have you seen the magazine? It was on the table. Have you seen 354 Unità 157

. ?

3 Is that the guy? You found his mobile. Is that 4 I bought a DVD earlier. It doesn’t work. The DVD 5 A guy asked me to dance. He was very nice. The guy 6 I saw a film last night. You’d love it. You’d love

? . . .

2 Riscrivi e unisci le due frasi usando where o when. 0 This is the room. We do our exams in here.

This is the room where we do our exams. 1 This is the club. I first met Silvia here. 2 Here’s the hotel. We stayed here last year. 3 Your birthday is a special day. Everyone should be nice to you! 4 Easter is a festival. At Easter people eat chocolate eggs.

3 Completa le battute di A usando le informazioni del riquadro. Puoi omettere il pronome relativo quando serve per rendere più naturale la frase. You ordered it from Amazon. We got married there! You wanted to borrow it. You borrowed it last week. We went to her party at the weekend. They live near Naples. It was on the wall in the living room. It was on the table a minute ago. 0 A Here’s the book. B Which book? A The book you wanted to borrow. 1 A The DVD has arrived. B Which DVD? A 2 A Have you seen that pen? B Which pen? A

4 A Where’s the photo gone? B Which photo? A 5 A Look. There’s the church. B Which church? A 6 A There’s that girl. B Which girl? A

3 A Can I have that £20? B Which £20? A

7 A I’m going to visit my cousins. B Which cousins? A 4 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro o altri a tua scelta.

comfortable complicated cool different fashionable fun genuine (dis)honest interesting natural sociable trendy have lots of special effects have a surprise at the end make you think play rock/dance/RnB music 0 1 2 3 4 5

I like lessons which are interesting and fun. I like people I prefer clubs I wear clothes I like films I don’t like people

. . . . . Unità 157 355



Preposizioni nelle frasi relative I’ve found the book I was looking for. Who was that guy you were speaking to?

i Quando un verbo regge una preposizione (look for, speak to ecc.) in genere la preposizione si mette alla fine della frase relativa. Are these the keys that you’re looking for? Sono queste le chiavi che stai cercando? The holiday you were thinking about is too expensive. La vacanza alla quale stavi pensando è troppo costosa. The person you spoke to is the manager. La persona alla quale hai parlato è il manager. ii In ogni caso, nell’inglese più formale, si può anche mettere la preposizione prima del pronome relativo which e whom. La preposizione non si mette prima di that e who. The person to whom you spoke is the manager. La persona con la quale hai parlato è il manager. There are many things for which I am grateful. Ci sono molte cose per le quali sono grato. 1 Jo e Jen stanno commentando alcune foto. Riscrivi ciò che dicono in modo che la frase risulti più naturale. Inizia con le parole date. 0 Jen What are these photos? Joe It’s that party. I went to it last weekend. That’s the party I went to last weekend. 1 Jen You’re talking to a girl – who is she? Who’s the girl Joe I used to go to school with her. She’s someone 2 Jen Who’s that with Ellie? Joe She’s going out with that guy at the moment. That’s the guy 3 Jen Tom’s dancing with a girl – who is she? Who’s the girl ? Joe I told you about that girl. Tom danced with her all night. That’s the girl . She’s the one . 4 Jen And who’s the guy in the checked shirt? Joe Ellie works with him. He’s someone .

356 Unità 158

? .


2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando una frase relativa e una preposizione alla fine. 0 We stayed in a hotel, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the hotel we stayed in. 1 I applied for a job, but I didn’t get it. I didn’t get 2 We went to a restaurant. I really liked it. I really liked 3 I was telling you about this book. Here it is. Here’s the book 4 You were listening to some music. What was it? What was 5 Paul was talking to some people. Who were they? Who were 6 You were looking at a magazine. Have you still got it? Have you still got

. . . ? ? ?

3 Completa le frasi usando le espressioni del riquadro. for which in which in which with which to whom for whom with whom 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The Lord of the Rings is a film in which the special effects are the real stars. Smith spent most of his career at Liverpool he played 678 times. they made their escape. The thieves stole a car There are a number of people I must say a big, big thank you. The Harry Potter stories are the books JK Rowling is best known. she wanted to spend the rest of her life. She immediately knew he was the man The fangs contain poison the snake kills its prey.

4 Abbina le frasi dell’Esercizio 3 alla fonte da cui sono tratte. a b c d e f g

An Oscar acceptance speech A film review 0 A news report A romantic novel A profile of a footballer A nature book An author biography

Unità 158 357



Frasi relative ridotte Who’s the man standing over there? Follow the car in front.

A Uso e forma Quando un pronome relativo è seguito dal verbo be (is, was, has been ecc.), si può in genere omettere be e il pronome relativo. Si usa: i con forme progressive, Jana’s the girl standing next to the door. = Jana’s the girl (who is) standing next to the door. ii con il passivo, The money stolen in the robbery was never found. = The money (which was) stolen in the robbery was never found. iii con aggettivi ed espressioni con preposizioni. I’d like to speak to the person in charge. = I’d like to speak to the person (who is) in charge.

B Forma -ing Si può anche usare la forma -ing al posto di un pronome relativo + present simple. The people living next door are very friendly. = The people who live next door are very friendly. We stayed in a room overlooking the beach. = We stayed in a room which overlooks the beach. C There is/are Si usano spesso le frasi relative ridotte con there is/are. There are six of us going to the gig. Saremo in sei ad andare al concerto. There’s a café next door. C’è un bar qui vicino. 1 Riscrivi le frasi usando le frasi relative ridotte. 0 All the people who were injured in the accident have now left hospital. All the people injured in the accident have now left hospital. 1 The Canaletto painting which was stolen last week has been found. has been found. 2 Bags that are left unattended will be removed. will be removed. 3 Students who are going on the school trip need to be at school at 6.30. need to be at school at 6.30. 4 Anyone who finishes in the top three gets a medal. gets a medal. 5 A bridge which joins the UK and France is going to be built. is going to be built. 6 We stayed in a hotel which is right next to the beach. . 7 Twenty students are taking the IELTS exam. . There are 8 A car is parked in front of the gates. There’s .

358 Unità 159

2 Alex è un nuovo studente e Bruno gli sta presentando la classe. Completa il dialogo usando i suggerimenti del riquadro e le frasi relative ridotte.

chat / with each other do / his homework listen to / her MP3 player use / the computer stand next to the door read / the newspaper wear / a baseball cap Who’s the guy 0 standing next to the door? That’s Will. OK, and who’s the girl 1 ? That’s Maria. And the two boys 2 ? 3 They’re Jake and Tim. Tim’s the one And who are the others? The girl 4 is Tara. And the is Andy. guy 5 Alex And which one is the teacher? Bruno The teacher’s the one 6 .

Alex Bruno Alex Bruno Alex Bruno Alex Bruno


3 Completa le descrizioni usando le frasi relative ridotte e le frasi del riquadro. It’s in Red Square in Moscow. It stands next to the Yamuna river in Agra, India. It’s high in the Andes. It was discovered in 1908. It overlooks Rio de Janeiro. She’s holding a torch. It stands in New York Harbour. It leans to one side. 0






0 1 2 3 4 5

It’s a 12th century bell tower leaning to one side. It’s a multi-coloured cathedral It’s a domed tomb It’s a statue of Christ It’s a statue of a woman It’s a ruined city

. . . . . Unità 159 359



Frasi relative esplicative I’m from Catanzaro, which is in the south of Italy.

A Uso e forma i Si usa una frase relativa esplicativa per dare informazioni supplementari, non essenziali, su qualcuno o qualcosa. La frase relativa esplicativa si mette immediatamente dopo la persona o l’oggetto di cui si parla. He was born in Witney, which is a small town near Oxford. Redgrave, who won five Olympic gold medals, retired in 2004. ii La frase relativa esplicativa si può anche usare per fare commenti sul resto della frase precedente. I failed the exam, which was a disaster. Si separa sempre una frase relativa esplicativa dalla frase principale per mezzo di virgole. Nota che le frasi relative esplicative sono usate principalmente nello scritto e in altri contesti più formali. Tuttavia, le frasi relative esplicative che commentano tutta la frase sono molto comuni nell’inglese parlato.

B Pronomi relativi i I pronomi relativi si usano all’inizio di una frase relativa esplicativa. Si usa who per le persone, which per oggetti e animali e whose per gli oggetti posseduti. The actor Jim Smith, who won three Oscars, has died. L’attore Jim Smith, che ha vinto tre Oscar, è morto. Smith was born in 1932 in Los Angeles, which of course is home to the Oscars. Smith è nato nel 1932 a Los Angeles, che, naturalmente, è la patria degli Oscar. Smith, whose career lasted six decades, is best known for … Smith, la cui carriera è durata sessanta anni, è noto soprattutto per… Nota che non si usa mai that in una frase relativa esplicativa. ii Si possono anche usare le espressioni where e which is where. Firbeck, where I grew up, is a small village in the north of England. We visited Stratford, which is where Shakespeare was born.

C Who oppure whom? Whom è usato a volte come alternativa più formale a who quando la parola che segue è un soggetto. My brother, whom/who you met last year, is coming to visit. D Omissione del pronome relativo i Si può a volte omettere who/which + be (is, was ecc.) da una frase relativa esplicativa. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is the world’s most expensive city. = Moscow, (which is) the capital of Russia, is the world’s most expensive city. ii Si può usare la forma -ing al posto del pronome relativo quando si indica che qualcosa è il risultato di qualcosa d’altro. In 2006, a Nebraskan lorry driver won $235 million on the lottery, making him one of the USA’s richest people overnight. = In 2006, a Nebraskan lorry driver won $235 million on the lottery, which made him one of the USA’s richest people overnight. 360 Unità 160

1 Completa i testi usando le frasi relative esplicative e le informazioni dei riquadri. Selling over 200 million albums makes him one of the most successful rock musicians ever. Elton John’s real name is Reginald Dwight. Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics for all of Elton’s songs. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music as a teenager. Elton John, 0 whose real name is Reginald Dwight , has sold over 200 million albums, 1 . Elton 2 , is without doubt an excellent musician and singer, but much of his success is due to his song-writing partnership with Bernie Taupin, 3 .

Pluto used to be the smallest planet. Jupiter has a diameter of 143,000 km. Mercury has a diameter of just 4,900 km. Jupiter, 4 the solar system while Mercury, 5 is the smallest. Pluto, 6 declassified as a planet in 2006.

, is the largest planet in , , was

Winning the World Cup three times is a record that may never be broken. Pelé’s real name is Edson Arantes Do Nascimento. Pelé has been officially declared the greatest footballer ever. The Brazilian, 7 , was born in Tres Coracoes, Brazil, in 1940. He played a total of 1,363 professional games, scored 1,282 goals and was in three World Cup winning teams, 8 .

2 Completa le frasi usando le frasi relative esplicative e le espressioni del riquadro. It’s very cheap. It gets on my nerves. It was very kind of her. It meant I had to get a taxi. It’s where I went to school. It’s a disaster. Mary offered to help, which was very kind of her. My parents live in Milton Keynes, I failed all my exams, I missed the last bus, My brother’s always playing rap music, The meal only cost €20,

. .

3 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I was born in Palermo , which is in Sicily. 1 I was born in , which 2 I live in , which , who 3 My best friend is 4 My favourite film is , which 5 My favourite actor is , who


0 1 2 3 4 5


. .

. . . .

Unità 160 361



Frasi con forma -ing e frasi participiali He’s in his room listening to music. Before leaving, can you turn off the lights?

A Frasi con forma -ing Le frasi con forma -ing possono essere usate principalmente in due modi: i quando due eventi accadono contemporaneamente, Danny’s in the kitchen making lunch. = Danny’s in the kitchen. (He’s) making lunch. I hurt my knee playing basketball. = I hurt my knee (while I was) playing basketball. ii dopo avverbi di tempo come before, after, since, while e when. I always feel great after going to the gym. = I always feel great after I go to the gym. Before buying anything, check out the prices on the internet. = Before you buy anything, check out the prices on the internet.

B Frasi con forma -ing e frasi participiali ad inizio del periodo In qualche caso le espressioni con forma -ing e le frasi participiali si possono mettere all’inizio del periodo in contesti più formali, di norma nello scritto. i Le espressioni con forma -ing si possono mettere all’inizio del periodo ed assumono un significato simile a ‘poiché’. Needing a break, she went for a walk. = Because she needed a break, she went for a walk. Not having a map, we got lost. = Because we didn’t have a map, we got lost. Per porre l’enfasi sul fatto che un’azione avviene prima di un’altra, si usa having + participio passato. Having missed the bus, he was late for school. ii Si può usare una frase participiale all’inizio di un periodo al posto di una costruzione passiva. Woken by the explosion, Harry ran out of the house. Svegliato dall’esplosione, Harry corse fuori dalla casa. Held every four years, the Olympics are the world’s biggest sporting event. Avendo luogo ogni quattro anni, le Olimpiadi sono l’evento sportivo più grande del mondo. 1 Completa i testi usando i suggerimenti dei riquadri. Usa la forma -ing dei verbi.

F Famous after f appearing pppp g

362 Unità 161

2 Completa le risposte in modo che includano una frase con la forma -ing. Usa le espressioni dei riquadri. in his bedroom in the kitchen in the living room fall asleep do his homework make coffee watch TV watch TV

0 Where are Kath and Fiona?

2 Where’s Barry?

They’re in the living room watching TV.

1 Where’s Julie?

3 Did you go out last night? No,


3 Riscrivi i periodi in modo che inizino con una frase introdotta dalla forma -ing o da una frase participiale. 0 Because we don’t know the area, we got lost. Not knowing the area , we got lost. 1 Because you’re an EU citizen, you don’t need a visa for Italy. , you don’t need a visa for Italy. 2 We had finished our work, so we were allowed to leave early. , we were allowed to leave early. 3 I haven’t met her before, so I don’t know what she’s like. , I don’t know what she’s like. 4 She was feeling tired, so she went to bed. , she went to bed. 5 We were woken by a noise, so we ran outside to see what had happened. , we ran outside to see what had happened. 6 Amsterdam is known as Venice of the North, and is built on a network of canals. , Amsterdam is built on a network of canals. , Amsterdam is known as Venice of the North.

Unità 161 363


162 FCE 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 157–161) Frasi relative

Pronomi relativi Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.

Who is the greatest ever sportsman or woman? Posted by Jim, UK: The greatest sportsmen or women are those 0 B dominate their sport for the longest. Tennis player Martina Navratilova, 1 won Wimbledon nine times in 12 years, and cyclist Lance Armstrong, seven-times winner of the Tour de France, are both contenders. But the greatest sportsperson 2 the world has ever seen is rower Steve Redgrave, 3 won five gold medals in successive Olympics and 4 record will never be repeated.

Posted by Jean, Italy: It’s not about winning medals, 5 simply depends on how you perform on the day, it’s about impact. And the sportsman 6 has had the greatest global impact ever is Pelé, the greatest player of the world’s greatest game.

Posted by Ulrich, Germany: In my opinion, it’s impossible to choose the greatest sportsman or woman ever. It is impossible to compare athletes competing in different sports 7 require totally different skills.

Posted by Barry, Liverpool, UK: My choice is not an individual, but a team of individuals. The greatest sportsmen of all time are the Liverpool 2005 European Cup final team, 8 determination to win when they were losing 3–0 is an inspiration to everyone. It was the greatest team performance 9 you will ever see.

Posted by Sam, New York: The moments 10 something ‘out-of-this-world’ happens are the greatest moments in sport. The 100 metres final in the 2008 Olympic Games, 11 Usain Bolt ran 9.69 seconds, is the most ‘out-of-this-world’ moment of them all, 12 makes him the greatest sportsman ever.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


which who which that which who that – who who who which whose


who which whose which who – which where whose – which where which

364 Unità 162: Revisione e potenziamento


– that – who that which – who which when when that who


whose whose where – whose that when that that where whose – when


Frasi relative determinative ed esplicative Unisci le frasi sulla Virgin Galactic in modo che diventino una sola. Usa le frasi relative determinative o esplicative. 0 The Virgin Galactic spaceship was financed by Paul Allen. He was one of the founders of Microsoft. The Virgin Galactic spaceship was financed by Paul Allen, who was one of the 1






founders of Microsoft. During take-off you listen to David Bowie’s hit Space Oddity. It was originally recorded in 1969 at the time of the first moon landing. During take-off you listen to at the time of the first moon landing. Once in space, you will have a 360° view of the stars. They will be clearer and brighter than you have ever seen them. Once in space, you will have than you have ever seen them. The highlight of the trip is the three minutes of weightlessness. You will experience this when you are in true space. The highlight of the trip is when you are in true space. There are two astronaut pilots. They will be happy to answer all your questions. There are two all your questions. You will have a unique experience. This experience is literally out of this world. You will have out of this world. Each trip costs over £100,000. It lasts three hours. Each trip over £100,000.


In quali frasi dell’Esercizio 2 si può omettere il pronome relativo?


Frasi relative determinative Riferisci le notizie riportate nei titoli del giornale usando una frase relativa. 0

MISSING CHILD FOUND The child who was missing


has been found.

Escaped alligator recaptured has been recaptured.

2 S Stolen van Gogh painting found has been found. 3



is going to give €99m to charity.

CD inventor dies The person

has died.

Unità 162: Revisione e potenziamento 365


Frasi relative ridotte Trasforma le frasi relative in neretto in frasi relative ridotte. Usa la forma -ing o il participio passato.

News in brief stealing g eating g oout.



Frasi con forma -ing o frasi participiali dati.

Scrivi le risposte usando la forma -ing e i suggerimenti

0 Where’s Giuseppe?

in his bedroom / do his homework

He’s in his bedroom doing his homework. 1 What happened to you?

break my arm / ski

2 Where’s Bruno?

outside / fix his scooter

3 Which one is Daniela?

next to the door / wear a blue dress

4 What’s Elena doing?

on the phone / talk to her mum

5 Do you know where David is?

see him five minutes ago / walk towards the library

Frasi con forma -ing Scrivi che cosa stanno facendo in questo momento tre persone che conosci. Usa la forma -ing come nell’esempio. 0 My brother is in his bedroom watching TV. 1 2 3

366 Unità 162: Revisione e potenziamento



Frasi relative Traduci le frasi e le domande. 0 Ieri ho incontrato qualcuno che ti conosce.

Yesterday, I met someone who knows you. 1 Quella è la ragazza alla cui festa siamo andati. 2 Qual è il nome del caffè al quale sei andato? 3 Ecco il DVD che volevi. 4 La pizza costava €10, il che è piuttosto economico. 5 Carlo è nella sua stanza ad ascoltare musica. 6 Chi erano le persone con cui stavi parlando questa mattina?


Grammatica e lessico: It’s someone who … (atteggiamenti ed opinioni) Rispondi alle domande usando It’s someone who … e i suggerimenti dati. He/She doesn’t believe in God. He/She looks at life in a positive way. He/She looks at life in a negative way. He/She wants to do everything as well as possible. He/She doesn’t eat any animal products. He/She loves their country. 0 1 2 3 4 5


What’s an optimist? It’s someone who looks at life in a positive way. What’s a pessimist? What’s an atheist? What’s a vegan? What’s a patriot? What’s a perfectionist?

Grammatica e lessico: It’s something (that) … (attrezzi) Rispondi alle domande usando le espressioni del riquadro. Inizia con It’s something (that) … . you cut wood with it you knock nails into wood with it you keep tools in it you make holes with it you tighten bolts with it you tighten screws with it 0 What’s a spanner? It’s something you tighten bolts with.

1 What’s a hammer?

2 What’s a saw?

3 What’s a drill?

4 What’s a screwdriver?

5 What’s a toolbox?

Unità 162: Revisione e potenziamento 367



Coesione: sequenza First, we’re going shopping. Afterwards, we’re going for a coffee.

A Uso e forma Le più comuni ‘espressioni di sequenza’ sono first (prima), then (poi), next (dopo), finally (infine) e after/before that (dopo/prima che). i Quando si ‘elencano’ gli eventi, queste espressioni di sequenza si mettono all’inizio della frase. First, we have geography, next it’s history and finally it’s maths. Turn left at the crossroads, after that turn right and then take the second right. ii Si può a volte mettere first, then, next e finally prima del verbo (ma dopo il verbo be). After/Before that non vanno normalmente in questa posizione. I get up at 7.30. I first get dressed and I then have breakfast. I am then ready to leave for school. iii Si possono anche mettere le espressioni di sequenza alla fine della frase, specie in contesti più informali. Then generalmente non si mette al termine della frase. We’re going for a pizza, but I need to get some money first. I can’t decide which book to read next. Nota che la parola che indica sequenza normalmente va posta alla fine delle domande. What did you do next?

B Before, after, while e when Si usa before (prima), after (dopo), while (mentre) e when (quando) con soggetto + verbo. After e before si possono usare anche con un nome. Before you leave, can you turn off the lights? Let’s get a coffee while we’re waiting. We’re going to the beach after school. Vedi unità 161 per before, after, while e when + -ing.

C Beforehand e afterwards Beforehand (prima/all’inizio) e afterwards (in seguito) si usano all’inizio o alla fine di una frase. The film starts at 7.30, so let’s go for a pizza beforehand. First we went shopping and afterwards we went for a coffee. D Firstly, secondly, lastly Si usano in genere firstly, secondly ecc. (prima/all’inizio, in un secondo momento) e lastly (infine) in contesti piuttosto formali come ad esempio la presentazione di una relazione o di un rapporto. Si mettono in genere all’inizio della frase. Firstly, I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. E At first, in the end Si usa at first (all’inizio) e in the end (alla fine) per parlare di un atteggiamento o di una situazione all’inizio o alla fine di qualcosa. Queste espressioni si mettono all’inizio o alla fine della frase. At first, I didn’t understand, but it became clear in the end. I didn’t understand at first, but in the end it became clear.

368 Unità 163

1 Completa le istruzioni usando le parole dei riquadri. finally first then Making a cup of tea 0 First , boil the kettle and put a teabag into a cup. 1 2 , add milk and sugar if required.

pour the boiling water into the cup.

after that first while At the airport At the airport you 3 check in your bags. 4 , you go through passport control and into the departure lounge to wait for your flight to depart. 5 you are waiting, you may want to do some duty-free shopping or read a book.

after that finally first then Sending an email 6 , you need to open Outlook Express. You 7 click ‘Create Mail’ and write your email. 8 , you write the ‘Subject’ of the email and enter the address of the person you are sending it to. 9 , you click ‘Send’.

before next when Buying on eBay 10 you bid for an item, you need to sign in. 11 buy, click ‘Place Bid’ and enter the amount you want to pay. 12 see if you are the winner.

you have selected the item you want to , wait until the auction ends to

2 Riscrivi le frasi inserendo le parole in corsivo nella posizione corretta. In alcuni casi è possibile più di una soluzione. 0 I’m going to do my homework and I’m going to watch TV. after that

I’m going to do my homework and after that I’m going to watch TV. 1 Go past the shops and take the second left. then 2 Which bar shall we go to? next 3 So you moved to Rome last year. Where did you live? before that 4 Close the program and shut down the computer. first, then 5 We got lost, but we found the house. at first, in the end

3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 I’m meeting g Alicee beforee / beforehand the exam tomorrow and then I’m playing tennis with Vanessa after / afterwards. 1 The film starts at 8.30, so let’s go for a pizza before / beforehand. 2 The film finishes at 10.30. What shall we do after / afterwards? 3 We’ve got a school council meeting after / afterwards lunch this afternoon. 4 I’m going away at the weekend, so let’s either meet up before / beforehand, say on Thursday, or after / afterwards I get back on Monday.

Unità 163 369



Coesione: addizione I also phoned Mike. Shall I invite Sam too? Furthermore, the service was very slow.

A Uso e forma i Le parole ‘per l’addizione’ usate più frequentamente sono and (e), as well, too e also (anche, anche e pure). Too e as well sono normalmente usate in contesti più formali e nel parlato. Too e as well vanno dopo l’informazione supplementare. I mostly listen to rock music. But I like jazz too. Susie speaks French and she can speak some Italian as well. ii Also per lo più va inserito prima dell’informazione supplementare. Va messo prima del verbo principale o dopo be. I mostly listen to rock music. But I also like jazz. Susie speaks French and she can also speak some Italian. Andy’s brilliant at tennis. He’s also quite good at golf. In ogni caso, also può anche andare all’inizio della seconda frase. Molto raramente, può anche trovarsi alla fine di essa. Can you email Tom? Also, will you phone Sarah? Can you email Tom? Will you phone Sarah also?

B As well as As well as (oltre a) si usa con un nome. As well as the guitar and the piano, he also plays the drums. You’re having pizza as well as pasta! C Parole ‘di addizione’ più formali In contesti più formali, specie nello scritto, si possono usare in addition/ additionally (oltre a/inoltre), moreover (inoltre) e furthermore (inoltre/in aggiunta/per di più). Queste espressioni vanno prima di ciò che viene aggiunto. The tickets are €45 and in addition, there is a €10 service charge. It’s not a good idea. And furthermore, it is actually illegal. D On top of that Si può usare on top of that (per giunta) in contesti formali e informali per aggiungere un senso enfatico. È usato spesso per lamentarsi di qualcosa. The hotel room was dirty and cold. And on top of that, the shower didn’t work. E Besides Si usa besides (d’altronde, inoltre) per ‘dare spessore’ a ciò che si è detto. I don’t want to go for a walk and, besides, it’s raining. I won’t phone him. And besides, he never answers the phone. 1 Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole in corsivo. 0 She speaks French. And she can speak a little Spanish. also She speaks French. And she can also speak a little Spanish. 1 Jenny’s going to the party. And I think Chiara’s going. too Jenny’s going to the party. 2 I know you play football. Do you play rugby? as well I know you play football. 370 Unità 164

3 Are you going for a coffee? Can I come? too Are you going for a coffee? 4 He’s good looking. He’s very rich! also He’s good looking. 5 He’s got a car and a scooter. as well as He’s got a car 6 You said you like The Beatles. Do you like The Rolling Stones? also You said you like The Beatles.

2 Completa le frasi usando And besides … e le espressioni del riquadro. there’s something I want to watch on TV he never checks his emails it’s freezing I can’t afford a taxi 0 1 2 3

I don’t want to go to the beach. And besides, it’s freezing. I don’t want to email him. I’d rather walk than get a taxi. I don’t fancy going out tonight.

3 Completa la lettera usando le parole del riquadro. also as well as furthermore in addition on top of that Dear Head Teacher, I am writing to complain about the behaviour of your students. I live in an apartment opposite your school and I am disturbed by the noise the students make every time they have a break from lessons. 0 Furthermore , the language they use and the things they talk about are quite unacceptable. 1 , they ignore me when I ask them to be quiet. 2 the noise and language, the students look like they are dressed to go to a , holding hands and kissing should party. All students should wear a uniform. 3 not be allowed at school. disappointed by the attitude of your teachers, who allow this to happen. I am 4 Please control your students, and teachers, from now on or I shall take my complaint to the police. Yours faithfully, A Codger

4 Dai risposte vere per te. Usa ogni parola del riquadro almeno una volta. also as well too 0 What’s your favourite colour? I like blue 1 Who’s your favourite film star? I like 2 What languages do you speak? I speak 3 What kind of music do you listen to? I mostly listen to 4 What did you do last weekend? I 5 What are your hobbies? I

and I also like purple. and I


and I

. and I


and I


and I

. Unità 164 371



Coesione: contrasto I phoned her, but there was no answer. It was a great idea. However, it didn’t work.

Le espressioni più usate per esprimere contrasto sono:

A But But (ma) è il modo più comune per indicare contrasto. Va tra le idee che si pongono in contrasto. Può essere usato per continuare la frase, normalmente dopo una virgola, o può iniziare una seconda frase. We wanted to play tennis, but it was raining. It rained heavily. But it soon stopped. B Though Though (però) è comune nell’inglese parlato, va in genere messo dopo la seconda idea che si esprime. We wanted to play tennis. It was raining though. C However However (comunque) viene usato normalmente in contesti piuttosto formali. Va all’inizio, a metà o alla fine della seconda frase. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. However, it isn’t the capital. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. It isn’t the capital however. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. It isn’t, however, the capital. Si può anche usare nevertheless (nondimeno) in maniera simile. It rained every day on holiday. Nevertheless, we had a good time. D Yet Yet (tuttavia) si usa di norma in contesti piuttosto formali. Pone l’enfasi su qualcosa che è sorprendente o inaspettato. Va inserito tra le idee che pone in contrasto. He’s a teacher, yet he drives a Ferrari. E Whereas Whereas (mentre) è usato normalmente in contesti piuttosto formali. Pone in contrasto idee senza contraddirle. Va messo all’inizio della frase o tra le idee che pone a contrasto. I have flexible working hours, whereas most people work 9 to 5. Si può usare while (anche) in modo simile. While most people work 9 to 5, I have flexible working hours. F Despite, although ecc. Si usa despite (malgrado, a dispetto di, nonostante), in spite of (malgrado, a dispetto di, nonostante), although (benché) e even though (anche se) all’inizio della frase oppure tra le idee che pongono in contrasto. i Si usa despite/in spite of con -ing oppure con un nome. Despite being injured, Smith won the bronze medal. They played tennis in spite of the rain. ii Si usano although/even though con soggetto + verbo. They played tennis even though it was raining.

372 Unità 165

1 Completa le frasi in due modi diversi per esprimere contrasto. Usa but o though e le espressioni del riquadro. I can’t go. I couldn’t find them. I’m not very good. I’ve never won anything. 0 I looked everywhere for your keys. But I couldn’t find them. I looked everywhere for your keys. I couldn’t find them though. 1 I love playing the guitar. I love playing the guitar. 2 I buy a lotto ticket every week. I buy a lotto ticket every week. 3 Petra’s having a party on Friday. Petra’s having a party on Friday.

2 Completa le informazioni usando le parole in corsivo e i suggerimenti del riquadro. Nine out of ten people hit at 20mph will survive. It uses 25% of the world’s electricity. It won only one. In most other European countries it’s coffee. This afternoon there will be some rain. 0 1 2 3 4

The USA has 5% of the world’s population. HOwever, it uses 25% of the world’s electricity. however Tea is the most popular drink in the UK, whereas The film was nominated for six Oscars, yet This morning will be warm and sunny. however Nine out of ten people hit by a car at 40mph will die, whereas

3 Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando despite o even though. 0 It was a tiring game, and even though Jones played well, he finally lost 3–6, 7–5, 6–4. 1

winning a jackpot of €25m, Mrs Evans says she will be back at work in her local supermarket on Monday morning.


it measured 8.9 on the Richter Scale, the earthquake did very little damage to buildings.

3 In the 2005 Champions League final, Liverpool beat AC Milan, being 3–0 down at half-time.

4 The concert was sold out,

the high prices.

4 Leggi i risultati dell’inchiesta su alcune differenze tra uomini e donne e completali con however, yet, whereas o despite. 0 Teenage boys generally have a lot of friends, whereas teenage girls have fewer, but closer friends. 1 Fewer teenagers are starting to smoke nowadays. , the number of teenage girls starting to smoke is increasing. 2 girls generally talk more than boys when they are young, by their teenage years there is no significant difference. 3 making fewer motor insurance claims than men, women have three times as many minor collisions. 4 As many teenage girls as boys own a computer, teenage boys spend twice as much time surfing the internet. American men eat about 300. 5 American women eat around 100 burgers a year, 6 The average weight of a man’s brain is 1kg. A woman’s brain, , weighs only 0.7kg on average. Unità 165 373



Coesione: finalità, causa e conseguenza We left early so we wouldn’t miss the train. It was raining, so we couldn’t go out.

Per esprimere finalità, cause e conseguenze si possono usare numerose parole ed espressioni. Tra le più comuni troviamo:

A Modi per esprimere finalità i Infinito e in order to Per esprimere finalità si può usare l’infinito. In contesti più formali, si può usare in order to (per/in modo da/al fine di). I’m going to the shop to get some bread. We left early in order to miss the rush-hour. Vedi unità 85 per altri modi di usare l’infinito per esprimere finalità.

ii For For (a/per) si usa con un nome. Si può usare la costruzione for + -ing per dire a cosa serve qualcosa. I’m going to the shop for some bread. You use a corkscrew for opening a bottle of wine. Nota che for + -ing non si usa per parlare di un’azione specifica. Non si usa nemmeno for + infinito. I’m going to the shop for getting some bread. I’m going to the shop for get some bread. I’m going to the shop for to get some bread. iii So (that) Si può usare so (così) oppure so that (in modo che/così che). Take your mobile so I can phone you. Use the sat nav so that you don’t get lost. iv In case Si usa in case (in caso) per parlare di possibilità. Take the sat nav in case you get lost.

B Modi per esprimere cause i Because (of ), as/since Because (perché) è il modo più comune per esprimere il motivo per cui fare qualcosa. Si usa because of + nome. Si può usare anche as (poiché, siccome) e since (poiché, siccome, dal momento che). We went inside because it started raining. We went inside because of the rain. ii Due to, owing to, as a result of Due to (a causa di), owing to (a motivo di) e as a result of (in conseguenza di) sono usati di norma solo in contesti più formali. Due to the weather, all fights have been cancelled.

C Modi per esprimere le conseguenze i So Si può usare so (così) per esprimere conseguenze. Nota che le frasi sono separate da una virgola. It started raining, so we went inside. Nota che non si usa so that per esprimere conseguenza. It was late, so we went to bed. Non It was late, so that we went to bed. ii Therefore, consequently, as a result/ consequence Therefore (perciò), consequently (quindi), as a result (pertanto) e as a consequence (di conseguenza) sono generalmente usati in contesti più formali. The pitch is icy. Therefore, the game is cancelled. He failed two exams and as a result he was not accepted at university. iii In that case e then Si usa in that case (in tal caso) e then (allora) in contesti più informali e nel parlato. In that case può essere messo all’inizio o alla fine della frase, mentre then va di solito alla fine. The train is delayed. ~ In that case, let’s go for a coffee. Isn’t there any milk? I’ll get some then.

374 Unità 166

1 Completa le frasi usando to, for, so (that), in case o because e i suggerimenti del riquadro. he can join a band get some milk check my emails a coffee I missed the bus you don’t get cold it rains 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

He’s going to the supermarket to get some milk. He’s learning the guitar We’re going to Luigi’s Café Can I use your computer I was late . Take a warm coat Take an umbrella

. . ? . .

2 Completa le battute di B usando i suggerimenti del riquadro e le parole in corsivo. I’ll see you the day after I’ll have tea you want to borrow some, do you? we’ll have to walk we had to stop playing we’re going for a pizza 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Who won the tennis? It started raining, so we had to stop playing. There’s no coffee.

so then

Where are you going? We’re hungry, We’ve missed the last bus.

so in that case

I’m not in school tomorrow. OK. I’ve got no money.

then so

3 Completa i brani usando le parole dei riquadri.

KEY MOMENTS in order to owing to so

As a single mother in the mid-1990s, JK Rowling couldn’t afford to heat her home, 0 so she used to go to a nearby café 1 keep warm. It was here that she started to write her first Harry Potter book and 2 the huge success of the Harry Potter series, she is now one of the richest women in the world. as a result so that therefore

Bill Gates didn’t enjoy studying law at Harvard. He 3 decided to quit university 4 he could devote all his time to his software company. 5 , he went on to become a billionaire by the time he was 30. because consequently as a result of

In 1988, Ben Johnson won the Olympic 100m gold medal. A failed drug test, however, showed that he had achieved his world record time not 6 super-human effort, but 7 8 he had been taking anabolic steroids. , he lost the gold medal and was banned from taking part in athletics competitions for life.

Unità 166 375


167 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 163–166) Coesione (1)

Sequenza Completa il testo scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

MAN TURNS PAPER CLIP INTO HOUSE In 2005, Canadian Kyle MacDonald set up a website and o offered e e a red paperclip to be exchanged for something bigger and better. 0 Then / After / A Afterwards l for a house. exactly one year and 14 exchanges he had traded the paperclip 1 At first / First / Firstly, on 14th July 2005, he exchanged the paperclip for a fish-shaped pen. He 2 after / after that / then exchanged the pen for a doorknob. 3 Next / After / Afterwards, came a camping stove and 4 after / afterwards / while four further exchanges, he had a snowmobile. 5 When / After / After that, his exchanges got more substantial, and included a van, an afternoon with rock star Alice Cooper and a role in a Hollywood movie. 6 Finally / In the end / After, he traded the movie role for a house in the town of Kipling in Saskatchewan province, Canada. ‘7 First / At first / Firstly, I thought it was impossible,’ MacDonald said, ‘But as time went on, I began to think it was actually possible, especially 8 while / afterwards / after all the media interest. It was a lot of effort, but 9 after / then / in the end it was worth it.’ 10

Before / Beforehand / At first he began his red paperclip mission, MacDonald delivered pizzas for a living. But 11 after / afterwards / next, he for a short time became a minor celebrity and best-selling author of the book One Red Paperclip.


Addizione Riscrivi le parole in corsivo nello spazio corretto. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B

Are you going to the beach this afternoon? – – Yes. Larissa’s coming as well . as well Are you going to the cinema tonight? Yes. And we’re going for a pizza . too It’s going to be cold this weekend. think it’s going to snow . as well Yes. I I’ll email the party photos to Simona. OK. Can you email them to Joanna? also You’re having tiramisu ice cream ? as well as Yes. I’m hungry! Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, French and Italian. And I can speak a little German . too How much were the tickets? €25. But there is a €5 booking fee. also I understand you are not happy with the service. No, we’re not. We waited over an hour for our food, it was cold when it finally arrived and it wasn’t what we ordered . moreover 8 A How was your flight? B Terrible. It was delayed by 2 hours, the food was disgusting and they lost our luggage . on top of that

376 Unità 167: Revisione e potenziamento


Contrasto Completa le frasi su alcuni personaggi famosi usando le parole del riquadro. despite even though however whereas yet yet

s c i r t n e c c e s Famou

0 John Paul Getty was a multi-billionaire and one of the richest men in the world, yet he always asked visitors to use a pay-phone in his entrance hall. 1 Albert Einstein couldn’t read or write until he was eight years old


went on to become the greatest scientist of the 20th century. 2 In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel. He turned it down, . 3 Rock star David Bowie created some of the most colourful personas in popular music being colourblind since a childhood accident.



American businessman HL Hunt had a $700 million fortune, he regularly used to steal his secretary’s lunch.


most musicians want to become rich and famous, Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain hated this invasion of his privacy and he committed suicide aged 29.

Finalità, causa e conseguenza Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 I’m going to the shop to get some milk. for I’m going to the shop for some milk. 1 We abandoned the picnic because it started raining. so It started raining the picnic. 2 Take your phone because I might need to phone you. in case phone you. Take your phone 3 Sam went through a red light and failed his driving test. because Sam failed his driving test a red light. 4 Give me your email address and then I can send you the photos. so Give me your email address you the photos. 5 The game was cancelled because of the bad weather. due the bad weather. The game 6 Because he was late for his interview, he didn’t get the job. result He was late for his interview and get the job. 7 Fog caused the flight to be delayed. because The flight was fog. 8 We took a map because we didn’t want to get lost. so We took a map lost. Unità 167: Revisione e potenziamento 377


Coesione: varie forme Leggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio.





The light bulb Contrary to Edison was able I popular belief, to start various Thomas Edison didn’t electric companies. 6 actually invent the light bulb. the companies were all very He did, 0 B , improve upon an existing idea. successful, 7 in 1889, 8 competition In the late 1800s, electric lighting was not from other companies, they were combined new, 1 up to that time the light lasted only to form ‘Edison General Electric’. 9 a few minutes. It was 2 dangerous. 3 , the use of ‘Edison’ in the company in 1879 Edison produced a light bulb which title, he never controlled this company and burned for over ten hours. 4 in 1892, ‘Edison’ was dropped from the , Edison’s name. The company became simply General invention was safe enough for use in the Electric, which today remains one of the home. 5 biggest companies in the world. the success of his electric light, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T



whereas despite as well Although As well Owing to First but because Even though


however even though as well as Despite Too Because Firstly however so Despite


but whereas too Whereas In addition For At first next due to Though


Coesione: varie forme Traduci le frasi. 0 Ero stanco, così sono andato a letto. I was tired, so I went to bed. 1 Per prima cosa abbiamo matematica, poi biologia, dopodiché inglese. 2 All’inizio il libro non mi piaceva, ma alla fine l’ho adorato. 3 Suona sia la chitarra che il pianoforte. 4 Parlo spagnolo e anche un po’ di francese. 5 Andammo a fare una passeggiata nonostante la pioggia. 6 Andammo a fare una passeggiata nonostante stesse piovendo. 7 Era una giornata piacevole, così andammo in spiaggia. 8 Sto facendo i compiti ora, così posso uscire più tardi.

378 Unità 167: Revisione e potenziamento

even though but also However As well as So that Then afterwards in order to Whereas


Grammatica e lessico: parole di sequenza (preparazione del cibo) Le figure 0–8 mostrano le diverse fasi di realizzazione di un primo piatto. Abbina le figure ai verbi del riquadro. add beat boil cut fry grate mix pour slice











Grammatica e lessico: parole di sequenza (preparazione del cibo) Completa la ricetta scegliendo l’alternativa corretta.

How to make tortilla 0

At first / First , 1 beat / cut the potatoes into small pieces and 2 pour / boil them for

about fifteen minutes. 3 While / Then the potatoes are boiling, 4 beat / slice the onion, pepper and mushrooms and 5 boil / fry them in olive oil. 6 Next / After, 7 beat / grate the eggs in a bowl and 8 then / after add the boiled potatoes, onion, pepper, mushrooms and herbs. 9 Mix / Pour the ingredients together. 10 While / Next, 11 cut / grate some cheese into the mixture. 12 After that / After, 13 pour / slice the mixture into a frying pan and cook for about ten minutes. The tortilla is 14 after / then ready to serve.

Unità 167: Revisione e potenziamento 379



Espressioni ellittiche e sostituzione I didn’t go out because I didn’t want to. Is it going to rain? ~ I think so.

Per evitare di ripetere alcune parole è possibile anche ometterle o sostituirle con altre parole.

A Ellissi L’ellissi avviene quando si omettono alcune parole. È molto comune con i verbi, i nomi e i pronomi. È spesso usata con connettivi come and, but e because. I enjoyed it, but Andy didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t go out because I didn’t want to go out. I haven’t got a car, but my brother has got a car. I can’t ski, but my sister can ski. I’ve got 30 euros and Erin’s got 15 euros. The apples look nice. Shall we buy some apples? She came to the party, but she left the party after ten minutes. B Sostituzione Si ha sostituzione quando si sostituiscono delle parole con un’altra parola o parole. Si usa una forma di do, so oppure one/ones. i È possibile sostituire un’espressione verbale con una forma di do. I don’t like opera, but my parents do. (do = like opera) I didn’t pass the exam. Ben did though. (did = passed the exam) ii So si usa per sostiture un’espressione verbale dopo verbi come think (pensare), expect (aspettarsi), suppose (supporre) e hope (sperare). Are you going to the party? ~ I hope so. (so = I’m going to the party.) Is the train delayed? ~ I don’t think so. (so = the train is delayed.)

Nota che la forma negativa di hope è hope not non I don’t hope so. Nota inoltre che non si dice I hope yes. I think yes. I think no. ecc. Si può inoltre usare so dopo una forma di do. Questo avviene per lo più in contesti piuttosto formali e solo per azioni volontarie o deliberate. In contesti più informali, si usa it. He said he’d email me, but he hasn’t done so yet. He said he’d email me, but he hasn’t done it yet. iii Si può usare one o ones per sostituire i nomi numerabili quando ci si riferisce a ‘uno fra tanti’. I’m going to get a coffee. Would you like one? (one = a coffee) Can you pass me my shoes? The black ones. (ones = shoes) Nota che si usa some o any per i nomi non numerabili. She offered me some coffee, but I didn’t want any. (any = coffee) There’s no milk. I’ll get some. (some = milk) I pronomi (she, it, his, them, mine, those ecc.) si usano per sostituire i nomi quando ci si riferisce a qualcosa di specifico. I saw Jenny. She was in the bank. (she = Jenny) I’ve lost my shoes. Have you seen them? (them = my shoes) Vedi unità 122 per altri usi dei pronomi e unità 124 per altri usi di one/ones.

1 Quali parole sono state omesse nella seconda parte di queste frasi? 0 I want to go out tonight, but I can’t. go out tonight. 1 I’ve never been to the USA, but I’d like to. 2 My brother’s got a scooter, but I haven’t. 3 Simone came to school this morning and then went home. 4 My friends went to the beach yesterday, but I didn’t. 5 I’d love to come to the cinema with you, but I can’t. 6 This one’s ten euros and that one’s eight. 7 I’m going to get a new mobile, but not yet. 8 He saw me but didn’t speak to me. 380 Unità 168

2 Quali parole sono state sostituite dalla parte in corsivo in queste frasi? 0 I don’t like rap, but my boyfriend does. likes rap 1 I didn’t have an exam, but all my friends did. 2 Most of my friends don’t like school, but I do. 3 I once ate a vegetarian burger, but I’ll never do so again. 4 Have you tidied your room? ~ I’ll do it later. 5 Are we late? ~ I don’t think so. 6 Is Anna here? ~ I hope so. 3 Completa le frasi con one o ones. 0 1 2 3 4 5

I haven’t got a laptop. Have you got one ? I can afford. I need a new camera, but I haven’t seen I’ve lost my sunglasses! I’ll have to buy some new . I need a pen. Have you got ? . Can you pass me my gloves? They’re the red I’m going to get a scooter. Have you got ?

4 Riscrivi le frasi in corsivo in modo da renderle più naturali. Usa le parole dei riquadri.

For a healthy life, get a dog (but not a cat) doing so do not them they those who do not A study has shown that people who own dogs are healthier than 0 people who do not own dogs those who do not . Research has shown that people who keep dogs as pets generally have lower blood pressure than people who 1 do not keep dogs as pets . 2 People who keep dogs as pets also suffer from fewer medical problems in general. ‘People with dogs generally take 3 their dogs for a walk at least once a day, and the benefits of 4 taking their dog for a walk once a day in terms of increased physical activity, are obvious,’ says Dr Anna Wells of Prince’s University.

do it one they The study showed that cat owners, on the other hand, do not enjoy the health and social benefits that dog owners 9 enjoy . ‘Cat owners are more likely to be less active and less healthy in general,’ says Dr Wells. ‘10 Cat owners tend to spend a lot more time sitting around at home, reading or watching TV. My advice is, if you haven’t already got a dog, then get 11 a dog . And if you’ve got a cat, start taking 12 your cat for walks.’

didn’t those walking without The study also revealed that dog owners regularly make new social contacts thanks to conversations started when 5 they are walking their dogs. In the study, participants went for walks in parks: sometimes with a dog and sometimes 6 without a dog . The participants who had a dog with them had on average 20% more social interaction than 7participants who 8 didn’t have a dog with them .

Unità 168 381



Risposte brevi (ad affermazioni) Are you? Oh, did they? So am I. So has Harry. Neither did we.

A Are you?, Did they? ecc. i Si può rispondere alle affermazioni con una domanda breve come Are you?, Did they? per indicare che si è interessati a ciò che le persone dicono e aiutarle ad andare avanti con la conversazione. I saw Tim at the weekend. ~ Did you? How is he? Tracy’s lost her ID card. ~ Oh, has she? Has she reported it? ii Si usa be o un verbo ausiliare + pronome. Per il present e il past simple, si usa l’ausiliare do. I’m exhausted. ~ Are you? Dave’s playing tennis. ~ Is he? I love opera. ~ Do you? Maria didn’t pass her exam. ~ Didn’t she? I’ve bought a new computer. ~ Have you? iii L’intonazione è molto importante. L’intonazione si alza (la voce sale) sul pronome e si dovrebbe avere un tono amichevole. Se l’intonazione diventa troppo forte, si può dare l’impressione di essere sorpresi, increduli e/o che si metta in dubbio ciò che dice il parlante. I’m tired. ~ Are you?

B So am I, neither did I ecc. i Si può rispondere alle affermazioni con so am I, neither did I ecc. per mostrare che si è d’accordo con l’affermazione. I love skiing. ~ So do I. I’m having karate lessons. ~ So is Tom. I don’t like spicy food. ~ Neither do I. ii Si usa so/neither + be o verbo ausiliare + soggetto. Si usa so per esprimere accordo su un’affermazione. I’m tired. ~ So am I. We had pizza for lunch. ~ So did we. Si usa neither per esprimere accordo su una negazione. I’m not hungry. ~ Neither am I. I’ve never been to Rome. ~ Neither have I. Si può usare nor al posto di neither. I don’t like it. ~ Nor do I. iii Si possono usare me too ecc. e me neither ecc. al posto di so do I/neither do I. Ma ciò avviene più frequentemente nelle conversazioni informali. I went swimming this morning. ~ Me too. I haven’t finished my homework.~ Me neither. iv Per esprimere disaccordo si può usare soggetto + be o verbo ausiliare. I’m cold. ~ I’m not. I love Chinese food. ~ I don’t. I’m not hungry. ~ I am. I don’t like rap music. ~ I do. Vedi unità 73 per le risposte brevi alle domande yes/no.

382 Unità 169

1 Completa i dialoghi con le risposte brevi: Are you?, Did they? ecc. 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

I’m tired.

Are you? I’ve got a new computer.

You should go to bed. ? What make is it?

It’s raining. ? Never mind. We’ll go out later, shall we? I’m sorry, Dave’s not here. ? I’ll catch him later then. There’s a message for you by the phone. ? Can you tell me what it says? I didn’t go out last night after all. ? What did you do then? I saw Billy last night. ? How is he? We’re going to Thailand this year. ? Whereabouts? The film was rubbish. ? That’s a shame. It had a good review.

2 Completa i dialoghi. Nel primo caso usa So o Neither per esprimere consenso, nel secondo caso usa be o un altro ausiliare per esprimere dissenso. 0 Alice Ben Chris 1 Anna Bobby Colin 2 Alfie Brian Carlo 3 Amy Brad Clive 4 Arthur Bella Carrie 5 Allie Ben Charles 6 Agnes Bruce Chad

I don’t like reality TV.

Neither do I. I do. I’m hungry.

It’s so boring these days. It’s brilliant. . Why don’t we go for a pizza? . I’ve just had lunch.

I’ve never been to Ireland. . But I’d really like to one day. . I went to Dublin two years ago. I’d love to go to India. . I really want to visit the Taj Mahal. . Everyone gets ill as soon as they arrive. I never drink coffee. . It gives me a headache. . About six or seven cups a day! I didn’t watch TV last night. . There was nothing on worth watching. . There was a great documentary about the Olympics. I need to finish my assignment tonight. . I can’t do it at any other time. . The teacher gave me an extra week to finish it.

3 Scrivi risposte vere per te usando So do I, Neither am I, I am, I don’t ecc. 0 I’m not going out tonight. Neither am I. 1 I’m a student. 2 I watched TV last night. 3 I’ve never been to Japan. 4 I don’t play a musical instrument. 5 I can speak English. Unità 169 383



Coesione: pronomi, avverbi e riferimento lessicale I saw Sarah today. She was in the supermarket. Jim James has died. The actor was 85.

i Sia nel parlato che nello scritto si ha spesso necessità di riferirsi a ciò che è già stato specificato. Per evitare di ripetere la stessa parola, si usano di norma i pronomi (he, it, them, one, these ecc.) e gli avverbi. I saw Jim this morning. He was in the supermarket. The party was great. There were about a hundred people there. I’ll be back home at 6.30. Call me then. ii In contesti formali, di norma nella scrittura e in testi lunghi, si possono anche usare sinonimi ed altre parole correlate per evitare la ripetizione della stessa parola. Google is the world’s most popular search engine. The company was set up in 1998. We were attacked by a shark. The creature swam into our boat three times. iii Si possono anche usare pronomi e sinonimi se ci si riferisce a qualcosa che non è ancora stato specificato. Si usano più spesso nello scritto, come ad esempio nei resoconti di notiziari e nella scrittura creativa. Then I saw something. It was moving towards us. I suddenly realized this creature was a snake. Vedi unità 122 per altri usi dei pronomi e unità 124 per altri usi di one/ones.

1 Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando dei sinonimi per la parola o le parole in neretto scegliendo tra quelle del riquadro. the animal the band the clubs the creature the officers the 2000-year-old amphitheatre the work of art the newly-elected Prime Minister 0

A Picasso painting has been stolen from the Musee D’Orsay in Paris. The work of art is valued at €50 million.


Fifty policemen have been injured during a demonstration. were trying to prevent protesters from entering Trafalgar Square.


This year’s Champions League final will be between Liverpool and AC Milan. have met before on six occasions.


Rome’s most popular tourist destination is the Coliseum. has about four million visitors each year.


The Beatles have once again been voted the greatest band of all time by readers of Music received almost double the International magazine. votes of The Rolling Stones, who were in second place.


was last A tiger has escaped from Chicago Zoo. seen strolling through a shopping centre. The public has been warned not to approach .


In his first speech to the nation, the fight against poverty was the number one priority.

384 Unità 170

declared that

2 Completa le frasi usando un pronome o un avverbio adatto che si riferisce alla parole in corsivo. 0 Harriet and Joe are going to be late. They missed the bus. 1 I’ve been at the gym. I saw Leo . . 2 My lesson finishes at 10.30. Call me 3 I saw Harriet this morning. was talking to Hugo. 4 We went to that new café yesterday. was great. at 6.30. 5 Let’s meet at your house. I’ll see you 6 I can’t find my mobile. Have you seen ? 7 Have you got Mike’s email address? I need to send some photos. . 8 I don’t remember 1999. I wasn’t even born 9 You want your coat? Which is ? ’s the blue . 10 Can you pass me my bag? 3 Leggi il testo sui codici di sicurezza. A che cosa si riferiscono le parole in neretto?

How secure is your password?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


passwords memories forgetting your password computer users passwords internet security experts a word your computer password computer users your computer


problems passwords basing passwords on familiar things computer hackers computer users computer users your personal information the word rule you and your friends passwords

Unità 170 385



Coesione: connessioni tra frasi Actually, I’m Canadian. In a word, it was great. Anyway, what was I saying?

A Uso Sia nel parlato sia nello scritto spesso si usa una parola o un’espressione per collegarsi alla frase precedente. Esistono molti modi per farlo, ma tra i più comuni vi sono: i Per contraddire It’s not expensive. Actually/On the contrary, it’s quite cheap. Non è costoso. In effetti/Al contrario, è abbastanza economico. I’m not French. I’m Swiss actually. Non sono francese. Sono svizzero, in realtà. Si usa on the contrary quando è vero l’opposto di quanto diciamo e si usa actually per dire che qualcosa è diverso da quanto è stato detto, ma non è necessariamente vero l’opposto. On the contrary va all’inizio della frase e actually può andare o all’inizio o alla fine. ii Per sostenere un’affermazione Let’s walk to the station. After all, it’s a lovely day. iii Per mettere in primo piano e sintetizzare Do I enjoy studying? Basically/In a word/In general/On the whole/All in all, yes. iv Per dare enfasi a ciò che si pensa davvero We’re visiting my cousins this afternoon. To be honest, I don’t want to go. v Per cambiare il soggetto I’ve got my driving test next week. By the way, did Samantha pass her driving test? The music at the party was great. ~ Talking of music, have you heard the new Monkeys album?

B Anyway Anyway (comunque, tuttavia, ad ogni modo) è spesso usato nella conversazione e ha diversi usi: i Per tornare all’argomento principale Anyway, what were you saying about Harry? Tuttavia, che cosa dicevi di Harry? ii Per sostenere qualcosa che si è detto in precedenza I’m too tired to go out. Anyway, there’s a good film on TV. Sono troppo stanco per uscire. Comunque, c’è un bel film alla TV. iii Per indicare che si vuole terminare una conversazione Anyway, I must go. It's very late. Ad ogni modo, devo andare. È molto tardi.

C Well i Si usa di norma well (beh, bene) in conversazione, per indicare che si sta considerando, o si è considerato, qualcosa attentamente. You want to have a party? Well, why not. Vuoi fare una festa? Bene, perché no? Well, that was a disaster! Beh, quello è stato un disastro! ii Inoltre, lo si usa per correggere o per cambiare qualcosa che si è detto. There were thousands of people. Well, hundreds anyway. Vedi anche unità 164 (addizione), unità 165 (contrasto) e unità 166 (finalità, causa e conseguenza).

386 Unità 171

1 Completa le frasi scegliendo l’alternativa corretta. 0 Pete said I got 80% in the exam.. Actually / After all, it was 60%! To be honest / On the contrary, I thought I’d failed. 1 I’d better invite Kevin to the party. Actually / After all, he did invite me to his party. Talking of / By the way, if you see Nina, can you invite her too? 2 Are you coming with us at the weekend? After all / Basically, we’re going to meet up at my house at about 9.30 and go straight to the beach. Actually / On the contrary, we can pick you up on the way if you like, say about 10. 3 You wanted to know about my trip to Madrid. In a word / After all, it was brilliant! Actually / By the way, did you see Diana while I was away? 4 Oh, by the way / on the whole, I saw a brilliant film last night – No Way Out. It’s quite old, but really excellent. And talking of / by the way films, have you still got the DVD I lent you last month? 5 I saw Tony driving a new car the other day. All in all / Well, it looked like a new car. By the way / To be honest, I think he might have just cleaned his old car!

2 Completa i dialoghi usando le parole dei riquadri. after all anyway well well A Mum, can I buy that new Mario game? B 0 Well , it’s a lot of money. 1 A Please, Mum. Everyone’s got it. B 2 , OK then. 3

, you had a new game only last week. , it’s your money, I suppose.

anyway basically talking of A Have you heard the news about Tony? Tony, he asked me to give you this DVD. B Oh, 4 A Oh, thanks. It’s a film he recorded for me. B 5 , what news? , he’s going to be kicked out of school! He was caught cheating in the exam yesterday. A 6

by the way in a word well A How was your holiday? B 7 , terrible. It rained every single day. A 8 , England in April – what do you expect? 9 , are you going away this year? B True.

in a word to be honest well A How’s your new job? Are you enjoying it? B 10 , no. A Oh dear, why’s that? , I spend all day putting bits of paper in files and making coffee for my boss. B 11 12 , I may as well be working in a café!

actually anyway basically well A I hear Jane failed her exam. I’m not surprised – she never did make much effort. B That’s not fair. 13 , she worked really hard. A 14 , how come she failed then? B 15 , the exam was incredibly difficult. A lot of people failed it. 16 you’re not exactly Einstein yourself!


Unità 171 387


172 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 168–171) Coesione (2)

Costruzioni ellittiche Elimina le parole superflue in modo che le frasi siano più naturali. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I went out last night, but Roberto didn’t go out last night. I’m taking the IELTS exam, but Ester isn’t taking the IELTS exam. My parents both speak French, but I don’t speak French. I haven’t got Sam’s email address, but I think Dora has got Sam’s email address. I didn’t go swimming because I didn’t want to go swimming. I can’t speak Italian, but my brother can speak Italian. I want to go out tonight, but I can’t go out tonight because I’m too busy. My mum’s got three brothers and sisters and my dad’s got four brothers and sisters. I saw Catalina and I saw Angela at the supermarket this morning.


Costruzioni ellittiche Cancella le parole che possono essere omesse in queste risposte. 0 Bianca Are you going to the meeting? Charles I’m possibly going to the meeting. I’m not sure. 1 Clara How are you? John I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? 2 Gisella When are you going to Bari? Andrea We’re going to Bari on Friday. 3 Tom Are you going out tonight? Suzy I’m possibly going out tonight. I’ll call you. 4 Linda Where are you going? Beppe I’m going to the shops. I’m going to the shops to get some bread.


Sostituzione Sostituisci alcune parole nelle risposte con una forma di do, so o one(s) per renderle più naturali. 0 Davide Tessa 1 Alan James 2 Sam Sandy 3 Fabio Tina 4 Agata Rosa 5 Joe Rico 6 Juan Nico 7 Tom Sue 8 Ali Max

Do you like rock music, Not really, but my boyfriend likes rock music does . I’m going to get a new computer. ? What’s the matter with your old computer Are you going on holiday this year? Not sure, but I hope we’re going on holiday this year Did you speak to Gianni last night? No, but I think Carlo spoke to Gianni . Is the exam at 9 o’clock? Yes, I think the exam is at 9 o’clock . Do you like these sunglasses? . I prefer the silver sunglasses Do you speak Spanish? No, but I think Magdalena speaks Spanish . Does Sam speak Italian? No, but I speak Italian . Did anyone turn off the oven? Yes, I turned off the oven .

388 Unità 172: Revisione e potenziamento



Risposte brevi Scegli l’alternativa corretta. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’ve got a new phone. Sara’s bought a scooter. I can’t go to Jim’s party. It’s going to rain later. I’m not hungry. I haven’t had lunch yet. I passed the exam! I didn’t enjoy the film. I never drink coffee.

a a a a a a a a a

Have you?? Has it? Can you? Does it? So am I. Have you? Me too. Did you? Do you?

b b b b b b b b b

Has it? Has she? Me too. Is it? Are you? So have I. So am I. Didn’t you? Neither do I.

c c c c c c c c c

Did you? Is she? Can’t you? So do I. Aren’t you? Neither have I. Did it? So did I. So do I.


Risposte brevi Scrivi delle risposte brevi vere per te usando So do I, Neither am I, I do, I can’t ecc. 0 I don’t like football. I do. 1 I watched TV last night. 2 I can play the piano. 3 I’ve never been to China. 4 I can’t speak German. 5 I was born in Rome. 6 I love Italian food. 7 I haven’t passed my driving test yet. 8 I’m planning to go to university.


Riferimento e coesione lessicale Completa le frasi con il pronome o l’avverbio corretto che si riferisca alle parole in neretto. 0 I saw Federico a few minutes ago. He was with Allegra. 1 We went to the park this morning. I saw Andrea and Belinda . 2 I can’t find my mobile. Have you seen ? 3 Do you know Brunella’s mobile number? I need to call . 4 Let’s meet outside Café Coco. I’ll see you at 2.30. 5 I’ll be busy until about 7.30. I’ll phone you . 6 I don’t know what the party was like. I wasn’t . 7 There are some sunglasses here. Whose are ? 8 Which is Gemma’s scooter? Is the red over there?


Connessioni tra frasi Scrivi delle risposte usando actually e le parole del riquadro. can’t stand it Canadian failed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Italian stayed at home thought it was boring not invited

Is he American? Are you going to Dino’s party? Did you enjoy the film last night? Great music, isn’t it! Did Lola pass her driving test? Did you go out last night? Are you Spanish?

B No, he’s Canadian actually. B B B B B B

Unità 172: Revisione e potenziamento 389


Riferimento e coesione lessicale Che cosa stanno chiedendo queste persone? Scrivi le domande usando is/are e i suggerimenti del riquadro. this one / mine that / him these / them this / it this / it this / yours

I can't find my coat.

0 Is this it?


I can't find my keys.


I've lost my pen.





5 This is mine.


Have you met Tom, yet?

2 No. T



Coesione: varie forme Traduci le frasi, le domande e i dialoghi. 0 È questo il tuo cappotto o è quello là?

Is this your coat or is it that one? 1 Mi piace questa camicia, ma non mi piace quella là. 2 Non ho il mio cellulare, ma ce l’ha Simona. 3 Pioverà più tardi? ~ Spero di no. 4 Andrea andrà alla festa? ~ Penso di sì. 5 Qual è la tua borsa? Questa o quella? 6 Non mi piace il rugby, ma al mio ragazzo sì. 7 A proposito, hai visto Carlo di recente? 8 Silvia era a scuola questa mattina? ~ Penso di no.

390 Unità 172: Revisione e potenziamento

10 Collegamenti fra frasi Leggi i dialoghi e scegli l’alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. Alex Chris

How was your interview? 0 B , OK, I think.

Kim Laura

Come on, let’s go for a walk. Oh, I really don’t want to. And 1

Sarah Bruce

Where are you from – Australia? I’m from New Zealand, 2 .

Maria Nic

It’s my sister’s birthday today. Oh, say happy birthday to her. And 3 birthdays, do you know it’s Paola’s 16th next week?

Jane Kate Jane

What do you think of Ernesto’s new haircut? 4 , I think it looks terrible. . Do you? I quite like it, 5

Helena Martha

How was the exam? 6 , I’m not too sure, 7 . There were a few questions that I couldn’t answer, but 8 I think I did OK. I’m sure you did fine. Oh, 9 , we’re all going out for a pizza after the exams next Friday. Do you fancy it? I’d love to, thanks. Oh, I can’t, 10 . I’m going to my grandparents for the weekend.

Helena Martha 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


After all by the way anyway to be honest By the way actually By the way to be honest all in all on the whole actually


All in all anyway basically talking of Anyway anyway Well anyway after all to be honest on the contrary

, it’s started raining.


By the way all in all on the contrary in a word To be honest in a word Anyway by the way anyway after all on the whole


Anyway on the contrary actually by the way On the contrary after all Talking of after all well by the way by the way

Unità 172: Revisione e potenziamento 391



Accrescere l’enfasi It’s really good. I didn’t like it at all. It was great from start to finish.

Si può dare enfasi a parole ed espressioni in vari modi. Qui di seguito sono elencati gli esempi più comuni.

A Accrescere l’enfasi dei nomi Si può accrescere l’enfasi dei nomi usando alcuni aggettivi. Per esempio: The meeting was a total disaster. It was a complete waste of money. The whole day was fantastic. We got to the very top of the mountain Si può usare very anche per accrescere l’enfasi di espressioni estreme come the very top, the very first, the very end. B Accrescere l’enfasi con aggettivi i Si può accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi per mezzo di alcuni avverbi. Per esempio: The film was really good. The view was just amazing. The exam was so difficult. I’m a hundred percent certain. This pasta is absolutely delicious. I was dead lucky to get a ticket. (Nota che l’uso di dead in questo modo è molto informale.) ii Si può accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi comparativi usando much, a lot, far e even. Rugby is much more exciting than football. It’s far cheaper to go by bus. The party was even better than I’d imagined. iii Si può accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi superlativi usando single, by far, simply e easily. That was the single best day of my life. He’s by far the richest person in Italy. He is simply the best player in the world. She’s easily the best teacher.

C Accrescere l’enfasi di verbi ed espressioni verbali Si può accrescere l’enfasi di verbi ed espressioni verbali usando alcuni avverbi. Per esempio: I really like it. Mi piace davvero. I just couldn’t believe it. Non riuscivo proprio a crederci. She didn’t even say thank you! Non ha neanche ringraziato! D Accrescere l’enfasi in generale Si può in generale accrescere l’enfasi di ciò che si dice usando alcune espressioni. Per esempio: We didn’t see anyone at all. Non abbiamo visto assolutamente nessuno. The whole day was fantastic from start to finish. Tutta la giornata è stata fantastica dall’inizio alla fine. It’s without doubt the best option. È senza dubbio la scelta migliore. E Accrescere l’enfasi con do/did i Si può usare il verbo ausiliare do o did per conferire enfasi.Questo avviene soprattutto quando si confronta, si contraddice o si esprimono fatti o eventi inaspettati. The weather was bad, but we did have a good time. I do agree with you, believe me. I did enjoy that lesson. ii Per i verbi che hanno già un ausiliare, si può conferire enfasi sottolineando l’ausiliare. It’s difficult, but I am trying. Vedi anche unità 142 (accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi con/senza gradazione), unità 147 (accrescere l’enfasi di aggettivi comparativi) e unità 153 (avverbi rafforzativi).

392 Unità 173

1 Completa i commenti ai titoli di giornale usando What a/an … e le espressioni del riquadro. absolute disgrace complete waste of money dreadful mistake terrible disaster total idiot unbelievable escape 0

30,000 homeless after hurricane What a terrible disaster!




Man survives fall from aeroplane after landing in snow


Man jumps into lion enclosure at zoo


Politician stole €1 million from government



2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo da includere le parole in corsivo nella posizione corretta. Usa le parole in corsivo nell’ordine in cui sono date. 0 The pasta was delicious. Better than last time. absolutely, even

The pasta was absolutely delicious. Even better than last time. 1 I couldn’t believe my eyes. The view was incredible. just, simply 2 I’m confident we’ll win the tournament. a hundred percent, whole 3 We were in a rush. We didn’t have time to say goodbye. total, even 4 The film was fantastic. Especially the scene at the end, which was stunning. really, very, just 5 The beach was quiet. We didn’t see anyone for hours. so, at all 6 The holiday was great. It was the best holiday I’ve had. whole, just, from start to finish, by far, ever

3 Riscrivi le frasi usando la forma adatta di do per dare maggiore enfasi a quanto viene detto. 0 I enjoyed that pizza. I did enjoy that pizza. 1 This is the life! I love lying on the beach. 2 What are you wearing? You look silly! 3 David talks a lot, doesn’t he? 4 It rained, but we had a good time. 5 Sara wants to go out, but she’s too tired. 6 I wish I could play the piano. Unità 173 393



Frasi scisse It was Sarah who told me. What we need is a coffee. The main problem is the cost.

A Uso Una frase scissa inizia con un’espressione particolare che focalizza l’attenzione sull’informazione importante. Paragona le frasi seguenti: Frase scissa It wasn’t me who broke the window. Non sono stato io a rompere la finestra. What I need is a holiday. Ciò di cui ho bisogno è una vacanza. The problem is money. Il problema sono i soldi.

Frase non scissa I didn’t break the window. Non ho rotto la finestra. I need a holiday. Ho bisogno di una vacanza. Money is the problem. I soldi sono il problema.

B Forma Le principali forme delle frasi scisse sono: i It is/was … that/who/when/where … It’s the colour that I don’t like. È il colore che non mi piace. It was Paola who phoned, not Marta. È stata Paola che ha telefonato, non Marta. Is it Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives? È Buckingham Palace dove vive la Regina? ii What … is/was … What I don’t like is the colour. Ciò che non mi piace è il colore. What surprised me was how cheap it was. Ciò che mi sorprese fu quanto fosse economico. iii The thing/place/person ecc. … is/was … The thing I don’t like is the colour. La cosa che non mi piace è il colore. The person you need to speak to is Mr Williams. La persona con cui devi parlare è Mr Williams. iv Frase nominale + is/was … The problem is the colour. Il problema è il colore. The key issue is how much it’s going to cost. Il problema principale è quanto costerà. 1 Riscrivi le risposte. Inizia con le parole date. 0 A Did John tell you? B No, Vince told me. No, it was Vince who told me. 1 A Do you know what’s wrong with the computer? B The software’s causing the problems. It’s 2 A Work, work, work and more work! B We need a holiday. What we 3 A I can’t stand all the reality TV shows. B Yes. I can’t understand why they are so popular. Yes. The thing I 4 A What’s your motto for life? B Being happy is the most important thing. The most

394 Unità 174





5 A How’s school? B School’s OK. I don’t like getting up in the mornings. School’s OK. It’s 6 A It’s an amazing thing, the internet. B Yes. I just don’t understand how it works. Yes. What I 7 A Is there anyone who can help me? B You should speak to Jim. The person you 8 A Abramovich is worth tens of billions of dollars. B Yes. I’d like to know how he got so rich. Yes. The thing I’d





2 Che cosa stanno dicendo queste persone? Inizia le domande con Is/Was it e le risposte con No, it is/was … . Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro. 2001 Spain Da Vinci John Lennon Johnny Depp the Queen 0 Paul McCartney / wrote 'Imagine' A Was it Paul McCartney who wrote ‘Imagine’? B No, it was John Lennon. 1 Donatello / painted the Gioconda A B 2 Brad Pitt / starred in 'Pirates of the Caribbean' A B 3 The Prime Minister / lives in Buckingham Palace A B 4 2005 / the Twin Towers were attacked A B 5 Italy / won Euro 2008 A B

3 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. Puoi usare i suggerimenti del riquadro o altri a tua scelta. the food the history the politics the culture the landscape the weather my computer my photo album my mobile do exams do homework get up early have no money have lots of friends learn new things have fun 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

What I love about the UK is the history. What I love about Italy is One thing I don’t like about Italy is What I like about being a student is What I don’t like about being a student is My most treasured possession is A country I’d really like to visit is

. . . . . .

Unità 174 395



It ‘supplementare’ It’s good to talk. It takes twenty minutes to get there. I love it when it’s sunny.

A Uso e forma Si usa it per evitare di usare un’espressione lunga o complessa come soggetto di una frase. L’informazione si inserisce poi più avanti nella frase. Guarda questi esempi: It’s a shame that you have to leave. È un peccato che tu debba partire. It doesn’t matter if you’re a little late. Non importa se sei un po’ in ritardo. Alcune espressioni utili e piuttosto comuni in cui it è usato in questo modo sono: i It + frase verbale It doesn’t matter if you fail the exam. Non importa se non passi l’esame. It makes sense to go by taxi. Ha senso andare in taxi. It makes no difference who comes with us. Non fa differenza chi viene con noi. It annoys me when people do that. Mi infastidisce quando le persone fanno questo. ii It’s/It was + nome o aggettivo + that o infinito

It’s/It was

a miracle a shame/pity my fault no wonder (un)likely (not) true/clear/obvious important good (not) surprising

that …

It’s a miracle that they survived the crash. It was my fault that we got lost. It's obvious that we've missed the train.

It’s/It was

a good idea a mistake a (good) opportunity a pleasure a shame/pity time crazy/stupid difficult/hard (not) easy essential good illegal/against the law important (un)likely (im)possible silly too late/early better/cheaper/quicker

It was a pleasure to meet you. It’s time to go. It will be good to see you. It’s important to do your best.

B I like it when … Si può usare it come oggetto. Ciò avviene normalmente con verbi che esprimono un atteggiamento, come like, love, don’t mind, hate. I love it when it’s sunny. I hate it when people drop litter. C It’s five o’clock, It’s ten kilometres, It’s raining Si usa it in molte espressioni di uso comune quando si parla del tempo cronologico, date, distanza e del tempo atmosferico. What time is it? ~ It’s three o’clock. How far is it to Genova? ~ It’s about thirty kilometres. How long does it take to get to the station? ~ It takes about half an hour. Is it snowing? ~ No, it isn’t. But it’s very cold. 396 Unità 175

to …

1 Completa le frasi usando le parole dei riquadri. it’s a mistake it makes no difference it’s obvious it’s a shame it’s not surprising 0 It’s a shame 1 2 3 4

that you can’t come to the party. You’ll be missed! you’re hungry. You haven’t eaten since breakfast! to think you can pass your exams without working hard. that your mobile is ‘uncool’. You’re not getting a new one. that James likes you. He never stops texting you!

it annoys me it doesn’t matter it’s easy it’s important it’s my fault 5 6 7 8

the car won’t start. I left the lights on all night. when restaurants allow people to smoke at the tables. to learn English if you make the effort. if you fail an exam, but to do your best.

2 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te usando I … it when e i verbi del riquadro. like don’t like don’t mind hate love 0 I hate it when 1 2 3 4 5 6

it’s cold and windy. it snows. it’s really hot. I have to get up early. there’s a lot of sport on TV. we have exams. we get a lot of homework.

3 Usa le parole date per scrivere le domande. Poi dai risposte vere usando it. 0 what day? What day is it? ~ It’s Wednesday. Is it the fifteenth today? 0 the fifteenth today? ~ No, it’s the sixteenth. 1 what time? ~ 2 Thursday today? ~ 3 raining? ~ 4 how far / to the nearest beach? ~ 5 how long / take to get there? ~ 4 Leggi gli appunti e scrivi delle frasi usando It … to go by … e le parole in corsivo.

To airport Bus: €12, journey time 2 hours, station 15 minutes walk from terminal Taxi: €35, journey time 30 minutes, direct to terminal 0 It’s €35 to go by taxi. 1 2 3 4 5 6

€35 cheaper takes 2 hours much quicker more convenient more difficult makes sense Unità 175 397



Anticipazione Here comes the train. Suddenly, it started to snow. Down the street they ran.

A Uso In inglese la frase inizia in genere con il soggetto (We, Harry, The film ecc.). L’anticipazione (fronting) avviene quando si inizia la frase con qualcosa di diverso dal soggetto. Di norma si usa per focalizzare o per porre l’enfasi sull’informazione. B Anticipazione con avverbi e locuzioni avverbiali i Il modo più comune di usare l’anticipazione consiste nel mettere un’espressione avverbiale all’inizio della frase o dell’espressione. On the whole, I agree with you. Usually, the computer works fine. Luckily, no-one was injured. ii Una struttura di anticipazione molto comune nel parlato consiste nell’iniziare la frase con here, there, first, then, next, now. I verbi che più comunemente si usano con questa struttura sono be, come e go. Here’s the taxi. Here comes the rain. There goes the train. Now comes the difficult part. Nota che, quando si usa questa struttura, il verbo si mette prima del soggetto. Here comes the rain. Non Here the rain comes. Comunque, non si inverte la posizione di soggetto e verbo se il soggetto è un pronome. Here it comes. Non Here comes it. iii In contesti formali, per esempio in descrizioni letterarie, si può usare l’anticipazione per creare un effetto drammatico. Down came the rain. Gone are the long summer evenings. In the corner was a small door. Nota che, come sopra, il verbo si mette prima del soggetto. In the corner was a small door. Non In the corner a small door was. Ma, come sopra, non si inverte la posizione di soggetto e verbo se il soggetto è un pronome. Through the door we went. Non Through the door went we.

C Anticipazione con un complemento A volte si può mettere il complemento all’inizio della frase o dell’espressione. Questo si fa spesso con verbi come be, think, imagine, believe e con l’esclamazione What (a) … ecc. The party’s on Friday I think. His name’s Boris I believe. What a mess they made!

398 Unità 176

1 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa Here e comes o There e goes. the bus the rain the taxi the train he she 0






0 Here comes the taxi. 1 2 3

4 A Where’s Rover? B the next field. 5 A Where’s Karen? B Ah, look.

– into

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Inizia con le parole date. 0 The beach was now deserted. The crowds of holidaymakers were gone. The beach was now deserted. Gone were the crowds of holidaymakers. 1 The president stepped onto the podium to make his speech. Onto to make his speech. 2 The children ran out of the classroom. ‘Hooray, the exams are over,’ they shouted. Out . ‘Hooray, the exams are over,’ they shouted. 3 The referee gave a penalty. Harris stepped up to make the score 2–2. to make The referee gave a penalty. Up the score 2–2. 4 I had two more exams. Biology was next and geography came after that. I had two more exams. Next and after that . 5 Nadal was leading 6–3, 4–2 when the rain came down and play was abandoned. Nadal was leading 6–3, 4–2 when down and play was abandoned. 6 I took my seat on the aeroplane. An old lady was sitting next to me. She seemed nervous. I took my seat on the aeroplane. Sitting . She seemed nervous.

Unità 176 399



Inversione dopo not e forme avverbiali negative Not for one minute did I expect this. At no time did they leave the room.

A Uso In contesti piuttosto formali, specie nello scritto e nei discorsi ufficiali, la frase può iniziare con una locuzione avverbiale negativa o limitativa come Never …, Not only …, Only when … ecc. Questo serve per dare enfasi o per un effetto più drammatico. Confronta queste frasi: Inizio con locuzione avverbiale negativa o limitativa Never before have I been so in love. Not a word did he say to anyone. Not for a moment did I think he was lying.

Ordine delle parole ‘neutro’ I’ve never been so in love before. He didn’t say a word to anyone. I didn’t think for a moment that he was lying.

B Forma Quando si inizia una frase con not o con una locuzione avverbiale negativa o limitativa, il soggetto va dopo il verbo ausiliare. Nota che questa costruzione è la stessa delle frasi interrogative. Inizio con locuzione avverbiale negativa o limitativa Ordine delle parole ‘neutro’ Not for a minute did I realize the danger. I didn’t realize the danger for a minute. Never again will I make the same mistake. I won’t make the same mistake again. Ci sono diverse espressioni che si possono usare in questo modo. Tra le più comuni: i Not a … Not a sound did we hear for hours. ii Not until …, Not before …, Not for … Not until the gold medal was round her neck did she realize what she had achieved. Not for a minute, did I think he would leave. iii Not only … but … Not only is he rich, but he’s also extremely good-looking. iv Never …, Never before …, Never again … Never before have I seen such beauty. v No sooner … than … No sooner had we set off than the bus broke down. Eravamo appena partiti quando il bus ebbe un guasto. vi Under no circumstances …, On no account … On no account must this door be opened. In nessun caso questa porta deve essere aperta. vii At no time … At no time did I break my promises. viii Only when …, Only after …, Only if … Only when I saw her, did I realize how beautiful she was. Only if you have finished all your work, can you leave. Nota che con l’espressione Only by si usa la forma -ing del verbo. Only by cutting down on extra expenses, can our company avoid being in debt. ix Little …, Rarely …, Seldom …, Hardly ever … Little do they realize what is going to happen next. Rarely do we see a game as exciting as this year’s final.

400 Unità 177

1 Leggi queste notizie giornalistiche. Sottolinea le locuzioni avverbiali negative g e limitative e le inversioni soggetto-verbo. gg 0

Never before has there been a phenomenon like the Harry Potter series in the world of publishing.


Not only did Real Madrid win the league title, they also conceded only 12 goals all season.


The escaped prisoner is extremely dangerous and under no circumstances should he be approached by the public.


When he made his 99th appearance for his country, little did he know it


The temperature reached 30ºC on ten occasions. Never before has the UK experienced such weather.


Not only did Redgrave compete in five successive Olympic Games between 1984 and 2000, but he won the gold medal each time. Only once in a generation do you get such a talented individual.


100-metre champion Smith denies that he is a cheat and insists that at no time did he take performance-enhancing drugs.

would be his last.

2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le parole date. 0 They didn’t see a single person for hours. Not a single person did they see for hours. 1 ‘I will never again tell you my secrets,’ cried Mary. ‘Never again ,’ cried Mary. 2 James opened the exam paper and immediately began to panic. No sooner than he began to panic. 3 The old man only occasionally gets visitors. Only occasionally . 4 ‘I have never seen such a beautiful sight,’ said Alice. ,’ said Alice. ‘Never 5 ‘I shall forgive you only if you apologize immediately,’ said Anna. ‘Only if ,’ said Anna.

3 Completa queste famose citazioni usando le parole del riquadro. Never Not until Not only Only by Only if Rarely 0 Not until it is too late, does one recognize the really important moments in one’s life. (Agatha Christie, crime writer) 1 do I knock them out, but I pick the round. (Muhammed Ali, boxer) 2 you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. (Richard Nixon, US President) have I seen destruction, panic and fear on this massive scale. (Jo Bonner, 3 US politician, talking about Hurricane Katrina in 2005) 4 do great beauty and great virtue dwell together. (Petrarch, Italian poet) 5 taking great risks can great results be achieved. (Xerses, Persian King) Unità 177 401


178 1

Revisione e potenziamento (unità 173–177) Strutture per esprimere enfasi

Accrescere l’enfasi Riscrivi le parole in corsivo nella posizione corretta per esprimere enfasi. by far 0 A The Rolling Stones are the greatest band ever. by far Even B What? Better than The Beatles? even



1 A I’m certain that one day we’ll find life on Mars. a hundred percent B Rubbish! There’s no evidence. absolutely, at all 2 A MP3 players are cheaper than when they came out. so much, first B Yes, you can get them for a few euros these days. just 3 A The World Cup is the world’s biggest sporting event. easily B What? Bigger than the Olympics? even 4 A I’m going to Paris for the weekend. I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t been before. so B Well, it’s the most beautiful city in Europe. And if you go up the Eiffel Tower, make sure you go to the top. The view is amazing. by far, very, just 5 A I’ve just watched a clip of Usain Bolt in the Beijing Olympics 100m final. He flew down the track. just B Yes, it’s incredible. He dominated the race, and he wasn’t out of breath. They say it was the most amazing race. absolutely, totally, from start to finish, even, ever


It ‘supplementare’ Completa i dialoghi con una frase che contenga it e le espressioni dei riquadri. against the law getting dark a mistake not surprising takes 0 A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Can you smoke in public buildings? No. It’s against the law. How long is the journey? about three hours, usually. The notice says the exam is in room 2B. . It’s in room 3B. Carlo failed his driving test. . He only started driving three weeks ago. Can we stay a little longer? No, . We’d better go home.

402 Unità 178: Revisione e potenziamento

better doesn’t matter lovely a pleasure much quicker take 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B FCE 3

Do you want a blue or a black pen? . Either is OK. to go by bus or train? . to cook risotto?

Train, I’d say. How long About 40 minutes. Thanks for a great evening. Dinner was delicious. .

to see you.

Frasi scisse, anticipazione e inversione dopo not e forme avverbiali negative Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa la parola in corsivo e tra due e cinque parole. 0 I didn’t break the glass. me It wasn’t me who broke the glass. 1 I really like the colour. is What I the colour. 2 You need to see Professor Jones. person The is Professor Jones. 3 Look! Lucia and Anna are coming. here Look! and Anna. 4 Ah, good! The taxi has arrived. here Ah, good! taxi. 5 We had just set off when the car broke down. sooner No than the car broke down. 6 He’s rich as well as good-looking. only Not he’s also good-looking.



Strutture per esprimere enfasi Traduci le frasi. 0 Ciò di cui ho bisogno è una tazza di caffè.

What I need is a cup of coffee. 1 Non ero io che ti ha telefonato. 2 Ciò che amo di Roma è la sua storia. 3 È sempre importante fare del proprio meglio. 4 Dista circa due chilometri dalla mia casa. Ci vogliono circa venti minuti a piedi. 5 Adoro quando nevica. 6 Ecco l’autobus, giusto in orario. 7 Ecco che l’autobus se ne va. Dovremo camminare. 8 Eravamo appena arrivati in spiaggia che iniziò a piovere.

Unità 178: Revisione e potenziamento 403



Prefissi It’s impossible. I disagree with you. Who’s in the semi-final? It’s multicoloured.

Si aggiunge un prefisso ad una parola se si vuole aggiungere o cambiare significato alla parola stessa. Per esempio: usual (usuale) unusual (insolito) final (finale) semi-final (semifinale)

A Prefissi negativi Alcuni prefissi fanno assumere un significato negativo oppure opposto alla parola a cui vengono aggiunti. Non ci sono regole precise che indichino il prefisso negativo da usare con le diverse parole, quindi vanno studiati singolarmente. ununcomfortable unusual unzip ininvisible independent inexperienced il(per parole che in iniziano con l) illegal illogical im(per parole che iniziano con m e p) immature impossible ir(per parole che iniziano con r) irresponsible irregular disdishonest disagree disadvantage nonnon-stop non-alcoholic non-EU B Altri prefissi Ecco alcuni dei più comuni prefissi che si possono usare. antianticlockwise anti-war coco-operation co-pilot interinternational inter-departmental miniminibus mini-tournament mismiscalculate mistranslate multi- multicoloured multimillionaire overoverweight overlook postpost-war postgraduate preprearranged pre-school propro-nuclear pro-democracy rerenew replay semisemi-final semicircle super- super-rich supermarket under- underpaid underweight Nota che non esistono regole precise sull’uso del trattino o ‘hyphen’. Occorre osservare come vengono formate le parole ogni volta che si trovano e usare il dizionario. 1 Completa i titoli di giornale usando i prefissi dei riquadri. anti over multi semi 0

20% of teenagers are over




Teenage entrepreneur was


United reach

404 Unità 179




-millionaire by 16

over pre re super under mini 4 5 6

-rich? Only if you have $10 billion



7 8

bus crash

Six injured in school

-match fighting between fans delays kick-off

worked,’ claim nurses

paid and

2 Osserva le figure, poi completa le frasi usando i prefissi e le parole dei riquadri. mis pro re post 0

democracy war new translated 1



= ar hello

0 It’s mistranslated. 1 It’s about




PE EURO1950 – 5 4 9 1





Joe Hug

r 2009 Decembe Valid until


2 It’s a 3 You need to

demonstration. your membership.

3 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa i prefissi anti-, mis-, pre- o re-. 0 The software is already installed. The software is pre-installed. 1 You need to start the computer again. You need to the computer. 2 The games are already loaded. The games are . 3 You need some software to protect you against viruses. You need some software. 4 You need to install the program again. You need to the program. 5 I typed the email address incorrectly. I the email address.

4 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa il prefisso negativo corretto. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

It’s not comfortable. It’s uncomfortable. It isn’t alcoholic. She isn’t experienced. It’s not legal. It’s not usual. I don’t agree. It wasn’t expected.

7 8 9 10 11 12

It’s not possible. It never stops. He’s not honest. It’s not regular. They aren’t friendly. It’s not accurate. Unità 179 405



Suffissi He’s the guitarist. She’s very adventurous. It’s going to be legalized.

A Uso e forma I suffissi trasformano una parola in un’altra parte del discorso (per esempio nome aggettivo, verbo nome ecc.). Non esistono regole precise che dicano quali suffissi aggiungere alle parole, quindi la cosa migliore è imparare le parole una per una. Occorre a volte cambiare la fine di una parola quando si aggiunge un suffisso. Per esempio: happy happiness, intelligent intelligence. I suffissi più comuni sono elencati di seguito. B Suffissi per la formazione dei nomi -er/-or driver teacher actor director -ist guitarist journalist scientist -ant/-ent accountant attendant student -ian/-an Italian politician Republican -ee employee interviewee trainee -ess actress hostess lioness -ness happiness illness politeness -ment argument employment government -tion/-sion production decision discussion -ation/-ition invitation competition opposition -ence/-ance intelligence preference insurance -ty/-ity/-iety certainty community variety -ism terrorism vegetarianism C Suffissi per la formazione di aggettivi -able/-ible comfortable edible valuable -ive attractive informative protective -y angry hairy sunny -ish childish stylish -ous adventurous religious spacious -ly friendly lively -ic democratic romantic scientific -ful successful useful wonderful -less careless hopeless useless -al coastal criminal professional -ing amazing surprising tiring D Suffissi per la formazione di verbi -ise/-ize legalize standardize terrorize -en lengthen lighten widen -ify clarify glorify justify -ate anticipate complicate discriminate

Nota che il suffisso -less equivale a ‘senza’ che in italiano va prima del nome al quale si riferisce. This sentence is meaningless. Questa frase è senza significato.

Nota che le parole scritte in -ise e -ize sono generalmente accettabili, sebbene -ise sia più comune nel British English e -ize sia più comune nell’American English. Comunque, ricorda che alcune parole sono sempre scritte con -ise o con -ize (exercise, surprise, prize ecc.)

E Suffissi per la formazione di avverbi -ly/-ally slowly suddenly automatically Vedi unità 140 per dettagli sulla formazione di aggettivi che terminano in -ed e -ing. Vedi unità 143 per dettagli sulla formazione di aggettivi da nomi e verbi.

406 Unità 180

1 Chi sono queste persone? Completa le frasi aggiungendo un suffisso alle parole del riquadro. assist guitar interview present science sing

0 He’s a scientist .

1 She’s a shop

2 She’s a


3 She’s a TV

. He’s a


. He’s an


2 Completa le parole con il suffisso corretto. A How was the concert? B 0 Unbelievable ! The best gig I’ve ever been to. They played all my favourite songs and the band, especially the 1 drum , were 2 amaz . A B A B

Romeo forgot my birthday again – he’s 3 use ! Well, Brad gave me a dozen red roses for my birthday. Nice! Yes, he can be quite 4 roman at times.

A Two–nil down, one player sent off, ten minutes to go. It’s 5 hope B It’s not over yet. Anything’s possible. A B A B


The website’s good, very 6 inform , but it’s a bit complicated to navigate. 7 it. OK, I’ll simpl And I do like the background colour, but it’s a bit too dark. No problem. I can 8 light it.

is thinking of making some drugs legal. What do you think? A The 9 govern B Well, I know there’s been a lot of 10 discuss about it recently, but as far as I’m concerned no drugs should be 11 legal . Using drugs is stupid and 12 crim , end of story.

3 Completa le frasi con le parole del riquadro dopo aver aggiunto i suffissi corretti. happy ill terror decide / elect religion / discriminate style / space / comfort The US president says that terrorism is the world’s biggest threat. Hollywood star Cary Jones has died after a year-long . Money can buy , according to year-long study. A new law has been introduced to stop by employers. 4 Today is time for voters as day arrives. 5 The new solar-powered supercar is , … and costs $2 million! 0 1 2 3


Unità 180 407


Appendice 1 Regole ortografiche 1 Nomi plurali i La maggior parte dei nomi forma il plurale aggiungendo -s. book books car cars house houses student students ii I nomi che terminano in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch e -x, aggiungono -es. box boxes bus buses church churches dish dishes glass glasses iii Alcuni nomi che terminano in -o aggiungono -es. hero heroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes Ma la maggior parte dei nomi che terminano in -o aggiungono -s. kilo kilos photo photos piano pianos radio radios studio studios zoo zoos iv I nomi che terminano in -f e -fe sostituiscono -f o -fe con -ves. knife knives leaf leaves life lives v I nomi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ies. city cities country countries factory factories lorry lorries story stories Ma i nomi che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -s. chimney chimneys key keys monkey monkeys vi Alcuni nomi formano il plurale in modo del tutto irregolare. appendix appendices cactus cacti child children crisis crises deer deer fish fish (o fishes) foot feet goose geese man men mouse mice ox oxen person people series series sheep sheep species species tooth teeth woman women

410 Appendice

2 La ‘s’ della terza persona singolare del present simple i La terza persona singolare (he, she, it) della maggior parte dei verbi al present simple (forma affermativa) aggiunge -s. ask asks cost costs like likes see sees ii I verbi che terminano in -o, -ss, -sh, -ch e -x aggiungono -es. do does go goes miss misses mix mixes teach teaches wash washes iii I verbi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ies. carry carries fly flies study studies try tries Ma i verbi che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -s. play plays say says iv La terza persona singolare del present simple di have è has.

3 Il past simple -d/-ed i Il past simple della maggior parte dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo -ed. ask asked miss missed wash washed work worked ii I verbi regolari che terminano in -e aggiungono soltanto -d. arrive arrived continue continued save saved iii I verbi regolari che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ied. marry married study studied try tried Ma i verbi regolari che terminano in vocale + y aggiungono soltanto -ed. play played pray prayed iv Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -ed. Vedi sezione 6.

4 La forma -ing

6 Il raddoppio consonantico

i La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -ing. ask asking carry carrying play playing watch watching ii I verbi che terminano in -e eliminano la -e. arrive arriving continue continuing make making save saving Ma i verbi che terminano in -ee aggiungono -ing senza modifiche. agree agreeing see seeing iii I verbi che terminano in -ie sostituiscono -ie con -ying. die dying lie lying iv Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -ing. Vedi sezione 6.

5 Il comparativo e il superlativo degli aggettivi (-er e -est) i La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -er e -est. fast faster / fastest old older / oldest ii Gli aggettivi che terminano in -e aggiungono -r e -st. late later / latest nice nicer / nicest

i I nomi monosillabici che terminano per consonante + vocale + consonante raddoppiano la consonante prima di -ed, -ing, -er, -est, -y. big bigger get getting hot hottest plan planned stop stopped sun sunny Le uniche eccezioni sono w, x e y, che non si raddoppiano. fix fixed show showed stay stayed ii I nomi con più di una sillaba in genere raddoppiano la consonante solo quando la sillaba finale è accentata. begin beginning occur occurred prefer preferred Se l’accento non cade sull’ultima sillaba, non si raddoppia la consonante. happen happened offer offered open opened L’unica eccezione a questa regola è rappresentata dalla lettera l, che si raddoppia nell’inglese britannico. cancel cancelling travel travelled

iii Gli aggettivi che terminano in consonante + y sostituiscono la y con -ier e -iest. busy busier / busiest lucky luckier / luckiest iv Spesso si raddoppia la consonante finale prima di -er o -est. Vedi sezione 6.

Appendice 2 L’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e americano Nella maggior parte dei casi non ci sono differenze nell’ortografia dell’inglese britannico e americano. Ci sono tuttavia delle eccezioni, le principali sono elencate qui di seguito.

Inglese britannico -our behaviour colour favourite flavour harbour honour neighbour rumour

Inglese americano -or behavior color favorite flavor harbor honor neighbor rumor

Italiano comportamento colore preferito sapore, aroma porto onore vicino (di casa) voce, pettegolezzo Appendice 411

Inglese britannico -re centre fibre (kilo-/centi-/milli-)metre theatre

Inglese americano -er center fiber (kilo-/centi-/milli-)meter theater

Italiano centro fibra (chilo-/centi-/milli-)metro teatro

-ogue catalogue dialogue

-og catalog dialog

catalogo dialogo

-ce defence licence (nome) offence

-se defense license (nome) offense

difesa licenza, permesso offesa

aeroplane analyse cheque enrol grey jewellery lasagne manoeuvre programme pyjamas speciality storey tyre

airplane analyze check enroll gray jewelry lasagna maneuver program pajamas specialty story tire

aeroplano analizzare assegno iscrivere grigio gioielleria lasagne manovra programma pigiama specialità piano (di un edificio) pneumatico

-ise o -ize? In genere entrambe le ortografie sono accettate nell’inglese britannico, mentre nell’inglese americano di solito si utilizza -ize. Per esempio: Inglese britannico apologise o apologize generalise o generalize organise o organize recognise o recognize

Inglese americano apologize generalize organize recognize

Italiano scusarsi generalizzare organizzare riconoscere

Alcune parole hanno soltanto la versione in -ise sia nell’inglese britannico che nell’inglese americano, per esempio exercise, revise.

-ll o -l? In genere si usa -ll nell’inglese britannico e -l nell’inglese americano. Per esempio: Inglese britannico cancelled/cancellation dialled/dialling labelled/labelling travelled/travelling

412 Appendice

Inglese americano canceled/cancelation dialed/dialing labeled/labeling traveled/traveling

Italiano cancellato/cancellazione composto/comporre (di numero telefonico) etichettare/etichettatura viaggiato/viaggiante

Appendice 3 Forme contratte Nell’inglese parlato e nei testi scritti informali si usa spesso la forma contratta, come I’m, isn’t, he’ll ecc., specialmente dopo i pronomi personali soggetto. Nella forma scritta si usa un apostrofo (’) per indicare che una parte della parola è stata omessa. Le forme contratte più comuni sono: i Forme contratte dei verbi ausiliari Forma contratta ’m ’s ’re ’ve ’s ’ll ’d ’d

Forma completa am is are have has will had would

Esempio I’m Italian. I’m working. He’s British. It’s raining. You’re late. We’re learning English. I’ve got a new car. We’ve been to the park. She’s got long hair. He’s had dinner. I’ll see you tonight. We’ll arrive at 7.30. They’d already left when I arrived. I’d like to go. I’d prefer coffee.

Si usano alcune di queste forme: Dopo le parole interrogative Where’s my bag? (’s = is) What’s happened? (’s = has) When’s the exam? (’s = is) Who’ll be there? (’ll = will) Who’d like a drink? (’d = would)

Dopo that/there/here That’s a good idea. (’s = is) There’s a party tonight. (’s = is) There’ll be lots of food. (’ll = will) Here’s the bus. (’s = is)

Dopo i nomi The new school’s open. (’s = is) Jenny’s just got married. (’s = has)

ii Forme contratte del verbo ausiliare + not Forma contratta isn’t aren’t don’t doesn’t didn’t haven’t hasn’t hadn’t won’t wouldn’t can’t couldn’t shouldn’t mustn’t

Forma completa is not are not do not does not did not have not has not had not will not would not cannot could not should not must not

Esempio He isn’t here. It isn’t raining. You aren’t listening. They aren’t ready. I don’t like coffee. We don’t want to go. Sam doesn’t like football. It doesn’t work. I didn’t see you last night. They didn’t win. I haven’t got a car. They haven’t finished. She hasn’t got a pen. It’s hasn’t rained for days. I hadn’t finished lunch when you arrived. I won’t be late. She won’t help me. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. I can’t speak French. He can’t drive. I couldn’t find my keys this morning. You shouldn’t smoke. You mustn’t be late.

Notare che ci sono due forme contratte per is not e are not. He isn’t here. o He’s not here. = He is not here. We aren’t ready. o We’re not ready. = We are not ready. iii Let’s Si usa ’s al posto di us nell’espressione Let’s … . Let’s go for a pizza. Let’s watch TV.

Appendice 413

Appendice 4 Lettera maiuscola Qui di seguito sono elencate alcuni degli usi principali della lettera maiuscola in inglese. i Si usa la lettera maiuscola all’inizio di una frase. My brother lives in Rome. He’s a teacher. ii Il pronome soggetto I è sempre maiuscolo. David and I went to the cinema. iii Si usa la lettera maiuscola per i nomi di persona, di luoghi geografici, nazionalità, lingue, organizzazioni, compagnie, titoli di film e libri, riviste, quotidiani ecc. My name is Roberto. I live in Rome. I’m Italian. I speak Italian and English. My favourite team is Juventus. My sister works for the United Nations. My favourite film is The Lord of the Rings. I read Time magazine every week. iv Si usa la lettera maiuscola per i giorni della settimana, i mesi, le ricorrenze religiose e nazionali, i periodi storici. Today is Friday. My birthday is in April. I love Christmas. We’re studying the Middle Ages at school. v Si usa la lettera maiuscola per la maggior parte delle abbreviazioni. My sister works for the UN. I watch the BBC.

Appendice 5 Strutture verbali Alcuni verbi possono essere usati con o senza complemento oggetto: dipende dal significato che assume il verbo nel contesto della frase. i Verbo + -ing adore avoid begin (don’t) bother can’t face can’t help can’t imagine can’t resist can’t stand can’t stop consider continue delay deny describe detest dislike don’t mind dread enjoy fancy feel like finish hate involve keep (on) like look forward to love mention miss postpone/put off practise recommend regret remember resent risk spend time start stop/give up suggest try waste time I enjoy cooking. I don’t feel like going out. I spent two hours doing my work. ii

Verbo + complemento oggetto + -ing can’t stand dislike hate hear (can’t) imagine keep (don’t) like (don’t) mind notice remember risk see stop I can hear someone singing. I saw Jenny coming out of a shop.

iii Verbo + infinito agree aim appear arrange ask attempt begin can(’t) afford choose claim continue decide demand deserve expect fail forget hope intend learn (how) manage need offer pay plan prefer prepare pretend promise refuse regret remember seem start tend threaten try vote (can’t) wait want would like We expect to arrive at six-thirty. I offered to help them. I want to go.

414 Appendice

iv Verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito advise allow ask beg bribe cause challenge choose dare enable encourage expect force help inspire invite leave need order persuade remind teach (how) tell train trust urge want warn would like would prefer He encouraged me to take the exam. She wanted me to help her.

Appendice 6 Aggettivo e nome + infinito Qui di seguito sono elencati alcuni degli aggettivi e dei nomi più comuni che possono essere seguiti dall’infinito. i Aggettivo + infinito amazed anxious ashamed careful certain crazy delighted determined difficult disappointed easy essential fortunate glad good great happy important (im)possible (un)likely (un)lucky necessary normal pleased proud ready reluctant ridiculous sad safe shocked sorry surprised upset willing The camera is easy to use. It’s important to work hard. Are you willing to help? ii Nome + infinito chance decision desire idea mistake need opportunity time way I’ve got a chance to study in the USA. It’s time to go.

Appendice 415

Appendice 7 Verbi irregolari: Passato e participio passato forma base


participio passato

forma base


participio passato

be beat become begin bite blow break bring build burn buy

was/were beat became began bit blew broke brought built burnt bought

been beaten become begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt bought

learn leave lend let lose

learnt/learned left lent let lost

learnt/learned left lent let lost

make mean meet

made meant met

made meant met

pay put

paid put

paid put

catch choose come cost cut

caught chose came cost cut

caught chosen come cost cut

read ring run

read rang ran

read rung run

dig do draw dream drink drive

dug did drew dreamt/ dreamed drank drove

dug done drawn dreamt/ dreamed drunk driven




fall feel fight find fly forget forgive

fell felt fought found flew forgot forgave

fallen felt fought found flown forgotten forgiven

say see sell send shine show shut sing sit sleep smell speak spell spend stand steal sweep swim

said saw sold sent shone showed shut sang sat slept smelt/smelled spoke spelt/spelled spent stood stole swept swam

said seen sold sent shone shown/showed shut sung sat slept smelt/smelled spoken spelt/spelled spent stood stolen swept swum

get give go grow

got gave went grew

got given gone/been grown

have hear hide hit hold hurt

had heard hid hit held hurt

had heard hidden hit held hurt

take teach tear tell think throw

took taught tore told thought threw

taken taught torn told thought thrown




keep know

kept knew

kept known

wake wear win write

woke wore won wrote

woken worn won written

416 Appendice

PET vocabulary list Travel and transport accommodation (aero)plane (bi)cycle/bike abroad airline airport ambulance announcement arrive arrival at sea backpack bag baggage board boarding pass boat border brochure bus bus station bus stop by air by land by rail by road by sea cab cabin canal capital city car car alarm car park case catch change charter check in check out check-in coach confirm consul consulate crossing

alloggio aereo bicicletta, bici all’estero compagnia aerea aeroporto ambulanza annuncio arrivare arrivo in mare zaino borsa bagaglio imbarcarsi carta d’imbarco barca confine opuscolo autobus stazione degli autobus fermata dell’autobus via aerea via terra per ferrovia per strada per mare taxi cabina canale città capitale automobile allarme auto parcheggio valigia prendere cambiare charter fare il check-in saldare il conto check in corriera confermare console consolato passaggio pedonale/traversata

crossroads currency customs customs officer cycle cyclist deck (of ship) delay deliver depart departure destination direction document(s) dollar double room drive driving licence due duty-free embassy euro exchange rate facilities fare ferry flight fly foreign fuel gate guide guidebook guest guesthouse handlebars harbour helicopter hitchhike hotel hovercraft hydrofoil immigration inn interpret interpreter

incrocio valuta dogana guardia di finanza andare in bicicletta ciclista ponte (di nave) ritardo consegnare partire partenza destinazione direzione documento dollaro stanza doppia guidare patente di guida previsto franchigia, duty free ambasciata euro tasso di cambio attrezzature tariffa traghetto volo volare straniero carburante cancello guida guida turistica ospite pensione maniglie porto elicottero fare l’autostop hotel hovercraft aliscafo immigrazione locanda fare l’interprete, interpretare interprete PET vocabulary list 417

jet journey land lorry lost property luggage map motorbike motorcycle motorway nationality on board on business on holiday on foot on time operator overtake overnight parking space passenger passport path petrol petrol pump petrol station pilot platform railway reception reservation reserve return ride road sign roundabout route sail scooter seat belt (bus) service ship sightseeing signpost single room speed subway suitcase take off taxi taxi rank

418 PET vocabulary list

avigetto, jet viaggio atterrare camion oggetti smarriti bagagli carta geografica, mappa moto motocicletta autostrada nazionalità a bordo per affari in vacanza a piedi in orario operatore, centralinista sorpassare notturno parcheggio passeggero passaporto sentiero benzina pompa di benzina stazione di servizio pilota binario ferrovia reception (di hotel) prenotazione riservare ritorno corsa segnaletica stradale rotatoria percorso, itinerario salpare, navigare motorino cintura di sicurezza servizio (autobus) nave visita turistica cartello stradale stanza singola velocità metropolitana valigia decollare taxi posteggio per taxi

terminal tour tourist traffic traffic jam traffic lights train tram translate translation traveller’s cheque trip tunnel tyre/tire underground underground train unleaded vehicle visa visit visitor voyage waiting room windscreen

terminale visita, giro turistico turista traffico ingorgo stradale semaforo treno tram tradurre traduzione traveller’s cheque viaggio, gita tunnel, galleria pneumatico metropolitana treno della metropolitana senza piombo veicolo visto visitare visitatore, turista viaggio (per mare) sala d’aspetto parabrezza

Sport athlete athletics ball baseball basketball bat boxing champion changing room climbing coach competition court cycling dancing diving enter fishing fitness football game goal golf gym

atleta atletica palla baseball basket, pallacanestro mazza pugilato campione spogliatoio scalata allenatore gara campo ciclismo danza immersione partecipare a pesca forma fisica calcio, pallone gioco gol golf palestra

gymnastics high jump hit hockey horse-riding ice hockey jogging join in kick locker (room) long jump match motorcycling motor-racing net point(s) practice practise prize race race track racing racket reserve riding rugby running sail sailing score season shoot shooting shorts skiing squash stadium surfing swimming table-tennis take part team tennis track tracksuit trainer(s) train training volleyball water skiing

ginnastica salto in alto colpire hockey equitazione hockey su ghiaccio jogging, andare a correre iscriversi a dar calci a spogliatoio salto in lungo partita motociclismo corse automobilistiche rete punto esercizio fare esercizio premio gara pista da corsa corse racchetta riserva equitazione rugby corsa vela, praticare la vela vela punteggio stagione sparare tirassegno pantaloncini corti sci squash stadio surf nuoto ping pong partecipare a squadra tennis pista tuta da ginnastica scarpe da ginnastica allenarsi allenamento pallavolo sci aquatico

Hobbies and leisure barbecue camera camp campsite camping chess club collect collector collection computer cruise dancing doll drawing facilities fan fiction keep fit gallery guitar hire jogging join in keen on member membership model museum music opening hours painting picnic playing cards playground quiz sculpture sightseeing slide swings sunbathe tent

barbecue, grigliata macchina fotografica accamparsi, campeggio campeggio campeggiare scacchi circolo, club collezionare collezionista collezione computer crociera ballo bambola disegno attrezzature tifoso narrativa tenersi in forma galleria (d’arte) chitarra noleggiare jogging, andare a correre iscriversi a entusiasta di socio iscrizione modello museo musica orario d’apertura dipingere, dipinto picnic giocare a carte campo giochi quiz scultura visita turistica scivolo altalena prendere il sole tenda

Work and jobs (travel) agent actor actress air hostess

agente di viaggio attore attrice assistente di volo

PET vocabulary list 419

application apply architect army artist assistant athlete banker boss businessman businesswoman butcher cameraman candidate canteen captain career carpenter chef chemist clerk colleague comedian company conference consul consulate contract cook crew customs officer CV dancer dentist department designer detective diploma director disc jockey diver doctor employ employee employer employment engineer farmer film star fireman full time

420 PET vocabulary list

domanda fare domanda architetto esercito artista assistente atleta banchiere capo uomo d’affari donna d’affari macellaio operatore televisivo candidato mensa capitano carriera falegname chef, cuoco farmacista impiegato collega attore comico ditta, azienda conferenza console consolato contratto cuoco equipaggio guardia di finanza curriculum ballerino dentista dipartimento stilista investigatore diploma regista disc jockey tuffatore medico assumere impiegato datore di lavoro lavoro ingegnere, tecnico agricoltore star, divo vigile del fuoco a tempo pieno

factory farm greengrocer grocer guard hairdresser hard-working housewife housework instructor interpreter journalist judge laboratory labourer lawyer lecturer librarian manager mechanic model musician newsagent novelist nurse occupation office officer (e.g. prison/police) operator out of work owner part time pension pensioner photographer physician pilot poet policeman police officer policewoman politician porter postman presenter (e.g. TV/radio) president priest profession professional

fabbrica azienda agricola fruttivendolo droghiere guardia parrucchiere gran lavoratore casalinga lavori di casa istruttore interprete giornalista giudice laboratorio manovale avvocato docente universitario bibliotecario direttore meccanico modello musicista giornalaio romanziere infermiere occupazione ufficio agente operatore, centralinista disoccupato proprietario part time pensione pensionato fotografo medico pilota poeta poliziotto agente di polizia poliziotta politico facchino postino presentatore presidente prete professione professionale

professor (computer) programmer publisher quit qualification reporter retire retirement sailor salary sales assistant salesman saleswoman scientist secretary security guard servant shop assistant shopkeeper soldier staff steward(ess) taxi driver teacher trade tradesman unemployed wage(s) waiter/waitress workman

professore programmatore editore, casa editrice lasciare, andarsene qualifica cronista andare in pensione pensione marinaio stipendio commesso rappresentante rappresentante scienziato segretaria guardia giurata domestico commesso negoziante soldato personale steward tassista insegnante commerciare commerciante disoccupato salario cameriere operaio

Food and drink apple bake banana barbecue bean biscuit bitter boil bowl bread breakfast buffet butter cabbage cake can (of beans) candy

mela cuocere al forno banana barbecue, arrostire sul barbecue fagiolo biscotto amaro bollire scodella pane colazione buffet burro cavolo torta scatola (di fagioli) caramella

canteen carrot cauliflower celery cereal cheese chicken chips chocolate chopsticks cocoa coconut cod coffee coke cook cookie corn cream cucumber cup curry dessert diet dinner dish drink duck eat egg fish flour fork French fries fresh fruit fruit juice fry frying pan glass grape grill ham honey hot (be) hungry ice cream ingredients jam jug juice knife

mensa carota cavolfiore sedano cereali formaggio pollo patatine fritte cioccolato bastoncini cinesi cacao noce di cocco merluzzo caffè Coca cucinare biscotto mais panna cetriolo tazza curry dessert dieta cena piatto bere anatra mangiare uovo pesce farina forchetta patatine fritte fresco frutta succo di frutta friggere padella per friggere bicchiere uva griglia, cuocere alla griglia prosciutto miele caldo (avere) fame gelato ingredienti marmellata brocca succo coltello PET vocabulary list 421

lamb lemon lemonade lettuce loaf lunch meat melon menu microwave milk mineral water mushroom mustard oil omelette onion orange pan pasta pastry pea peanut pear pepper pie pizza plaice plate potato raisin recipe refreshments rice roast roll salad salt sandwich saucer sausage slice snack soft drink soup sour spinach spoon steak strawberry sugar


PET vocabulary list

agnello limone limonata lattuga pane, pagnotta pranzo carne melone menu forno a microonde latte acqua minerale fungo senape olio frittata, omelette cipolla arancia padella pasta pasta sfoglia pisello nocciolina pera peperone torta pizza platessa piatto patata uvetta ricetta rinfreschi, ristoro riso arrostire, arrosto panino insalata sale tramezzino piattino salsiccia fetta snack bevanda analcolica zuppa amaro spinaci cucchiaio bistecca fragola zucchero

supper sweet tart taste tea (be) thirsty toast tomato turkey vanilla vegetable vegetarian

cena dolce crostata assaggiare tè (avere) sete pane tostato pomodoro tacchino vaniglia verdura vegetariano

Clothes and accessories backpack belt blouse boot bra button cap cloth (rain) coat collar cotton dress dry cleaning earring fashion fasten fit fold glasses glove go with handbag handkerchief hat jacket jeans jewellery knit laundry leather lipstick make-up match material old-fashioned pants

zaino cintura camicetta stivale reggiseno bottone berretto tessuto, stoffa impermeabile colletto cotone vestito da donna lavatura a secco orecchino moda allacciare andare bene piegare occhiali guanto andare/stare bene con borsa fazzoletto cappello giacca jeans bigiotteria, gioielli lavorare a maglia bucato di pelle rossetto trucco abbinare materiale fuori moda mutande

pattern perfume plastic pocket pullover put on pyjamas raincoat shirt shoe shorts silk size skirt sleeve sleeveless socks stockings suit sweater sweatshirt swimming costume swimsuit T-shirt take off tie tights tracksuit trainers trousers try on umbrella underwear uniform wear (out) wool(len)

disegno, motivo profumo plastica tasca pullover indossare, mettere pigiama impermeabile camicia scarpa pantaloncini corti seta taglia gonna manica senza manica calzini calze, collant vestito da uomo maglione felpa costume da bagno costume da bagno maglietta togliere cravatta collant tuta da ginnastica scarpe da ginnastica pantaloni provare ombrello biancheria intima divisa consumare lana, di lana

House and home accommodation address air-conditioning alarm (fire/car) alarm clock antique apartment armchair balcony basement basin bath

alloggio indirizzo aria condizionata allarme (incendio, auto) sveglia pezzo d’antiquariato appartamento poltrona terrazzo seminterrato lavabo (vasca da) bagno

bathroom bed bedroom bell bin blanket blind block (of flats) (notice) board bookshelf brick brush bucket bulb candle carpet cassette player ceiling cellar central heating chair channel (with TV) chest of drawers chimney cloakroom clock coal computer cooker corkscrew corridor cottage cupboard curtain cushion desk digital dining room dish dishwasher door downstairs drawer dustbin duvet DVD electric/al entrance fan fence flat

bagno letto camera da letto campanello cestino coperta tenda avvolgibile palazzo tabellone scaffale mattone spazzola secchio lampadina candela moquette mangiacassette soffitto scantinato, cantina riscaldamento sedia canale cassettone camino bagno, guardaroba orologio (da muro) carbone computer fornello cavatappi corridoio casetta credenza tenda cuscino scrivania digitale sala da pranzo piatto lavastoviglie porta al piano di sotto cassetto bidone dell’immondizia piumone DVD elettrico entrata ventilatore recinto appartamento PET vocabulary list 423

flatmate floor freezer fridge frying-pan furnished furniture garage garden gas gate grill ground (floor) hall handle heat hedge hi-fi house housewife housework iron jug kettle kitchen ladder lamp landlady landlord laptop (computer) laundry lavatory lawn lift light (clothes) line living-room lock lounge microwave mirror mug neighbour oil oven pan path pillow pipe plant 424 PET vocabulary list

coinquilino pavimento congelatore frigorifero padella per friggere ammobigliato mobili garage giardino gas cancello grill (piano) terra ingresso maniglia riscaldare siepe impianto hi-fi casa casalinga lavori di casa ferro da stiro caraffa bollitore cucina scala (attrezzo) lampada padrona di casa padrone di casa portatile (computer) bucato gabinetto prato ascensore luce filo (per stendere la biancheria) salotto serratura salotto microonde specchio tazza vicino di casa olio forno padella sentiero cuscino tubo pianta

plug plug in property radio refrigerator rent roof room roommate rubbish seat sheet shelf shower sink sitting room sofa stairs step switch table table cloth tap telephone television toilet tool towel tower toy TV (screen/set) upstairs vase video video recorder videotape wall wash-basin washing machine wastepaper basket WC window

spina inserire la spina proprietà radio frigorifero affitto tetto stanza compagno di stanza spazzatura sedia lenzuolo scaffale doccia lavandino salotto divano scale gradino interruttore tavolo tovaglia rubinetto telefono televisore gabinetto attrezzo asciugamano torre giocattolo (schermo) televisore al piano di sopra vaso video videoregistratore videocassetta parete lavandino lavatrice cestino gabinetto finestra

The natural world animal autumn beach bird branch bush

animale autunno spiaggia uccello ramo cespuglio, boscaglia

cave cliff climate coal coast continent countryside desert dolphin duck earth elephant environment farmland field fish flood flower forest freeze giraffe hill lake land leaf lion monkey moon mountain mouse/mice nature planet plant pollution rabbit rainforest range river rock sand scenery shark sky soil spring star stone summer sun sunlight sunrise

grotta scogliera clima carbone costa continente campagna deserto delfino anatra terra elefante ambiente terra agricola campo pesce alluvione fiore foresta gelare giraffa collina lago terra foglia leone scimmia luna montagna topo/topi natura pianeta pianta inquinamento coniglio foresta equatoriale catena fiume roccia sabbia paesaggio squalo cielo terreno primavera stella pietra estate sole luce del sole alba

sunset sunshine tiger tree valley waterfall waves wild wildlife winter zebra

tramonto (luce del) sole tigre albero valle cascata onde selvatico animali selvatici inverno zebra

Weather blow centigrade cloud cloudy cold cool degrees dry fog foggy forecast frost gale get wet heat hot ice icy lightning mild rain shower snow snowfall storm sun sunny sunshine temperature thermometer thunder thunderstorm wet wind windy

soffiare centigrado nuvola nuvoloso freddo fresco gradi secco nebbia nebbioso previsione gelata bufera bagnarsi calore caldo ghiaccio ghiacciato, gelato lampo, fulmine mite pioggia acquazzone neve nevicata temporale sole soleggiato (luce del) sole temperatura termometro tuono temporale piovoso vento ventoso

PET vocabulary list 425

Entertainment and media act action actor actress ad(vert) advertisement adventure admission article audience ballet band book camera cartoon cassette (player) CD (player) CD-Rom channel cinema circus classical music comedy comedian comic commercial concert costume dance disc disco display documentary drama DVD (player) entrance exhibition exit festival film filmmaker film star folk music hero hit song interview interviewer interval jazz music magazine 426 PET vocabulary list

recitare azione attore attrice pubblicità pubblicità avventura ingresso articolo spettatori balletto gruppo musicale libro macchina fotografica cartone animato registratore (lettore) CD CD-Rom canale cinema circo musica classica commedia attore comico fumetto pubblicità, spot concerto costume ballo disco discoteca mostra documentario opera teatrale (lettore) DVD ingresso mostra uscita festival film produttore cinematografico divo musica popolare eroe single di successo intervistare intervistatore intervallo musica jazz rivista

magic music news newspaper opera orchestra performance play poem pop music programme quiz recording review rock music romantic row scene screen series stage star studio television thriller venue video

magico musica notizia giornale opera orchestra rappresentazione opera teatrale poesia musica pop programma quiz registrazione recensione musica rock romantico fila scena schermo serie palco stella studio televisore giallo (romanzo, film) luogo video

Education absent advanced arithmetic art bell biology blackboard board break(time) break up certificate chemistry class classroom college composition corridor course curriculum degree desk

assente avanzato aritmetica arte campanella biologia lavagna bacheca intervallo iniziare le vacanze certificato chimica classe, anno aula, classe istituto parauniversitario tema corridoio corso programma di studi laurea scrivania

dictionary diploma drama economics educate elementary essay geography history handwriting homework intermediate IT laboratory languages lesson mark mathematics math(s) music nature studies notice board photography physics primary school qualification qualify register science secondary school state school subject study technology

vocabolario diploma teatro (materia scolastica) economia educare elementare tema geografia storia calligrafia compito per casa intermedio informatica laboratorio lingue lezione correggere matematica matematica musica scienze naturali bacheca fotografia fisica scuola elementare qualifica ottenere la qualifica registro, appello scienze scuola media/superiore scuola statale materia studiare tecnologia

earache emergency feel better feel ill feel sick fever flu get better get worse go jogging gym gymnastics headache hospital hurt injure keep fit medicine operate operation pill recover run sore throat stomach ache stress swim tablet take exercise temperature walk wound

mal d’orecchi emergenza sentirsi meglio sentirsi male avere la nausea febbre influenza migliorare peggiorare andare a fare jogging palestra ginnastica mal di testa ospedale far male ferire mantenersi in forma medicina operare operazione pillola riprendersi correre mal di gola mal di stomaco stress nuotare pastiglia fare esercizio fisico temperatura, febbre camminare ferita

Colours Health, medicine and exercise accident ache ambulance appointment aspirin balance bandage bend break clean cut damage diet dressing

incidente dolore, fare male ambulanza appuntamento aspirina equilibrio benda piegare rompere pulire tagliare danneggiare dieta fasciatura

(dark/light) black blue brown gold green grey orange pink purple red silver yellow

(scuro/chiaro) nero blu, azzurro marrone oro verde grigio arancione rosa viola rosso argento giallo

PET vocabulary list 427

Places: town and city airport bridge bus station bus stop car park city centre corner crossing crossroads fountain market park pavement petrol station playground road roundabout route shopping centre signpost square station subway taxi rank tunnel turning underground zoo

aeroporto ponte stazione degli autobus fermata dell’autobus parcheggio centro (della città) angolo passaggio pedonale incrocio fontana mercato parco marciapiede stazione di servizio parco giochi strada rotatoria percorso centro commerciale segnale stradale piazza stazione metropolitana posteggio per taxi tunnel, galleria svolta metropolitana zoo

Buildings apartment block/ block of flats bookshop café castle cathedral church cinema clinic club college cottage department store factory gallery guesthouse house hospital

428 PET vocabulary list

condominio libreria caffè, bar castello cattedrale chiesa cinema clinica club, circolo istituto parauniversitario casetta centro commerciale fabbrica galleria d’arte pensione casa ospedale

hotel kiosk library mosque museum office block palace police station post office prison ruin school shop sports centre stadium supermarket swimming pool theatre tower university

hotel chiosco biblioteca moschea museo complesso di uffici palazzo stazione di polizia ufficio postale prigione rovina scuola negozio centro sportivo stadio supermercato piscina teatro torre università

Places: countryside area bay beach canal cliff desert earth farm field forest harbour hill island lake land motorway mountain ocean path port quay railway rainforest region river rock sand scenery

zona baia spiaggia canale scogliera deserto terra fattoria campo foresta porto collina isola lago terreno autostrada montagna oceano sentiero porto banchina ferrovia foresta equatoriale regione fiume roccia sabbia paesaggio

sea seaside sky soil stream valley village waterfall wood

mare spiaggia cielo suolo ruscello valle villaggio cascata bosco

Shopping advertise bill book buy cash change cheap cheque choose collect complain cost credit card dear deposit exchange expensive hire inexpensive luxury money order pay price reasonable receipt reduce reduced rent reserve return save sell

reclamizzare conto libro comprare contante resto, spiccioli a buon mercato assegno scegliere ritirare reclamare costo, costare carta di credito caro acconto scambio costoso noleggiare poco costoso di lusso denaro ordine pagare prezzo ragionevole ricevuta abbassare scontato affittare riservare restituire risparmiare vendere

Services bank café cinema dentist doctor dry cleaner gallery garage guest-house hairdresser hotel library museum post office restaurant sports centre swimming pool theatre

banca caffè cinema dentista medico lavanderia a secco galleria d’arte garage pensione parrucchiere hotel biblioteca museo ufficio postale ristorante centro sportivo piscina teatro

Environment bottle bank climate change gas (Am Eng) litter petrol pollution public transport rubbish rubbish bin traffic traffic jam

contenitore per la raccolta del vetro cambiamento climatico benzina immondizie benzina inquinamento trasporto pubblico spazzatura bidone della spazzatura traffico ingorgo stradale

Language advanced answer argue ask beginner chat communicate communication elementary email grammar intermediate interpret

avanzato rispondere discutere chiedere principiante chiacchierare comunicare comunicazione elementare e-mail grammatica intermedio fare l’interprete PET vocabulary list 429

joke letter mean meaning mention message pronounce pronunciation question say sentence shout speak talk tell translate translation vocabulary word

scherzare lettera significare significato accennare messaggio pronunciare pronuncia domanda dire frase gridare parlare parlare dire tradurre traduzione lessico parola

Personal feelings, opinions and experiences (adjectives) able (be) afraid amazed amazing amusing angry annoyed anxious (be) ashamed awful bored boring bossy brave brilliant calm challenging cheerful clever confident crazy cruel curious delighted depressed difficult disappointed dizzy 430 PET vocabulary list

capace (avere) paura stupito incredibile divertente arrabbiato irritato, seccato ansioso vergognarsi terribile annoiato noioso prepotente coraggioso eccezionale, brillante tranquillo impegnativo allegro intelligente sicuro di sè matto crudele curioso lieto depresso difficile deluso vertiginoso

easy embarassed embarassing excited fantastic fit in (be) fond frightened funny generous gentle glad guilty happy hard healthy intelligent jealous keen lazy lucky mad merry miserable negative nervous noisy normal old-fashioned ordinary original patient personal pleasant positive punctual realistic reasonable relaxed reliable rich rude sad satisfied serious skilled slim smart special strange strong

facile imbarazzato imbarazzante entusiasta fantastico forma (essere) appassionato spaventato buffo, strano generoso delicato contento colpevole felice duro sano intelligente geloso entusiastico pigro fortunato pazzo allegro infelice negativo nervoso rumoroso normale antiquato ordinario originale paziente personale piacevole positivo puntuale realistico ragionevole rilassato affidabile ricco scortese triste soddisfatto serio dotato snello elegante speciale strano forte

stupid sure surprised terrible tired true typical unable unusual well wonderful

stupido sicuro sorpreso terribile stanco vero tipico incapace insolito bene meraviglioso

Technology and communications access address airmail by post calculator call call back CD (player) CD-Rom chat chat room click computer connect connection delete dial dial up digital directory disc/disk DVD (player) electronic(s) email enclosed engaged enter envelope equipment fax hang up headline internet invent invention IT keyboard

accesso indirizzo posta area per posta calcolatrice chiamare richiamare (lettore) CD CD-Rom ciattare chat, chatroom cliccare computer connettere connessione cancellare fare il numero (del telefono) dial-up digitale elenco telefonico disco (lettore) DVD elettronico, elettronica e-mail allegato occupato entrare, accedere busta attrezzatura fax riattaccare testata (di giornale) internet inventare invenzione informatica tastiera

laptop (computer) laser machine message mobile phone mouse mouse mat network online operator parcel phone postage postcard print printer program(me) reply ring ring up screen software switch off switch on telephone text text message turn off turn on

portatile laser macchina messaggio telefonino, cellulare mouse tappetino rete collegato centralinista pacco telefono affrancatura cartolina stampare stampante programma rispondere telefonare telefonare a schermo software spegnere accendere telefono mandare SMS SMS spegnere accendere

PET vocabulary list 431

432 Indice

Indice analitico

Indice analitico I numeri indicati si riferiscono alle unità, non alle pagine. Nota: le abbreviazioni so. = someone, sth. = something.

A a bit avverbio rafforzativo 153 con aggettivi comparativi 147 a few 116 a few times 26 a little 116 avverbio rafforzativo 153 con aggettivi comparativi 147 a lot avverbio rafforzativo 153 con aggettivi comparativi 147 a lot of/lots of 116 a/an 110 nomi numerabili 106 usi particolari 111 abilità 54 able vedi be able to above, preposizione di luogo 126 absolutely 142 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 accept, strutture passive impersonali (it is accepted) 51 accommodation, non numerabile in inglese 106 accuse ... of, discorso indiretto 99 across phrasal verb (come across) 136 preposizione di moto 127 actually, per contraddire 171 additionally, parola per l’addizione 164 addizione, coesione 164 admit + ing (admit doing) 75 discorso indiretto 99 advice, non numerabile in inglese 106 advise + complemento oggetto + infinito (advise so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99

afford, + infinito (afford to do sth.) 76 afraid, aggettivo + preposizione (afraid of ) 133 after congiunzione di tempo 43 espressione di sequenza 163 phrasal verb (take after) 136 after all, per sostenere un’affermazione 171 after that, espressione di sequenza 163 afterwards, espressione di sequenza 163 aggettivi 139-143 + for/of + complemento + infinito (kind of him to help) 83 + infinito (ready to leave) 83 + preposizione (interested in) 133 + preposizione + -ing (sorry for being late) 80, 133 aggettivo + enough (warm enough) 144 che si usano solo dopo un verbo 139 che terminano in -ed e -ing (bored, boring) 140 comparativi (more famous) 147 derivati da nomi e verbi 143 get + aggettivo (get lost) 139 gradi di comparazione 142 nomi usati per classificazioni 141 ordine degli aggettivi 141 so/such + aggettivi/nomi (such amazing weather) 145 superlativi (the most famous) 148 too + aggettivo (too expensive) 144 aggettivi possessivi 121 agree, + infinito (agree to do) 76 discorso indiretto 99

aim + infinito (aim to do) 76 all + periodo di tempo (all his life) 27 e every, everybody, everything 117 all in all, per mettere in primo piano 171 allege, strutture passive impersonali (it is alleged) 51 allergic, aggettivo + preposizione (allergic to) 133 allow, + complemento oggetto + infinito (allow so. to listen) 78 allowed vedi be allowed to along, preposizione di moto 127 already avverbio di tempo relativo 154 con il past perfect 33 con il present perfect 25 also, parola per l’addizione 164 although, per esprimere contrasto 165 always avverbio di frequenza 152 con il past perfect 33 con il present perfect 27 con l’imperativo 13 con would 23 am 1 and, parola per l’addizione 164 angry, aggettivo + preposizione (angry with) 133 annoyed, aggettivo + preposizione (annoyed about/ with) 133 anticipazione 176 antipatie, verbi che esprimono 75 any + i nomi numerabili e non numerabili 114, 115 e some 3 sostituzione 168 Indice analitico 435

anybody vedi anyone anyone/anything/anywhere 114, 115 apologize for, discorso indiretto 99 appear + infinito (appear to be) 76 are 1 aren’t I? 71 around, preposizione di moto 127 arrange, + infinito (arrange to meet) 76 articoli 110 nessun articolo 111, 112 the per generalizzare 112 usi particolari 111 as, per esprimere causa 166 as ... as, e than 147 as a consequence, per esprimere conseguenza 166 as a result, per esprimere conseguenza 166 as a result of, per esprimere causa 166 as soon as, congiunzione di tempo 43 as well, parole per l’addizione 164 as well as, + nome 164 ashamed, aggettivo + preposizione 133 ask + infinito (ask to leave) 76 discorso indiretto 99 someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (ask so. how to do) 84 assume, strutture passive impersonali 51 assure, discorso indiretto 99 at preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di tempo 128 at all 115 at first, espressione di sequenza 163 at no time ..., inversione 177 attempt, + infinito (attempt to do) 76 auguri 13

436 Indice analitico

ausiliari vedi be; do; have; verbi modali avoid, + -ing (avoid doing) 75 avverbi coesione 170 comparativo 150 di frequenza 5, 152 di luogo 151 di modo 150 di tempo 151 di tempo relativo 154 rafforzativi 153 so + avverbi 145 avvisi 13

B bad aggettivo + preposizione (bad at) 133 gradi di comparazione 142 baggage, non numerabile in inglese 106 basically, per mettere in primo piano 171 be + -ing 9 + infinito 36 + past participle 47, 48 con hungry, thirsty ecc. 1 domande 2, 65 past continuous 21 present continuous 10 past simple 16 present simple 1 be able to 54, 55 be about, + infinito (is about to begin) 36 be allowed to 55 be going to e will 40 o present continuous 38 passivo 48 per il futuro 38 was/were going to 44 be used to + -ing 82 + nome 82 because (of), per esprimere causa 166 bed, espressione senza articolo 112

been 26 o gone 25 before congiunzione di tempo 43 espressione di sequenza 163 before that, espressione di sequenza 163 beforehand, espressione di sequenza 163 beg + complemento oggetto + infinito (beg so. to) 78 discorso indiretto 99 begin, + -ing o + infinito (begin playing/to play) 77 behind, preposizione di luogo 126 believe non usato alla forma del present continuous 9 strutture passive impersonali 51 below, preposizione di luogo 126 besides, parola per l’addizione 164 best 148 better 147 had better 62 between, preposizione di luogo 126 between ... and, preposizione di tempo 128 big, gradi di comparazione 142 book, something for someone 95 bored, aggettivo + preposizione (bored with) 133 born 16 both, either e neither 118 bound to, gradi di certezza 60 bribe, + complemento oggetto + infinito (bribe so. to do) 78 brilliant, aggettivo + preposizione (brilliant at) 133 bring e take 91 something to someone 95 but, per esprimere contrasto 165 buy, something for someone 95 by + -ing 80 con il future continuous 42 con il passivo 47

preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di tempo 128 by far 148 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 by the time, congiunzione di tempo 42, 43 by the way, per cambiare il soggetto 171

C cambiamento dei tempi verbali, discorso indiretto 97, 98, 99 can con i verbi relativi ai sensi 14 con il passivo 48 can, can’t e be allowed, permessi e proibizioni 55 can, could e be able to, abilità e possibilità 54 can’t e must 59 espressioni con can’t 63, 75 can(’t) afford + infinito (can afford to go) 76 can’t imagine, + complemento oggetto + -ing (can’t imagine doing) 78 can’t stand, + complemento oggetto + -ing (can’t stand doing) 78 can’t wait, + infinito (can’t wait to go) 76 cause + complemento oggetto + infinito (cause so. to do) 78 modi di esprimere 166 certain that, certain to, gradi di certezza 60 certezza 59, 60 challenge, + complemento oggetto + infinito (challenge so. to do) 78 choose + complemento oggetto + infinito (choose so. to go) 78 + parola interrogativa + infinito (choose where to go) 84 something for someone 95

church, espressione senza articolo 112 claim + infinito (claim to do) 76 discorso indiretto 99 strutture passive impersonali (it is claimed) 51 coesione addizione 164 avverbi 170 connessioni tra frasi 171 contrasto 165 finalità, causa e conseguenza 166 pronomi 170 riferimento lessicale 170 sequenza 163 college, espressione senza articolo 112 come, e go 92 comparativo di aggettivi 147 di avverbi 150 complain, discorso indiretto 99 complemento, anticipazione 176 complete, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 completely, gradi di comparazione 142 comportamenti tipici, con will 61 confirm, discorso indiretto 99 congiunzioni di tempo con il present simple 43 frasi al futuro 43 congratulate ... on, discorso indiretto 99 connessioni tra frasi 171 conseguenza, modi di esprimere 166 consequently, per esprimere conseguenza 166 consider + -ing (consider doing) 75 strutture passive impersonali (it is considered) 51 consigli if I were you 102 l’imperativo 13 should, ought to, must e had better 62

continue, + -ing o infinito (continue doing/to do) 77 convince, discorso indiretto 99 cook, something for someone 95 could abilità e possibilità 54 certezza e deduzione logica 59 permessi e proibizioni 55 couldn’t, espressioni con 63 covered, aggettivo + preposizione (covered in) 133 crazy, + infinito (crazy to do) 83 cut oneself 122

D dare, + complemento oggetto + infinito (dare so. to do sth.) 78 decide + infinito (decide to do) 76 + parola interrogativa + infinito (decide what to wear) 84 decisioni spontanee 39 deduzione logica 59 definitely, gradi di certezza 60 delay, + -ing (delay doing) 75 demand + infinito (demand to see) 76 discorso indiretto 99 deny + -ing (deny doing) 75 discorso indiretto 99 deserve, + infinito (deserve to do) 76 desinenze verbali 5, 23 despite, per esprimere contrasto 165 did/didn’t 17, 18, 19 different, aggettivo + preposizione (different from) 133 difficult, + infinito (difficult to do) 83 disappointed, aggettivo + preposizione (disappointed with) 133 discorso indiretto 99 domande 98 say e tell 97 strutture passive impersonali 51 Indice analitico 437

discover, + parola interrogativa + infinito (discover how to do) 84 discuss, + parola interrogativa + infinito (discuss what to do) 84 dislike, + complemento oggetto + -ing (dislike so. doing sth.) 78 do in domande 65 sostituzione 168 verbo principale 90 do you mind, + -ing (do you mind doing) 75 do you mind? 56 do/did, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 domande 65 any o some 114 be 2 be going to 38 discorso indiretto 98 domande indirette 70, 98 domande negative 67 future continuous e future perfect 42 need 58 espressione di sequenza 163 passivo 47 past continuous 21 past perfect 33 past perfect continuous 34 past simple 19 past simple di be 16 periodo ipotetico 101 present continuous 10 present perfect 25 present perfect continuous 30 present simple 6 present simple e past simple 65 used to e would 23 will e shall 39 domande-eco 72 domande-soggetto 66 don’t bother, + -ing (don’t bother going) 75 don’t have to e mustn’t 57 e needn’t 58 don’t mind, + complemento oggetto + -ing (don’t mind so. doing) 78

438 Indice analitico

don’t need to 58 don’t think 39 don’t think that, gradi di certezza 60 doppia negazione 80, 115 doppio complemento 50 doubt, gradi di certezza 60 dread, + -ing (dread doing) 75 due to 44 per esprimere causa 166

E each 117 each other 122 easily, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 easy, + infinito (easy to do) 83 either, neither e both 118 ellissi 168 enable, + complemento oggetto + infinito (enable so. to do sth.) 78 encourage + complemento oggetto + infinito (encourage so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 enfasi accrescere l’enfasi 173 at all 115 con be allowed to 55 future perfect 42 futuro 39 have to e must 57 if only 104 imperativo 13 just a few/little 116 must not 57 passivo 47 past continuous 21 past perfect continuous 34 past perfect simple 33 past simple 17, 18 present perfect continuous 30, 31 pronomi riflessivi 122 to be honest 171 would, un evento del passato 44 engaged, aggettivo + preposizione (engaged to so.) 133

enjoy + -ing (enjoy doing) 75 oneself 122 enough e too 144 enthusiastic, aggettivo + preposizione (enthusiastic about) 133 equivalent, aggettivo + preposizione (equivalent to) 133 espressioni, + -ing 81 even, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 even though, per esprimere contrasto 165 ever con aggettivi comparativi + than 155 con aggettivi superlativi 155 con first, last ecc. 155 con more/less than 155 con il present perfect 26 don’t ever (imperativo) 13 e -ever 155 ever since 155 every 117 every day/every two months ecc., 152 everybody/everything ecc. 117 excellent, aggettivo + preposizione (excellent at) 133 excited, aggettivo + preposizione (excited about) 133 expect + complemento oggetto + infinito (expect so. to do sth.) 78 + infinito (expect to do) 76 gradi di certezza 60 so/not 73 strutture passive impersonali (it is expected) 51 explain + parola interrogativa + infinito (explain how to do) 84 discorso indiretto 99 extremely, avverbio rafforzativo 153

F fail, + infinito (fail to do) 76 fairly, avverbio rafforzativo 153

famous, aggettivo + preposizione (famous for) 133 fancy, + -ing (fancy doing) 75 far, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 fax, something to someone 95 fear, strutture passive impersonali (it is feared) 51 fed up, aggettivo + preposizione (fed up with) 133 feel like, + -ing (feel like doing) 75 few, e little 116 finalità, modi di esprimere 166 finally, espressione di sequenza 163 find, something for someone 95 find out, + parola interrogativa + infinito (find out how to do) 84 finish, + -ing (finish doing) 75 first/firstly, espressione di sequenza 163 first time, + present perfect 26 for + -ing 80 con il present perfect 27 per esprimere finalità 166 preposizione di tempo 128 force, + complemento oggetto + infinito (force so. to do sth.) 78 forget + infinito (forget to do) 76 + parola interrogativa + infinito (forget how to do) 84 frasi al futuro (I’ll phone you when I get there.) 43 frasi participiali 161 frasi relative determinative (I met so. who knows you.) 157 esplicative (I’m from Catanzaro, which is in the south of Italy.) 160 ridotte (Who’s the man standing over there?) 159 frasi scisse 174 free, + infinito (free to do) 83 frequently, avverbio di frequenza 152 frequenza, avverbi 5, 23, 152 frightened, aggettivo + preposizione (frightened of) 133 from, preposizione di moto 127

from ... to/until, preposizioni di tempo 128 from start to finish, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 full, aggettivo + preposizione (full of) 133 furious, aggettivo + preposizione (furious about) 133 furniture, non numerabile in inglese 106 furthermore, parola per l’addizione 164 future continuous 42 future perfect 42 futuro vedi be going to; frasi al futuro; present simple; present continuous; shall; will

G generally, avverbio di frequenza 152 get + aggettivo/past participle (get upset) 122 al passivo 47 diversi significati ed usi 87 get bored 122 get dressed 122 get in/into 127 get off 127 get on/onto 127 get out of 127 get something done 52 get something for someone 95 get upset 122 get used to 122 + -ing (get used to doing) 82 + nome (get used to the weather) 82 get worried 122 give something to someone 95 give up, + -ing (give up doing) 75 go, usi e significati 92 going to vedi be going to gone, o been 25 good aggettivo + preposizione (good at) 133 gradi di comparazione 142

guess gradi di certezza 60 so/not 73

H had better 62 had enough (of) 144 hard, + infinito (hard to do) 83 hardly ever 152 inversione 177 hate + complemento oggetto + -ing (I hate them doing) 78 + -ing o + infinito (hate doing/ to do) 77 have ausiliare del present perfect 25, 30 quando si ordina del cibo 56 verbo principale 88 have difficulty, + -ing (have difficulty doing) 81 have a go/a taste/lunch ecc. 88 have got 7, 65 have something done 52 having, + past participle (having done) 161 he 5, 120, 122 hear, + complemento oggetto + -ing (hear so. singing) 78 help + complemento oggetto + forma base del verbo (help so. do sth.) 78 + complemento oggetto + infinito (help do sth.) 78 oneself 122 her 120, 121 here, anticipazione 176 hers 121 herself 122 him 120 himself 122 his 121 homework, non numerabile in inglese 106 hope + infinito (hope to do sth.) 76 so/not 73 strutture passive impersonali (it is hoped) 51 Indice analitico 439

hospital, espressione senza articolo 112 how is/was ...? 68 how long does ... take? 91 how long?, + present perfect (how long have you done…?) 27 how many times a week ...? 152 how much/many? 66, 116 how often ...? 152 how? 65 however, per esprimere contrasto 165

I I 120, 122 I haven’t got a clue, + parola interrogativa + infinito 84 I like it when ... ecc. 175 I’m not sure, + parola interrogativa + infinito 84 I think I’ll 39 I’ve no idea, + parola interrogativa + infinito 84 if in domande indirette 70 periodo ipotetico di primo tipo 101 periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo 102 periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo 103 periodo ipotetico generale 101 if ever 155 if I were 102 if only 104 if possible/if that’s OK/if you don’t mind 93 imagine + -ing (imagine doing) 75 gradi di certezza 60 imperativo (turn left/don’t touch) 13 impossible, + infinito (impossible to do) 83 in preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di moto 127 preposizione di tempo 128 in addition, parole per l’addizione 164 440 Indice analitico

in case, per esprimere finalità 166 in the end, espressione di sequenza 163 in front of, preposizione di luogo 126 in general, per mettere in primo piano 171 in order to 166 in spite of, per esprimere contrasto 165 in that case, per esprimere conseguenza 166 in a word, per mettere in primo piano 171 incredibly, avverbio rafforzativo 153 infinito aggettivi e nomi + infinito (ready to leave/time to go) 83 al passivo 48 di scopo 85 forma progressiva 76 parola interrogativa + infinito (what to say) 84 passato 76 per esprimere finalità 166 verbi + infinito (like to arrive) 77, 78 inform, discorso indiretto 99 information, non numerabile in inglese 106 -ing frase con la forma -ing (before buying) 161 spelling della forma -ing 9 inside, preposizione di luogo 126 insist on, discorso indiretto 99 inspire, + complemento oggetto + infinito (inspire so. to do sth.) 78 intend + infinito (intend to do) 76 con -ing o con infinito (intend doing/to do) 77 intenzioni, be going to 38 interested, aggettivo + preposizione (interested in) 133 interesting, + infinito (interesting to do) 83 into, preposizione di moto 127

intonazione, risposte brevi ad affermazioni 169 introduce oneself 122 inversione, dopo espressioni avverbiali negative 177 invite + complemento oggetto + infinito (invite so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 inviti 13 involve, + -ing (involve doing) 75 is 1 istruzioni 13 it 120, 122 + frase verbale 175 + verbo passivo + that (it is claimed that) 51 o one 124 ‘supplementare’ 175 it annoys me 175 it doesn’t matter/makes no difference 175 it makes sense 175 it’s 1 its e it’s 121 it’s no good/use, + -ing 81 it’s (not) worth, + -ing 81 it’s possible/probable/likely that, gradi di certezza 60 it’s a waste of money/time, + -ing 81 itself 122

J just avverbio di tempo relativo 154 con il past perfect 33 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 per dare enfasi 116

K keen, aggettivo + preposizione (keen on) 133 keep, + complemento oggetto + -ing (keep so. waiting) 78 kind, aggettivo + preposizione (kind of) 133

know + parola interrogativa + infinito (know what to do) 84 non usato alla forma del present continuous 9 strutture passive impersonali (it is well known) 51

L lastly, espressione di sequenza 163 learn + infinito (learn to do) 76 + parola interrogativa + infinito (learn how to do) 84 least, nei superlativi 148 leave + complemento oggetto + infinito (leave so. to do sth.) 78 lend, something to someone 95 less, con comparativi 147, 150 let, + complemento oggetto + forma base del verbo (let so. do) 78 let me, offerte 56 let’s go, shall we? 71 like + complemento oggetto + -ing (like so. doing sth.) 78 + -ing o + infinito (like doing/ to do ) 77 look like 68 non usato alla forma del present continuous 9 preposizione 68 likely to, gradi di certezza 60 little e few 116 inversione 177 loads of 116 look forward to, + -ing 75 lots of 116 lots of times 26 luck, non numerabile in inglese 106 luckily, anticipazione 176 luggage, non numerabile in inglese 106



make + complemento oggetto + forma base del verbo (make so. do sth.) 78 something for someone 95 usi e significati 89 make up your mind, + parola interrogativa + infinito 84 manage, + infinito (manage to do) 76 many vedi how many married, aggettivo + preposizione (married to) 133 may, certezza e deduzione logica 59 maybe, gradi di certezza 60 me 120 me neither ecc. 169 me too ecc. 169 meant to 44 mention + -ing (mention doing) 75 discorso indiretto 99 might 59 espressioni con might 63 gradi di certezza 60 mind, + complemento oggetto + -ing (mind so. doing sth.) 78 mine 121 miss, + -ing (miss doing) 75 modali vedi verbi modali money, non numerabile in inglese 106 more, con comparativi 147 moreover, parola per l’addizione 164 most 117 nei superlativi 148, 150 much 116 con comparativi 147 how much? 65, 116 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 must 62 e can’t 59 e mustn’t 57 espressioni con must 63 gradi di certezza 60 mustn’t, e don’t have to 57 my 121 myself 122

near, preposizione di luogo 126 necessità 58 need 58 + complemento oggetto + infinito (need so. to do sth.) 78 + infinito (need to do) 76 needn’t, e needn’t have 58 negativa past continuous 21 past perfect 33 past simple 18 present continuous 9 present perfect 25 present perfect continuous 30 present simple 1, 5 negozi, the hairdresser’s ecc. 108 neither either e both 118 neither ... nor 118 in risposte brevi ad affermazioni 169 nervous, aggettivo + preposizione (nervous about) 133 never avverbio di frequenza 152 con il past perfect 33 con il present perfect 26, 27 con l’imperativo 13 never again/before ..., inversione 177 nevertheless, per esprimere contrasto 165 news, non numerabile in inglese 106 next, espressione di sequenza 163 next to, preposizione di luogo 126 nice, aggettivo + preposizione 133 no, none, nobody ecc. 115 no one ecc., question tags 71 no sooner ..., inversione 177 nome + be + infinito 83 + infinito 83 + preposizione 134 + preposizione + -ing 80

Indice analitico 441

nomi che terminano in -s 107, 108 numerabili e non numerabili 106 plurali irregolari 107 so/such + aggettivi/nomi 145 usati per classificazioni 141 none 115 nor, in risposte brevi ad affermazioni 169 normally, avverbio di frequenza 152 not a .../not before/not for/not only, not until …, inversione 177 not bad, aggettivo + preposizione 133 not very/not very much, avverbi rafforzativi 153 nothing 115 notice, + complemento oggetto + -ing (notice so. doing sth.) 78 now, anticipazione 176 nowhere 115

O obblighi 57 occasionally, avverbio di frequenza 152 off, preposizione di moto 127 offer + infinito (offer to do) 76 discorso indiretto 99 offerte 13, 39, 56, 88 some, something 114 often, avverbio di frequenza 152 OK, aggettivo + preposizione (OK at) 133 on preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di moto 127 preposizione di tempo 128 on the contrary, per contraddire 171 on Mondays, avverbio di frequenza 152 on no account ..., inversione 177 on top of, preposizione di luogo 126

442 Indice analitico

on top of that, parole per l’addizione 164 on the whole anticipazione 176 per mettere in primo piano 171 once a week ecc., avverbio di frequenza 152 one e ones 124 o a/an 110 one/ones, sostituzione 168 only, per dare enfasi 116 only after/if/when ..., inversione 177 onto, preposizione di moto 127 opposite, preposizione di luogo 126 orario present continuous 37 present simple 36 order + complemento oggetto + infinito (order so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 something for someone 95 ordine della subordinata, periodo ipotetico 101, 102, 103 ordine delle parole, discorso indiretto 98 ordini 13 ought to 62 our 121 ours 121 ourselves 122 out of, preposizione di moto 127 outside, preposizione di luogo 126 over preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di moto 127 owe, something to someone 95 owing to, per esprimere causa 166

P pair of trousers ecc. 107 parole interrogative 65 + infinito (I don’t know what to say.) 84

participio passato have/get something done 52 having + participio passato (having done) 161 nel passato di modali 59, 62 nel passivo 47, 48 nel present perfect 25 partitivi 107 pass, something to someone 95 passato verbi modali 59 vedi anche past continuous; past participle; past perfect; past simple passivo 47, 48 allow e be allowed 55 get invece di be 47 domande 65 present simple e past simple 47 soggetto impersonale 50 strutture passive impersonali 51 verbi con doppio complemento 50 past, preposizione di moto 127 past continuous 21 e past simple 22 passivo 48 past perfect continuous 34 dopo wish 104 passivo 48 simple 33 simple e past simple 33 past simple be 16 domande 19 e past continuous 22 e past perfect 33 e present perfect 28 forma affermativa 17 forma negativa 18 passivo 48 perhaps, gradi di certezza 60 periodo ipotetico di primo tipo 101 di secondo tipo 102 di terzo tipo 103 generale 101

persuade + complemento oggetto + infinito (persuade so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 phrasal verbs 136, 137 piani, be going to 38 plan, + infinito (plan to do) 76 please 56 plurali 107 positive that, gradi di certezza 60 possessivi 108 possibilità 54 possibly, gradi di certezza 60 postpone, + -ing (postpone doing) 75 practise, + -ing (practise doing) 75 predict, discorso indiretto 99 prefer 93 preferenze 93 prefissi 179 negativi 143 prepare, + infinito (prepare to do) 76 preposizioni + -ing (think of going) 80 aggettivo + preposizione (full of) 133 luogo 126 moto 127 nelle frasi relative 158 nome + preposizione (reason for) 134 preposizioni + nome (on television) 130 tempo 128 verbi + complemento + preposizione (accuse so. of stealing) 132 verbi + preposizione (listen to) 131 present continuous domande 10 forma affermativa/negativa 9 in frasi al futuro 43 o be going to 38 o present simple 11 passivo 48 significato futuro 37, 38 uso 11, 43 verbi di stato e verbi di moto 14

present perfect conseguenza sul presente 25 continuous 30 continuous e present perfect simple 31 esperienze di vita 26 in frasi al futuro 43 passivo 48 simple 27 simple e past simple 28 simple e present perfect continuous 31 present simple be 1, 2, 5 forma affermativa 1, 5 in frasi al futuro 43 o present continuous 11 passivo 48 significato futuro 36 uso 11, 43 verbi di stato e verbi di moto 14 pretend, + infinito (pretend to do) 76 pretty, avverbio rafforzativo 153 previsioni, be going to 38, 40 pride oneself on 122 prison, espressione senza articolo 112 probably, gradi di certezza 60 programma 36, 37 progress, non numerabile in inglese 106 promemoria 13 promesse 39 promise + infinito (promise to do) 76 discorso indiretto 99 pronomi coesione 170 complemento 120 possessivi 121 relativi 157 riflessivi 122 soggetto 120 sostituzione 168 pronuncia, di going to 38 proud, aggettivo + preposizione (proud of) 133 put off, + -ing (put off doing) 75

Q question tags 71 quite, avverbio rafforzativo 153

R rarely avverbio di frequenza 152 inversione 177 rather, avverbio rafforzativo 153 rather than 93 really 142 avverbio rafforzativo 153 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 reassure, discorso indiretto 99 recently avverbio di tempo relativo 154 con il present perfect 25 recommend + complemento + infinito (recommend so. to do sth.) 94 + espressione verbale (recommend we do sth.) 94 + -ing (recommend doing) 75 + nome (recommend the spinach) 94 discorso indiretto 99 strutture passive impersonali (it is recommended) 51 refuse + infinito (refuse to do) 76 discorso indiretto 99 regret, con -ing o con infinito (regret doing/to inform you) 77 remember + complemento oggetto + -ing (remember so. doing sth.) 78 + parola interrogativa + infinito (remember how to do sth.) 84 + -ing o + infinito (remember doing/to do) 77 remind + complemento oggetto + infinito (remind so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 report, strutture passive impersonali (it is reported) 51

Indice analitico 443

responsible, aggettivo + preposizione (responsible for) 133 reveal, discorso indiretto 99 richieste 13, 39, 56, 98 some, something 114 risk + complemento oggetto + -ing (can’t risk so. doing sth.) 78 + -ing (risk doing) 75 risposte brevi 6 ad affermazioni 169 alle domande con Who ...? 120 can, can’t 54 con be 2 con be about to 36 con have got 7 con il past continuous 21 con il past simple 19 con il present continuous 10 con il present perfect 25, 26 a domande yes/no 73 a domande-soggetto 66 risposte, yes e no 67 round, preposizione di moto 127 rude, aggettivo + preposizione (rude of) 133 rumour, strutture passive impersonali (it is rumoured) 51

S safe, + infinito (safe to do) 83 save, something for someone 95 say + parola interrogativa + infinito (say how to do) 84 discorso indiretto 99 e tell 97 strutture passive impersonali (it is said) 51 scared, aggettivo + preposizione (scared of) 133 school, espressione senza articolo 112 secondly, espressione di sequenza 163 see + complemento oggetto + -ing (see so. doing sth.) 78 444 Indice analitico

+ parola interrogativa + infinito (see how to do) 84 I’m going to see 38 seem, + infinito (seem to be) 76 seldom, inversione dopo 177 send, something to someone 95 sequenza, coesione 163 shall, per il futuro 39 she 120, 122 short, aggettivo + preposizione (short of) 133 should 62 con il passivo 48 espressioni con should 63 show someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (show so. how to do) 84 something to someone 95 similar, aggettivo + preposizione (similar to) 133 simpatie, verbi che esprimono 75 simple past vedi past simple simply, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 since con il past simple 28 con il present perfect 27 per esprimere causa 166 single, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 slightly, avverbio rafforzativo 153 small, gradi di comparazione 142 so avverbio rafforzativo 153 e such 145 hope so ecc. 73 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 per esprimere conseguenza 166 in risposte brevi ad affermazioni 169 sostituzione 168 so am I, neither did I ecc. 169 so (that), per esprimere finalità 166 so/such, + aggettivi/nomi (such amazing weather) 145 so/such ... that (such a nice day that) 145 soggetto impersonale 50

some + nomi numerabili e non numerabili 114 e any 3 sostituzione 168 somebody/someone/ something/somewhere 71, 114 sometimes, avverbio di frequenza 152 soon, avverbio di tempo relativo 154 sorry, aggettivo + preposizione (sorry for) 133 sostituzione 168 spaghetti, non numerabile in inglese 106 spend money, + -ing 81 spend time, + -ing 75, 81 start, con -ing o con infinito (start playing/to play) 77 still, avverbio di tempo relativo 154 stop + complemento oggetto + -ing (stop so. doing) 78 + -ing (stop doing ) 75 strutture passive impersonali 51 such, e so 145 suffissi 143, 155, 180 suggerimenti 13, 39, 62 suggest + espressione verbale (I suggest we wait.) 94 + -ing (suggest doing) 75 + nome (suggest Café Baba) 94 discorso indiretto 99 strutture passive impersonali (it is suggested) 51 superlativi di aggettivi 148 di avverbi 150 suppose, gradi di certezza 60 supposed to 44, 51 supposizioni (That’ll be James at the door.) 61 sure, aggettivo + preposizione (sure about) 133 sure that/sure to, gradi di certezza 60

T take something to someone 95 usi e significati 91 talk ... into, discorso indiretto 99 talk about, + parola interrogativa + infinito (talk about what to do) 84 teach + complemento oggetto + infinito (teach so. to do) 78 someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (teach so. what to do) 84 something to someone 95 tell + complemento oggetto + infinito (tell so. to do) 78 discorso indiretto 97, 99 someone + parola interrogativa + infinito (tell so. where to go) 84 tempi verbali cambiamento dei tempi verbali nel discorso indiretto 97, 98, 99 i tempi passati 16-22 i tempi presenti 1-11 i tempi futuri 36-42 il past perfect 33-34 il present perfect 25-31 tempo, espressioni 17, 28 tend, + infinito (tend to do) 76 text, something to someone 95 than, e as ... as 147 thank ... for, discorso indiretto 99 that 123 pronome relativo 157 the 108, 110 con superlativi 148 per generalizzare 112 usi particolari 111 the first/last, + infinito (the last to arrive) 83 the minute/moment/second/ next time, congiunzioni di tempo 43 their 121 theirs 121 them 120 themselves 122

then espressione di sequenza 163 per esprimere conseguenza 166 there, anticipazione 176 there is/are 3, 159 there was/were 16 therefore, per esprimere conseguenza 166 there’s no need to 58 there’s no point 81 these 123 they 120, 122 think + future continuous/future perfect (think I’ll be eating/ have eaten) 42 gradi di certezza 60 I think I’ll 39 so/not 73 strutture passive impersonali (it is thought) 51 think about, + parola interrogativa + infinito 84 this, this year, this weekend ecc. 123 this, that, these, those 123 though, per esprimere contrasto 165 threaten, discorso indiretto 99 threaten, + infinito (threaten to do) 76 through, preposizione di moto 127 to, preposizione di moto 127 to be honest, per dare enfasi 171 too e enough 144 parola per l’addizione 164 troppo 144 too much/many 144 total, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 towards, preposizione di moto 127 traffic, non numerabile in inglese 106 train, + complemento oggetto + infinito (train so. to do sth.) 78 travel, non numerabile in inglese 106

trust, + complemento oggetto + infinito (trust so. to do sth.) 78 try, + -ing o + infinito (try doing/ to do) 77 twice a year, espressione di frequenza 152 typical, aggettivo + preposizione (typical of) 133

U unbelievably, avverbio rafforzativo 153 under preposizione di luogo 126 preposizione di moto 127 understand strutture passive impersonali 51 + parola interrogativa + infinito (understand how to do) 84 unfair, aggettivo + preposizione (unfair of) 133 university, espressione senza articolo 112 unless 101 unlikely to, gradi di certezza 60 until, congiunzione di tempo 43 upset, aggettivo + preposizione (upset about) 133 urge + complemento oggetto + infinito (urge so. to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 us 120 used to 23 usually anticipazione 176 avverbio di frequenza 152

V verbi + preposizione + -ing (apologize for being late) 131 ausiliari vedi be; do; have; verbi modali con for + persona (book a table for me) 95

Indice analitico 445

con -ing o con infinito 77 con doppio complemento 95 con to + persona (write a letter to me) 95 di moto 14 di stato 14, 31 domande vedi domande imperativo 13 irregolari 17 phrasal verbs 136, 137 plurisillabici che hanno due complementi (describe the scene to me) 95 regolari 17 relativi ai sensi 14 verbo + complemento + preposizione + -ing (thank so. for coming) 132 verbi modali can 54, 55, 56 could 54, 55, 56 domande 65 espressioni con i modali 63 must e have to 57 must, might, could, can’t 59 need, needed e don’t need to 58 passivo 48 periodo ipotetico 101, 102, 103 risposte brevi 66 should, ought to, must e had better 62 will 61 would 56 verbo + complemento oggetto + -ing o + infinito (hear so. singing/advise so. to go) 78 + infinito (hope to see) 76 + -ing (like doing) 75 + parola interrogativa + infinito (know what to do) 84 vedi anche verbi; verbi modali very avverbio rafforzativo 153 per accrescere l’enfasi 173 very much, avverbio rafforzativo 153 virgola 22, 43, 101, 102, 103, 141, 165

446 Indice analitico

W want + complemento oggetto + infinito (want so. to do sth.) 78 + infinito (want to do) 76 non usato alla forma del present continuous 9 warn + complemento oggetto + infinito (warn so. not to do sth.) 78 discorso indiretto 99 was/were to 44 waste time, + -ing 75 we 120, 122 weather, non numerabile in inglese 106 well known, aggettivo + preposizione (well known for) 133 what (a), + aggettivi/nomi (what nice people) 145 what does/do ... look like? 68 what is/was ... like? 68 what? 19, 65, 66, 68 whatever, whenever ecc. 155 when congiunzione di tempo 43 e while 22 espressione di sequenza 163 pronome relativo 157 when? 19, 65 where e when 157 pronomo relativo 157, 160 where? 19, 65 whereas, per esprimere contrasto 165 whether, + infinito 84 whether e if, discorso indiretto 98 which, pronome relativo 157, 160 which is where, pronome relativo 160 which? 65, 66 while congiunzione di tempo 43 e when 22 espressione di sequenza 163 per esprimere contrasto 165

who e whom 72 o whom 157, 160 pronome relativo 157, 160 who? 65, 66 whole, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 whom, pronome relativo 157 whose, pronome relativo 157, 160 whose? 65 why? 65 will con il passivo 48 e be going to 40 per il futuro 39 wish 104 without + -ing (without knowing) 80 anybody, anything ecc. (without anyone knowing) 80 without doubt, per accrescere l’enfasi 173 wonder, + parola interrogativa + infinito (wonder what to do) 84 work, non numerabile in inglese 106 work out, + parola interrogativa + infinito (work out what to do) 84 worried, aggettivo + preposizione (worried about) 133 worry about, + parola interrogativa + infinito (worried about how to do) 84 worth, + -ing (worth doing) 81 would abitudini del passato 23, 61 dopo wish 104 periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo 102 periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo 103 richieste e offerte 56 un evento del passato 44 would like, + infinito (would like to do) 76 would like/love/hate/prefer, + complemento oggetto + infinito (would like so. to do) 78 would prefer/would rather 93

would you mind? 56 write, something to someone 95

Y yet avverbio di tempo relativo 154 con il present perfect 25 per esprimere contrasto 165 you 120, 122 con il significato di gente in generale 50, 55 your 121 yours 121 yourself, yourselves 122

Indice analitico 447

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.